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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 5, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live for improving both already sent bangladesh to impose a new nationwide cou, a few of the thousands of killed and hundreds more injured. in 1st protests, the government has cut off from the internet. service and demonstrate is that the bombings of the prime minister step down after a deadly police correct down on protest this in july. so on the program, several countries urge the citizens to leave labor, not as fee as grow of a water in the middle east. and every visits were ron jordan's. foreign minister likes a place of peace in the face of fritz to punish his route for a high profile assassination thing by word and
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the . and that anyhow, and welcome with tardies in bangladesh, had been post a new nation wide care, a few, often more than 90 people were killed and hundreds injured in a fresh wave of anti government protest. demonstrate is demanding that prime minister chic i've seen a step down. the rest is also prompt to the government to shut down internet services. the streets have become evident of the anger and frustration against the government of chief. christina, for testers, are not buying down slashes, have sprint and the tech to is rising. the current situation in bangladesh and the carnage happened to because of the
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government and their failure there behind all the killings. nothing would have happened if they had acted in a just way and met the demand to reform photos earlier. people are bitter and have their backs up against the wall. the protectors have started to fight their demand . stewart's thing, this point, the resignation of prime minister, she a casino in response to prime minister of on unique body port on the supporters to dig through the streets a scenario that has just started in master classes and did the words began as a peaceful student to test over the government job system has now turned into unprecedented. i'm good at you casino a hot crack down. last month that left at least $200.00 people did, with people to temporarily disposed to boot tests. but the demonstrative are back
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with dividers. support from civil society. prime minister has seen us eve, the protective engaged in court, separate dodge and destruction were no longer students with permanence. and that they should be dealt with. i didn't hands the protest to say maybe get justice only when the government wants the debt look has lunch bung these into a dangerous fees. see that respond that has some is a lawyer in tucker. what else to earlier? if this protest movement could talk to the government of she casino, i mean there has to be a political conclusion to this better. and the political conclusion to the best of my understanding may not be very happy for the party. and vision is not the due date. i don't think they'd be able to run the current fee. the way to do is running
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for all these years. there are 3 d has been changed. illegal activity has been put through chavez. they're more of the 3 to has been serious because the challenge. so, you know, situation this or to free see, is not supposed to sustain was bangladesh. and the way i see you, the 1st one, a house on speaking to us, a little earlier that. well, jordan's foreign minister, i'm on a subsidy, has made a re, a visit to a ron, a mid rising regional tensions around is also held talks with other arab neighbors, including egypt, them on and cut to the us and its allies in the region. a loving heart to prevent a wider escalation of the conflict following wednesday's assassination of from us. political chafie smiled. honey, a integra is variety, shedding and strikes. targeted spots of southern lebanon on sunday came off to the new and begged his beloved militants fly. dozens of rockets towards
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northerners ride them but intercepted medina, i've just been in touch with the state of israel, isn't a multi front war against the rods access of evil. we hit each of its arms hard and we are prepared for any scenario, both in defense and attack. i repeat to our enemies, we will respond and exact a heavy price for any active aggression against us from any frontal. don edwards, these the lights have vowed revenge against is right off to the target to links officers, but allow me to come on down to lodge so can embed well then from us because it's my honey. instead, on diplomatic efforts are underway to de escalate tensions across the region, jordan stopped diploma mid of their visit to eat on to frankly defender and
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washington says it's preparing to help defend is right. it appears the presence. so been very, very consistent about proving not just with words, but with the action that we're going to stand up and defend israel. i mean, on april 13th, when ron launched, 300 missiles and drones united states had the aircraft fighter planes in the air to knock them down. we've now added now additional naval and air assets to the region to, to help defend digital. again, i think we proven time and time again that we're going to support it as blind is right and have 3 did 5 along the 11 on bought a since the guys i bought began. but there are concerns. the cross border of fi good began in load bought and made of these did escalation of the conflict. was israel weddies itself for retaliate free attacks from iran or its proxies prime minister benjamin netanyahu told his cabinet today that each row was prepared for any scenario. earlier we asked the deputies 10, you claim it in jerusalem if she knows what kind of retaliation is,
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riley is expecting to. well, i mean, we don't know exactly what the tell you ation. we look like we know for certain that iran and has people have said that they have all to retaliate or we don't know the scope. we don't know the timing. we don't know what targets they're going to choose. but the different scenarios that are being discussed in as well. and one of them, you can take it from statements from avon, you know, officials, but also from the speech from has the, has on us got along with said that, you know, indicated that strikes could reach much deeper into as well, that they might not be bound to us to military targets or to the noise of is probably what we've been seeing here in recent months. those costs photo strikes between has been a and is a also that could involve multi fund attack. so that means that it runs parts as an allies in the region could join in. so we would have to in his full law would have to who's these in human? it would have to she admissions from a voc, also some of from
