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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  August 6, 2024 4:30am-4:59am CEST

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doing you with free information dw, made for mind the specially purpose design, female crash test dummy is vital. c the since the invention of cars, we've had car crashes and while cars have become safer over time, there's an unsettling truth. in the event of a crash statistic show, women are more likely to be killed or seriously injured then man. but why?
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crash test dummies are not just the cheesy ninety's band. they're the unsung heroes of the automotive world, taking in place hits to make our road safer. but these rubber superstars have a secret they were built for man. and this bias affects the safety of every woman behind the wheel regulatory test that we use. it says that you have to use a model of an average may. and the simplest today are women are in the front seat. in fact, they're in the driver seat. and we need to reflect that in our testing protocol to have women in the driver's seat and every moment that we wait, we're jeopardizing another mother, sister daughter. exploring the evolution from the early days of crash tests to cutting edge technology in today's crash test dummies. we delve into efforts by engineers to rectify gender bias in car safety for us,
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for everybody here as the approaches to make the road traffic safer for everybody. crash test dummies have played a crucial role in improving car safety and revolutionizing the way we design and test vehicles. since we've had crash tests, car safety has developed and improved. well, the crash test dummy is the pioneer and it's the basis for which all crash safety equipment is measured. so every vehicle when you talk about couple zones, and you talk about advance features like automatic breaking and re different types of restraints, including the airbag and the seat belt and pre tensioners, they're all modeled and based on the crest as done. mean, we know thanks to these lights less wonders, but there's a catch. they were mainly created with man in mind. and the initial jeremy's represented the average man is the young. currently, we cannot assess the safety for both part of the population. the 1980 the
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base dummy, the hybrid 3550 became the basis for with all testing and that's used. and the majority of all testing requirements worldwide, it's used in the driver's seat is used in other positions. and it was based on the average male size with the idea that the male drove. so he was in the driver seat. and as safety testing directly affects car design, this has a big impact. here are some horrifying facts us data has shown as a woman, you're a 17 percent more likely to die in a car crash and 73 percent more likely to be seriously injured than a man in the same vehicle. when we looked at crass test, it's comedy and have the crash test ratings for cars i is do most people think that they are also being represented for women by the way? drives me for that. and then these days in the mid 20th century,
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as cars became more popular and accidents increased manufacturers driven by safety concerns and government interest looked for ways to enhance safety records. the us took the lead to forming the national highway traffic safety administration in 1970. and 1970 we started using crash test dummies. at that time there was a loyal to a male fucking a males disease. so they only tested for a minute if you will. 19 seventies really became the emergence of the more modern and crushed test time. you had started with the hybrid 2 and then advanced to the hybrids 3, which is really noticed the modern crash test dummies. the hybrid 3 is the industry standard for parental trash testing and mirrors the average 50th percentile man in height and weight. i the median. a percentile indicates the height and weight
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compared to the rest of the population. for example, a 95th percentile dummy would represent a man in the 95th percentile for body dimensions, which means that he's larger than 95 percent of man in the population. equipped with articulated joints and sensors to get records data on forces accelerations and injury criteria serving as a crucial tool and replicating human biomechanics. but there is a problem the 50, as well as the primary workforce. the primary tool was used from 1982 today. it's still the primary use of tool, and we're going on 40 to 50 years of use of this dummy that has limited sensors, old technology. the 2nd most used crash test dummies is the 5th percentile which is a scaled down version of the 50th percentile man had a height of 152 centimeters and weight of 50 taylor's. the ninety's.
