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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  August 6, 2024 5:30am-6:01am CEST

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to every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, it's hard to believe just how much the stuff will to needs to hunt down a tiny pest. we've been funds from the account, the phone is on the rad encasing bed bugs is the champions league of pest control mit there. among the northeast and most dangerous animals out there, and you have to think like a bed bug this way, would you find a way to they move where the eggs? yeah, it's one of the toughest jobs in pest control them. it. this really likes the industry things, but california the,
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the stuff also is job often requires some fairly large pieces of equipment. when a call from a customer comes in, he tries to prepare himself for anything he may encounter. his pest control vehicle is a regular call with no indication of his line of work. his clients appreciate the discretion so that doesn't along the neighbors. yeah, the websites and the files and bed bugs and making a real come back to think we thought to a thing or advocated that they've made a method for a ton heat. retracing is resolved, must be from form us go. and sandra surgeons is happening, not just an oven environments, but increasingly, and i did, i grew a region spike here in southern germany. but once they've done so, just mean they come out at millington, the dogs that keep con,
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find with hiding places. the little lads to white people is so afraid of them. they think they drink cal blood like van pies. it's just often i'm foss, guys, like, like i said, today the pest control is off to a youth hostel and i'll put the very, a pest control is ultimate alls to enter discreetly through the back entrance. but close to managing my close close has decided to attack the issue openly. and so begins the search for the needle in the haystack. contrary to popular belief bed box have nothing to do with pull hygiene. we've not touched dennis thing last name. perfect, great. everything can stand, sees, i'm yeah, my vitals with we had 2 people with bites that seemed to be from bed bugs. i immediately came up and said, and we don't know what's up with the room, but we have to vacate it in our residents in summer cut to assess students and then there's no food for goals to foster the response to an infestation the best uh,
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tracking down these most as of self tends to be exceedingly difficult. in this a some tell tale signs did turn up. yes, i none of them. he is one that was crushed by some poor host. you can tell it's a bed bug from the shape of its body from the bed on time. and so the suspicions of the hostile manage all confirmed the pest control of trauma is to determine the scale of the infestation. this is even this combined the events that tricky thing about bed bugs from. they've got thousands of options kind of could be a tiny cranny. one you conduct been fit. you're thinking eileen, take on that but they can squeeze in the past. isn't that isn't how much they were to hungry to that high down. so tend to wait the next victim to since the ends on life. and finally, office needs to awful lot. how long can they survive without the host? yeah, they're good. so there are studies that say they can leave up to a year without seating. so i'm yonder is how they can come in. now i thought
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starving then would be an option soon, that we just wouldn't use the room for 2 months of michigan. now, as of stopping them like work, unfortunately, i'm leaving like, oh, although the infestation is still my cost list once the room given a thorough treatment in order to prevent the problem from spreading. 2 back in the 20th century, these bugs, the sides of the apple seeds were almost wiped out in many parts of the world through the use of d, d, t, and other know band and sec decides the pests developed a resistance to subsequent products. so now the bloodsucking insects all back, it's not just from germany. brisson is also facing a new bed bug plague. and here to the problem is not just found in big cities entomologist richard neela lives in chip stow on the welsh english border. he spent
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the last 20 years studying pet bucks. his research lab includes an incubator with up to $50000.00 specimens from a variety of strings. neela has a very special relationship to his bed box. this almost daily ritual certainly wouldn't be to everyone's taste. the research of volunteers himself as host the 2 bedroom system to cover the upside from my press. and so if i don't tell them it's feeding time breeze heavily into the pumps and they will wake up and realize that the speed of ask them to come very active and start running around. so it's, it's just taking the time to feed upon me of the legs, allow the bugs to do just that, which i use my own blood because it,
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because it works the best i've tried. i've tried to grab it blood sticking blood sheet, but pick blood. and whenever you use or not, the visual membrane system, you have to treat the blood with some kind of anti coagulant and stuff that clotting and that just doesn't seem to be very good for bedbugs. and so, so fresh blood is just the best is the best in terms of the numbers of the x they produce in the and that their overall health here, the law, he painstakingly ensures the wellbeing of his bed bugs. what's about his own health? i can see in a slight tingling sensation account for an individual bikes, but i can kind of feel that maybe slightly cheap. but i've yeah, i've been doing it long enough to i didn't scratch anymore. bed bugs do not at least transmit diseases. naylor allows them to feed on his arm and sometimes legs for his own experiments, as well as for research institutes and the pest control industry.
