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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST

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in the clouds as time. and then when generation nash dw documentary the the optics are nothing short of stunning in the bank of with actually capital dock a crowd vandalizing. the statute shake, rama the man who led the country's fight to independence from pakistan on a national hero and finally known as bunker bonded once revere and respect is now reviled and repudiated. and it has everything to do not with him. but with his daughter. shake hunter was in her 5th term is bangladesh as a prime minister until today, when she resigned and then fled the country to night, the people of bangladesh find themselves in an all too familiar place. can they trust the military?
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i bring golf and berlin. this is the day i or the everyone is happy with the and the i am taking responsibility for your life and property and giving you my word that you will not be disappointed the time promising that we will bring justice for all the killings and the injustice bed has happened have faith in the army, and the armed forces also coming up at riots on the streets of the
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united kingdom, the british prime minister promised is a hard line on those involved in the unrest. what a by the a power motivation. this is not a protest, it is pure violence. we will not tolerate the tax on marks or obviously in communities. so the full force of the law will be visited on all those for identified as having taken part in these activities. for to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin today with a prime minister, ousted from power in the army general, who has stepped into the void saying he will not linger on monday, bangladesh. he's long time prime minister shake. i've seen a report of the received an ultimatum from the army to step down less than an hour later she had resigned and was on a military plane out of the country. the armies top general spoke to the country,
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moments later to confirm the prime ministers resignation. at the same time, issuing to request to the people stop the violence and trust the military to put an interim government in place. a general in control promising to restore democracy and the will of the people. thank with that she has a history of military lead cruz, but that is not what appeared to be happening today. many of bangladesh and say gross abuse has a power shattered their faith in prime minister shakes. i've seen a she was forced out when the army refused to put her leadership on life support. can the people trust the army now to reset a democracy? we have this report. after months of protests and hundreds of people killed, sanklo dashes, anti government protesters got what they wanted. prime minister shed casino has stepped down to the owner of the prime minister,
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has resigned from that post. and we will form an interim government to run the country. in charlotte, then god willing whatever demand you have, we will fulfill them. and we will bring the ship piece back to the new york defying a nationwide military curfew. 1000 storm shared custody and those official residents after her departure the day after deadly clashes killed over 90 people. standing in the official residence, we probably declare the whole. christie has come to an end. you should see now what the longest serving prime minister bangladesh. critics accused her government of misusing state institutions and using dudley violence against opposition active as to stay in power which the government has denied. protesters also lashed out at
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a statute, fussiness father, monte rough mine who led bangladesh to independence and was assassinated in the military. who won his political party, don't want me leak has benefited for decades from quotas reserved a share of government jobs to freedom fighters who fought for independence and their families. the reintroduction of photos that have since been scratched again is what initially sparked the least student led protest and which shared custody not gone. demonstrators hope to see a new era with lasting reforms. the tight interest, the and to the state that she has created to the we need to go, we need the the military is promise to launch an investigation into the deadly
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track down on protest. well, i'm joined now by michael coleman. the head of the south asia instituted the wilson center in washington dc. mister oklahoma and it's good to have you with this. you know, we, we've heard from some people in bangladesh that to them their, their trust in the military in the army is, you know, me make at best. i can the people have faith in the army general in the army when they are set, when they're told that we want to follow and carry out your will. are yes, a great question. i don't think they have a choice, but to trust in the military, in this immediate period just because you know, the, do you want me leave? what had been the ruling party has been disgraced and it's out of the picture. and the other major political party, the b n, t has been very weak and is very divided,
