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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 7, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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marijuana and protections for transgender people who also hugs and is a national guard veteran, but who also elected gun control those and he states. so why him? why, tim, i'm feel gayly invalid and this is the day i of the, these economy, the rest of this white guy with jumping appeal to the port portion of the democratic base. he helps to balance the ticket. i am pro choice and i am glad a you know that we live in minnesota and that he is the little guy that writes for women. he will certainly be a very good opponent to vance. she is covered at the san francisco liberal and she's chosen a running mate, will be a san francisco style liberal originally at 6 uh the pennsylvania governor cuz i think it would be a good balance. i get it. he speaks plainly,
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he speaks the truth or another, somebody will but not to or why god is what might appeal to us. i'm on the side of the symbol. it's his record is a joke. i don't know, but i trust her. also on the day bangladesh gets a nobel laureates to lead essentially government students who forced out the old government, say that family against any military involvement. why don't craft, i mean it, the government at o, this is why i was student leaders. our put after we have been very clearly indicating that we don't want your name. we to turn in the government. we want them in last year and being clover entered in golf med welcome to the day democrats in the us around and around couple of hours this choice of running night and happy to become the next us president and a post on instagram. and she said she picked to minnesota governor to walls because of his record of financing for middle class families in just
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a 2 weeks. he's gone from being little know, not side to state to potentially the next vice president of the united states is a record of promoting liberal policies such as protecting women's rights to choose and championing climate issues. is profile with democrats, joseph, after his description of republicans, donald trump, and vice presidential nominee j. d. vance. as we went viral, as protectively, the democrats of political opponents went on the attack. as soon as that waltz his name was announced, j. d vance slammed administer as a government, as a solemn from cisco style liberal represents the radical left of the democratic policy. book. tim offices record is a joe. he's been one of the most far less radicals in the entire united states government at any level. but i think that what tim wants to selection says, is the cobble in here as has been the need to the far less of a party, which is what she always does. so i think what it says is
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a couple of harris is running as a san francisco liberal. she is covered as a san francisco liberal and she shows that a running made. it will be a san francisco style liberal a couple of hours and 10. what was due to appear for the 1st time is running nights as a rally in philadelphia. correspondence benjamin alvarado strube is that welcome bed . so it's a wall street top of the town. what are people that say your bosses can use the talk of the town and we could see with a many supporters waiting in long lines, it was raining and they were waiting to get into this. rena, it's you can see behind me the valley is under way many a way to, for the do for the ticket is now many people i'm mentioning him saying that he is the right peak. and if we look back, i mean, this process started over 2 weeks ago when president fighting decided to step down from the president racing goals. pamela harris, and many were wondering who are running piece it would be in many thought that it
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could be either the governor of pennsylvania. you also have here is also expected to be here in a couple of hours. the other said, it will be center from arizona center kelly to swing state, the very important, if the democrats said what referred from the campaign from campbell, how is it that they connected not just on a personal level, but that you have a lot of respect for the work that he has a cheap during the turns he's known as secretary governor of minnesota and many of the policy, as you mentioned, the policy is that the higher is depend once see on the national level, we have paid b. we have access to be productive health and many of the things that they would like to introduce if they make it a to the why. so, so in this video that was posted, this phone call between vice president, come on hire is in the b p, p. you said, you know this country, and if you look at a governor of both, what do you as a chief to that he joined politics quite laid up to being a teacher and what it was in china. and he speaks chinese. he was
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a football coach. and he was also part of the quite interesting to kind of help to form a l g b t q, a lines in a high school. so many things coming out of a man. no, not quite well. and it's to mention this m s and p c and to do the when, when he spoke about this with this ticket of donald trump and dave event, somebody, something that he might say today, again, you're in philadelphia. okay. so a man with a rounded cv, if i can put it that way, but you mentioned just appear a month, kelly, that too big of names who had been mentioned. so how did i say was managed through a eclipse then? so they thought it might be so many people were wondering why not bureau why not tally. and we know that this very long pro says that the interviews that happened on friday or saturday and sunday there's so many people involved here. what,
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what the campaign thing always complain is hoping to get the most bulky to go to the secret and is it they need to be some time to be working together for many months now? it's a very tight schedules that have the many offices when say, and the next couple of days it will be traveling around the country. but it's the respect, the tumble of her as most it. she has her team size, as for the job that company was, has achieved in minnesota. and also by all repeated was mentioned a lot and over and over it by the higher is competing of who's expectation you're in. the arena is, is growing many anxiously waiting for they do to appear on. c so just before you time on what we heard, the j d vans the trash talking a day to was a what house republicans responding to this so the press release quite quickly. there was send out one face,
