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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  August 5, 2024 9:02pm-9:30pm CEST

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to run the country and show local. den, delta god willing, whatever device do you have, we will fulfill them. we don't and we will bring the ship, piece it back to the new york, defying a nation wide military curve. few 1000 storm shed casinos, official residents after her departure the day after deadly clashes killed over 90 people. standing in the official residence, we probably declare the whole. christie has come to an end. you will check how see now what the longest serving prime minister bundling dash critics accuse her government of misusing state institutions and using dudley violence against opposition activist to stay in power which the government has denied. the protesters also lashed out at a statute, fussiness father,
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monte block mine who led bangladesh to independence and was assassinated in the military who won his political party. while me league has benefited for decades from quotas, reserved a share of government jobs to freedom fighters who fought for independence and their families. the reintroduction of photos that have since been stressed again is what initially sparked the least student led protests and which shared custody not gone. demonstrators hope to see a new era with lasting reforms. the time change was, you know, with this, with them and through the statements here, through the, to the, the side, the really, the, the military is promise to launch an investigation into the deadly crack down on
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protest. i will join now by prompting you to post. you, she's a student activist and she joins me from dock. uh, it's good to have you with this tonight. i understand you were out there on the street with the other students. you've been protesting, but what you saw were abuses of power by the prime minister of the prime ministers . government. um, are you satisfied with what happened today? i'm. i'm definitely glad that the dictators finally has been down the army has taken over. but the 10 years, if you say 5 satisfied on last i believe as validation. people like dentist bundle of this. uh, this is more very much most have done yet. our country has dest, uh, uh, we'd, i would say i was from a dictator from his taxes for the, and there is so much more damage to reform, our whole country. and other things that they want to shed light by students show
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that is right now when i'm talking live on the senate, may need my know reduce the we need use, my ne, the him do might not do you see as being attacked by others. then as i have already towards that i'm yes, so you can over that you now we have seen the dime use it. that's enough to protect the religious minorities. so i'm pretty, i'm glad that i talked to have, has stepped down, but as well as i'm very much concerned for the religious minorities that were being ethics right now. property, do you trust the, the army to be a benevolent military, caretaker as an interim government is, is form to me. do you believe the general when he says i am on your side, your will will be carried out as i see there's no by now. yeah. so that i believe him or i don't, but we have, you know, you said that the producers that organized or something,
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we may have clearly stated that we don't want any of my shallow. we don't want any regional part of me anymore because the people have been with us has been, am i should receive and that's pretty as well as soon as you are going to. so now we want to pro quite a new job in game government and our student leaders. and then for the new jersey, i've already said that we do the best phone with out to us. so i clicked on the formulate that you gave me, but i don't have that in didn't, but much would be from our university teachers network. they have also given a farm it up. so we really bad to have all that. i mean, we can finally be able to do the form that involvement will be, be profile new trust and will, will give us a re election of why are we we the people, the volunteers at will be finally able to express our democratic rights. you're putting a lot of face in the hands of the military opposition political parties, a, it's a leap of faith considering what has happened in the last month where,
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where you're getting this optimism from as i'm putting the largest 3 in the people of bollocks, i'm putting a lot of faith in the students' obama. they seem to pedestrian. a lot of this because you have the experience again, you thought pollution part the i believe the pollution party have much more to do in this or in time. well man, but dispute to do that. so we're going to use that to use the situation to get or some in my i have started to deal with that the minorities are being attacked if they're not protected by the by tomorrow morning. or my models will be doing in the goals will be again for testing, and we will continue our spice because that'd be pull up by monday. we don't know how to do it. we, we continue our 1st hour. we can get just finally a demo print to get profile function on the demo budget present being. what about what about, say, cassini. she fled the country earlier today, and she did serve on
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a military aircraft. so the military helped her leave the country. it is that the right decision in your opinion or should the military have helped her? there may be, you know, be held accountable to stand trial for the accusations that you've been make. the farmer brought me to start off, father's c custody now. who has lives in her hand out last lot of our brothers, this is there's a program military would have to turn it down to books who transfer richard. i've tried to take liability off our own actions. what does that seem that that means that you have your chart and let him sleep for the country. you will. this is why i say that there is a binary asset that i be that bounce young on, not the situation. we'll say that people are behind this short for us. that means that you are not here. now we have the thing that we can refund this, but we can probably watch that that's about as you hear me clearly here to see the dunphy. but you have the country doing a boulevard with us. you look under delta care boss who did you provide the dates
