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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 6, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the fishing videos live from berlin students. he doesn't bunker, there's a set to lay out that demands for the country's future. after the day of payoffs instead of ration as the prime minister puts in place, thoughts are expected to begin with the ministry on the formation of a new instead of government. also, i had no violent unrest in the u. k. as the british prime minister says, coats a standing army of specialists police officers, he's being assembled as to crack down on writing across the country. the
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high banished vanity. welcom, we've stopped and bundled those laptops are expected to get underway on the formation of a new instead of government. students who left the uprising the top of the prime minister due to meet with the head of the ministry to set out their demands. they've already got their mindset on who should be the next lead. uh, nobel peace prize laurie as well. how about eunice? it follows a day of chaos and disorder and the capital talk of the pose that has plunged the country into renewed political tom arnold. the after months of protests and hundreds of people killed, don glue dashes, anti government protesters got what they wanted. prime minister shed casino has stepped down to the owner of the prime minister has resigned from that post. and we will form an interim government to run the country in charlotte, then god willing, whatever demand you have,
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we will fulfill them. and we will bring the ship piece ivank. cda new york, defying a nation wide military curve, few 1000 storm shed casinos, official residents after her departure the day after deadly clashes killed over 90 people. standing in the official residence. we probably declare the whole. christie has come to an end. you should see now was the longest serving prime minister bundle of dash. critics accused her government of misusing state institutions and using deadly violence against opposition active as to stay in power which the government has denied. protesters also lashed out at a statute, fussiness father, monte rough mine who led bangladesh to independence and was assassinated in the military who won his political party. while me league has benefited for decades
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from quotas, that reserved a share of government jobs to freedom fighters who fought for independence and their families. the reintroduction of photos that have since been scratched again is what initially sparked the deadly student led protests and which shared custody not gone. demonstrators hope to see a new era with lasting reform. the tight interest, the and to the state that she has created through the into the deadly track down on protests. didn't really. it shows that a problem is um, is monitoring the situation in bangladesh and jumping off a mall out of the money. the ministry says it will solomon named data and government, has there been any progress on that?
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so what we have seen so far is that yes, that is the military see for walker to jump on. he made many political leaders and also it gives us identity. preventative, and he said that they are in the process of plumbing, this thing to him government and they also made of all of this space it in mama, top within last night and uh, after this meeting at the press release and this person, eliza said that they have decided to really is the president decided to really is expanding this to and to the but one of the top up political leaders about always in the bottom of this big on color that the, so they decided to really is hot. and also they decided to release all those up, but for this that's what i just said that in the past few days, in connection to the island they ended, we purchased a so these developing those that end up at night to i think yeah,
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i'll need to do that to say that, but if you just admit, came from the i student book this though, so one of the leaders named now have you slum. and he made an announcement last night and let me quote you, he said a photo. we have decided that the interim government would be formed inwards, internationally known to nobel laureate, dr. mama do you know who has the white acceptability would be the chief ed boy the so they're saying that they have already spoken to folks that you knew was and folks are doing this a good uh to take this role. uh and uh, after that i even did you contacted brother? so what was the most obvious, but i didn't get any call from within from there. but just to, before i was talking to you, if you're going to do for the day, just as long as this, the most influence ending this day, me a bit, i believe that before the end it says that pro. so do you lose one from move date, this one as the advisor of the new interim government. so this is a,
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do you mind by the students? well, justice. and they're saying that the problem i mean about is that it getting, it has to agree to that and they want, what was the new school form this the into them government, ed luck with the country. the military had also a be full. com. uh yes. today is the com and bung others today. unfortunately not because uh, i mean what i have noticed last night that, that on the many uh all i really only then. no, no, no, no, no, no good. uh, i'm in the family service and already uh many only uh offices that way i got door last night and also uh, being uh vandalize to buy for this goes and boom. uh and uh yeah, it's not the who are the ones executive doing it, but the way it up. yeah. does that offices been vandalized and doors? and also there are like the glasses between uh uh,
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between people and please in the locations and even at midnight we have the, uh, the gunshots are fired phones on their sons. uh so the suspicion is yet to follow them, i would say, and the president, also above of all of this the uh, president obama talbot. then he also made a statement last night. let me quote uh i asked for the armed forces to take a strict action to for the life and properties of the people. and not only him, also the, as soon as he does, they have also uh people to say phone and uh, full pass on the d months. were you leave it there for the moment. uh, thanks so much for joining us now. out of the islam. thank you, or that you can export several police officers have been injured, trying to separate and team as and dr. does from count different testers in the city of plymouth, british prime minister here as tom, i have said he would be deploying towards a standing army of police officers as violent rides. the threatened district into
