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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from the jubilation on the streets of the bangladesh and capital as the country's prime minister resigns an please. to india. protests to storm shaken, seen as the official residency deca as of the attack, a statute of a father had of the armies that you'll form and entering government with political pastors. also on the program. diplomatic activity increase is across the middle east to try and the escalate rising regional tension. jordan's foreign minister makes the rad visit to iran. the g 7 group of countries just restrict the
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i'm so glad you're welcome to the program. and with that she's prime minister. shake us on the i see now it has resigned flight to india. and after weeks of student protests demonstrate to store them to the official residents in baca looted furniture and electronic goods. the head of the army said he would form a new entering government with the country's political parties and cold on protesting students to refrain from further violence. after months of protests and hundreds of people killed, bangladesh is anti government. protestors got what they wanted. prime minister shed casino has stepped down to the owner of prime minister, has resigned from head post with the form an interim government for now to run the country defying a nationwide military curve. few 1000 storm shed casinos,
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official residents after her departure the day after deadly clashes killed over 90 people. standing in the official residence, we probably declare the top. christie has come to an end. you should see now what the longest serving prime minister bangladesh. critics accused her government of misusing state institutions and using deadly violence against opposition active as to stay in power which the government has denied. the protesters also lashed out at a statute, fussiness father, monte block mine who led bangladesh to independence and was assassinated in the military who won his political party, won me. league has benefited for decades from quotas reserved a share of government jobs to freedom fighters who fought for independence and
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their families. the reintroduction of photos that have since been stressed again, is what initially sparked the least student led protests and which shared custody not gone. demonstrators hope to see a new era with lasting reforms. the time change was, you know, with this, with them and to the fact that you have here to do the, the inside the really, the, the military is promise to launch an investigation into the deadly crack down on protest. those right child, right. he is associate professor of anthropology at i'm his college in massachusetts, in the united states. she's written extensively on politics and mass protest in bangladesh. asked whether she'd been expecting this turn of events um,
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at some level, you know, i just spoke to you 2 days ago and i said we were standing on very unstable grounds . so we were expecting, um, you know, some kind of a big event. we just didn't know when that was going to happen, but at some level, many of us who are, who either do research on bundle dish, what observers or who lives that we knew that after so many innocent people have died. and after it has become a much larger and popular uprising, it would have been very difficult. but the reason to kind of go back to the way things was so as on level, we were surprised by the haste in which this has happened. but i'm not surprised by the outcome. and also if you look at the history, it's not just of bunger, there's, but the political history of south asia, it seems like a lot of democratic rulers come to our writing on the power of the people. but somehow they tend to forget that and their own political demise also have been
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through the hands of the people. so historically speaking, this was not a surprise, right? the army says he's working with the countries political pauses to form and entering government. history tells us that bad things tend to happen when all of these takeover countries until things come down. what are you expecting to happen? so one of the things i wanted to make clear is that this was not a military cool. that have been some reports, especially in foreign media, trying to describe it as a military cool. and trying to make kind of phonology is between what happened to say because he knows father and 1975. that's not what happened. this was a student led to protest that then became widespread and ordinary citizens joined in solidarity. but right, when i was, you know, preparing for this interview, i got a note from tucker that the student leaders who have been leading this students
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against discrimination movement have just said that they're going to do a press conference. and they're going to set out, you know, their demands about the entering government. and so although the uh, the military has stepped in to do kind of, you know, make sure that the, that the handing over of our is the school. i think they would do a brief mistake if they ignored the fact that this time it's the students of the ordinary citizens who are extremely aware of the fact that democracy has been hijacked many times in the name of democracy in the history of the this. so um, i think if they tried to do that, that would be a great mistake. and i think the students will be back on the streets in no time given that the army was shouting on sites during the 1st phase of based on rest. why would anyone a trusted general walk as um, as promised to look into the killings?