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of right to express the grace or the format in flash, shared independent, entered in government by our student leaders by the uh, by the people of the country. we will start through this thing again. okay. student property to folks you joining us tonight from doc a. we appreciate you sharing your account of today's what has that. we have to say it was a historic day for bangladesh. thank you. thank you so much running back where is the quick like me on some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. australia is government has raised is terror threat level for impossible to probable. and it says the change is due to an increase in extreme, his views and community to engines over the israel. i'm off work of the prime minister says, well, officials think the current climate makes terrorism an increased risk. they do not know of any specific threats. the united nations is fired 9 staff members following
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an internal investigation into an allegations they were involved in the october 7th, a moss attacks on israel. the problem was launched after israel accused staff at own run. that's the humans agency for palestinians of taking part in the rate of the 19 people investigated. the un says 9 may have been involved swell international diplomats are scrambling to prevent a regional war from a rough thing in the middle east. this as iran on monday said it would not compromise on his plan to retaliate against israel for last week's deadly attack against him. also leader is my own honey. you're into wrong. meantime, israel is mobilizing the counter. the threats from t, ron is really defense minister kalonde says he's ordered air force commanders to prepare for quote, anything including a swift transition to a fence is real, has not confirmed, has not denied that it was behind. i mean use killing as israel braces for possible retaliation from iran and hezbollah. the families of the
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$115.00 remaining hostages in gauze of fear that the escalation will make a ceasefire. deal even more elusive indirect negotiations between our mazda and israel. have so far been unsuccessful, and the threat of a winder conflict in the region appears to only be growing by the day. it is not easy for donny, i got to walk here and tell of east hostage square. for 10 months he has been complaining for the release of his brother, its sake was kidnapped by him. us some keep boots near old on october 7. but now as a crisis unfolds with yvonne and has for law a ceasefire and hostage, do you see more elusive than ever there for them? it's only focus solely. i think these people to serve to die. we need to eliminate them. of the question is when the, whether they're more important to him in the lives of the hostages names. so that's
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the question of the targeted killings of how much data is made here in town and for to create a senior his full us to go and be route as well as know price for retardation and possible escalation 115 hostages, a stupid days to be held in garza some of whom i no longer live people here in tel aviv extremely worried about the fate of the hostage is still being held in garza fearing and allowed more risk. yvonne and his beloved people here a more on edge than ever, life goes on as usual here at least for now. but this threat of an imminent escalation is on everyone's mind. now it's not the, it's very worrying things around clear. there is a lack of information as we don't know what is going to happen. we are terribly worried about to a people over the hold on. there is no one who is leading us responsibly. it's
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a difficult feeling. it's no easy to be a citizen in this world today. okay. leo thing as well. nothing much for me it was already scary after the 7th of october. uh and uh, i was really scared because there wasn't like sure what's going to be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. but eventually like um i'm sure that everything is going to be okay. no matter what and trying to stay calm. yeah, but it's a bit scary cuz you don't know what to expect. denny, i got is critical of nathan. yeah. who's strategy of maximum military pressure and things. he's motivated by his desire to stay empower women with up to the we see the condition the status in today. the country's condition is much worse than on october 7th. while the works of the regional war live away in the face of growing uncertainty, the hostages families are waiting anxiously for the last ones to come home. as the
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country pass for what comes next. was an idea that you came from the district. your storm are, it says that he is deploying quote, a standing army of police officers to tackle violent anti immigrant riots that took place in part of the u. k. storm or made the comments after an emergency security meeting with ministers and police chiefs where the 370 people have been arrested in connection with the unrest which followed. last week's fatal stabbings of 3 young girls in the town of south port as the often mazda of attacks by fall right groups on this hotel enrolled the room targeting the assign and see cause, living here some demonstrate to say the violence escalate to the beyond. the expectations i arrive just say about 1 o'clock to a peaceful protest. i didn't want any violence to offend a, so a police officer not to contest. and it did shop cuz we were
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a little bit scared to stop. but i understand why people have been upset and then the retaliation from it. simon, the unrest is erupt. it in several towns and cities across parts of the you can use in days it was initially spoke with the killing of 3 young goals and adults close in the town to sell support report spread on social media. falsely claims the perpetrator was an asylum seeker would have recently had arrived in new york. okay. all right, so often being met by come to protest. prime minister to a stomach has denounced the disorder. what a body of power motivation. this is not a protest. it is pure bottoms. we will not tolerate the tax on marks where i misled and communities. so the full force of the law will be visited on all those
