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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the in bangladesh. just paula mendez dissolve the student leaders layout badge. a mom of a country's political teacher and a video statement. they say they weren't success. an army led government opposite the prime minister as a resignation and exits. and they name the mind they want to stay a new and from administration, the nobel laureate, how many units also coming up on the program coming to our us propose to unveil her running mace in the race for the white house. we looked at who she might pick on why, as the us vice president awaits official confirmation of her democratic presidential
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nomination. the made of rising tensions and see if that will allow regional in the middle east. lebanese group has block launch is a series of drone and miss all attacks against israel. the menu mckinnon. welcome to the program of to weeks of deadly process that culminated in the resignation of prime minister, shake casino. bangladesh is now in the next phase of the dramatic political crisis . today, students who left the uprising made clear that and mom's routing allison on the lead government and naming the mind. they want to stay at any new entrance administration, but with the military still in charge, it's not clear what role they will play in the future. the bangladesh parliament
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was today dissolved, apparently paving the way for new elections, a new day and bundle with dish and a new chapter in its history. while the chaos has subsided, evidence of the turmoil remains violent. surrounding shake has seen his resignation . lift more than 100 deed and hundreds of others injured. now, many a whole things to come. i expect the new government run the country with honesty. therefore the people can live and sleep in peace. this is my only request and desire. we need bes, that's it. we are poor working class people. what do we do on those? we just want to live in be shaken. seen this lead to bundle of dish of to huge produce against 15 year room boiled over. now bungling dishes, millet tray is pushing to give an interim. government,
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bowing to take protested demands into account and show local, then god willing, whatever demand you have, we will fulfill them. and we will bring the ship piece ivank cda. we are student lead is through to lead the uprising to else to seen. it made it clear they don't want the military in charge of it as no other government will be allowed, except the one proposed by the students and the people. we said we won't allow an army lead government, a government supported by the army or a b team of the fascist government. we won't accept any anti people government. they've got the mine see tony who should be bundle of dishes next leader. this man, nobel peace prize laureate dr. mohammed eunice, big thing, he's agreed to advise as future interim government. but the problem is eunice is an
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economist credited with lifting millions out of poverty to but the 84 year old faced a number of corruption accusations during shake has seen his role. she accused him of sucking blood from the poor unit suit. the allegations were motivated by vengeance. now his supposes and bun gladish finley believe he is the man who can guides the country. through this period of turbulence. i spoke to property to bushy earlier. she's a student at john gear nigger university in the bangladesh. she capital the car and i asked her to tell us about her experiences of the mental events on monday. so 1st of all, yesterday we were out on the streets. you know, there has been in full just picked catch you and i yeah. along with my friends, i'm zillow protest. first we went down on this for use to roll much top out that the, our students, readers. and then when we learned that the prime minister,
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the former prime minister sheet, because we now have design, i can be expressed in wires that emotion and the feeling those people wired and chava with reading children. and i clearly remember i am my friend who to we just sat down on the streets and should i our highest i would because i've been, i only remember our matthews, who had we have sacrificed their lives for this big fee. and there were so many people in the me sometimes all over the country and the people i read joyce being seeing dancing on the screen. they were reading flowers. they were eating each other's weeds and we don't even know who many people stand. we have each other just with for one full in my 24 years of life, i've never ever seen such a such
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a long. yeah. so the logs have joy. yes. okay, sure. and where so many people who we don't know each other, we were having each other and we were black. that's fine. the $250.00 that does she the passage vision step to doubt. i'm as all of the really outdoor stuff that we finally made it happen. we finally made the former prime minister. how did you go $100.00? 0, that's the beach. you'll see a balance all day. yesterday. i will remember 12 my for life, and i was, i did live believe the entire population of bangladesh. we'll remember yesterday because we all made a huge pre yesterday. that was prompting to partially student, an act to this from delta in bangladesh. speaking to me a short while ago. let's take a quick look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world and ukraine's ad offense forces say they shut down to rush and miss solve. an over a dozen drones launched a capital t as in ice well source. he's report no casualties and no direct hits on
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housing or critical infrastructure. japanese official says judge will lead us to pursue total nuclear this home. and then to the ceremony knocking 79 years since the atomic bombing of hiroshima, the us launch the strike in 1945, killing more than 800000 people, and leveling 50 a 2nd bomb hit nagasaki. 3 days later, bringing further devastation the usaa, several of its troops have been injured and a suspected rocket attack at outside. at base in western iraq, it's unclear who is responsible for the strike. the rocky government has denounced what it calls reckless attacks against the faces on its territory. now, mid rising tensions and c a as an allow regional lebanese group has belong launched a series of drone and miss all attacks against israel to people who are reported