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we realize that we didn't have a female crash test dummies. so there was a movement to say, let's make this small male female like so they put a rest of vinyl jacket on it. it doesn't make it a female. this neglecting car crash, testing and car design has had real life consequences. the national highway traffic safety administration in the us has identified increased the safety risks for women . in most areas of the body. there's been modifications to a nails tend to try to say she's a female. but if you look at the actual injury, it's an address. what the injuries are that are different between a male and a female, and there's many, there's still a lot more that can be done. and this is why a special, the purpose designed female crash test dummy is vital right now. so in 2024,
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they are still using the shrunken, mailed me as a female representation. all those things that we know are different, dizzy, logically, from the a man or woman have not been incorporated into the crash test dummies. nor are even the scale down male being used behind the wheel apart. in recent years, more advanced female crash test dummies have been developed addressing the needs of female occupants, including differences in next strength, hip anatomy as pelvis structure. one model down the average female is the set to 50 s designed by researchers at the sweetest national road and transport research institute. the other c, my model is developed specifically for most of the 2 groups that 50 f stands for c to evaluation tool, female and 50 is the median value for the height of a real woman. this was created along side
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a male version set 50. the sets are designed to evaluate the safety performance of car seats in low severity rear impact and also show how these affects the female and male body differently. another model is the story 5 f. an advanced female frontal impact, i mean, that corresponds with the 5th percentile of the female population. they were designed with actual female answer pa, much read data, ensuring the form distinct from its male version human that x is the originator of crash test dummies. their origins can be traced back to the fifty's and samuel alderson who created the 1st to crash test dummies, sierra sam for testing aircraft safety systems. this groundbreaking technology paid the way for developing automotive crash test dummies ever since. human at x has since become the largest maker of gummies, producing a wide range of models and the 4 or 5 that looks to address the biggest risks for
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women. 54 percent of fatalities are associated with the frontal crashes. the so our 5 s boasts 150 sensor channels, strategically place to address areas where women are more susceptible to injury in front of the car crashes. as with the set 50 as it offers a promising solution, tackling different caps and safety testing for women. it's important to know the us and europe have different testing agencies and standards. vehicle safety testing in the us is regulated by the national highway traffic safety administration and the insurance institute for highway safety in europe. the european new car assessment program independently evaluate safety, with similar crash tests and all use a star rating system. but neither use a female crash test dummies enter frontal impact test. so that 5 star rated car
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you're driving might not be as safe as you think. depending who is behind the wheel . people just assumed when they go into a car dealership and they are asking for the kind of 5 star cars with regards to crash, the safety, they do not presume that it is meant only for one sex. there are still 1350000 fatalities globally with the u. s. boasting $43000.00 paid salaries. so there's plenty of room for improvement. so even if the entire world says we're, we need this tomorrow, it can take years. it's kind of like introducing a medical product into the marketplace. it takes years to go through and f d, a approval. the crest as dummies have a similar process. as a consequence, we see these disparities and injuries that can happen for years and years before
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a test device is provided into the marketplace. but there are signs of change on the horizon. bureau and cap has suggested it will introduce the thor 5 half by 2030 and in a world for mercedes used to eaves in a public crash test travelling at 56 kilometers an hour to simulate a higher energy collision is a milestone of all developments. television is 0 fatal accidents in 2050 for us for everybody here that approaches to make the road traffic safer for everybody. one big thing to note is the test used female dummies in the driver's seat emphasizing the focus on creating protection systems for a broad customer base. a currently new female models are still not used by regulators, but they're not the only answer. pittsville,
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testing and simulations also play a prominent role in the future of car safety. these virtual models will complement physical crash tests, allowing car makers to conduct a wider range of evaluations cost effectively. but they need authentic data. we all know with the dangers of artificial intelligence that it depends on the data that's put in. so if you don't have data with regard to the safety of a crash test dummies that is bias a del, a, to a female. your data is going to be skewed from the get out. new cars have already seen decreased disparities in car crashes between genders and h t. s a found the difference in female fatality risk compared to mail is reduced in newer vehicles from 18 percent to 6.3. i think the, the, the folks who want to resist change are trying to use fatalities for