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use the road saying that they sell the house radically. it's pamela. howard says he attacked those of them immediately. j events. we'll see you in philadelphia only a couple of hours ago. it won't be interesting to see the 1st debate. what the strategy will actually be, but as i said, it was his m, as in b. c. and said you were a governor was actually mentioned this, but we can do the over and over and also by the campaign the democrats of, after the course the, what we're to mention a, the republic 10 a ticket. so it's no wonder that they would attack him directly. bad, well, pause active, waiting to see if you will need to see here behind me, you can see some expectations there, many like that was sent out here and there, read. and so these are the cases going for the most of them to be on the 1st to appear in spite pamela harris and hit by. 7 president a quick what then about the palms. the shadow by how about coming up in this week
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bed so that will be in several of this. we say that will be in nevada. that will, it should be in wisconsin. this is also very important. is the 8 so that will be traveling together and this happens today. so yes, today there was still no decision come on hers, but see the situation. go by and talk, no developments in the middle east and only today they knew the good work together . and he said it was going to work with you. so we'll be seeing a lot from the couple in the next a couple of days to, to try to of course, a truck, small boat in states with this momentum that come on. how does this actually see? right? it's not a bad day that'd be tasked on the drop benjamin alvaros through the in, in the delta delta account and see bold is an assistant professor of political science at the university of arkansas. a welcome to dw delta. was your money on to wells to be um gov viruses vp pick. uh, he was not my 1st prediction. uh,
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given that most of the observers and pundents were pushing for shapiro the governor out of pennsylvania. um, i think it is a surprise for most of us here in the states. why do you think he glosses over that? you know, i think it came down to the feeling that she had about him in her that the way she connected with him when she interviewed with him and, and met with him over the last couple of weeks. but also i think he brings demographics. he brings geography, as well as his own personal biography to the ticket and balances that up it out in a way that will help her with those undecided voters, especially in the battleground states of michigan, wisconsin in pennsylvania. is it like like a visa? that token you told about the demographics and the geography. yeah. okay. so you've told us through that through the drug faith. tell us about the demographics as well . so you know, being that he has a midwestern background in the western kind of philosophy and approach to life. and
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he will help with those voters that are in the midwest that maybe don't relate to carmella harris who is at coastal liberal and has somewhat of an elite background. he does not, he is going to be one of the 1st candidates on a national ticket that does not have an elite education is not a lawyer and really comes from this kind of working class background. he worked as a school teacher, a high school football coach, and served in the national guard for over 20 years. so that's, that's a story that appeals devices you, you say he's not a coast liberal, but he's gotten liberal and written through him like rock. i look at his record in the state legislature and ambitious agenda of liberal policies, free college tuition for low income students, legal recreational marijuana protections for transgender people. these are bull's eyes for republican accusations of a super work radical extreme left wing agenda, or how may it's, it's absolutely,
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and they are going to try to paint him as part of that kind of bite in harris liberal agenda. progressive msm on high speed and they will be right to a certain degree, but they can ignore that. he also has these positions and these policies that have supported working class families and children, which are very populous to nature and balance out some of his progressive stances toward the l. g. b, t, community, the legalization of marijuana, as well as abortion right. um, so you know, he is a mixed bag in terms of those policies and the harris campaigns going to have to work to educate voters about him because we don't really know that much about them . and so, you know, the trump campaign will rush to paint a picture of him as someone that's out of touch with society. in fact, they've already started to run ads that, that paint him as a progressive. that's dangerous for society. i. what is the touch on guns safety as well? because governor walls is inaccurate. a massive bill. they see it. that includes
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universal background checks and circled red slide laws that allow police to temporarily confiscate fire on some dangerous people. this is really changing the fights to the republicans, or just giving them targets to i'm not, it is certainly it is. and most liberals are going to have similar stances because that is where the democratic party is. they do support regulating the 2nd amendment to a degree with things like background checks. i'm so you know, that is something that the uh, the trump campaign will certainly want to hit him on. they will want to continue to paint him with someone that's dangerous and will take away your rights. but they're going to have to push. they're going to get a little push back from waltz because he is an avid hunter. and this is not something that is just for show, he actually has, you know, many pictures and much evidence to prove that this is not something that is just a, a, a, a picture for him. he really does support that. but since he's been governor,