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i noticed when i really fee locks, when we get big oldest for thousands and thousands, i noticed that it was becoming an event that has a test for that. and so, so when it's like that it takes time supplements to stop myself, becoming an event. the recent sergeant bed bug numbers means that businesses booming for his lap in the adjacent building, alexia neva is busy getting an order ready as her husband arrives with a freshly fed instinct. i'm houses, i'm doing not too bad. it can save skins of it, right? yeah it's, it's a little bit red, it's not too swollen and it'll go away in an hour or so, but it doesn't feel anything at all. it doesn't sound right to you or anything like that. so it's a bit warm perhaps. yeah. i read it's bit more than which it does,
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but not to you, but why fits a couple of points today. so you can just see the my own submitted to which is i need, i need feedback books as the last result time, the kind of back up in the the couple of castle to check that potential volume is all trustworthy of the rules. some could have dubious intentions. sometimes we ask for a for 200 bed bugs, 2 slats in new york or something and there's no email or explanation for why they would need that. and so these ones we, we refund them and we, we, we try to avoid those people who have bugs in various stages of life, so transferred to these new vials which on them sealed tight prior to packaging. i'm sending this order will be used to train k 9 that's for complex detection. teams will hire these around the bedroom, maybe in a hotel or in a hospital or some, some of that news that's it. uh,
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use that's trying to talk to search for bed books and then they look for that service to hotels, hospitals, shelters, housing, all the places that really struggle with that books. yeah. hospitals. 05 star hotels. that books fuzzy about the lodgings. but these pests are particularly hard to control up in the mountains, which is why sniff at dogs of important stuff on the housing is a sniffle. dog hemlock. he's trained derrickson roma to track down the box today he's come to meet him about cali, bitch. and me check if i come from the german l time slot. that headed up to a neighbor at home to inspect a mountain lodge where there was an incident of bet books last care. the color bitch is in charge of noches and hiking trails at the alpine clump. the defense big life and also bed
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bugs have been with us throughout human history and have become a growing problem recently. so for you, i have it for years now. we've had lodge manager is asking us to help them out of desperation. so give us what size of the launch is almost 2000 meters up near the summit at the need of last year's infestation was discovered and dealt with quickly that thousands of beds and somebody's and know checked regularly by detection dogs. shelby, i did put an end to this is the lodge that was completely enveloped in a target and then fumigated, because a decent that becomes the sole option if you just ignore the problem and the bed bugs are left to just keep on reproducing and couldn't pick it up, the cost back then was between 50 and 70000. euro was booked almost a huge amount of money to take those or low receive elaborate solutions like that. a now with thing of the post these days,
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the focus is on prevention and early detection, which was wish to fund very housing and his trusty dogs come in charlotte, some of the all the rooms are open so you can get started. let me know if you need anything done that specialize in doing. the adults sensitive noses can sniff out the bed sucks. unlike most hotels, the german alpine club takes a frank approach to the issue. this mission for an eye without knowing all the lodges, i'd say that 10 to 15 percent have to deal with bed bug infestation. and if anything is getting worse on the bed once, and the bugs don't come from the launches on, they're carried up here from the valley home. get past sniff, adult teams are a blessing for the remote mountain. largest ideal helps us in the fight to control that box. the further eastern germany and on the ground coast of also needs holly voltage,
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electricity. he plans to use thermal technology to rid the youth. coastal of it's on the welcome visitors. hey, this is can find that every one of the most important parts of the federal treatment is getting the room hermetically sealed. thompson. and you have to be really vigilant because bed bugs are so clever. it's like a hunt. austin has some of this and he's on the act. this stuff also we use is dalia to mesa's us. a natural treatment made from the shop, edged fossilized remains of micro algae or the some details of the bodies and tries the mouse and the top 10 others. but the most important tool here is this whole add device. bed bugs cannot so fall even temperatures above 45 degrees celsius. may cells light sounds machine on and then it's going to get toasty when
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they think it's on it's male starting to change out the room to the 55 degree target temperature. and we'll run for 24 hours. the veins 3 to 5 centimeters into the rule of on. do you have the fatal temperature of over 45 degrees? totally up to a 100 of them off. it's a hostile manage. a micro also is glad he chose the heat treatment option. it might involve the loss of work and extra cost around a $1000.00 bureaus in this case. but it's considered very effective. the for the default there was the risk of it spreading, its, its people taking them home holes in the orbit getting worse in the building. so i'm happy that we opted for this course of action. finish it or for us for the needs to be done in bed bugs leave behind tiny dark stains. spot those on your bed sheets and it's best to take
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a closer look the back to the town of chips sto in prison. an insect reset should which should name the the ocean spends the night in his sleep, lavario tree where he carries those experiments using his own building. he uses a light sensitive camera to capture what happens over night. the vampire is already lying in wait. the research is fully committed to creating realistic conditions, even when it results in some discomforts the do. the insects behave as expected this time. needless testing a bed bug, trump. as