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it's top leader has major health issues, other leaders of the opposition, other top leaders, many of them are abroad. and so, you know there's, there's not much else. and i think that given that the unrest has not been rained and given that you continue to have cases of violence playing out across bangladesh . i think that, you know, the army is really seen is, is the one entity that has to somehow manage and try to ease that the, that violence. but indeed, i think that the many and on the dash would much prefer that the army continued to do it is largely done for the last 15 years. and that is stay, you know, stay in the barracks, not play a role in politics, but it appears quite clear that when it comes to trying to establish the interim government, which won't be easy. yeah, the military will, will have to oversee that just because there's no other logical, logical actor that could do so. but the, the correct now that we saw in the last few weeks of protestors that meet the deadly clashes with police. a was the military,
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not part of that security app around is that was used against protesters the yes. so the military did not play a prominent role in the crack down in the sense that it was other entities, the police for sure, as well as um, start this elements of the one, the league, particularly the, the student wing of the one the league. they were doing much of the dirty work at the crack down. you did have some border troops that have been re deployed away from the border, which is dangerous, given, have all. that's how the bangladesh me and more border is now. but still on the whole, you really did not have the, the, the military included in the army playing a prominent role. and indeed, there had been some indications that there were some on the use in the part of some elements of the military about playing that type of role. and, you know, just over the weekend, very, very, uh, you know, significantly you had a statement issue by several formal army chiefs and other top rather rubber tires,
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senior military officials indicating that the military should not be involved in this type of thing. describe what the government and the time was doing as a disgraceful campaign. so i think that the army is a bit uncomfortable about the idea of being in the middle of all the, the army. they became a participant in this today by giving the the ultimatum to the prime minister. and then facilitating according to the reports, the prime ministers exit from the country. and she left the country in a military aircraft, so their credibility or their culpability. it can not be disputed, right? yeah, i mean, that's absolutely. and you know, many, many observers were surprised to shake a scene resigned as quickly as she did. and clearly someone had to a sent a message to her that essentially was increasingly on stay for her to stay in the
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country was increasingly dangerous for her to stay in power. and i imagined that message had to come at some point from someone within the military, perhaps even the army chief himself. but yes, the army absolutely is not seen as an angel by uh, by many and in bangladesh. just because it wasn't involved in the crack down the for sure. and um, you know, the close relations that the army has had with shaken, seen at her party, for the duration of her 15 consecutive years in power. that doesn't help the armies cause now either given that shake of scene has become radioactive, in the sense that she's so many of turned against her in bangladesh. well, india obviously hasn't turned against her. that is where she can seem to fled to it today. so do we know why and how significant is india's influence in bangladesh? i mean, it's natural that she wants it to india. i mean, india is, has probably been the bangladesh is most important partner. and certainly the
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closest friend of a scene is seen as however, it has a very close personal relationship with india's leader in their rent drug, their end remotely. but um, as i understand, she's not gonna stay in india. she will stay for some time. but i believe that her plans are to go to the u. k. where she has that, where she has family look, you know, india has really been impacted in a big way by this crisis. and by her us her by her stepping down. just because india has long viewed any political alternatives to i've seen a as very detrimental if not outright dangerous for it's interest. it views the, the b and p and its allies as essentially dangerous as long as the factions. so, you know, i think that india is going to have a tough, tough road ahead. and i would think that it's, it's been in touch with, with the army in bangladesh to convey its concerns and to try to convey its, its own interest to ensure that whatever interim government emerges will reflect
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india's own hopes and, and an interest for, for bangladesh. but yeah, i think that perhaps no other country has been impacted as do it seriously as india by this dramatic change of events in bangladesh. miko who common with the wilson centers of south asia institute, mr. program, and we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. as the police in britain say they have arrested almost 400 people in connection with days of unrest in the migraines. and that you case most one community, the killing of 3 girls at a dance class in the city of south fort by a 17 year old man. sparks the vines, the trouble erupt. and soon after the killings and british police say online, this information played a part in fueling the riots. britton's prime minister here storm, or has promised to bring the full force of the law to bear on people who took part in what she called an active far right sucker. the often mazda of
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attacks by fall right groups on this hotel enrolled the room targeting the sign and see, cuz living here, some demonstrate to say the violence escalate to be on the expectations are you arrive. just say about 1 o'clock to a peaceful protest. i didn't want any violence to finish, so a police officer not conscious. and it did show up cuz we were a little bit scared to stop, but i understand why people have been upset and, and the retaliation from it. simon, the unrest is erupt. it in several towns and cities across part to be you came you some days it was initially spoke with the killing of 3 young goals and adults close in the town. the sound sport report spread on social media full suite claims. the perpetrator was an asylum seeker with recent need arrived to new york. okay. all right,