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wounded and the strikes which has blocked flames with targeting a military base and the military vehicle. israel released footage, it plain shows or tell a trace strikes on his block. in addition to the war in garza and near daily exchanges of fire along its northern border. israel is facing a conflict on a side front as it runs and said it will get revenge for the killing of how much political leda is mail. honey. interior tire on last week or at least analyst shawnee resigned. as of the following developments closely for us. good see shawnee so what can we learn from what is happening today between hezbollah and as ro? oh supposedly it's a non story. this has been going on for 10 months. exactly. these kind of fire exchanges along the border between israel 11 and, but we see slight discretion. his ball are pushing a bit deeper into israel. um maybe using new techniques. and you know,
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is really us where this is, it was in by his, by a response to a, an attack yesterday of one of the, as well as a live commandos offices that was assassinated. so this back and forth, you know, it's sort of like summer in the low heat, but we've also seen what happened if we want to rewind why we are, where we are now itself because of an attack on the is really occupied goal of heights. we're 12, children were killed in a, in a strike on a and a, so the soccer field. so these kind of, you know, the more a fire exchange is what we're seeing. the figure is a chance for any mistake human error. and it's a good technological interest that might lead to an escalation. it will take us, you know, out of, out of a, out of control and the water escalation. and all of this is only happening at the backdrop, you know, as well as saying this is not the very response. this is not the retaliation we are planning for the assess the nation of our, of, of, of, for took or last week. so this is still to come and the way is really expected. it's going to be very much at the center of what is what is now facing. because
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this ritual has buys, what's more, you know, imminent for his real life. now then the ron switch, which they feel they can, they have better technological ways of, uh, intercepting and avoiding any real damage. and we're seeing dislikes today, that it's the low technology, a very low tech technology to that, as well as using relatively no to the low tech that as actually bringing a lot of damage to israel and causing is really lines the bounce around. i mean, how likely do you think is an the iranian attack on israel in the coming hours that i was seeing in the last 2 days is that despite the very emotional response to the shot choice to assassinate it's my linea, into run, probably by israel, has never been confirmed by israel, the rings are very emotional about it, but they're still trying to be very strategic and their response and very much calculated probably trying to find a joint response, but some of their proxies including his by law who sees they have also militias,
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in rock along the region, and at the same time, um, you know, this will be, you know, something that they will carefully time tomorrow. we know they're the, you know, full and you're, you're going to request that shouldn't be a joint meeting of ab nations in saudi arabia for itself. this is this, you know, a connection between saudi arabia has been defrosted and slowly getting warmer and warmer is for itself quite a, quite a statement. but then in case that, you know, you're wrong managers to bring this error upfront with a strong statement against is really including what the americans use the, the moderate so new countries that they were trying to use in a different lives breaking for their honestly wrong minutes as to bring them all together, that would be a strong statement, and it could be that we will see you in your support. only after that happens, you know, only after they've managed to galvanize this united ad front against is really aggression, as they call it. and i'm hopeful that there's of course, in other front that israel is being facing this war on. that's the westbank,
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isn't it? yes, i know this been, you know, a very low. he, for the very constant. uh, you know, battled with there's really dollars is with greater force is, is, is trying to fence on send off all you know, attacks coming from the west bank with, with the, you know, in a certain way that it's successful because we haven't seen major terrorist attacks coming out of the west bank since october like is we'll have seen in the past. but on the other hand, this is ongoing and ongoing and, and the slow simmering, starting to slowly bubble into real boil point and we might be seeing this erupt any day. now, i don't use middle lease on electronic is on his show anything. you're welcome. any of us vice president coming to her as is expected to announce her running mates for the forthcoming us presidential election today. she has reportedly narrowed her choice to minnesota governor tom wolf and pennsylvania government, joshua shapiro. now both come from spring states, cru full battle ground. that's
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a democratic and republican votes has all even late spread and are drawn. and one issue dividing us notice is the bite and administration's unwavering support. israel. so mites a possible president coming to harris take a different approach. d. w. use in his pull. put that question to the us political analyst in bremo. i think the president harris would actually be quite different. i think you would see a lot more pressure on israel to limit the campaign or as i, i don't think they'd be the blank check that you've seen, you know, in, in reality, if not in principle from the biden harris administration over the past 9 months. she is much more concerned about the palestinian
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ability to continue to. ready with basic human conditions on the ground in gaza. and frankly, in the west bank she sees a u. s. foreign policy on israel palestine as a fail policy is much more sympathetic to palestinian statehood and especially on the back of the tenacity voting against the 2 state solution. so i think she might consider being willing to recognize a palestinian state even before israel would accept that. you know, that some european countries have already done that. others are considering it. i think you would find that a harris administration would be much more aligned with the europeans on israel palestine then either biden or try. and that was the us political analyst in bremond talking that to our washington bureau chief in his pool as well . we have time full, but do stay with us coming up next. a pest long a foot and ra,
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dictated in europe, is back with a vengeance. close off is up next, and zooms in on that bugs state you. and so that if you can, i'm on, you can just begin and i'll be back in about 45 minutes with more news headlines for you. even the we are all set we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new the will on about come by as information for free might say do to and then
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it's hard to believe just how much the stuff well to needs to have.


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