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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the union is live from ballon u. s. presidential hopeful cumberland harris picks her running mate. us medias say she has chosen symbols to be her vice president. if she wins the white house in november, the roles is currently going out of state as minnesota in the midwest region, the seen as crucial to democratic election items. also coming up on the present, i'm fine with that. she's student. protests leaders said they weren't accepts an army lead government author bringing down the prime minister that amounting, but nobel laureate, for how many units be put in charge of an interim administration. the mid rising tension and see it of an oil regional in the middle east. lebanese group has blocks
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north chest, a series of drone, and miss all attacks against israel. the manuscript has mckinnon. welcome and we've stopped the show with some breaking news . us media are reporting the vice president. cumberland harris has picked timbales as a running mate, old as the governor of the democratic stronghold of minnesota. but of the other say his presence on the ticket could help when a vote says we are in midwest in battle. ground state flight, wisconsin, and michigan about harris and wolves are expected to campaign together in several swing states in the coming days. as prostrate to washington dc, and get the very licensed from our correspondent, benjamin elder as group of benjamin tell us more about symbols. so
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1st of all was still waiting for the official confirmation from the campaign of campbell harris. that is supposed to be a video posted on social media. but as soon as us media announcer earlier today that the decision was made, cnn broke the news. it symbols was not among the early frontrunners who were present at hotly contested battleground states, such as arizona and pennsylvania. but the 60 year old, a governor of minnesota was a public school teacher. he was also a football coach and national guardsman. it'd before he entered politics and walls is currently is the thing a 2nd to him is the governor of minnesota assessed also 12 years in congress already. so boss and political experience that he's bringing it to the table and sources have told us media the vice president has was impressed by the authenticity that he who yes, shown over the last couple of days a well the number of possible v. p picks also narrow down to 3. as you say,
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i mean harris was also considering arizona center, so mont kelly, pennsylvania governor, judge shapiro. what was it? that's a made wolf, her choice. what's the democratic party might be hoping with walls is that he can appeal to voters outside of his home state as well, particularly in the midwest, also in rural areas, and specially because he has also achieved a lot during his time is as a governor, he is well known also for not only in the state where he is currently a governor with many saying that that could also have ra him. this last push to actually be a, the person that will now be on this ticket that is expected in philadelphia in a couple of hours it. so this is an appeal that they're trying to win with a waltz. now, of course, high expectation for this rally that they will have in, in philadelphia, in a couple of hours and also whether it will be in several different states of,
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of the next a couple of days. that's right. campaigning together in several swing states. so what will tim will do now to help come la harris take on donald trump and j d buns. so there was an interview with a u. s. broadcast for m s m b c. what was called the republican ticket of donald trump and j, the vance. weird. and that's what the democrats have been using over and over and several, a campaign. the videos that have been posted on several accounts too. and they also reacted immediately. send out a press release and i want to quote out of that they called it. so the term fence campaign, cold it's and both a dangerously liberal extreme is saying that the higher as well as california dream is every american nightmare. so immediately going on the attack, the but we can expect he's very well now. he knows also to react to to it gives interviews to also push it back there. and of course there was very closely
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followed it decision late in the evening yesterday. what was still waiting for any information. they said that there was no decision yet as couple of harris was still in the white house situation. room with president biden, following the developments in the lease. but now we know who will join her on the democratic ticket and we can wait in a few hours to see them together on stage and philadelphia for the 1st joint appearance at a campaign event. the w correspondent, benjamin alvarez group, ever pushing that from washington dc. but even thank you. now after weeks of deadly protests that culminated in the resignation of prime minister, shake casino buttonwood. this is now in the next phase of a domestic political crisis. today, students who led the uprising ruled out an army like government and named the ma'am, they want to stay at any new interim administration. the countries parliament has been dissolved, which would appear to paved the way for new elections in
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a new day in bundle of dish and a new chapter in its history. while the chaos has subsided, evidence of the turmoil remains violent. surrounding shake has seen his resignation . lift more than 100 deed and hundreds of others injured. now, many a hope, things to come. i expect the new government run the country with honesty. therefore the people can live and sleep in peace. this is my only request and desire. we need bes, that's it. we are poor working class people. what do we do on those? we just want to live in be shaken. seen this lead to bundle of dish of to huge produce again to 15 year room boiled over. now bundle of dishes. millet tray is pushing to give an interim government bowing to
