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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 5, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the the, this is do the news live from berlin to bundle. dish is army chief purpose to address the nation. as protested, starting to march on the capital, i made an internet shut down. one activision bundle dish tells us that a lot of these are told doing their best to stop us to kill us on cold optimal. the 90 people die in the deadliest day of classes so far. all it's on the program is around 5 minutes to attend the meeting or if it's governance of the country is already in a mazda 2 front war. the usa is israel has is i am glad support, as it profess for 8 on just try, came to tell years and for the last week, beginning of a top come us need to enter on and then you progress to hold an emergency security
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meeting after the weekend of escalating and the immigration violence prime minister care stomach condemns and attack the hotel housing asylum seekers on sunday as far drive targeting the . i'm going to expand it, you're welcome. we stopped in buying the others for us to have them progressed as i planning to defy a new nationwide go few. with the march on the capital talk. com and internet shut down is not in place as the countries army chief, profess to address the nation. more than 90 people working in the latest wave of antique government unrest on sunday. the deadly is day. as soon as the outbreak of violence and protests last month. the streets have become evident of the anger and frustration against the government of chief. christina for testers are not
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buying down splashes, have sprint. and the tech to is rising. the current situation in bangladesh and the carnage happened to because of the government and their failure. they're behind all the killings. nothing would have happened if they had acted in a just way and met the demand to reform photos earlier. people are bitter and have their backs up against the wall. the protectors have sonya defied their demand store thing. the point the resignation of prime minister, she a casino in response to prime minister of i'm unique body point on the supporters to take to the streets a scenario that has just started a master's classes and did the words began to be split student protests over the government job port system has now turned
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into unprecedented. i'm good a to casino, a hard to track down last month. the left at least 200 people did with the budget and potentially disposed to boot test. but the demonstrators are back with divider, support from civil society. prime minister has the nurse eve, the protective engaged in court, separate dodge and destruction were no longer students with primitives. and that they should be dealt with. i didn't hands the protest, the fee to get justice only when the government towards the debt block has lunch bung these into a dangerous feed basketball from prop the top or for you. she is a student, an activist at john, you know, go to university in tucker, buying another property. welcome. i understand that you're talking to you using a mobile number,
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but good. also getting reports of internet outages in bangladesh. can you confirm if that is the case? oh, yes, absolutely. you know, yes, that is there. what store it on. dish was 101 back holding his homework on. and now there is going to, is that goldman has it keeping that and the internet, the more was the truck and the block going to network, the mobile unit is going to connect those sparked interest and attention. and again, that is the trick for then you try to add yesterday there was a come p t y from streaming there. incident that happened in tack lock and around all over the country. the thought of that that we are dogs. look on the bush, i'm going to have on file is about 101 back and we had it as moving. but how much can be much higher than we have seen yesterday as we read on the street yesterday at the back? i look on all of this. i want me to really start the on the dish right now. their
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student being final, just click the add your name to click on the all sam was getting down the street daylight who was heading down there with getting that and they were shooting before that a photo of what a speedy or all people are getting select that people of least 5 d or follow this only they can steer that hoffman has not acknowledged any peanut, but they're only lying and talking about that. that means the death of these is that all correct happens. but the positions i'd be like the input of gym and then the government member. so it hasn't been said that there has been a reset. that that's why you're on the team right now. we know that might be the best tool to keep it makes us it can take them out. anything to talk about sound good. nancy baker.