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a 2nd week, more than 370 people had been arrested in connection with the unrest sofa which followed. the fearful stabbings of 3 young goes in the town of south for the often mazda of attacks by fall right? groups on this hotel enrolled the room targeting the sign and see, cuz living here, some demonstrate to say the violence escalate to be on the expectations. i arrive just say about 1 o'clock to a peaceful protest. i didn't want any violence to offend a, so a police officer not to contest. and it didn't show up cuz we were a little bit scared to stop. but i understand why people have been upset and, and the retaliation from it. simon, the unrest is erupt. it in several towns and cities across parts of the you can use in days. it was initially stopped by the killing of 3 young
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goals and adults close in the town to sell support report spread on social media. falsely claims the perpetrator was an asylum seeker would have recently had arrived in new york. okay. all right, so us and being met by come to protest. prime minister to a stomach has denounced the disorder. what a body of power motivation. this is not a protest. it is pure bottoms. we will not tolerate the tax on marks where i misled in communities. so the full force of the law will be visited on all those for identified as having taken part in these activities to. but condemnation by the government is not dissolved, we'll see is these members of london's muslim communities say they no longer feel safe? i feel very stress. i'm very, this is very distressing. a. busy 19 on life when they've, i've seen this kind of uh, fluoride activity,
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i guess the empty and image. and so we're, we're leaving few out and i think city, this could be anything will happen to us. well, i feel fraction skid to come out of my house because most of them people will not terrace. that's how i feel like i feel like we're being threatened and it's not safe stuff. some countries including indonesia and nigeria, have worn to the citizens living in or visiting the u. k. to stay vigilant and avoid the phone right demonstrations. let's get more from the, the charlotte sales and field joining, you know, from london. charlotte prime minister care stop has about to track down on these riots. how would they do that a well, this is the west, as most of why spreads case of unrest in and you can over 10 years. no such the prime minister has come out saying very clearly that those involved in criminal activity will face the full force of the law. now we've got
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a sense of what that's going to look like going forward when he announced that there would be a standing army deployed the hot spot. so what does that mean? it's essentially exclusive, especially trans, please, so that you can go and assist local forces in the area who are specialized in dealing with writing. such is what we're seeing on the streets of the u. k. does not means that the only will be deployed this the case on the front end. it says dismiss cold for that. say false. there is the dealing with it on the street. seligman to this there is and the justice system that he is promised to be soft in order to process that and she's interested quickly. they're often concerned so that jumps disappears very near the stretched prisons known to be very crowded with the criminal. it says, promise that the, uh, the, the, they do have the resources in place to deal with this. and then finally, you have made very clear that any action on line seems to be criminal, will be dealt with with as much force at the north,
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any criminal activity on the streets. do we know anything about the how and where these uh thought i'd groups have been organizing as well the schultz and and generalize offices that we use online. we know that this violence was treated by the sprite of false information online in connection with the suspects of an attack on a young gulf which, which left 3 dead agitators has since been spreading misinformation, uh online. so that is a consent fall right here is it's pretty decentralized. now police did point to an organization to the english defense mika, in relation to unrest in an english city, in southport, where the attack took place. um, but not a now defunct, essentially, what i would need is, uh, um, still online permanent figures from english defense league and they all sorts be agitating this arrest and this false information or online this information. how
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does this being dealt with with the government said that it is looking at that very closely. as i say, they would say they, they would crank down and anyone spread, taking cost and criminal activity online advertising this on rest. uh, they are also looking at the involvement, potentially they say all of that whole. so for in states since in spreading misinformation, the prime minister himself instead of just information, was seen on line to try amplification from no false activities, not something they'll be looking at. and they will also be hoping to, uh, push social media organizations to do more of them so that we know historically that that's not a tricky really there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today though. the, the solid shelton bill are voted from london. thanks so much. i to the us next, where a vice president comes on hers is expected to announce her running mates for the forthcoming us presidential election later on tuesday. she's interviewed potential
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candidates and recent days. top contenders include the governor, pennsylvania, and josh shapiro and minnesota governance in walls as well as arizona sentence, a ma kelly. all 3 potentially big come from swing states on the crucial battlegrounds where democratic and republican voters are evenly spread. and the quick reminder of the top story at these uh, bundled issues. prime minister share casino has designed them, fled to india, media to both says she plans to travel onto the london scale scripts foundation. the head of bangladesh has ministry is appealing for calm as he tries to follow my name, tell them come one with opposition process. that's all for the moment, but the server that's big is coming up next. often the break is planned as a where we can find out which country has got its net emissions by a wellbeing, 80 percent since 1990. i'm very strategy in 1000000000. thanks so much for joining
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us. we're back again in about 4 to 5 minutes. we'll see you then the by the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up and he employed a squarespace farms and destroy flights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history, we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german.


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