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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. authorities in bangladesh imposed a new nationwide curfew after dozens are killed and hundreds more injured in fresh protests. the government cuts off mobile internet service, demonstrators are demanding at the prime minister step down after a deadly police track down on protesters in july. also coming up, fears will over the prospect of a wider conflict in the middle east. several countries urge their citizens to leave 11 on as tensions in the region. continue to mail in israel to people are killed in a stabbing attack in a city near tell of the the
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a mike local, welcome authorities in bangladesh or imposing a new nationwide curfew. there are also reports of an internet blackout as local media say, more than 90 people have been killed in a fresh wave of protests against the government. the demonstrators are demanding the resignation of prime minister, shake husky. now, they blame her government for a violent police cracked in last month. that left more than $200.00 people dead during marjorie's to denounce the country's quoted system for coveted government jobs. the demonstrators are now calling for a nation wide disobedience movement where citizens are being asked not to pay their taxes or utility bills. i asked the tech people who from amnesty international,
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how wide spread and effective that could be in terms of the civil disobedience movement. i mean, it could, it has the potential to be extremely effective, given the very x of all the talk. so shifting on a position of bundle dish for, for, and reserves have been depleting a rising cost of living and are also migrant workers who sent lucrative amounts of remedy. tons of also mobilize to organize a rabbit, to instruct us to all these could really trigger a severe economic crisis. and under this, and i must mention that. and then a history of fungus is independence. it is a civil disobedience movement that's let's to the venture of independence. have found the dish in 1971. so it is a deep seaters, uh, you know, practice within the rubric of bundle dish point. well taken attack there, you might call this a new wave of protests observers called the police is conduct before brutal. are we seeing better conduct from the authorities now as well after the protector is
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returned to the streets? and in the past week, there was a period of relative calm where we didn't seem much bloodshed, but to days. and users of course are very hiring again because we're seeing the comparable levels of killings network in the initial space. so we've seen reports that people are being admitted. scores of people are being admitted with bullet injuries. so my sources underground still say that protests are remain armed with only stick, swing shots and bricks. and we must remember the bundle. this is a country where the security forces enjoying almost total monopoly on the use of firearms. but there are reports suggesting that ruling party activist liked among this talk to lead, have access to fly around. so that's very concerning as well. so we will of course, only know the extent to which unlawful force was used once we've had a chance to verify that for now, the report suggests, again, uh, you know, an increase in the blood shed that we've witnessed. it's earlier as well,
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and we urge an immediate end to the use of this unlawful force. understood, the government had promised to investigate the pass crackdown of police has that happened and do you trust them to do it objectively, as well under a square, significant concerns about the possibility of an independent investigation and bundle this year. i might point to the fact that the rule of law index, which is a global measure, a wrench bundle, is almost at the bottom of $142.00 frontiers at $127.00. you know, people, civil society members have called for an independent joint investigation because they have no faith in a domestic judiciary. the case of, i will say it was the 1st known student to be killed as quite telling um, so it was clear from the evidence that was available because of the video that was captured have a good shot and by police. but eventually they had arrested a 16 year old student, a high school student accusing him of being killed, killing abo sites. it's only after massive backlash that they eventually released
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him. and then just yesterday, they suspended to police office. that's the case alone. it was quite emblematic in the possibility of independence or impartial investigation. i must also add that we have now seen lots of students being arrested and you know, so, so there are other math arrest that we are currently seeing. also effects the people's lack of, you know, a trust in an independent investigation. what i'm hearing is there is not a reservoir of trust there at all. a prime minister shake has seen a requested protest or sit with, with, with her for constructive dialogue. is there a chance for reconciliation or are we beyond that point? i well, a step towards it, the protest leaders are anything to go by. they've set the time for dialogue has ended. i mean, so they are quite adamant under one time demand. in fact, reconciliation would probably only be possible if a neutral, you know, arbiter kind of oversaw the process as in fact, just to date,
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as long as you never speak to our teachers network published a demand for an in term of governance mechanism that would be comprised of the students leaders and protests leaders and civil society members. so it seems like, you mean they've been very categorical. if you see their words, they are looking at this as a liberation movement for liberation. and so, yeah. got it. that is a tech people who don't nbc international, regional research, or for south asia. many thanks you, sir. thank you. a brief look now at some other stories making headlines as we speak . ukrainian, president of a lot of his, the landscape says his air force has started deploying f. 16 fighter jets. he made the announcement at an air base flanked by 2 f sixteens. the u. s. may jets are being supplied by denmark, belgium, the netherlands, and norway. until now ukraine had been relying on an aging fleet of soviet era war plants. in pakistan, at glacial lake has burst, river banks unleashing
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a torrent of muddy water into the country's northern should travel region. the flood waters destroyed a bridge washed away crops and damage pipelines and power plants. the arrival of the monsoon season has far deadly flash floods and land slides across south asia. in the past, week 2 people have been killed and 2 others wounded in the stabbing attack. and the city of holding near tell the beads is really police a responding officer shot and killed the suspect, who they described as a resident of the westbank fears or growing of a wider conflict in the middle east. jordan's for administer is to hold talks in iran and mid increasing tensions across the region. t ron has been reading, it's response to the killing of the political leader from us. a group considered a terrorist organization by many countries. early on sunday,