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for identified as having taken part in these activities. but condemnation, by the government is not dissolved or fee, is these members of london's muslim communities say they no longer feel safe? i feel very stress. i'm very, this is very distressing. a moment and on life, when they've, i've seen this kind of uh, fluoride activity. i guess the entity and image and so we're, we're leaving to out and i think city this could be anything. what would happen to us? well, i feel fraction skid to come out of my house because a, the most of them people will not terrace. that's how i feel like i feel like we're being threatened and it's not safe stuff. some countries including indonesia and nigeria have worn to the citizens living in or visiting the u. k. to stay vigilant and avoid the phone right demonstrations. but i want to bring in now it hutchins, he's you k research manager, but the think tank more in common. he joins us tonight from london and it's good to
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have you with this. i understand you have been looking into the riots that are taking place across britain. what we're seeing right now is this representative of the mood in the country towards refugees and immigration. well, there's a number of ways you can look at this and lots of people have suggested to the right. so representative of so the broad, the ordinary british opinion that sort of immigration is too high and we need to take and fewer refugees. and it is true, but if you look at the public opinion, it is sort of a mainstream majority view. now the integration levels in the u. k. a too high, but it's almost the wrong time to be having that conversation. we've had lots of conversations in the tab integration for the last 2 years. this is kind of almost all the politicians have talked about. the majority of people who are concerned about integration in one direction to come down and not taking parts of these riots and the side. they have strong concern for lowering the they don't support violent protest, tomato and supports of intimidating ethnic minority. so, well that is true, but more broadly in the u. k. there is i that was
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a concern about immigration right now. these, these are not really being represented, and those people are not being represented by these violent riotous. so are people worried that immigration is not being taken seriously enough and we will be referred politicians talking about that maybe you remember breaks it, are people you know feeling that they're just there issues are falling on deaf ears or yeah, there's a huge just illusion. the politics across the country and there's not just emigration. is the health service people say they call and i don't to, the appointment is the cost of living. keep say the energy bills are going going up . it's housing. people say they come to the house was huge. amounts decisions and if i recall people i, 3 courses of people say if the system is ranked against them. but the truth is, the majority, these people, again dissolution of the politics. but the majority of you in the u. k, these writers are not the majority and i see the majority of people. one of these rights has been presented. they, they won't talk sentences on people who break the law to present point and things like this. it, let me ask you, how confident are you in,
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in the truthfulness of answers when, when you pull people in the u. k. i mean, how convinced are you that people are telling you the truth? but luckily enough, we've just had a general election to test our polling that was some original upholding knows more hours and that happened in the past. but generally the, the post is got it right and we're able to predict your actual results. so we can be fairly certain that people are more or less telling the truth, obviously on some issues, it's hard to, to reach very extreme groups of people in line service, very french group of people who are protesting. again, as i said, might represent one percent of the country, but i'm not going to come up in 10 percent of the country and opinion pose about for the opposing industry in the case is pretty transparent and pretty accurate. i mean i, i asked that because, um, i was reading about it today of about a report that came out the 10 years ago that was issued on the systematic 6 abusing grooming of children by pakistani british min authorities. they knew the abuses taking place, and they say that they turned
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a blind eye for fear of being branded races. so considering what's happening right now, how can we know that people are being honest with posters when they're asked about their feelings about foreigners, others and seat of a? yeah, i have a situation in rome running around the area with the agreement gardens. this is a really tough one, then we sold those images on the, on, on the screen now of the probably just outside of the saw them had a title that when we speak to vote to them over, i mean, we do posing across the country. but we also do focus groups, so we've been in focus groups around the country for the last week speaking to voters. and we tried to get people with which we know have similar views so they can be more or less than. i'm always surprised by how wellness, but really also sharing the unvarnished truth. but when you speech papers and rubber and they tell you that, that report above agreement, gangs, scads about the green and games. it's sort of a completely a road in some communities or trusting the police that but at the same time they feel unsafe in other ways and they feel like the high street, for example,