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take pro, taste as demands into account and show local, then god willing, what are the dimensions? do you have should we will fulfill them? we don't. and we will bring the ship piece back to the new york student leaders who lead the uprising to alto siena that made it clear. they don't want the military in charge. no other government will be allowed except the one proposed by the students and the people. we said we won't allow an army lead government, a government supported by the army or a b team of the fascist government. we won't accept any anti people government. they've got the mind see tony who should be bundle of dishes next leader, this man, nobel peace prize laureate dr. mohammed eunice. they saying he's agreed to advise a future interim government. but the problem is eunice is an economist credited with lifting millions out of poverty to but the 84 year old faced
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a number of corruption accusations during shake has seen as role. she accused him of sucking blood from the poor unit suit. the allegations were motivated by vengeance. now his supposes and bundle of dish finley believe he is the man who can guides the country. through this period of turbulence, i spoke to the property to pushy earlier. she's a student, a john gear, and i got our university in the bangladesh. she capital dot com. and i asked her to tell us about her experiences of the the mentor events on monday. thank you so much for the question. first of all, yesterday we were out on the streets. you know, there has been in full just picked catch. you and i. yeah. along with my friends, i'm zillow for this 1st week. waiting on this for use to a roll much impact on that the, our students,
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readers. and then when we learned that the prime minister, the former prime minister sheet, because we now have design, i can be expressed in wires that emotion and the feeling those people wired and chava reading children. and i clearly remember i am my friend who to we just sat down on the streets and should i our highest i would because i've been, i only remember our matthews, who had we have sacrificed their lives for this big fee. and there were so many people in the me sometimes all over the country and the people i read joyce being seeing dancing on the screen. they were reading flowers. they were eating each other's weeds and we don't even know who many people stand. we have each other just with for one full. in my 24 years of life, i've never ever seen such a such
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a long. yeah. so the logs have joy. yes. okay, sure. where so many people who we don't know each other, we were having each other and we were black. that's fine. the $250.00 that does she the passage vision step to doubt i'm as all of the really have dollars stuff that we finally made it happen. we finally made the former prime minister. how do you go, how about, that's the beach. you'll see a balance all day. yesterday. i will remember 12 my for life, and i was, i did live, believe the entire population of bangladesh. we'll remember yesterday because we all made a huge pre us to prep day the way you describe it really re he brings it alive. the emotions obviously, just so real. of course today more crucial developments happening in your country. the banquet that she parliament has been dissolved. how would you describe the mood today?
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up after yesterday when i would saying that at evening i bought the i saved the updates and full several docs minorities are being attacked. and a lot of people who went there, who were celebrating with our enjoy, you know, might be 3, was not even a celebrate dose of properly because that's the new goals that our minority gives you. we did just mine already did indigenous minorities there being at that that sure that shocked or so sense with king bed. i personally think that that when that and we have seeking a lot of involvement diary should have done enough to protect ourselves to protect the religious. i mean be janeth minorities, but now we don't want to see that by a body shop needs to be in that portal or production. and i believe that out. yes, this is a big step that farmer brown and associates, i think i had stepped down, but we did file our dumpster break responsibility and he did. he just wants me to do the hours i was, i was do this. i don't. those were the leaders. those who are the,
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projectors that entire golf guys, the population of bangladesh, that's which would be far more country. now we have thinking about people on the whole spread the whole system about this now, and this is old where it is greater responsibility. and i can see that the whole student leaders, the whole students are exactly, they're looking forward to doing that. i don't see that the students this students, they already uh, beside the religious minorities the, are now doing the job of traffic when is dental cleaning. the reason of the bottom of these thoughts, i guess i am very hopeful not myself of our sales. and we believe that the way that we can be formed, our dual delta blue country, reformed the system. and the former government, which we just find that you'd be able to practice our demo septic system, democratic culture, the students have been very clear and saying, haven't they, that they won't accept military rule? do you trucks the military? i know i don't press the military at all because if i can say your most
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also some obo and must have already known that the plumber problem is actually present it has played and we as we on the bottom of the she needs read about us. yeah, and we have her heart displeased from the concrete if she was right now to taps, held accountable for her actions, and she would cease to what have you got, allow me to do for the murder, sofa. oh, the blanchard, of our brothers and sisters. so it was the bottom of this army, they are still now. uh they are saying that they will go up by a dock of damage. you have said that she was called by the students, but now we're about obviously army has kids about the brand, former brand new start. i also am very hopeful, but i want to say another thing that, that people know about this. that's kind of this web thing and we try to live government from the poker. been busy, and we don't trust them either that or live goldman at all. this is why i was totally there. i was looked after. we have been very clearly indicating that we
