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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the business dw news lie from berlin authorities in bangladesh and pose a new nationwide curfew. after dozens are killed and hundreds more injured and fresh protests. the government has cut off mobile internet service, and demonstrators are demanding that the prime minister step down after a deadly police craft down on protesters in july. also on the program, ukraine's air force gets a long awaited upgrade president flooding there's lensky confirms the best exchange fighter jets are already bolstering the cranes war effort against russia.
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the melissa chan welcome authorities in bangladesh are imposing a new nationwide curfew. they are also reports of an internet blackout, as local media say, more than 90 people have been killed in a fresh wave of protests against the government. the demonstrators are demanding the resignation of prime ministers, a casino. they blame her government for a violent police crackdown last month that left more than $200.00 people dead during march is to denounce the countries. quote, a system for committed government job site or is wanna assign is an advocate at the bangladesh supreme court. in dhaka, i asked her how challenging this crisis is for the prime minister of this crisis, i think is very challenging for her,
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because this is the 4th time that she is info. and the last 3 times, she actually did not get the chance to test her popularity. because the extra verified content by the main office, the ship or the election, mcdaniel was safety. no way that even when the opposition party sedated. it was not actually active participation in the 201318 in 2015. next is a large the one sided election. so now she's seen so much of anger against her v. c. lovely, correct. i don't think she has seen anything of that sort in the last 16 years. so number one, she hasn't gone through a believe that you know populated this and 2nd, she's not actually prepared to face this sort of puppy crap. and that is already
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demonstrated by the fact that or officially we have last year, around 300 feet. but anyway, need so officially 300 people. i means are the numbers much higher and by asking her supporters to take to the streets, didn't she expect more classes in violence? i would say yes, that was not the most prudent thing to do. there's already police on the roads. there is always a d. r, me on the road. we are still going to got a few now that from to, from today to 6 pm on words, because 2 has been given for the definitive period. but we actually read in sweet army on the street with us on the speed or the immediate feedback of community is a law enforcement agencies fighting for her from the street having to come on her people. her bossy people to be on the street actually indicates that you
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know, we, they prevent li, inviting more suited to service. now that mean, you know, the saying political power comes from the barrel of a gun. a does the prime minister though, despite everything still have the full support of the police and the military that is very difficult to answer. she definitely is deal has her come on over the police. but the army has not been seen in the convention. the role in the previous day when we used to have my sure last and we will have army deployed on the street . that would mean that army would take control and people would actually find themselves through their houses. but the car few that we had we, we, we experienced that cause most every one was out on the street. an army was not interfering, was not being, i'm the say, the harsh or, and from 2 days so different it test taking
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a different turn all together. now having the army on the road, we took our few for an indefinite period and our me still not to using any force afresh. so shows that there has been some thinking within the army about how much loyalty to this then how much patients do really exercise in this very difficult time. so come on question icons on. so we thought of me, but i can see that what are their educations that are me in some cases, and not supporting that you do think students, right, in most cases it is being the board took the army. this really opened fire afresh. there was an issue of allegation against army, but that's not there anymore. now with demonstrators seeing more support from the wider population, i guess we've been sort of dancing around this question, but a could have this movement, toppled the government a the movement
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has now given a one point to mind, and that is that the bridge is present region we'd have to re, uh, really goal of the way, i mean there has to be a politic the conclusion to this better. and the political conclusion to the best of my understanding may not be very happy for the party. the gym is not the due date. i don't think they'd be able to run the country the way through is running for all these years. there are 3 d has been changed, illegal activity has been put through challenge. they're more of a 3 to has been serious because the challenge. so in a situation this or to free see, is not supposed to sustain for, to not say there is wanna assign it in doc. com. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. you cranes,
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president vladimir zelinski has announced that f. 16 fighter jets have started flying missions in ukrainian aerospace. so lensky made the announcement as an air base planes by 2 f. 16 jets where he met with pilots. the u. s. gave the go ahead to send the jets to ukraine last year. the plains have been supplied by denmark, belgium, the netherlands, and norway, who have said they will provide up to 66 teams for the ukrainian air force. and this is what president vladimir valencia said earlier. these jets are in our skype and officially today. you see them and is good that they came and we can use that at least. so today i can tell you where the ultimate, that we can use that. let's go to marina mirror on. she is a post doctoral researcher and the worst studies department at kings college london . welcome. i'm gonna read out these f. 16 fighter jets were
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a very long time coming. is it too little, too late? good evening. well, that's actually a good question because we have to understand that we're talking about a system. we're not talking just about the f. 16 jets meaning that q crane has to be prepared in terms of infrastructure such as radio station hung gars, airfields to feel these f sixteens. the question here is also in terms of pilot training that also takes time. so even if the f sixteens have arrived earlier, ukraine wouldn't have had the pilots and necessary pilots to operate them the, the air crews, the engineers. so i would have to understand that all of this has taken a lot of time, especially because there was some delays was pilot training,
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meaning that probably it couldn't have been done in the earlier. also given the political considerations by nato countries. can we talk a little bit more about the number of pilots trying to fly? it sounds like there's enough for now, but how, how long is back to to replace pilots if necessary, a way what is actually enough for now? so we have to take into account that, according to some reports you created, will be getting some 79 f sixteens. now, according to official statements, some 20 pilots have been trained. each aircraft requires 2 pilots, meaning that your brain will be able to use only 10 at the same time. so if we'll look at the bigger picture, this is not even a squadron, a squadron is up to 24. right? so what is it going to be enough for?