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a benefit of say, we don't need to do more or because the difference between a female and a male and a fatality isn't that great. but when you look at the injuries, it's significant, the difference between a male and a female and injuries is cataclysmic. and we're seeing those injuries going. as consumers become more aware of the issue with crash test diversity, could this impact car companies directly? women are buying more cars and driving more cars and then it's still so the use and the practicality is there. unfortunately, the depth and serious injuries numbers aren't there and we can't solve it by just talking about it. we all know that auto see the is the number one reason the majority of the world buys a vehicle. so safety is not a marketing gimmick. it's a requirement, and whoever continues to advanced safety, i think will get more and more market share. the vision 0 approach aiming for 0
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traffic fatalities will continue to gain momentum as an overarching goal for road safety. if the community is really after 0 fatalities and reducing the increasing of injuries that we're constantly see, we have to do more. and so if we're measuring one size of 50 is percentile male and the driver seat, it minimizes the use of adaptable restrictions. and by putting in a female and a male in the driver's seat, it's one step closer. can new e d brands from the likes of trying to push the industry to address gender bias? really clearly that if a power company comes out and can assure consumers that there is a safety standard that is beneficial to both women and that there would be a market driven push for other car companies. to do that, i think we will see china in the next 5 to 10 years, take leadership rules and, and introducing safety protocols to the marketplace. especially as the electric
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vehicles in a levels of autonomy vehicle become more of a norm efforts are under way to change the status quote from historical reliance on male centric models to the introduction of females crash test dummies like this or 5 and said 50 a. but the journey is ongoing, with regulatory bodies still needing a female dummy in frontal impact test. as electric vehicles reshape the industry, a new players from china emerge. the push for gender inclusive safety gains, momentum. the difference in craft test outcomes has real world impacts for women in a safety focused world, the past towards vision 0 must be an inclusive one. the . the question is,
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can i get through this break at them all? she is one of the very few female long whole trunk is in germany. i'm very into my truck. but if i had a problem then tells me i should stop driving. i'd say no. well, i'm not quite to get lost so frustrated. despite that good money and freedom, hardly any women want to drive longhorn. why is that? the gym is the mold on the swiss border. it's still very early in the morning when brigitte to a more stats walk. she's a full time drive. the boy him le freight company market . good morning. she greets eddie her trunk. it belongs to the company. but any
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b as breakage or likes to be known is allowed to drive it. she will live, eat and sleep in the trunk, 5 square meters for the next 5 days. no problem for the 58 year old break. it has left this lifestyle for more than 30 years. i just love it. and i can't really explain why i just feel happy behind the steering wheel . normally in a lease the yacht at $530.00 trunk drive is working hours are strictly regulated in germany. more than 10 hours of actual driving time is prohibited. but the entire shift, including preparation, fueling, and loading and unloading is often much longer to shift the shift is normally fast . she now is the 1st one, but it can be extended to 15 hours exam opens, finished. don't look to shift. i've always, there is to shift today. it's only a 12 hour shift or not because we're only driving while i'm falling only 12 hours.
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but that is still a very long shift because 1st has to drive 50 kilometers without a trailer, because she has to pick it up from another company. but the access road is blocked . oh no, no. can i have to go another way i can get through. i can get through the process to what else can i get through? it's a tight squeeze, but digging knows her at a fast problem solved. and time for the next. reversing through a warehouse full of obstacles is precision. walk of the debate mom and moving because she has to meet the trailer. precisely load is
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industrial paint. yeah. oh my god, the good to need to jim is the time to make coffee and do the paper work. you're suggesting it says 7 o'clock coffee and we were here before 7 on in the from this is when we finished hooking up this is she says everything for hi, employer in the on board computer, catalina, bohemia is the shipping companies junior manager. the trunk smelled in the onboard computer. let's see exactly where big and eddie at any time. on that stuff here you can see there was very heavy traffic last monday for me to see if you can wait till she could only drive 4 kilometers and 50 minutes sized. so she was badly