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don't want any we to turn in the government. we want them last year and include the name governments. and we want and clearly election a free brought by re election when we can express our democratic rice where we can finally you that your generation obama. they can find money be able to vote. so i don't know that i would. i would like to say another thing that is, what am i think the fall are my line from that one? does rice and harding to monitor the gas? the of the former parameters are so you covered an hour me do think so. any and up the effects done by develop the she i mean is done by the mute phrase, either done by the any other obligations type. you are any other running by the, the bottle of this you publish on the bottom of is you students will fight against the does have we have fox before where we lose 5, i guess. did you know our country oil, what the people that minority do thing, did you not for me to ask woman or everyone can do you have to let you know the
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country corrupted to bushy bangladesh, the student, an activist. thank you so much for your time telling us about your thoughts and feelings in these last momentous days. thank you. thank you so much for inviting let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and you cranes add a sense for us to say they shut down 2 russian missiles. an over a dozen, drones launched the capital key. the night was ortiz report no casualties and no direct hits on housing or critical infrastructure. the several of its troops have been injured and a suspected rocket attack had l. outside a base in western iraq. somebody who's responsible for the strike 0. he government has denounced what it calls rep plus attacks against bases on its territory. and the rising tensions and stairs and all out regional lebanese group has blocked, launched a series of thrown and missed all attacks against israel to people who are unfortunate
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wounded in the strikes, which has been a lot claimed with targeting a military base and the military vehicle israel released footage, it claims shows or tolerate vitality rate strikes on hezbollah, in addition to the war and gaza near daily exchanges of fire along its northern border. israel is facing a conflict on a 3rd front. as the ron has said, it will get revenge for the killing of the hum us politically. that is male honey. inter on last week, the analyst shawnee resign is a following developments closely for us. good see shawnee so what can we learn from what is happening today? between hezbollah and israel. well, supposedly it's a non story. this has been going on for 10 months. exactly. these kind of higher exchanges along the border between israel 11 and, but we see slight escalation has been pushing a bit deeper into israel. um, maybe using new techniques and you know, is really us where this is,
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it was in by his, by a response to a, an attack yesterday of one of his bottles with commandos officers that was assassinated. so this back and forth. you know, it's sort of like summer in the low heat, but we've also seen what happened if we want to rewind the wire. we are where we are now. it's all because of an attack on the is really occupied goal of heights were 12, children were killed in a, in a strike on a and a, so the soccer field. so these kind of, you know, the more a fire exchange is what we're seeing, the figure is a chance for any mistake human error. and it's a good technological interest that might lead to an escalation. it will take us, you know, out of, out of, out of control and the water escalation. and all of this is only happening at the backdrop, you know, as well as saying this is not the very response. this is not the retaliation. we are planning for the assassination of our, of, of, of, for took or last week. so this is still to come. and the weight is really expected . it's going to be very much at the center of what is what is now facing. because
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the switch on his buys, what's more, you know, imminent for his real life now, then the ron switch, which they feel they can, they have better technological ways of intercepting and avoiding any real damage. and we're seeing just like today that it's the low technology, a very low tech technology today as well as using relatively no to the low tech that as actually bringing a lot of damage to israel and causing is really lives the voucher on, i mean, how likely do you think is another rainy, an attack on israel in the coming hours that i was seeing in the last 2 days is that despite the very emotional response to the shot choice to assassinate is my linea into run. probably by israel has never been confirmed by israel. the ring is a very emotional about it, but they're still trying to be very strategic and their response and very much calculated probably trying to find a joint response, but some of their proxies including his by law who sees they have also militias in
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rock along the region, and at the same time, you know, this will be, you know, something that they will carefully time tomorrow. we know they're the, you know, full and you're as long as requested shouldn't be a joint meeting of ab nations in saudi arabia for itself. this is this, you know, a connection between saudi arabia that has been defrosted and slowly getting warmer and warmer is for itself quite a, quite a statement. but then in case that, you know, you're wrong manages to bring this error upfront with a strong statement against is really including what the americans use the, the moderate so many countries that they were trying to use in a different lives breaking for their on if you wrong, and that's just to bring them all together. that would be a strong statement and it could be that we will see you in your support. only after that happens. you know, only after the managed, galvanized this united ad front against is really aggression as they call it. and then talk a little that there's of course, in other front, israel is being facing this war on. that's the westbank, isn't it?