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what is going to be the purpose of these f sixteens? how will they be used? how will they be integrated into the operational design? and i think that that's the question. and $1010.00 aircraft in the or i'm afraid it's not going to make a substantial difference. and this is the crux of the problem that you pray and will essentially need more. however, pilot training takes time. the premium pilots need the necessary and language skills, technical english in order to be able to train on these machines, there should be enough slots for these pilots to be train. a basic training is about 9 months. so training more pilots will become more difficult. and so this complicates the ukrainian mission in terms of how do you actually integrate these 10 f sixteens for now?
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where will they be allocated to what missions exactly will they be there to stripe target deep or behind the enemy lines? will there be used to deter or to, to limit the operational space of the russians who served before which are using glide farms. so there are quite a lot of questions. it's not clear what difference does. i'm going to make, at least in the short term, right? now you can also announce today to mandatory evacuation from several towns in a domestic region. how do you assess russia's advances in the area? well, it looks like so the russians are moving for it's very slowly. however, they have shown some progress, especially if we look at the we'll see dar direction and specifically around the tons of threats. they're trying to complicate the ukrainian logistics there and they're also active in the north and in in the wrong of chance. in harkey region,
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we're also seeing some reports of russian advances around chastity are so that it's still that the front is still holding. we're still talking about the position of warfare, but there is a risk, at least in the a 1000 region of to risk that the front might get shaky. marina, near on from the worst studies department at kings college. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. for having me, let's, let's take a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. a mass stabbing that left 3 young girls dead has sparked violent protests across the u. k . field by mis information about the identity of the suspect. anti immigration demonstrators have clashed with police and several towns and cities. british prime minister care storm or has called the agitators, quote, thugs, and is bound to bring them to quote,
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justice. the us state of florida is bracing for its 1st hurricane of the 2024 season forecasters say tropical storm. debbie is intensifying rapidly as it crosses the gulf of mexico. it's expected to make landfall as a hurricane late sunday. authorities have urged residents in coastal areas to evacuate. and us vice president campbell harris is interviewing potential running mates this weekend front runners to serve. as her vice president include governor josh sup shapiro from the swing state of pennsylvania, former astronaut and 1st term senator from arizona. mark kelley is also seen as a top contender. harris will also have an in person meeting with minnesota governor tim waltz for what age describe as a, quote, chemistry test. transportation secretary p who does judge and a governor of kentucky and do it this year. have also been named as potential picks . a formal announcement is expected this week, you know, vac galka beach finally completed
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a golden slam and got his hands on the one piece of silverware missing from his trophy case. the olympic gold medal. it was a dream cross generational clash as 37 year old joke of age beach 21 year old carlos alcaraz, the youngest and oldest players to contest a single gold medal since 1988 jacob, which said he had to play his best tennis to claim the olympic title of the kelly, a name or of algeria, made history at the paris olympics when she won a gold medal in dominating fashion in the uneven bars. the 17 year old french for gymnast struck gold after performing a thrilling and complex routine. she held off a strong challenge from china as to, to you in the reigning world champion in the event. and more became the 1st
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algerian and the 1st african gymnast in history to win and olympic gold medal. and you're up to date. thanks so much for joining us. my name is melissa chance. see you next time the conflicts crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. beyond the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube. what i mean,
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i know i might just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks trace amount,


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