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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 7, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is definitely news live from the us presidential hopeful, pamela harris picks her running, might 10 volts become vice president if harris wins the white house in november, democrats hype, the progressive governor of minnesota will attract voters in the nearby swing states of wisconsin. and michigan also on the part of the mail within groups. i'm off names, the man is ro believes plans, the october 7th terror attacks as a new leader. gotcha. seeing what current whereabouts unknown, but these ralph has failed to kill and bangladesh as president
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a points not goal prize winning. economist mohammed eunice as head of an intern government announcement fulfills acute amount of student protest and se broke down the long time. prime minister, psych guessing the math and he had walked into the program. we stopped in the united states way account, merlin harris's pick to a vice presidential running mate for november. elections. tim was, is a democratic governor, governor, rather of the democratic stronghold of minnesota. the douglas say his presence on the ticket could help when i the voters in other midwest in battle. ground stakes, why wisconsin and michigan harrison bulls are expected to campaign together across several swing states in the coming dies are introduced by harris at a rally in philadelphia. walls said he hopes to bring the values of the state and
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can we, to washington, minnesota strength comes from our values, our commitment to working together, to seeing faster differences, always being willing to lend a helping hand. those are the same values i learned on the family farm and tried to instill in my students. i took it to congress and of the state capital. and now vice president harris and i are running to take those very values to the white house. a power sufficiently named the democratic parties presidential nominate a day early. i chose philadelphia to introduce her choice for vice president. it's the biggest city in pennsylvania state who's elect robots will be essential in deciding whether she or former president normal trump is elected on november 5th. the state is set for the us presidential election. pamela harris has found her running mate, minnesota,
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go the know tim wants the us vice president. so she's found a leader with whom to build the pride of future, the kind of person who makes people feel like they belong and then inspires them to dream big. and that's the kind of vice president he will be. the president america, a little known speaker on the national stage was, is currently in his 2nd time estimating his soda governor. he served in congress for a 1000 years, really fun. his golf before being elected to congress. while you work does that, do you also see teachers and a high school football coach issue official progress walls has pushed a progressive agenda that includes free school meals goals for tackling climate
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change. access to abortion tax cuts for the middle class and expanded pay leave for workers. democrats believe having goals on the democrats tickets could help. we know voters in rural areas and the midwestern battleground, states of wisconsin and michigan. i expect a minute to grow, run in like the already went in. i expected things in us. it seems like a there listen and so to people and see like what people want. she could have like a talking dog and i would come on harris. i would work home on hers anyway without an opponent's have been quick to criticize harris's choice, and labeled through competition as to liberal. even comparing was to minutes and it's known for terror attacks. just highlights how radical calmly here it says, this is the person who listen to this modeling of our own party and selecting in
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albany. i think it's interesting actually they, they make it an interesting tag team. pennsylvania was the democratic, do was 1st stop there contain will now take them to 7 crucial swing states where they would hope to persuade undecided voters in less than 3 months. will dw spinning over as grew, but was at that rally in philadelphia and has more. it wasn't energetic for as rarely here in philadelphia, pennsylvania of this new do a vice president come on holidays and her big full vice president in minnesota. governor, tim was very personal experiences to they spoke about many of the topics that the governor of minnesota has a cheap especially in his 1st term. and that the competing from from a higher is want to introduce into the program on the gun legislation on access to reproductive health based on other topics enrolled has achieved the painting coach
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built and showed him in history and all just biography. they'd let it for him to be so successful in his state and all. so now be on the demo. try and take a ticket, a lot of energy. you can see almost relieved here in the arena and philadelphia, looking back at the last couple of weeks when joe biden was still at the candidate, the democratic candidate, a full president of type scheduled for the next couple of days. a will be many a swing state, and that was a of course, every question that many had. once this was announced, why did come what harris did not choose? some of the politicians promised when say like the governor of pennsylvania joshua bureau also appeared on stage or sen, tell you of arizona, but it was really energized and energized adventure. and philadelphia, the big question that many male habits will they be able to carry on this moment and we still have energy as it's still 91 days left until the presidents will of x
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. that was bending over i squared the in philadelphia on the palestinian, the militant group says he does chosen its top military command in gaza as its new political leader. you all have seen why replaces for my politically to its mouth, honey, who was killed last week in iran, in what is the man is world believes was behind the october 7th tariff tex thing pursuing him ever since and has vowed to kill him. that way i'll stay deputies tiny claimant in jerusalem for his assessment of this appointment. well, i think it shows how mazda is capable of father swiftly into thing, and you lead to that they have done this throughout the years, especially often of these targeted killings. and just like, you know, what happened to is my honey and test on last week. first and foremost, it's senior that this is move the power back to garza to the leadership in golf.