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yes, i know this been, you know, and very low. he for the very constant. uh, you know, battles of israel, you know, is, is with greater force is, is, is trying to fence on send off all, you know, a tax coming from the west bank with, with a, you know, in a certain way that it's successful because we haven't seen major terrorist attacks coming out of the west bank since october, like israel have seen in the past. but on the other hand, this is ongoing and ongoing and, and the so simmering is starting to slowly bubble into real boil point and we might be seeing this erupt. any day now, i don't use my lease on electronic is on his show anything. you're welcome money. now i'm, it says of the conflict escalating further, a growing number of countries, a warning best citizens to stay away from them at least or to guess out if they already in the region. south korea is foreign ministry, one citizens to leave levon on an israel, on choose day. other countries such as japan, germany, the us on the u. k. have issued similar advisories,
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but not everyone is finding it easy to guess out. they routes that ford was hit by flight disruptions as recently as monday of to israel said it would retaliate. so strikes launched from 11 on google has suffered a major legal blow that software us judge ruled. it had acted legally to maintain a monopoly and stifle competition while generation huge profits. the decision could result in huge penalties and change the way uses access information on the mobile devices. the judge found that google held a monopoly through its position as the default search option on many phones and devices. this allows that to charge off officially high prices for advertising. google argued it's market dominance was due to the quality of its technology. the company says it will appeal the decision, a bunch of pundits and baler from w businesses here to tell us more about this height tip on this. so, you know,
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we know so many people around the world use google use the search engine every day . what does this mean for them? well, as you say, there is a big win for the american people. however, the changes are going to take a while or may not even happen. because of course, google has 90 percent of them or more than 90 percent of the market share of online search. and, and that's of course would be something that would be hard to change. we talk about googling it's a verb for a reason. so that's one reason and then the 2nd reason is that google is going to appeal this decision. so this will be in the courts for awhile. and the court proceedings that actually lead to that anti trust building are moving onto the 2nd phase. and it is doing that 2nd phase that we will get to hear more about what google needs to do to address it's monopoly. so this is going to take a while and we country talk about people ordinary people like you will, myself and you have seen changes it's, it's going to take a while. but what about the tech industry?
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i mean, how is this really going to affect the tech industry as a whole? well, this is a big win of course, and that shouldn't be underscore, and the stated it is a big win because it actually shows that anti trust efforts can work. and this is the biggest and they trust decision we've seen in decades in the, you know, in the united states. so this is going to be a huge encouragement for all those anti trust advocates taking on the likes of apple met method which owns facebook. and of course, uh amazon or any other major companies, microsoft included. so this is gonna be a huge encouragement for them. but they can, can, they can carry on with the anti trust efforts. so that's one when and of course we might, we might see a lot of these companies, of course, getting challenges to the business models. this challenges, of course, google's business model. so alphabet which owns google might be concerned about the $300000000000.00 in at revenue that it makes from google. that is something that it might face challenges to going forward. i'm the same could happen for other tech
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firms which are being targeted by anti trust efforts. so there's probably a bit of concern in the tech industry right now because of course, their models are being challenged when they are dominants in certain markets to king's big money. and possibly wide ranging influences to function baler from dw business. thank you so much. now it's been described as a once in a lifetime event and it's getting us from him is extremely excited. the scouring the night sky ready for wrath, phenomenon known as the blaze star, which is expected to become visible to the naked eye in the coming days. usually the blaze star is too faint to be seen with a naked eye, but around every 80 years it suddenly becomes one of the brightest and the night sky officially named t corona, bori alice often shortened to tea cor, bore its what's called a recurrent nova astrophysicist brad schafer has studied historical reports of
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earlier sightings, a. t for bore went off in the year. $1787.00 t core bore went off in the year 1866, and it went off in the year. 1946. and that works out to a $79.00 or 80 year rupture and cycle so roughly 80 years or 79 years after 1946 is round about now the explosion that we see isn't caused by just one star, but 2, around 3000 light years away. t cor bore is a binary star system, made up of a dense hawk white door and a lighter cooler, red giant. the white door gravity constantly sucks material away from its larger neighbor. you have a close interacting binary star where one of the stars is relatively normal and you know, the other star was a white door there. so close the matter from the inner edge of the of the normal
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star falls under the white door as the denser smaller star and the system draws mass off. it's much larger neighbor. it builds up steadily on the white door surface. when the pressure and temperature peak every 80 years, the below you start goes off, like a gigantic thermo nuclear weapon. and when the hydrogen fusion starts, it becomes a runaway reaction, just like an hydrogen bomb. and all the whole surface blows up, just like a hydrogen bomb. and so you have this huge explosion on the surface which extends off matter. and the star brightens because you're looking at an explosion to view the nova. look 1st for the constellation bow tase nearby. there's a small semi circular formation called the corona, borealis, or northern crown. just off at the returning blaze star should be easy to spot.
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and with that, you are up to date to stay with us. the blocks is up next and looks at why listin is key in the shift to green and the money keeps mckinnon. i will be back with more news about off analyses. i'm the
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the well has dried family, who's saying in iraq lives with climate change. what little those are they have a male supposed to defects of the drugs so that they are not forced to leave. so bu us next on d,
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w respects its own about walk in waves and texting nature. that's right, sandra, respecting they just studying the new city they it's about being up to date with current ideas, technologies. i'm trying to eat co way of life, the environment magazine, the co africa in 16 that is on d. w. the web page. i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks. trace amount, but there's no actually of, i'll move join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the
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world. no need to talk about just a subscriber id. listen to papa. take you along to the right. the young women in japan, breathing new life into an old tradition. the any rock we looked at, the impacts of climate change on health. and we ask, why are we so who own lithium batteries the to understand why lift the.


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