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so us and being met by come to protest. prime minister to a stomach has denounced the disorder. what a by the power of motivation. this is not a protest. it is pure bottoms. we will not tolerate attacks or marks or are misleading communities. so the full force of the law will be visited on all those for identified as having taken part in these activities. but condemnation, by the government is not dissolved or fee, is these members of london's muslim communities say they no longer feel safe? i feel for the stress and very it's very distressing a moment in our life. when they've, i've seen this kind of uh, fluoride activity. i guess that and to and to move in. so we're, we're leaving few out and i think city this could be anything were to happen to us . well, i feel fraction skid to come off my house because i the muslim
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people were lot terrace. that's how i feel like i feel like we're being threatened and it's not safe. some countries including indonesia and nigeria have warned the citizens living in or visiting the u. k. to stay vigilant and avoid the phone right demonstrations. right show chosen till she is standing by and loaded on the story for charlotte. we know that police in the u. k. traditionally did not carry fire arms, but this proposal from the prime minister to have a standing army of police to deal with the variety. is that going to be the exception to the rule? yeah, we've heard today that this standing army will be deployed. what does that mean exactly? well, essentially, they will be specially trained police offices who will be assisting local forces website and violence is found to be breaking out. now, it tells you
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a question. the prime minister has said very clearly he dismissed calls for the army to be brought in. so you are going to see that sources escalation. these will be just specially trained police officers, but it really does reflect how strongly the government is and how quickly the government is trying to crack down on these riot. they've been a number of announcements, including about the justice system. really trying to warn anyone who might be considering taking part, going full with that they will be met with the full force of the know they will be processed through the justice system quickly is that government is said that they're all present places available. the justice system in here is very stretched, they stressed those who are taking costs and this kind of activity will. so the full force of little know we, we've had the countries today, the parts of the world issue, we warnings to their citizens who are traveling to the u. k, including nigerian indonesia just how dangerous are the streets of britain to now
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as well that is taking part in this off suddenly in absolute minority. nevertheless, this violence has spread to towns and cities across the u. k. across the england and moving a line. and so there is a considerable concern as you had in the report that you just played among the members of the most and community. clearly we know that the targets of this violence has been, for example, most we know hotels, housing aside and see kids as well. and that is causing a lot of concern, but as i say, the government has responded by saying that it was intended to prep down the list very quickly and very family. some of the people in the protest and say that this stems from legitimate grievances about immigration is then you can government, is it listening to that point of view?
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the case on the head of the prime minister has dismissed that out. right? as have many others, as a kid on that has said that this is not protest, this is a binding cell gallery putting the responsibility very clearly with fall, right. agitates as many of said that this is not the moment to be talking about any concerns about immigration, of which there are some, it has been a tough conversation here, particularly in last month election. but this, what is going on here is vine and criminal activity. and not really is the face of the government at the moment, so it doesn't feel for us in london to charlotte as always. thank you. i'm doing now by him run off and he's the chief executive of the center for countering digital hate. he's an authority on extreme as of this information and conspiracy theories, mr. osman is good to have you with this. and can you explain to us how online this
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information played a role in the riots of the past week in the you k as well. and we meet immediate altima off of the terrible attack in south hold. but we saw was people rushing not to try and work out the truth not to come together and say, how terrible this was, but to deliberately spread live use in order to target particular communities. we seem to stop them doing all of to every atrocity or try to me these days. the people are immediately rushing out to blame me on. ready choose all l t t q bus people. ready or in this instance, margaret must lives in particular. and so we saw not only a rush of people seeking to what the noise this moment, but more crucially when people went to those platforms to try and work out what else is going on is i, you know, it's a normal thing that we do these things when something terrible happens, we go to social media,