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i don't know if people are actually believing in anything right now. the ard noticed it isms of bundle this of used tubing, told lies all the time. but people are also really tired of the vitamins. i mean, the fact that you know, one of the banners that we have seen this time, and i've been working on buying the basic pro discounts and for a long time. this is the 1st time i've seen a banner that says a book that she believes, oh, which in english means i'm offering my test. you should, you know, that's, that's the kind of, that's the point at which this movement has gone. so people have nothing to lose, they're just, you know, observing how this feasible tend to go to fall or happen. so they're giving the military the benefit of the doubt, which i don't think anybody can take for granted at this point. ok. you talked about the how pastry tells us that it was unlikely that shake has seen it could ride out this unrest. she was once very popular. the daughter of the countries
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found that she's left the country, but most of the last 30 years wasn't just this sequence of events all was, was that a run up to this be on this demonstration about jobs? oh, there's a lot of cumulative resentment to the fact that the last 3 elections widely believed to be read, the main opposition parties didn't participate. and you keep on coming back to power and claim that you are the one who brought democracy to this country and your words and your actions don't match. and in addition to that, the, the fact that the economy has been in prizes that people tend to buy, you know, everyday things people, you know, it's been really hard to maintain, just kind of basic life done in the, this, all, all of this basically compounded the resentment, i guess the regime and the fact that it has was become in kind of then also reach any of the regime seems that whoever was at the head of the stage was making
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a lot of the decisions. so clearly, all the anger became personified in this one person who was seen as, as the one who was basically finding all the shots. so, you know, it was the quote of movement acted as what the political scientist i knew the us as bold a spark, which actually kind of started this fire. but the kind of the, the design minutes leading up to that. i have been accumulating for a very long time. thank you for your fast racing insights, drawn to a child right from his college in massachusetts. thank you so much. take a quick look now with a couple of other stories making headlines around wells tossing in australia where the government has raised its tara threat. it's tara threat level from possible to probable. it says the change is due to an increase in extremist views and community tensions of the israel. how much more permits to answer the alba noisy says, well,
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officials think the current climate makes terrorism and increased risk. they don't know of any specific strengths and the un has 59 members of staff following internal investigation into allegations they were involved in the october 7 hamas terror attacks. the probe was load stuff the issue around the q stafford underway. you ends agency for the palestinians. i've taken part in the right of the 19 people investigated view and says 9 may have been involved. it's a different classic meetings around the way across the middle east, in an effort to de escalate, rising regional tensions. jordan's foreign minister has paid of a rad visit to iran, where talks of also taking place, representatives from egypt a month on top, us and its allies urging old politics to prevent a why the escalation of the conflict on during the assassination of the i'm asked
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leave an e mail, i mean, intact, round around has about to punish israel for the killing, but it's foreign ministry says it's not looking to escalate tensions. that's according to their voice as news agency with us from us can see this is leadership options following the killing of its political b. that is male hon. the attention is turning to the palestinian militant groups chief on the ground and gaza. yahoo yah, stating why use them on israel believes orchestration? the october 7th terror attacks. it's been pursuing him ever since. just about to kill him. yes, yes. and what is homeless is taught both in gaza. born in the con eunice refugee camp. he has been with the militant group since it's beginnings in the late 19 eighties around the time that the 1st intifada, or palestinian uprising against is riley occupation. back then he li, the security network which tracks down palestinians accused of collaboration with
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israel. and while was jailed by his rail in 1988 for planning the abduction in mood or of to his riley soldiers and the mood of for palestinians was locked up for 23 years. eventually released in 2011. he was one of mold in 1000 palestinian prison is exchanged for one is right, and the soldier as having served as a commander of how much does military wing send. one was elected as the groups gauze, alida in 2017. he issued this threats while speaking to crowd some jobs in december 2022. we will come to you god willing in a roaring slot. we will come to you with an endless number of rockets. we will come to you in
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a flood of soldiers without limit. we will come to you with millions of foundation tied after tied israel accuse this. and while it was being the chief plan or of the october 7th terror attacks, which killed $1200.00 people and took more than $250.00 of its hostage in gaza. i mean, the one who decided on this despicable attack was yes, i'll send while the silver and of the gaza strip. the apple hidden and the whole system under him are as good as dead. we will attack them, we will dismantle them. we will dismantle the system. if i take with them your father, get them out of your set. your line is riley forces, have hunted him relentlessly. targeting jobs is underground tunnel network where he is believed to be hiding from israel attacks, which have killed tens of thousands of palestinians.