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h people. right, we're, we're now the mouse trying to look at the desk strong on the match box. wow, that's a guesstimate in my studio. i got it right now. we'll be out of the much to talk. i am better street. i have heard the better speak taking for the army, the boarders about this or looking on facebook. they have been teaching science and they're taking people right that people are. * not really because that has been again, internet shut down and again, people so we don't know what's going to happen next. we have to make these is what it should say is even worse, because i don't really watch this is not true most at how we just look like. i do want to talk to about this mazda doctor that has been called by a, by student the test as, but just going back to what you was saying earlier, saying that the support is that the ruling of, i mean you got out on the streets and tutoring and people, if that is the case,
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how does that explain the circumstances behind the depths of at least 14 police officers as well on the sunday? yes, i there have been guess the only thing is that people off of all of this year. so if you have the start decreases as well, so that would be about the size that it will die for the others that we express deep seems like the force that meant we to amy to, to get lost in each of the, you know, the responsibility of protecting boulevard, nicely on the girlfriend, the government to the settlement who have about the next tried to protect them like to protect our lives. but he's being set aside to of the eclipse that move without some major sense. and now people reach that, we're not really seeing it's thank you for any of these right by now. so this is
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why say about 8 for make sure you get down to me to do, i'll fix it for him. does it matter? uh, yes, we have disconnected which the, leading a lot of them. and we don't know that's probably happening. you said that there is a mazda talk, and that has been planned for today. all mazda is like this, increasing the pressure on shape because he not to step down. and do you think she will step down? i don't think she will sit down to sleep in a heap of papers our tea meal. deborah, it's been lucky martin. she did so far, lucas with the 1st thing that she thought perhaps there that was by now. but now when she is reading, i should know where she's at the bottom of this stuff. when you put them back down to 49. ok also was fundraiser. start from the said not with the i didn't think right now. i don't think she was developed and she needs to be sitting by the
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people the short by the be shut off the national media to meet the agency is because she had to be kind of the counselors. it'd be nice for them to be tested on by now. leave it there for the moment, but thanks so much for joining us on the phone line. properties that for sure you student an active is thanks so much. thank you so much for the question. now it's some other stories making headlines around the world asian stock markets, a plumber to them, invest appear as well. the weak us economic data, but japanese make a index was down almost 13 percent on monday with taiwan stock market dropping by more than 8 percent. european markets hate 6 months low is shortly off the opening on monday as well. thousands of people have evacuated their homes following credential rain in india is less than city of point to the dental is because the water levels in 2 major 2 of us to spike prompting the evacuation of residents. low
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line areas in focused on glacial lake has bus driven bank, so i'm leasing a ton of money. water into the country is northern to throughout the region. the flood waters destroyed the bridge washed away crops and damaged pipelines and pop loans. the arrival of the mountains season hot spots, definitely flash floods, land slides across south asia. in the past week, up to the middle east next, where israel's foreign minister has told his cabinet that the country is already in that cold. most the front wall would eat on, i mean, rising tensions. the g 7 group of nation has joined the goals for restraint in the region following wednesday's assassination of a most political chief. he smiled honey in that on the usa, as is, ryan has its iron clad support in the face of any vitalia tree attack from here on is there any showing as strikes? targeted spots of southern lebanon on sunday came off to the new and back to his
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beloved militants. fly, dozens of rockets towards northerners right then, but intercepted maybe not just sending to the state of israel isn't a multi front war against the rods access of evil. we hit each of its arms hard and we are prepared for any scenario, both in defense and attack. i repeat to our enemies, we will respond and exact a heavy price for any active aggression performed against us from any frontal. don edwards, these the lights have vowed revenge. a gaze is right off to the target, the cooling stuff is, but allow me to, to come on to the lodge circle in bedroom and a mazda quantity. can see if it's my honey instead on diplomatic effort side under the to de escalate tensions across the region. jordan,
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stop diploma, mid of their visit to eat on. it's frankly defender and washington says it's preparing to help. defend is right. it appears the presence. so been very, very consistent about proving not just with words, but with the action that we're going to stand up and defend israel. i mean, on april 13th, when ron launched, 300 missiles and drones united states had aircraft fighter planes in the air to knock them down. we've now added now additional naval in air assets to the region to, to help defend digital. again, i think we proven time and time again that we're going to supporters as blind is right and have treated 511 on board to says the gods of aud begin. but there are concerns the cross border if i could put them in a loud board and they did, these did escalation of the conflict. well, that's out of why the conflict has prompted talk in japan to joined the list of countries. now edging the citizens in lebanon. to leave,