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a syria attacking israel. now this reminds many people in is one of the attacks in april by iran direct to talk at the time james and miss. so it's been launched at is while at the time they were mostly intercepted by with a hub of a correlation and by the defense. but there is a sense here that this response of this retaliation could, could be much more forceful this time and of course, and it also depends what is what i will do then in the event of such a retaliation. so it's a very, very great moment of uncertainty here. as some 10 you claim the injuries one. let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. british prime minister kissed i'm a, has found to bring anti immigrant protest as to justice off the days of violence across the u. k. the condemned 5 right activists attempt on sunday to storm a hotel in northern england housing asylum seekers. demonstrated simple solution
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stores and attack mosques. and since this information was posted online about the stabbing of the of 3 young girls last week, the us state of florida is pricing for its 1st hurricane of the 2024 season full cost, the site tropical storm. debbie is intensifying rapidly, is across as the gulf of mexico. it's expected to make landfill as a hurricane on monday. thirty's, edge and faithful in coastal areas to back. are you planning president below them in soleski has confirmed that at 165 digits. uh, now flying missions, pilots have been trying to fly them since for wasting your paint country say they would provide the a craft. so lensky made the announcement on the tide security from an undisclosed location. it's a moment ukrainians have long waited for. 5th, 16 jets flying in the skies above their heads. ukraine previously operated soviet irritates, but they were limited by russia's far better air capabilities. the f sixteens would
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boost ukraine's military strength and upgrade its air defenses. i mean about how we have done a lot in order for the ukrainian air force to switch to a new standard of aviation to western combat aviation. no section global you will i be i yeah. besides, i'm proud of all our pilots who are learning how to use these planes. and i've already started using them for our country. but i'm not saying that a shopping zalinski did not say how many planes are in ukraine. western countries who are supplying the aircraft, say they will send up to 60 jets. unconfirmed reports indicate there are 10 jets and ukraine now. with so few jets of ukraine's disposal. let's say the f sixteens won't turn the tide of the war, at least not for now. what is going to be the purpose of these f sixteens?
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how will they be used? how will they be integrated into the operational design? and i, i think that that's the question 1010 aircraft in the or i, i'm afraid it's not going to make a substantial difference. the f sixteens come with powerful electronic warfare systems and an array of other weapons. ukraine hopes that in combination with patriot missile batteries, the jets will make ukraine skies too dangerous for russian pilots. but russia has been expecting the jets arrival and to sure to put up stiff resistance. not both on the ground and in the sky. do not jerry away, president bull that i'm at 2 new bu has called on citizens to stop protest. i have the high cost of living and in the blood. should security forces have been cracking down on the valley's way to demonstrate this have been demanding that the
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government reduced fuel prices and address nigeria is most severe economic processing, decades. adequate provisions to health care in education. those just some of the demands of the protest as to occupied the streets of nigeria as capital. i'm thought today they're angry at the government. i made allegations of corruption and spiraling inflation because what kind of, what kind of mutual now well, what do we want about? what you do this also doing is paula children that do not do the non duty on the put this one right speak to say at least the teen people have been killed by security forces. the police have denied any responsibility and the reclaims of a growing security track down. as the international 90 we is office, say at least 50 journalists for arrested during its demonstration on stuff today.
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the president bowl i meant to bu pledge to end the protests, but offered no concessions to address the country's consent. we must step for that blood sugar, a dollars and destruction i love make with most of the adult be by allow if you with a chat political i gave the chat their explanation about the demonstrations this weekend did a few comments and those fairly in the week and the president may have said he, she is the people loud and clear, but recognition alone, 16, the country is crippled, economy, people in africa's most populous nation, looked to the government, the concrete plan of action at the parents olympics. one of the most highly anticipated defense of the olympics,
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the means 100 made of rice was decided in a stunning photo finish. american know, allows, naturally, edged out jamaica is kishana thompson by 5 thousands of the 2nd decline, the gold medal with a ton of 9.79 seconds, and the tenants. meanwhile, net dropping beach, big colors, alcaraz to win gold and complete the golden flan. jessica, which delivered his best performance of 2024 to claim the one significant prize in singles, tennis that had eluded him for. well, he's a start kelly, and it's the human sports world gathers in paris for the olympics. the dog world has seized the moment for a little sport of its own. world surfing don't championship took place. i've a pacific est page south of san francisco. love this guy the to watch the adorable canines and skilful rod. the mice even aims to raise money for animal charities and perhaps to match new honors for laterally purchase up for adoption. and
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i know that now your up to date stay with us, but don't film often the right to forget from when he is at any time you find out sites on that website. that's if they definitely dot com and our social media channels to handle the data leads on that from the housing domain. thanks. i think the thing to do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought. or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible. reasonable part is nonsense. i was under the doctor, joe in the clubs. it's time to, to get your generation with
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a sleep asked. and then when genuine.


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