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matthew levis is director of the counterterrorism program at the washington institute for near east policy. he's written several books about how my son has blah, i asked him why israel hasn't been able to capture your same while in gaza when there's apparently had no problem taking out is male hire. in a highly secured building into ron, a hissing wire is now hiding in tunnels for 10 months, as really is claimed and least 3 instances. they nearly caught him and released the video of the room and when she was hiding in his tunnels, the space in which she was hiding money, etc. but there are hundreds of kilometers of tunnels and gaza. they're interconnected, like spiderwebs, and it's very, very difficult to penetrate them with the kind of these dropping material that might lead to eyes capture, especially when he is likely being very, very careful about the use of cell phones and the like. so how,
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how is the king of israel, jaime affected ya? ya soon was a role in palm, us not very much at all. you get assume or is the overall how mass leader of the guy is a strip he has been and continues to be the only person whose opinion matters on things like a cease fire and release to hostages in return for our house, the new prisoners, etc. is smell honey, is the over all of us a leader until he was killed. but that was really more technical than reality. nia, and since you are had a significant amount of tension between them. and you know, with the overall head on us, located in regards to the strip as tomorrow was actually they had it on us. and the guys a strip that much attention and ultimately on the left guys. and that's why we found him splitting his time between cut our entire deep. he was very close to, to run. which puts
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a lot on in this position. not only because i'm come from position, i don't because i knew it was killed into her on as he was there for the evaluation of the new president in an i r g c safehouse. but because within 2 days it run last key, enter a lot goods one from one us and one from has the 4 key interlocutors width or wrong . and that in and of itself, and a significant message, a 100 striking that the sigma was born in the han, eunice refugee count. we tend to think of refugee camps as temporary stretches constructive during crises and been dismantled when they no longer lead in needed. but the con eunice comp has been there for decades, but it will be hard to design a more perfect breeding ground, to encourage generations of people to how the resentment towards israel is to the refugee camps. and the guys should've been there for a very long time. part of that is because the house then, you know, organizations have refused to relocate palestinians into permanent housing before
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there was a final resolution to this really policy and in conflict, there was this tension between creating a better situation for your own people on the ground. at losing the leverage of the idea of refugees in the overall effort between israel and the palestinians. now the vast majority of people living his camps are not actually radicalized. the violence which suggests that as bad as the situation is, these are not the worst kind of places for radicalized people. very small numbers actually ended up radicalize in time. us, in fact, of hold our think tank, talk in july before the october 7th. the tax demonstrated the over 70 percent of gardens were fed up with all of us. one of the last is armed and did not support as targeting as ro. we've seen, as you said, a number of hezbollah on to um, how much the officials targeted and an dispatched in the last couple of weeks. is
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it as simple as saying that the war in gaza would? and if is right, is we're able to catch same law. i don't think it's quite that simple. um the people who would succeed him in particular, his brother would still have to make the decision to release hostages and agreed to pay a ceasefire or a pause. i do think that removing yes, yes, similar from the equation would go a long way towards making that possible because he's very, very widely seen as the hardest line person in this entire calculation. so when you take out someone like a 100 yards into her on or to happen a, some warren and guys that's, that's going to make some within the last quarter line, at least in the moment. but there's enough of momentum. there are enough reasons
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why a mazda itself will want a ceasefire, so that, that was completely torpedo the negotiation. right. and i don't think the assassination of any of will for be the new washington's assignment for that to them. very interesting about the 11th. thank you. from the washington institute for the of these policy. so that's why your tell you why prime minister as a keeps dom a has held an emergency security meeting to discuss a weekend of violence in towns and cities across the country. after the meeting with ministers on police change, the prime minister promised swift criminal functions but arises more than 370 people have been arrested in connection with the unrest which followed. last week's fatal stopping of 3 young girls in the town of south for for this police are overwhelmed by a mob on the attack. in the town of raw the room, their target a hotel housing asylum seekers. their message was clear,
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the anti migrant riots have turned towns across england. the northern ireland into battles protests over the tragic murder of 3 girls last week were whipped into a weekend of violence like far right nationalist groups. brittany's prime minister said there was no excuse for racist attacks. i actually conducted the fall. right. so great. we've said this, we've had, we've seen bushland communities taught, attached all of the minority communities single that no, she salutes in the street to those who feel targeted. because of the color of your skin, or you'll fight like know how prime this phosphate i was here today. so this father to do not represent the country,