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the lebanese militant group has the fire dozens of rockets into israel in response to reason is really air strikes. rock and fire lit up the sky and lebanon, as has blo lunch barrages of ordinance at neighboring israel. across the border. israel's iron dome system intercepted the rockets this time, at least there were no reports of damage. a lot of acrobat observers viewed the resume killing of senior mazda and has been the leaders could have move the needle closer to open conflict between israel and hezbollah. and it's a rainy and bankers as tensions ratcheted up long lines are forming, that they roots international airport. the us, the u. k. and other governments are urging their citizens to leave lebanon. as soon as possible. the was embassy, lebanon told it. citizens to leave on any ticket available after several airlines suspended and canceled flights to be route. yes. i'm very,
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very scared. but i'll pull myself together and go. i've already booked a ticket. now at the airport, they're saying it's going to escalate. okay, so i'm scared, honestly, i'm very scared. i'm scared. i won't be able to leave this country and i'm dying here. i'm. yeah, i'm scared. meanwhile and gaza, the violence continues unabated. this was the scene after and is really striking on a school compo. israel claims the school was being used as a from us weapons factory, but local officials say the building was housing thousands displaced by the fighting about the after they struck, we came here and found the school under houses completely destroyed. and they were people who were injured size of a wire on the streets behind the school that it killed and injured people. many is
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really, is, are calling for an into the finding and a deal to bring home the hostages still held by him us and goes with negotiation seemingly stalled intentions rising. that's looking increasingly unlikely for now that as israel readies itself or retaliatory attacks from iran or it's proxies prime minister benjamin netanyahu told his cabinet today that israel was prepared for any scenario. i asked dw is tanya kramer andrews one. if she's been hearing what kind of retaliation israel is expected as well. i mean, we don't know exactly what the invitation would look like. we know for certain that iran and has people have said that they have borrowed to retaliate or we don't know the scope. we don't know the timing, we don't know what targets are going to choose, but the different scenarios that are being discussed in is rather than one of them,
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we can take it from statements from avon, you know, officials, but also from the speech from has the house on the scroll down, we said that, you know, indicated that strikes could reach much deeper into as well, that they might not be bound just to military targets or to the noise of is probably what we've been seeing here in recent months. those costs for the strikes between has for law and is a also the could involve multi fund attack. so that means that runs parts as an otherwise and the region could join in. so we would have to in his 4 law would have to whose days in human it would have to she had malicious for me voc, also some of from a syria, a talking uh israel. now this reminds many people in israel, of the attacks in april by iran, and direct to talk at the time james and miss odds are launched as well. at the time they were mostly intercepted by with a hub of a correlation and by the ad defends. but there's
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a sense here that this response of this would tell you ition could, could be much more forceful this time. and of course, and it also depends what is what i will do then in the event of such a retaliation. so it's a very, very great moment of uncertainty here. antonia, at this point, it's clear israel has to worry about multiple fronts. can they deal with that? what i mean prime minister benjamin netanyahu cited a set it over again. you know what he always says, that is where it is prepared for any scenario. and somehow with these strikes in the roots but also into around older isabel has not taken officially responsibility for that last one. you know, it shows that somehow he is willing to intensify this conflict. i mean, we've seen those cross board attacks. it was some sort of equation or, and were sort of contained between his ball on israel. but this seems to have a change now. and it sends a message to iran and it's all eyes that is rather,
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is not afraid to open another front, but is what it needs its allies, especially the u. s. they have said they moved some assets to the region, but also other regional partners. and it's very much concerning a 2 countries here we see now the daniel for a minister holding a talks in or expecting terrible talks into wrong. that is very much the concern that this could spill over. and this could lead to by the escalation, dw, sonya, of criminal reporting from jerusalem. and then he takes us vice president campbell harris is interviewing potential running mates this weekend front runners to serve as her vice president include governor joshua piero from the swing state of pennsylvania, former astronaut and 1st term senator from arizona. mar kelly is also seen as a top contender. hers will also have an in person meeting with minnesota governor tim walls for what age. describe as a chemistry test. transportation secretary,
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people to judge the 1000 and the governor of kentucky. and this year have also been named as potential picks. a formal announcement is expected this week to the in the latest from the olympics and know that joke of extra beat carlos echoes was to wind tanner's gold and complete a golden slam. brokovich delivered his best performance of 2024 to claim to one significant prize in singles, tennis that had eluded a hand throughout his historic career box, or cindy and gumble put her name into the olympic record books and dominant fashion . and gumbo became the 1st refugee. it is secure in olympic metal after reaching the semi finals of women, 75 kilogram boxing, even if she loses and gone, but is guaranteed a bronze for her efforts and parents, algeria is kelly and then will also swung her way into olympic history with her
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gold metal on the, on even bars, 17 year old french born to, nor is the 1st algerian and the 1st african to win an olympic gymnastics metal. and will ended their i'm michael local, more news at the beginning of the next hour. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy murder, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's me from golden retriever's. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learned.


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