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if they do not need to stay and on sunday, from anything also called the citizens to get out of the country due to the risk of military escalation in the region. and i know i spoke to setup as of on the, from the guy institute in humbug in germany. and i asked if diplomacy can prevent, i totally agree attack from it on um, we need to put a noun to, to answer this question. we need to keep in mind the mindset behind the negotiation strategy from the bane inside the philosophy and from often negotiations into ring southern every aspect of their encounters with outside world. especially with the west, through newton negotiations through hostage taking negotiations announced through the crisis negotiations with this right is to show and may just be could just just create a big splash to put the other side in a corner of especially a media on psychological war. and then 2 games of so called brownie points from
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them to to be able to use that as a negotiation chip. as a bargaining chip, i'm now it, of course they will have their demands. we don't know what their demands are that are negotiations ongoing at the very senior level of your report. also mentioned that a jordanian foreign minister, often needed one decade, isn't to around bought into or on for, for having a very fine can very direct compensation to death or to cindy brown. and what would they let that go at this stage? i highly doubt it. unfortunately, we are entangled in this crisis by piece for tots will continue. it's every step is it seems to become bigger and more serious, but you're saying that is run has it's called iron clad to support how when is read actually prepared for possible in, in a strike from i'm going to try your point of view as well. is sure it has, maintains a, a so called quantity to administrate it in the region with the support of the
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united states. israel has had much more advanced medically the equipments to defend itself. but we also need to keep in mind that the size of the country, the size of the mitre between the 2 countries is complete. the symmetric radiance of trains equipped finance several groups across the region that are trying and all of them are very much in line with that runs the strategy in hunting of damaging israel. so it's not exactly the most powerful situation for israel, but of course, is riley would have the support of the west and sweets, especially the united states. and we've seen that as john cabin mentioned in his remarks that you just showed that in april that we were in that situation, that the, the west to go didn't have to come on and support us. right. and that will happen, so usually would not be alone in this, but it's would not be an easy challenge. it's, it will not be an easy process based right here with i would imagine neither will
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it be for your all to be honest. he's there, i was by mr. meanwhile is saying that is right, is already in a coat multi front floor. i mean, the, is that really the case given that full blown wall that has more law has not yet broken out? and who are these comments really fall then? i am, yes it is right. let me run happening in a, in a multi front floor. uh, there was a day, you know, calendar which would not forget that was of adult over a lot has happened on that day. and the reason that we are in this situation is, is that the, that the incident, that event is ready to people aware living their lives. and on suddenly a group of a terrorist attack them and headed their children and rate their women adopt. that is what triggered it, and that was a major event and his ro could not just sit back and watch and move on. that the old understand that was old. so like i said, the proxy word proxy is the top 5 months trained and equipped by radians. there is also the sipe of war. that's if you uh, for example, the cots, the regular reports that microsoft produces. there is
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a huge investment from the ring insight on cyber attacks on influence operation on psychological operation to effect an influence is ready to society and, you know, global community as, as a whole. and there is definitely a multi front for iran, and israel have been entangled in this rivalry business, but it was always in direct rivalry. but it seems that we're getting closer to more direct, right. but we just want to add one sentence, we keep hearing this on what media about is right, is trying to drive the united states into this world. but i don't think that is the case. i think that's a short sight. the conclusion, because again, going back to some of the of, of cobra, what has happened that was imposed on israel and, you know, this doesn't, it's, this doesn't mean that justifying. uh, you know, i trust that isn't god's on so on. the sofa should be accepted, but we need to keep in mind that is right was attacked and his right is trying to re gain. it's the tyrants in the region really with their for their moment. thanks
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so much for joining us today. setup as a monday from the jumping in to do it for global and area studies. thanks so much. i of course of now some other stories making headlines around the was us vice president coming on harris. his voice to announce her running made. having interviewed potential candidates over the weekend, frontrunners to sub as her vice president include, governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro, arizona senator mot kelly. and tim was the governor of minnesota address is expected to announce her big early this week. the us day to photo dies bracing for its 1st topic in over 2020 full season tropical storm. debbie is already bringing flooding and high readings to the states. gulf coast full cost is expected to intensify, rapidly making land full as a hurricane. on monday, i thought of these are urging people in coastal areas to evacuate. do they? you can exploit an emergency security meeting is expected to take place later today,
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after the weekend of violence and towns and cities across the country. by mister care, as tom has won those involved, that they will face the full force of the law describing the riots as cold fod, right, fog, or the unrest follows the fatal stopping of 3 young girls in the city of south port last week. as for this, police are overwhelmed by a mob on the attack. in the tone of around the room, their target a hotel housing asylum seekers. their message was clear, the anti migrant riots have turned towns across england. the northern ireland into battles protests over the tragic murder of 3 girls last week were whipped into a weekend of violence like far right. nationalist groups. brittany's prime minister