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we will bring them to justice. counter protests attempted to send a message of supports to those threatened for the communities whose cars have been burned in shop windows smashed. there are concerns that the violence cannot be contained. for the 1st time in my life, i am looking at the option of moving away from me for the 1st time and i'm not scared for myself, but i have young children. i'm worried about. it's the optimism for this. we're all going to pay a price. the citizens have stepped in to clean up the damage. but some fear britton's anti migrant sentiment can not be so easily swept away a stop markets around the world. the tumble this tasks of new training week over
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fee is of an economic slowdown in the united states, the world's largest economy. stocks in tech, oil, gas, retail, automotive and banking come old be affected. but with the u. s. federal reserve denying that there are signs of a recession. why has it been such a massive set off? investors here in frankfort are concerned that the us economy could be headed for recession. as the jobs report showed hiring and the world's largest economy flowed much more than expected. traders are also worried about rising tensions in the middle east with israel bracing for a possible or rainy and attack. bad news from japan stoked up the sell off. this is out, one of the main reasons is that in japan right now, that has been considerable distortions concerning the in the in is a lot stronger than the us dollar. and for next, 4th nation such as japan, that is obviously a problem. so spot, the main reason why the n a so strong as
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a clear expectation from the u. s. federal reserve to low interest rates more than previously anticipated. that led to clear shift switch right into connected. and now the issue has arrived in europe, you know, in tokyo, the nick a injects loss 12.4 percent. it was the worst trading day since 1987 as a strong. yeah. and also heard corporate profit. some say this is the end of the year as long rowdy, which took the nick a to new heights above $42000.00 points. that's a high gave you that in the background. up until now, there was a build up of japanese stocks, positions, especially for shore to rise and investors. but i'm afraid that all at once unwind it, but i know that you know for sure. the last is that the stock exchanges are sharp reversal in the world's major markets, which for much of the past year have risen to new heights. propelled by optimism about cooling, inflation, solid labor markets,
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and the promise of artificial intelligence technology. one of the most highly anticipated events of the power of someone picks a mens 100 meters. sprint has lived up to the hype, inspect, killer fashion and well, many a considering the most remarkable rice of old time until the big screen display, the official results. nobody knew that americans know lyles and one gold east not to victory by 5000 of a 2nd from jamaica's. ca, shane thompson, thanks to a tool. so did the light. it was the 1st time the 8 men finished in on the 10 seconds. and then when legal rice making the fastest a whole time, the new kinds yet us lava, the whole chick secuity countries. first, individual gold at paris, the high jump a cleared to me just in front of an adoring crowd at the start, the phones who check flight, how it would be proactive versus invasion of you training 2022 but kept to
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a competitive career going. she claimed her and then pick gold a weeks after breaking the world's record, that it's done since 1987, the lady of 2 meters, 10 centimeters, a teammate. in that i get a sion code to problems and the pat joked around the stadium drapes in ukraine. afterwards, get us off of my who jake spoke about the impact of ukraine's war with russia on ukrainian athletes. it's not possible to focus on the track really to heart. i jump because our families seem ukraine and we have friends who fight in full country and i cannot go to about this really. i remember always and you know, we fight and really for that to represent a country and show people to be a strong. and we will fight to our independence country. and germany has won the
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class long, mixed relay in a thrilling finish of day after training sessions in the same have to be cancelled because of high bacteria and levels. and on the day of the event they send was declared safe enough to swim in. the podium order came down to a 3 way sprint finished with germany, edging out in the united states and britain, a goal. because it was rebecca and dr. day a dazzled in the full exercise that finals in power is not really beating sumunah simona biles for the gold medal and draw that who pushed bios the throughout the games is the 1st gymnast to beats are in a flow final in a major international competition. us and reminded that top story of this, our protest is in bonds with ashes of stone. 5 minutes official residence to shake, see the resigned and flagged country the punch. it follows weeks of violence and the rest seem to slip to india by having come through with the assistance i was
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expected to assume to for the play a full month spend off will have more. well, these are the top all feet out with the
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they are breaking out the big guns to fight these tiny creatures in paris and beyond. the bed bugs are taking over. our bedroom. researchers are volunteering to be nibbled on offending bugs in the mail and energizing pest control the bed. bugs hunters snows off next on d w. the well has dried family who's saying in iraq lives with climate change. what little boys do they have
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a male supposed to have the drugs so that they are not full so bu us been 16 minutes on dw the on the long voyage through the ocean. another how back we with the account. and for a long time, they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have to come there, protect the
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ocean, comes today's september the it's hard to believe just how much the stuff well, to needs to hunt down a tiny pest. we've been funds from the account. the phone is on the rad encasing bed bugs is the champions league of pest control mit there among the northeast and most dangerous animals out there thing. and you have to think like a bed bug this way, would you find a way to they move where the eggs? it's one of the toughest jobs in pest control and that this really likes the industry things for california. the.


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