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he's soft and all those rights a little bit as executives will do in a liberal state. so he's going to have to fight to overcome that messaging from the trump campaign. and republican nominated j b. francis said that he will be by touching wells one sees officially the nominate. how do you think these 2 will stack up against each other had to had, or i think it's going to be interesting because they certainly a contrast to one another in terms of how they talk about policies. and they're kind of positioning towards the policies obviously. but they have similarities to and that they do come from the midwest. they do kind of have a working class background, but they diverge and that j. d did go to a liberal school. and he, he's an elitist in terms of his education. he's a lawyer and to walks does not have that similar background as j. d. but they are going to come at each other hard because these are 2 candidates that really, we don't know that much about. and so they're going to be working to paint one
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another as well, the opposite of what undecided voters, one or what those voters and those battleground states. one. so it will be interesting to see because we don't know that much about these 2 candidates as we have about maybe some of the other previous vice presidential choices in the past. they're all the vice president was once famous. they describe just that not being with a bucket of spit, how important is this choice beyond the electro college votes that they bring to the ticket as well. i think this may not be the case this time around because we're dealing with a different type of process, an unprecedented process and that, you know, you had a major candidate step down and now is vice president has been delegated the role of candidates. and so we don't know much about her either. and her vice presidential choice tells us a little bit about her and where she wants to the party to be and where she wants to wrap the areas of the party she wants to represent. so in that respect,
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i think this vice presidential choice is actually more helpful than those ones in the past that have gone through the traditional processes because we're still trying to find carlos. so this may help her if it is a turn off to the undecided voters in those battleground states, then it can hurt her. i'm so i think it nonetheless will have more impact than what you previously have seen. fascinating analysis, and we thank you for it. dr. kind and save all from the university of arkansas. thank you so much. thank you. the band with best buy the president has names nobel prize winning economist mohammed eunice to have an interim government as a country goes. so it's west of political turmoil for years. the apartment fulfills a key demand of student process to assume that the uprising which tough for the long time prime minister shake of siena, fears for public safety have been growing after reports of a tax on homes and businesses owned by minority hindus. police to say that word
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about the own safety of an ounce, that going on strike further adding to the uncertainty a new day in bangladesh and a new chapter in its history. while the chaos has subsided, evidence of the term moral remains. violent surrounding shake has seen his resignation, left more than 100 dead and hundreds of others injured. now, many are hoping for call of the for the drugs, i expect the new government run the country with honesty. therefore, the people who can live in sleeping fees. this is my only requesting desire. we need bes, that's it. we are poor working class people. what do we do on those? we just want to live in b. shake casino fled bangladesh after huge protest against for 15 years, really boiled over now bangladesh as miller trees putting together and,
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and turn him government bowing to take protesters demand into account and show local. then god willing, whatever demand you have, we will fulfill them. we don't, and we will bring the ship piece back to the new york student leaders who led the uprising to our testing a have made it clear that they don't want the military in charge. no other government will be allowed except the one proposed by the students and the people. we said we won't allow an army lead government, a government supported by the army or a b team of the fascist government. we won't accept any anti people government. steve got their mindset on who should be bangladesh, his next leader, this man noble piece, price laureate, dr. muhammed eunice, eunice has now been chosen to had to enter in him government,
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according to the presidential office. and economists credited with lifting millions out of poverty, 84 year old, you know, spaced a number of corruption accusations. during casinos rule. she accused him sucking blood from the poor. eunice that the allegations were motivated by vengeance. now his supporters in bangladesh firmly believe he is the man who can guide the country through this period of turbulence. news rodney me is a student activist at bonham. disastrous chicagoan university on to pop in the protests. welcome to de w. a lot's happened in the last 2 days of prime minister has left the country and now we have how many units chosen to relieve this new government. how are you feeling about these changes? actually i have god, i'm expanding you to uh finally our movement was about one going to move meant we wanted, we wanted shake, cussing up to step down and i think we actually have that. and that's why i,
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i'm kind of happy at the same time, i'm very concerned about the incidence that's going on throughout the country about the vandalizing and attacking of public and private, triple twos on the people with different political interest and ethnic minority. old for the religious minority, so yeah, i have quite am excluding. but why do you think that's happening? i think that was sort of done. mean, there are people who, who are thinking that if i am possible by arms, then i had the rights to many pull it to people who do not have the follow up, who do not have arms or blah, blah, blah. so they always want uh, once they once had, uh, they wanted to back. so uh, the policy goes by gigs where actually you know, to you for the past few years, people are not few years, almost 415 and 16 years. they want to go back to their power and also now people
