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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 7, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the news live from bill in us presidential hopeful, pamela harris picks the running. the harris has picked a vice presidential running night for november's elections. tim wolf is governor of the democratic stronghold of minnesota of service. his presence on the ticket could help went out and photos in midwest and battleground, states like wisconsin and michigan harris and the bulls are expected to campaign. together across several swing states in the coming dies introduced by harris at a rally in philadelphia. bowls said he hopes to bring the values of his state and career to washington. minnesota strength comes from our values,
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our commitment to working together. to seeing past our differences, always being willing to lend a helping hand. those are the same values i learned on the family farm and tried in skill in my students. i took it the congress end of the state capital and now vice president harris and i are running to take those very values to the white house. 8 and beyond then is a political commentator in the us and i asked him earlier how the 1st campaign states from harris's new running life has gone down the extraordinary really well the fund raising hall for the here is waltz, campaign has raised well over $20000000.00 in just a few hours since the announcement was made. i've heard from a lot of different people, the excitement is palpable. i actually haven't heard this level or seen this level of excitement, particularly on the democratic side since the 2008 presidential election in forgive
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me. i have to make one minor correction from your your lead in minnesota is not a solid blue state. it is very purple, it's a swing state in the presidential election, and i am originally from minnesota, so i can sure speak about tim waltz and, and what the attitude looks like in the midwest. you were in a good position then and a to tell us, having listened to walls for that 1st time, did it become apparent to you? why come let harris pick 10? i the payment was bit of a why the 9 recognition specifically, joshua payroll, not kelly or yeah, it's fascinating to see because you know, josh kelly and i just started josh or bureau, governor, pennsylvania, and senator mark kelly were excellent choices as well to be vp picks but i think what it really came down to is tim, last spring's, the combination of this mid western a good guy who knows how to communicate with everybody. he was
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a teacher. he was in the military, he's a hunter. you know, he is a parent of idea of children and he connects with people in a way that's very folksy in down home is it's called in the midwest, but he also knows how to attack. he apparently is the originator of this weird label that has really taken off against donald trump and j, the vans the competitors. so shapiro is going to do a great job of helping the campaign in pennsylvania and center kelly will work. he has bought off in arizona to make sure those to swing states go for the democrats. yes, a wolf has labeled vents and from we is in that very simpleton. how can this simple approach to communication help? campbell, a house? well, democrats typically suffer from a problem of over explaining things, getting caught up in details and bows. cala harris and tim walls are just
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master full communicators. and so when you come up with a short, simple word like weird that everybody can understand and connect with it is effective and powerful and it doesn't require explanation. everybody knows what you're talking about. there's a brilliant move on the part of the hair is campaign. um i, i'm a pleasantly shocked at how well these 2 work together on the rally stage in philadelphia in their chemistry was apparent tongue vance. and the republican seemed to a thing a little put off by the presence of harris suddenly and seeing the momentum that she's built. how are they going to try and attack bulls on the campaign trial? do you think? yeah, the biggest thing that they're going to have on walls is they're going to try and label him as an extreme extremist progressive left test, which is not based in reality. but that's a great attack line that this is the most extreme progressive ticket in history.
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but they don't have good attacks on to him once he's been a very successful governor. heralding and shepherding that states through the pandemic through the riots after the jord floyd murder. he's the one who appointed the state attorney general to prosecute. derek drove in the police officer who was convicted of murdering george floyd, he raised 33 percent of children out of poverty through his policies in the state of minnesota. i'm his overall very popular, so they're going to have a very hard time finding a gap there to land, a solid attack on him. political coming to the east and pay a man in los angeles. thanks so much for your thoughts. thanks traveling as well. the palestinian great hum says he is, has chosen its top military commander in gaza as its new political leader. i have
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seen one replaced as former, politically the smell of honey who was killed last week in a run scene. why is the man is ro believes was behind the october 7th tara attacks? it's being showing him ever since and has found to kill him. so what does the appointment of seeing one name for a possible deal involving the more than 100 is rarely hostage is still held by him . us. i asked this to data, please tell me a claim of interest. well, i think it's not yet clear. i mean, it seems that you know, they also conflicting statements. what's the state of these negotiations right now, especially now that after the targeted killings and they route and to run and the region is waiting for a retardation of from iran and hezbollah. but what has been the case for now is that the leadership outside is mind. hi, nia was basically leading those negotiations,