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soon as the voluntary host is asleep, antics hailing c o 2, the bed folks seized the opportunity to feel as expected. they bite his exposed skin once above the covers. the wheels, a little blood suck, has been full for the sermon. trump, the, a time lapse from the infrared camera shows what happened through the night. at least the bugs do not appear to have to stop to sleep. and the next morning when i started sleeping in the, in the beds, i was just like everybody else and no, no more responsive. you know, every it to something like to me and i couldn't like, couldn't rest. and now that's completely gone. it doesn't bother me until now. yeah . not enough about nila is testing the appeal of an attract and
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cocktail with a view to developing a bed bug detect device. okay, i can see i hope i can do a whole bunch of bugs in that. alum, i'll tap the mouse on the bed so you can see it's still in the test phase. and that's on pad. so this or 99 bugs, 9 bugs and one nights, hunting up by the toll of homeless sing results. neela is not the only one researching ferryman traps for early warning system as all across europe, best growing demand for new methods of bed bug management last ocean. so a media storm following alarming reports out of phones for years. the bed bug problem, the as in many other countries, have been ignored and downplayed box. there's no denying the figures
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a study for the french agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety found. and 11 percent of french households had been bug infestation from 2017 to 2022. the agency estimates the economic full out for firms to amount to $300000000.00 euros per year. reports of the situation being especially bad in paris with hall to confirm given the alleged involvement of most go controlled social media accounts. still, there was good reason to pay close attention to the french capital as host of the 2020, full summer and then pick games. the issue of bed bugs was even addressed in parliament . while many hotels struggled to confront the issue, one hotel in mo, lizzie, some of his powers is taking an open approach rather than ignoring the problem, the hotel, pre em visitors concerns by using and advertising an early warning system.
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suites hotel, you max. mike has made the project a top priority for him. it's clear that france has $80000000.00 taurus per years. they are the ones bringing the bed bug is going to be bouncing. are eager to spare his pain guesses in a moment of surprise. he decided to go on the offensive as a friend told him about to start up in cambridge, england that developed an advanced monitoring system. after learning more. mike, how became one of the systems 1st users so they're coming here. this room has already been made today get most points i this is the 1st time he showed no specifics on the page where the this is where the system has been installed the system, the feed, that's
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a discrete little box under the mattress. so i can lift, you know, the bed bugs are lowered into the box in a 200 mall so 80, but once they're inside the device takes a photo, new email and sends it to the hotel manager and maintenance. and i thought, well, you should know along with the room number looked and sheila maintenance manager. ok. but 1st that's information to send to the systems creators in cambridge for evaluation. the team apps also keeps track of thousands of hotel rooms across europe in order to ensure early detection of any bed bug infestation, commercial contrast. um the company says its accuracy rate is open 90 percent. a few months ago, the system registered a bed bug and they bring much small cost to take immediate action for him. the additional costs, forcing cents,
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and nights and room have set the paid all in switzerland. it's very cold. far as you have compiled records of that book, cases for some 30 years, and the figure suggests an upward trend opiates, with a dip during the coast and 19 pandemic. and exploits save the figures from missouri. it could be roughly transferable to other european cities data in other cities as small as due to bed bugs, not being disease transmissions. technically, they're considered nuisance tests and do not have to be reported opinion is devoid of of whether that's good or not. and then made a p c i, i don't think reporting should be mandatory. what am i getting so but i don't see any advantage from that stuff done for for pilot inside of the whole bought carpet from the german alpine club. would welcome such a minute for he is,
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he's been fighting against bed bugs in the countries mountain lodges. he would like to see greater transparency and more information in connection with the issue, including in the hospitality industry. and that's, that's a good one. to know 1st that would give us more precise figures on just how frequent investigations are there that you could send 2nd to say would force people to exchange information that might make it easier to keep bed bugs under control inside the l pine club is under pressure to date, the economic losses of info stations has amounted to a number in the highest 6 bigger range colleague, which has had a lots of convincing to do even within the association of the most policies. now agree, his boss had a personal experience with bed bugs just last year. he had to call it off to a strong reaction to the pines. as a spanish one, the bite marks had
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a discharge and then swelled up from the scrubbing by head sleepless night. because i just couldn't lie, still looking as if i wouldn't wish it on any one. once we realize it was bed bugs, we instituted a plan of action. so we backed everything and put it in the freezer and vacuum every nook and cranny, stuff every day. it's something you don't want in your home. that's kind of the task as i'm i think to all of them. together with the german environment agency in 2019. the alpine club published an informational process, what visitors among the key consultants, biologists let hyundai upon c completed heads of total pieces on the bed bugs, and now runs our own research the far tree. i thought you brief bed, but as far as among other things putting out so many of these days, we now get most of ours from brittany.