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delayed and bothers credited on from this. we know what to do next, se, and they have a very good monitoring system. as you know, it kind of seem to see me and we can see that she feels up this morning before leaving the normal, pre dr. check and all through the onboard computer, computer classmates, good time keeping track of it all is important for the whole ej company. they have a $160.00 trucks on the road, but there aren't enough drivers, guys, or, you know, would like to hi, i'm more female drivers as events investigate if there are any conflicts, which hopefully always will be rare. and how much quite un i've had women apologize the next day because they weren't in a good mood runs april 12th is coming up. it can happen and come, but i've never had that was meant, as we'll see. so it's a different kind of cooperation. but both can do the job equally well by the guys. the company offers women showed holstead that always home in the evening. still any
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3 of the 180 drive as a women. and the boss thinks that's too few. both on the 25th of course we need more people in general lloyd, so we're glad for every person who joins in who enjoys it. who sees the job as a vocational? they are gender, doesn't matter at all when dentist is specialist $20.00. 50 kilometers away because frankie is finished and just as i boss envisions, trunk driving is not a jump, a bunch of vocation which means you have to put your house in. so into it or it doesn't walk? no, it's i don't drive trucks because i have to run them by myself because i want to, i'm a it's somebody take eddy, for example, my truck disease, of course he's a truck but he's also my teammate. so my, we work together off what you tell me of in friends when he's in a bad way. i'm in
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a bad way for you just to mind, publish it just for my married to my truck. the news, if i had a partner who told me i should stop driving, i'd say no, i'm not quitting. get lost? tarzan's name is unit o frustrating age of age. my driving is my life. my. my leave a lot of driving has costs big a 2 marriages that doesn't bother her, but she deeply regrets not say more of a 2 daughters mining. i just have to spend time with my 2 goals. linda told me this, and that really eats me up. this knock, i was never bad for them except by phone. i never held them in my own. seemed to unlimited the specialist that was bad. that's what it's doing that
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the during her break, big a takes a look at her toe. she stopped it against the doorframe last night. it's been a king for hours. oh yeah. oh boy. it's papa. when a grind is they can't do anything with the little tow. it just bandaged 2 together, my think to be able to so i'm going to put in the calvin. a plaster will have to do and so big the rips also a few 100 mole kilometers until after 12 hours she pulls into a trunk stop. so so let's see if we can find a nice spot shown state super cool. one. it's kim o. save that. ok. the next it and pause
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a now we can shut off the engine of the truck is parked in the blazing sun. it's 5 o'clock and still 30 degrees in the shade. around 8 o'clock, she starts getting ready for bed using the trunk stop bathrooms. it's still lined townside, but becky has to sleep. the alarm is set for 3, so she can start off at 4 as planned. the next morning is hectic, bigger he has slept in the big oh, i shut off the alone before it rang and i was awake earlier. but then you forget the time the box all done took is to head over to the site down there with a bit more speed. she reaches our drop off point on time big is solely
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responsible for getting the paint from her trailer into the company's tanks. the off to the bank is out. she still has to clean the tanks. the hand off to the next job. the hectic morning is over. the 2nd was wasted. let's say i gotten color with age of 12 eyes to be a real hot headlights and those are you driving at top speed in my for now i'm only driving a 2 to 3 flights or i'll take you to some of these commuters mot. no, i you only live once the
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they're freaking out the big guns to fight these tiny creatures in paris and beyond . the bed bugs are taking over in our bedroom. researchers are volunteering to be nibbled on the spending bugs in the mail and energizing pest control or a bed bug. hunters snows in 30 minutes on the w. creative comes out to go into the ring. i'm showing the mexico city by the
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metropolis, reimbursing himself to coming to the hot spot activists enjoy ourselves pretty much all the time. but at night think 75 minutes on d w. the only way i can be on the top is to create my own and of the discovery stories was just a click away during the destination, right. document trees to slide down. your name,
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treat welcome to put tire timelines, capital flows. thanks, tourism. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute, you pay twice, $3.00 times as much and the other half the service. in 2023, a documentary uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was now the film team investigates the was exactly has changed. the red lights job shadow, 6 tourism the
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this is the, the, the news live from building is ro, mobilize us. it's forces as it of whites an attack from iran paper on the ways that will retaliate for last week's killing us. and lastly that he smell honey on it. so these are at least widely believed to be responsible. all set coming up a couple of harris clauses, even on her choice for a running match for important link down to the galvan about minnesota. these counterparts in the commercial swing state of pennsylvania. this as the us last president, a whites compromising of the democratic presidential nomination and protest as in bank.


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