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but he had to consult and the decision making was made, made together with a young guessing why. so this would be now solely in the hands of y'all has in the, at least that is what's being expected. there's also small details would be very difficult as he is in hiding it to, to pass on those messages. mike, maybe making these uh, the, this process a bit more complicated as well. but as i said, again, the situation right now, everybody's waiting for retaliation by his and by iran. and it's unclear by those talks on releasing the hostages, but also in the sci fi that's really important for the people in gaza. whether will be going as the region here's on edge. it does tend to clean the engine ridgeland there for us living on the hezbollah unnoticed. and grape has launched a fresh wave of drone and missile attacks on each ro, fueling fees of and even for the escalation and all that more in the region. well, 30 side 2 people were wounded in the strikes, which has block claimed was targeting
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a military base and the military vehicle as is rouse war against time. us continues in gaza. the army has also been stepping up rides in the occupied west bank targeting, but they say tara sales bodies of palestinians killed in incursions by a 3 me troops. a carried through the village of kaba, in the occupied west bank. israel has increased its minute reaction in the territory since the october 7th terror attack by him off in an effort to quell any aggression with also so he is really special forces storm the tunnel cover supported by the military vehicles of the is really occupation army in the hospital, they stormed with several homes to solve this during these raids. so many young men were injured. some serious like the 3 were killed, which had lives the cough enough to have that. the as rainy minute treat also
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launched missile strikes and what they say is a terrorist. so in the city of janine who in gauze a has not any increase tensions in the occupied westbank, but it also further deepening risk in the broad a region. the new daily exchange of fire between israel and hezbollah. across these reign 11 and buddha is increasing the risk of serious escalation. several people in l mazda in northern israel, were injured by drain strikes by hezbollah on tuesday. an earlier strike by israel on the village in southern lebanon, targeted and alleged, has been the military structure. speaking with his counterpart in cairo, lebanon's acting foreign minister abdulla bo, how b spoke, because the need to diffuse, rising hostilities,
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rama and as in. and we are working to ensure any response to is a real does not trigger total war is a how to reset. because it would not benefit any of the countries involved, including israel, what else feeds a site that feed only those who want to insight conflict would gain from such a situation as having to lead you to do and how do we as officials do not want war i can maybe do a most with the lender would be therefore these advocate for response is necessary that it should not be collective level or an associated fear that it escalates into a broader conflict till we the high. so you go to the west, the leaders of egypt and tuck the leading negotiations to avoid the israel goals of who escalating further as well the economist in civil society. later mohammed
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unice has been named as head of bangladesh, is interim government unit sees reported. late traveling from paris to deca, where he'll become chief advisor to a non pots and government. according to the office of the president, former prime minister shake, i've seen him resigned on monday and fled the country following weeks, a violent protest against the government. he's long been regarded as one of bangladesh, his leading citizens. now mohammed unice has been asked to lead his country out of crisis. the economist and banker won the nobel peace prize for his micros finance concept, which is credited with helping impoverished people around the world. naming him is head of an interim government was a key to mind of the student protesters. the moment we talked to dr. muhammed eunice, he has agreed to take this responsibility of the scale to save bungling dash from other words on tuesday, citizens gathered at the national parliament building off to the legislative body was dissolved by the president who called for the restoration of com a day
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earlier. protest installed into the chamber, demanding the resignation of prime ministers. shake casino, now her official residence is awaiting the new occupant of to has seen a flight. the country changing her 15 year rule, curious citizens wandered through the ransacked rooms. we have seen a clung to power as more than 300 people were killed in protests, which were brutally suppressed by security forces. dental the vision, we sincerely hope everyone gets justice every day must be accounted for. the height of it and as bangladesh mourns the many killed in the unrest, changes are flowing fast. for my opposition leader kalita z a has been pardoned and released from house arrest. one of thousands of critics detained under the previous government. is this hosted with john?
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i think the next ruler of the country should take lessons from the students. but if anyone becomes a corrupted traitor and gets involved and social activities or takes any decision against the country for the data, they will face the same fate to go. we want them to chart the future, keeping of the country in mind, the job, to burn town office of the phone. the ruling party shows how quickly shake has seen his legacy has been turned to ash, many bangladesh cheese or celebration and awaiting the stock of a new era. before we go, he's a reminder about top story. at the so us presidential have full come, a harris has chosen a minnesota government 10 volts as running my was my dad's campaign to boot with harris riley in philadelphia on choose day democratic presidential nominee and a new vice presidential pick out of physics several swing states in the coming die
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right, that's all for now mapped out is up next separating talking points from the reality of how the us mexico affordable is being built and what you want to accomplish. i'm anthony. how, thanks for watching the . 2 2 2 2 the. 2 2 the. 2 the . 2 the.


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