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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 6, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from bill. this is ro, mobilize us. it's forces as of the whites and attacks from iran type rance ways that will retaliate for last week's killing us. and lastly that he smell honey on it. so he's, well, is widely believed to be responsible all set coming up. couple of harris clauses in on her choice for a running might for, for the link down to the governance, minnesota. count of pop in the commercial swing state of pennsylvania. this as the you, as well as president, a white confirmation of the democratic presidential nomination and protest. as in bangladesh, stone, the residents of prime minister shake, has seen
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a after. she resides in place of the comfort, symbols of your family for using power set a blazing deka on the head of the army asks for calm as he tries to form an interim government with opposition party the . i'm anthony out. welcome to the program. international diplomats scrambling to prevent a regional ball from a rafting in the middle east. this as a run on monday said it would not compromise on its plan to retaliate against these ralph last week's deadly attack against a month later. it's now honey into ron. meantime, as well as mobilizing to cancel the threats from typed wrong. it's fairly defense minister your wife gala and says he's ordered info's canada as to prepay for quite anything including this with transition to offerings, as well as not consent or denied it was behind kind of use to
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earlier we asked for my is rarely intelligence official, eat my limit what he makes of type runs comments saying that while he believes that needs to punish israel, it's not looking to escalate tensions in the region. except the have to be really just for the very tight line you've sort of sticking one to one hand, the bound to retaliate on. you know, that has been significantly humiliated by use this. the notion of, i'm you have to do to 3 is what i would say is the side of know that many people in donald google really suspicious of the venue version. and they actually argue that you have is the one that eliminated from you? is this a sign of a waiver of the rings or conflict racing if you remember because of the one hand, the ball 2, we call you each form the on the other hand, now this does something very significant. what is the most me size and drones? oh, you don't know exactly what's going to be though, if it's going to result in so significant disaster is outcomes is well,
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they may very well should expect it very significant. these way retaliation, something definitely too much for the missing body. quantum. this is where the following the sample through all of these were on a terrific unfolding. and so here is the random dilemma. they basically bypass the c right above the level below, but using the proxies which basically they probably will do combining, focused reading. and if the, if using bill or groceries, but here's something depressing that the they we, or show in tell us, it doesn't matter the whole really squeeze the trigger. whether it's has more law or the who these or we lucky. she was really just the head. most of these you are, they are focused reading this whole thing and we should bury the month. that was former is where the intelligence official, the amendment that now has israel prices for retaliation from a ron and has the families of the $115.00 remaining hostages in gaza. feel that the
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escalation will make a safe, ideal, even more elusive in direct negotiations between homeless and israel. and so if i've been unsuccessful and the threat of a lot of conflict in the region appease to only be growing time, it is not easy for donny. i got to walk here and tell of east hostage square. for 10 months he has been complaining for the release of his brother. its sake was kidnapped by him. us some keep boots near old on october 7. but now as a crisis unfolds with yvonne and has fuller a ceasefire and hostage diaz, the more elusive than ever, the only focus solely, i think these people to serve to die. we need to eliminate them. so that's the question is when the, whether they're more important to him in the lives of the hostages. so that's the question of the targeted killings of how much data is made here in town
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and for to create a senior as well as to go and be route as well as no price for retardation and possible escalation 115 hostages. as do believe to be held in garza, some of whom are no longer nice people here in tel aviv extremely worried about the fate of the hostages still being held in garza fearing and allowed more risk. yvonne and his beloved people here a more on edge than ever nice goes on as usual here at least to know what the strength of an imminent escalation is on everyone's mind. now, it's not the, it's very worrying things around clear. there is a lack of information. yeah. we don't know what is going to happen. we're terribly worried about to a people over the hold on. there is no one who is leading us responsibly. it's a difficult feeling. it's no easy to be a citizen in this world today. okay. leo thing as well. nothing much for me it was
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already scary after the 7th of october. uh and uh, i was really scared because there wasn't like sure what's going to be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. but eventually like um i'm sure that everything is going to be okay. no matter what and trying to stay calm. yeah, but it's a bit scary cuz you don't know what to expect. denny, i got is critical of nathan. yeah. who's strategy of maximum military pressure and things. he's motivated by his desire to stay empower women with of the we see the condition, the status in today. the country's condition is much worse than on october 7th. while the works of the regional war live only in the face of growing uncertainty, the hostages families are waiting anxiously for the last ones to come home, as the country pass for whatever comes next. so the us now way vice president come
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to la harris is expected to introduce so yet to be named running night at a rally in philadelphia on tuesday that says the democratic party is paused to officially name her as its presidential nominate. she's interviewed around half a dozen potential candidates and racing dice. hopefuls to be her vice presidential choice include governor of pennsylvania, jewel shapiro, and minnesota governor 10 volts, reported with the 2 finalists as well as arizona senator mike kelly harris's. joyce will join her honors to swing states. those with republican and democratic voters tend to be evenly divided. will pay the matthews as a political analyst. i asked him through all of the 2 possible running nights would help paris more in swing states that could to stop the make believe as far as the younger model to go and the other 34 year old voters. it would be tim waltz because he is ideas away for addresses. he believes in, you know, he's been actually is when he was in the governorship, he brought in free school lunches, richard children,