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are kind of kind of taking revenge on, on the people who, who have goes to them suffering. so yeah, people are actually frustrated and people are, uh, people has underneath it so many things for the past 15 years and i think this was, you know, reachable and yeah that's, that's okay. so now how many units gets to, to lead this entering a government? do we know anything more about the shape of the government besides the fact but, but it pays at the top of it, for instance, whether the army will in fact be positives. so as far as i knew, we really voted that i a b has been proposed. we'd all know who is going to be in charge of defend ministry or defense. victor. that that's the draft has been already provided, and it will be published by tomorrow meeting the morning. and that's all for now
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that we know a bind from that to dr. eunice is going to be the chief of this entering government . they are trust the ministry will support proper elections for a new government soon. it's actually, it's kind of a tricky questions because i have seen and we will have seen actually what community has done for the lead the previous year is what they have done in the previous days for especially the last week. so i don't trust them for the but i think if the people, if the student and all the civil society are actively participating in the new upcoming government, then the military, we will understand that they has a good bye to play and they should not be as they was ones were also hearing the force of the presence so that they released of opposition leader and fuller by
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prime minister cutty to see it from house the rest. if this is true, i'm your thoughts on that please. actually i'm not sure that she gets reduced because we, we, we're contemplating that. this type of thing would happen. but uh, you know, uh, as we want to democratic country pollution body is a must for saved government. so if the color that you had the walmart parameters certain, find the dish, if she has lower tone less than she has seen what incidence is, what's going on for the previous days. and she is willing to go up on it then i think something good will happen. but let's see what happens. good talking to you. thank you so much for giving us your time student activists and those right near me . thank and it's been described as a once in a lifetime event and it's getting a stronger presence,
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very excited, best scouring the night sky for a raf phenomena known as the blaze star, which is expected to become visible to the naked eye in the coming days. usually the blaze star is too faint to be seen with a naked eye, but around every 80 years it suddenly becomes one of the brightest and the night. sky officially named t corona, bori alice often shortened to tea cor, bore its what's called a recurrent nova astrophysicist. brad schafer has studied historical reports of earlier sightings, t for bore went off in the year. 1787. t cor bore went off in the year 1866 and it went off in the year. 1946. and that works out to a $79.00 or 80 year rupture and cycle so roughly 80 years or 79 years after 1946 is round about now the explosion that we see isn't caused by just one
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star, but 2, around 3000 light years away. t cor bore is a binary star system, made up of a dense hawk white door and a lighter cooler, red giant. the white door gravity constantly sucks material away from its larger neighbor. you have a close interacting binary star where one of the stars is relatively normal and you know, the other star was a white door there. so close the matter from the inner edge of the of the normal star falls under the white door as the denser smaller star and the system draws mass off. it's much larger neighbor. it builds up steadily on the white door surface. when the pressure and temperature peak every 80 years, the below you start goes off. it's like a gigantic thermo nuclear weapon. and when the hydrogen fusion starts, it becomes a runaway reaction just like an hydrogen bomb. and all the whole surface blows up,
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just like a hydrogen bomb. and so you have this huge explosion on the surface which sends off matter. and the star brightens because you're looking at an explosion to view the nova. look 1st for the constellation bow tase nearby. there's a small semi circular formation called the corona, borealis, or northern crown. just off at the returning blaze star should be easy to spot. and that's the day you follow out. same on social media at dw use, latest news available, of course, around the clock on the www dot com or on the d. w. app. as watching today, have a good day. the
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climate change is threatening our food supply. 1089 and algorithms safeguard harvest is land grown and fruit good for the climate. going to be tomorrow's coffee? chase lane, and kent drones, health save forest, searching for a new approach to agriculture. can i check, tell found, made in germany next on d, w, the hobby book, it's of a man. so a souvenir or b, c of conservation conservation,
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signing for itself. rich people, coaching, endangered animals. why is this allowed and is benefiting from it? shot a trophy hunting in 45 minutes on d w. the of the c w. this is ebony also is available to them and it has a negative in some sense this shadows, these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the score, supposed farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as
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depression today? history? we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the industrial nations have always had an abundance of food and the waste, with thousands of tons thrown away every day. hardly a sustainable system. climate change buttons harvests worldwide, but especially in countries already separate acute shortages and with solutions desperately needed. can high tech help out the focus of this addition of making definitely use business magazine. the also coming up in the show parts for the 1st mushrooms, the future of farming an app that can help to diagnose plants diseases. and.


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