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social media algorithms was selecting this information and making sure they were at the top of feeds. why? because they weren't count as how back is that this information gets disproportionate engagement and that's totally fine. keeps people on these platforms on keeping that, looking for the truth, something that on social media, you're very unlikely to find you say um you do after the killings of the girls, they rush to spread. this just information. do we know where they are? are we talking about people or groups in the u. k, or where their foreign state actors, who maybe are playing a role in this, of the size in the countries like russia and china. russia in particular, were rushing in to fill the vacuum of information when we're trying to work out what happened when the police was still dealing with grievously
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from the children. in those moments we saw saw sounds things trying to what caused the moment. but we also saw a domestic bite actors. we saw people that are well known as far right lies the kinds of people that will target any community if they have a chance. white supremacist the migration to best. and we saw them rushing in with the allies as usual, saying it was a muslim, and then they said a nation needed. and most of the asylum seeker saw those people. and of course, x is a particularly bad platform for this. the platform fully noticed twist, but what we saw was people who would be best buy x to eat or must then let back all we need. okay, so they of course have been banned from the soup. his friends of hate filled this information. now that they're back on the platform, not only how they've been given the magazines back, but actually the magazines being charged out of the we saw as well. ringback the
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from prior, so not for missed the most kids out. spreading this information, in fact, suggesting that breton is on the brink of a civil law, which is preposterous. this isn't a single task. this is just a bunch of drunken lunatics running around trying to have some fun by taking advantage of this, my. you advise the governments on how to counter hate speech. what advice would you give the u. k. government now as well the same advice i'd give to the european union right now is use the powers you've just given yourselves. like the united kingdom of the european union in the past year have passed legislation. the digital services act from the what my team in brussels is talking to the commission on to a, to the, recognizes out that on a regular basis to the procedure department which,
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which passed people mind safety act and not 10 between 2 and 3, use the powers you go. busy these companies accountable me, you know, you, you, you legislative because you recognize there was a problem. i seem close in that, in this moment. i know that the person is left the european union. but i would hope that the commission, the united kingdom a talking to each other saying between as well, how is do we have a to help the united kingdom deal with this moment of great, great potential. huh. yeah. and you, you said that on the day that the us federal court ruled that google is an illegal monopoly and has abused its power on the market that it's monopolized is, according to the court. let me just ask you, but that in mind, what about viewers and, and consumers of social media content? what advice do you have for them?
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social media is a wonderful platform for entertainment and connecting with people you already know . it's not a very good platform for learning information about something that's happening. and if you take action based on information that you get from social media, you might like these people here find yourself in a jail cell eventually. because the truth is that this information spreads disproportionately quickly on social media. it is a dangerous place to try and get good information from, as the best thing that we can do is tend to legitimate sources of news. people that have journalistic standards connection the people out there. a who are writing, being lied to by algorithms and by product is on central media platforms are driven now to attack them, police attacking documented muslim business it from the fiber to the nation. and
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unfortunately, we're out of time, but we appreciate your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. of the day continues online. you'll find this on ex austin. i'm just wondering and youtube that needs to be news. you can follow me on social media, brent dot tv. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow gives another day we'll see you then everybody, the
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industrial should be that's for song. even though it was the whole thing because an invoice protecting goodness, i think is a chef by just as a lot of money based on that home is its own entity is deep gotten into bone. i can actually send this over to w as in 15 minutes. on the w was because i never would have thought this day would count. that's fine. so convinced i'm of
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the the, there's a dw news, live it from berlin. jubilation on the streets of the bangladesh, the capital, the prime minister, has resigned and fled the country on monday. protest her storm to shake. i've seen as official residents in dock up as others vandalized the statue of her father. now the head of the army is asking for call, and as he and the opposition parties form an interim government. also coming up tonight, the british prime minister, promising a standing army of police to crack down on violence and try to immigrate. bryant cure storm or condemning what he calls the far right sucker rate, which is what cities across the u. k.


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