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he talks about child care for everyone to be also talks about student that. and he's appealing to the young people a lot because of his humorous communication skills. he's also going to invented the term. we're recently painted undergrads about attacking the trump size, being weird, kind of out of the ordinary, in other words, and bizarre. and that's been resonating until wall, so the remainder of that young people are putting means everywhere all over the the internet, especially on take talking places about boosting, kamali harris and also bringing in people like to well, so i think to last might help a bit more with the young people, but then josh repair, i was appealed to a lot of other people as well. so either one of them would be okay, but i think if she wants to be sure of not losing any support in the border states, you don't want to lose the part of michigan. and the problem is that if joshua bureaus is one selected as possible, some of the michigan voters were muslim americans an hour of americans to feel very strongly about what happened in gaza. might think that the best for his harris would not be so strong that if you do see it that way, we'll have to wait another big 24 hours in us politics coming up. pay to matthew's
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professor of political science. thanks so much. i spoke loudly. thank you so much. now, why don't you dividing us by this is the bottom administrations on wavering support for each route. so could it possible president campbell, a harris take a different approach? the w saying is paul put that question to us political, i'm the list in britain. i think a president harris would actually be quite different. i think you would see a lot more pressure on israel to limit the campaign or as i, i don't think they'd be the blank check that you've seen, you know, in, in reality, if not in principle from the biden harris administration over the past 9 months. she is much more concerned about the palestinian ability to continue to live. ready with basic human conditions on the ground
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in gaza. and frankly, in the west bank she sees a u. s. foreign policy on israel palestine as a fail policy is much more sympathetic the palestinian statehood and especially on the back of the tenacity voting against the tuesday solution. so i think she might consider being willing to recognize a palestinian state even before israel would accept that. you know, that some european countries have already done that. others are considering it. i think you would find that a harris administration would be much more aligned with the europeans on israel palestine, then either biden or try to and from us political analyst in bremond. let's take a look now, some of the, of the headlines from around the world. the u. s. federal judge has ruled the google acted illegally to maintenance monopoly estimates. default search provided on smartphones and web browsers escaping for a link to fix google as
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a technological bully that squashed competition and forwarded innovation while generating hundreds of billions of dollars in annual prophets. us stokes phil sharply on monday and mid mounting fees of a recession. financial markets and you recognize you'll also have recorded heavy losses, the japanese nichol i had as with single day decline since 1987 global market meltdown began on friday with a release of the us jobs report which pointed the signs of a slowing will economy instantly indignation, police say separate us rebels in the east and pop leverage and have killed a helicopter pilot from new zealand. the pilot was shot data off the landing in an isolated area for passengers were unharmed. the incident comes merely, i think. months after rebels abducted another pilot from new zealand who remains in captivity. to banquet this way, a prime minister shake has seen us resigned and fled to india. many reports i see plans to travel on to london as kyle scripts,
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so the nation demonstrated. so i took to the states to demand, to exit now celebration with many storming the prime ministers, official residents in deka wisdom, governments and the head of bangladesh as military appealing for calm. after months of protests and hundreds of people killed, sanklo dashes, anti government protesters got what they wanted. prime ministers, shake casino has stepped down to the owner by prime minister has resigned from a post. and we will form an interim government to run the country. and shall local, then jump to god willing, whatever demand you have, we will fulfill them. and we will bring the ship piece back to the new york defying a nationwide military curfew. 1000 storm shade, casinos, official, residents after her departure the day after deadly clashes killed over 90 people.
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standing in the official residence, we probably declare the top. christie has come to an end. you should see now what the longest serving prime minister bangladesh. critics accused her government of misusing state institutions and using deadly violence against opposition active as to stay in power which the government has denied. the protestors also lashed out at a statue, fussiness father, monte mover of mine who led bangladesh to independence and was assassinated in the military who won his political party. don't want me leak has benefited for decades from quotas reserved a share of government jobs to freedom fighters who fought for independence and their families. the reintroduction of photos that have since been scrapped again is what initially sparked the deadly student led protest and which shared custody not
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gone. demonstrators hope to see a new era with lasting reforms. the timing change the not with this with them and to the fact that he has here to do the we need to do, we need the, the military is promise to launch an investigation into the deadly track down on protests. now before we go, a reminder about top story this out. israel is mobilizing to cancel the threat of an attack by a rob. israel's military is or to the fullest advice prepared for defensive and offensive tactics. run on monday said it would not compromise on its plan to retaliate against israel for last week's deadly attack against i'm honestly, this is my oh, how many years that's all for now,
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but they stay with us coming up next on planet. i do find out which country has kind of dimensions by a whopping 80 percent since 1990 that has that coming up shortly. i'm anthony. how, thanks for being with us. i'll have one use for you and 45 in the just listen space is the sound of time tossing as far as the size of 25 football fields and loves every minute adding to greenhouse gases. the water is the sound of a tree, not fully sounding, bio diversity, tourism community development, reliable food and water. the united nations development program is listening and working with communities to protect far as for the future we want. if you're hearing what we're hearing.


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