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hyundai palm spent 10 use of the environmental agency working on pest control methods. in 2020, she says, offer and contract research company together with her colleagues on let me see if we test the effectiveness of insecticides for certification or the development of new products. joan frequently involves working with toxic substances. in this case, applying a contact insecticide to see how effective inches such tests are required by law for the approval of insecticides. done what to tell me, and i'll note them down this product as working as intended to mention males and females all dead, all dead in the 2nd, replicate to cut on the toward the resistance is becoming increasingly common with the insects. no longer reacting to the talk since the biologist is concerned about
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the future of this particular we're seeing this with most of them in a nuisance puzzle, because they're being fault with insect decides that have similar active ingredients. we now have hardly any effective n type bed bug agents on the market. in fact, just to get to know it was like fly female bed fox, la holly, reproductive. and that's what makes an infestation so dangerous. it makes taking immediate action all the more important from the 2nd they up to 250 ags over their lifetime on its dumps. the young hutch and the females continue laying eggs once fertilized bailey again and again. which means that reproduction is a very high rate in life to look for on the females will stick the eggs to any suitable object, including the seams of suitcases of spring, take one or 2 weeks to hatch from the they can continue to spread.
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the lab has received its latest order of bed bugs from richard nina in person fund of honda is guessing more and more of the insects volume post. she's scaled back her own breeding program, which involves feeding the bed bugs with pigs blood via and also special membrane industry. customers are willing to pay more for insects that has been produced under the most realistic conditions possible. so long as the customers feel it's a safer batch in terms of certification. when we take bed bugs that have been fed on humans, wouldn't like in real life all over in chip. so richard name is infect, fed with his own blood, are essentially the gold standard in the pest control industry. and once more, his bed populations hailed from a range of different decades. the
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we have lots of different populations of bed bugs. some of them are being in culture for a very long time. this one is my favorite clicks in london, but it was something like 4045 years ago. and the same for this one from germany. and then we've got populations the more recently collected, and we do that because more than bed bugs are very persistent to insecticide. and so we want to know we want, we want realistic model type of so i'm gonna testing products and say we have yeah . as many populations as we can get overland friends and pest control, listen to me samples. when a boy, whenever i get the chance, neela now has customers all over the world. over the years he's become more and more reflective on his area of expertise. the longer i've worked on them, the more interested up become i think it's amazing that an insect can make to come back at the time when humans are wiping out specie spots to the never before. and they and they can do. and i'll bet it's, you know, it's like a, it's like a, yeah,
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i have as respect for them or something. yeah. and, and in order of an insight to that, to make, to come back like that, back into the area pest control of kristof auto is paying a follow up visit to the youth hospital. his heat treatment system has been up and running for over 24 hours and the room infested with bed box b, i'm in the land, the 3 centimeters into the wall. we've reached a temperature of about $48.00 degrees. it worked great to me. you see me in here. i thought it be dryer, gabby, i'm in the sense for the sea and the coolest. we now have condensation from the water at the coolest expulsion. the yeah, well now circulate rather quickly at home, but the room will remain warm for a few morales concerns. so sounds investigated. seeing the dead insects and that's one visual time we'd be sure the temperature was high enough everywhere from that
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printer. i said, yes, it was over 45 degrees every, with the many hours that we live with from premier mission accomplished the. so just from down animals, you see everything from 5 star hotels to vacation upon it is you false deals in people's private homes. and with how things have developed over the last 2 years, i can see it becoming an even more serious problem come young, that the big business full pest control is bad news for travelers. the creative to go into the ring. i'm showing
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the mexico city by the metropolis is facing himself coming to the hot spot. activists enjoy ourselves pretty much all the time. but at night in 15 minutes, the w i g. it makes a difference. visionaries with a project get involved to create a future day experience. eco, india. and 19 minutes on the
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this date of, of the news alive from filling is round, mobilizes its forces as the weights and the tax from a rock paper on square symbol patel here for last week's killing of i'm isolated the smell honey on it. so is ryan is widely believed to be responsible, we'll say coming up, couple of hours closes in on her choice for a running night with the governess of to t site to peg this favorites. the says the us vice president of white, the confirmation of her democratic presidential nomination and protest as entangled at a stone, the residents of prime minister. she casino optis cheap, resigns, and place the country symbols of the family's d. as in power,
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a set of blazing deca.


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