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said there was no excuse for racist attacks are actually conducting the fall. right . so great. we've said this we've had, we've seen bushland communities taught a task. all of the minority communities single that no c salutes in the spring to those in the field targeted because of the color of your skin. all your sites like nose on friday this last day. i won't be here tonight, but this bob do not represent our country. we will bring them to justice. tv said arrested more than 100 people involved in the riots and failed to track down more. counter protests attempted to send a message of supports to those threatened
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for the communities whose cars have been burned in shop windows smashed. there are concerns that the violins cannot be contained. for the 1st time in my life, i am looking at the option of moving away for the 1st time in my life. i'm not scared for myself, but i have young children. i'm worried about. it's the optimism for this. we are all going to pay a prize. citizens have stepped in to clean up the damage. but some fear britton's anti migrant sentiment can not be so easily swept away. ukrainian present, bought it the minutes. uminski has confirmed that the f. 16 fighter jets and i'll find missions in the war against russia. it's a major milestone for ukraine, which has been waiting to deploy the aircraft until the pilots had completed training. so landscape made the announcement on the type of security from an
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undisclosed location. it's a moment ukrainians have long wasted for 5th, 16 jets flying in the skies above their heads. ukraine, previously, operations soviet irritates, but they were limited by russia's far better air capabilities. the f sixteens would boost ukraine's military strength and upgrade its air defenses. many but we have done a lot in order for the ukrainian air force to switch to a new standard of aviation to western combat aviation. the section global you will i be i yeah. besides, i am proud of all our pilots who are learning how to use these planes and a already started using them for our country nationally and the shopping. zalinski did not say how many planes are in ukraine. western countries who are supplying the aircraft,
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say they will send up to 60 jets. unconfirmed reports indicate there are 10 jets and ukraine now. a liquid sold fugette to do credit disposal. let's say the f sixteens won't turn the tide of the war, at least not for now. what is going to be the purpose of these f sixteens? how will they be used? how will they be integrated into the operational design? and i, i think that that's the question 1010 aircraft in the or i, i'm afraid it's not going to make a substantial difference. the f sixteens come with powerful electronic warfare systems and an array of other weapons. ukraine hopes that in combination with patriot missile batteries, the jets would make ukraine skies too dangerous for russian pilots. but russia has been expecting the jets arrival and to sure to put up stiff resistance,
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both on the ground and in the sky. the news from the bottom southern picks next and germany have run the traveling mixed relay, you know, feeling finish a day after training sessions in those in had been cancelled due to high bacteria levels bought on the day of the event by this is river. i was declared safe enough to swim in. the podium odor came down to a 3 way sprint finish with germany. edging out the united states and britain fall of gold. and one of the most highly anticipated events of the games, the mens 100 meters sprint was decided in a standing photo finish. american no eliles not only edged out jamaica is kishana thompson by 5 thousands of a 2nd to claim the gold medal in
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a time off. and this 9.79 seconds to novak junk of age, finally completed a golden slam and got his hands on the one piece of metal missing from his trophy case. b olympic gold medal across a post, a green cross generational flash has a 37 year old chunk of age beat 21 year old carlos was killed as the oldest and youngest plans to contest a single gold medal seems. 1988 struck and read said he had to play his best tennis to claim the olympic title. gully knew more of a julia, i made history at the body. so let me fix when she want a gold medal in dominating fashion in the on even balls. the 17 year old french born gymnast struck goals after performing a feeling and complex routine. she held off
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a strong charlane from china's chew to in the reading was jump in in the event more became the 1st as julia and the 1st african gymnast in history, dwayne at olympic, gold medal books, cindy and gob put her name into the olympic record books in a dominant fashion and gum became the 1st refugee does it go and let me pick metal off the reaching the semi finals of the women's, 75 kilograms boxing? even if she loses a number is guaranteed a bronze for her efforts in paris. the end of the mind of the top story we are following for you at these reports in bunker, there suggests that the internet shut down has been lifted as a product is prepared for another day of antique dump and demonstrations for the test. as well as the prime minister to resign and planned to march in the capital
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talk of these a day optimal. the 90 people were killed in the deadliest day of unrest since protested often last month for that get up to date coming about the break shift and finish managing caesar, the
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a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music in nazi germany, watching out one youtube dw documentary police robots patrolling your neighborhood equipped with weapons. if that's really what we want in many cities, robots already being useful security measures. and in some cases, the even debates on equipping robots with weapons. but what robots really make our streets safer, either actually a security threat themselves and who can be held accountable if something goes wrong? the replacing police with robots looks like this. this bang for a button. the us clim drive explosives in his mouth. the robot was used to check while he was telling the truth. another case.


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