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the police, something about the job, them keeping crime away. some of these people were approved by the, the, the history of the agreement time down the page of agreement time definitely made it easier to have with opposite of this far i empty and my grandson to that. and so the majority of people involved around the main concern will be safe to illustrate . sense of having fun times of people walking around isn't going to help, but it hudson from the thing, take more in common ed. good talking really fascinating to go through the figures in the statistics about what people think and believe. thank you. thank you. well, stock markets around the world tumbled at the start of the new training week over fears of an economic slowdown in the united states. the world's largest economy. stocks in tech, oil, gas, retail, automotive, and banking sectors. they've all been effected. the u. s. federal reserve has denied that there are signs of a recession. so why has there been such a massive sell? investors here in frankfort are concerned that the us economy could be headed for
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recession. as the jobs report showed, hiring and the world's largest economy slowed, much more than expected. traders are also worried about rising tensions in the middle east. with israel bracing for a possible rainy and attack. bad news from japan, stoked up the sell off i. i knew that was one of the main reasons, is that in japan right now, that has been considerable distortions concerning the in the in is a lot stronger than the us dollars for next 4th nation such as japan. that is obviously a problem. so spot, the main reason why the in a so strong as a clear expectation from the u. s. federal reserves to low interest rates more than previously anticipated that led to clear shift switch into connected. and now the issue has arrived in europe, you know, in tokyo, the k index loss 12.4 percent. it was the worst trading day since 1987 as
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a strong and also heard corporate profit. some say this is the end of the year as long rowdy, which took the nick a to new heights of, of $42000.00 points. that's a high g that in the background. up until now, there was a build up of japanese stocks, positions, especially for charlotte to rise and investors. but i'm afraid that all at once unwind that i should know until scratching up with sure. the loss is that the stock exchanges are a sharp reversal in the world's major markets, which for much of the past year have risen to new heights, propelled by optimism about cooling, inflation, solid labor markets, and the promise of artificial intelligence technology. and this will be olympics now. ukraine's youngest lava, who chic, secure to her country's 1st individual gold. the paras olympics, the high jump are clear to 2 meters in front of the door and crowd. at the start
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defaults, mochi fled her home into new pro after rushes invasion ukraine some 2 years ago, but she kept her competitive career going. she claimed her olympic gold weeks after breaking the world record that had stood since 1987 with a leap of 2 meters, 10 centimeters. now, her teammate, a rena gather, shouldn't go to bronze and look at them. the pair jogged around the stadium, draped in ukrainian glass for the new eliles, the fastest man in the world talked about the agonizing seconds before he was declared. the winner ahead shane johnson came up. we were waiting for the names of pop up and i'll be honest. i came over, i was like, i think you got that one because i, you know, he was out there only for and i was in the land 7. i couldn't really see what was going on over there, so i decided to keep, you know, running like i was going to went in, you know, something said i need to lean and i was like, i'm a lien because you know, is that type of race?
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germany is one of the trap, one mixed relay in a thrilling finish. a day after training sessions in the sand had to be cancelled because of high bacteria levels. but on the day of the event, the rivers in was declared safe enough to swim in. the podium order came down to a 3 way sprint finish with germany, edging out the united states and britain for go. now brazil is rebecca andre, dazzled in the for exercise finals and pear is naturally beating simone vials for the gold medal under audio is pushed or has pushed biles. throughout the games is the 1st gymnast to beat biles in a floor final, in a major international competition. or, or here's a reminder now the top stores were following this, our bangladesh is a military chief general. and the bucket was zombies says that he will form an injury on the government with the country's opposition political parties following
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the resignation of prime minister shakes. i've seen it, he says he wants to bring peace to the south. asian nation dw has learned that jacob senior has arrived in india after fleeing bangladesh earlier today. as all his reports, that dilly had offered her safe passage out of the country. protesters have stormed the prime ministers, official residence in the capital doc of and we're seeing celebrating and sharing in footage and it's broadcast on bangladesh. the television, these events followed weeks of unrest in which hundreds have been killed. you're watching the dw news of next is global osh. i will be back at the top of the hour with mobile news followed by the date. i hope to see you then the,
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the, the,
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the well has dried family who's saying in iraq lives with climate change a little bit in terms of the drought. so that they are not forced to leave sober us next on d. w who are spanish for so even though it was the whole thing again in protecting goodness, i think is
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a chef by one in 2 days. so that's how many days. now how long is its own in the deep keyboard and into one item, the option to send this over to w into l is on d, w. the is increasing and recent mini fucking online services, the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost wise. at the cost every year, you're exposed to over $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way officer ruled the environment is not resign. kimball
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the make up your own mind dw, made for mines. the young women in japan breathing new life into an old tradition the any rock we looked at, the impacts of climate change on health. the and we ask, why are we so hooked on, let's see. and then 3, the .


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