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and now how much has a leadership that is divided into occupied west bank and gaza and in and abroad, and this will consolidate the power between the military being and the political ring. on the y'all here, single who is since october 7 since the terror attacks on october 7, he's considered one of the most of minds of these attacks. and of course the war now in gaza. he is in hiding. so it's really a console. it console the power under this one person is also a defined step at least that seem like this. he and is ro, uh, he is on, is, was hip list. he is considered as a side of the mazda mind, of the attacks on october 7. and the overdue you heard of from the idea of spokes person, but also from the uh it was 4 minutes to cuts. that is, uh, should swiftly eliminate as in law. so the house being a trying to catch him,
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but haven't found him yet think awesome. so what does the appointment, the name for a cease by any possible safe spot and hostage negotiations? well, i think it's not yet clear. i mean, it seems that you know, they're also um, conflicting statements. what's the state of these negotiations right now, especially now that after the targeted killings and they route and to run and the region is waiting for a retardation of from iran and husband law. but um, what has been the case for now is that the leadership outside it's not. hi nia was basically leading those negotiations, but he had to consult and the decision making was made, made together with a young. yes and was so this would be now solely in the hands of y'all has in the, at least that is what's being expected. there's also small details would be very difficult as he is in hiding it to,
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to pass on those messages. mike may be making these other, this process a bit more complicated as well. but as i said again, the situation right now, everybody's waiting for retaliation by his and by iran. and it's unclear by those talks on releasing the hostages, but also in the sci fi that's really important for the people in gaza. whether will be going as the reason here's on edge the deputies 10 your claim and reporting from jerusalem. thank you. let's. let's take a quick look now, some of the of the stories making headlines of randall potts of the us state of florida still on the board a tie of to hurricane to be made landfill. hundreds of people were rescued after the storm dumped up to $0.40 and made as a boy in some areas the remnants of the system and now bringing to rachel rain to the south east of us. the same as former president, alberto fernandez, has denied accusations of domestic violence, brought by his ext, putnam,
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local media reports i, fabiola ayana's has testified against fernandez, claiming gen to violence and harassment fernandez, says he will defend himself in court then as well in president nicholas my do to say is more than 2000 people have been arrested since last month to speak of the election. the 2 labeled, the detained protest is as terrorist, human rights curbside, dozens of people are demonstrating against me through the opposition site building record, show it one more than 67 percent of the bucks. well, the economist in civil society later mohammed eunice has been named us the head of bangladesh. as interim government usa is reported. they traveling from paris to deca, where he'll become chief advisor to a non partisan government. according to the offices of the president, the former prime minister, shaken senior, resigned on monday and fled the country. following weeks of violent protests
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against a government, he's long been regarded as one of bangladesh is leading citizens. now, mohammed unice has been asked to lead his country out of crisis. the economist and banker won the nobel peace prize, but his micros finance concept, which is credited with helping impoverished people around the world. naming him is head of an interim government was a key to mind of the student protesters the shuttle we talked deductible. how many units he has agreed to take this responsibility. scale to save bundle with dish, whether it's on tuesday, citizens gathered at the national parliament building off to the legislative body was dissolved by the president who called for the restoration of cars. a day earlier protest is stalled into the chamber demanding the resignation of prime ministers shakes. i've seen a now her official residence is awaiting. the new occupant often has seen a flight. the country pending her 15 year old curious citizens wandered through the
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red sacked rooms. we have seen a clung to power, has more than 300 people were killed in protests which were brutally suppressed by security forces. then the vision, now we sincerely hope everyone gets justice. every death must be accounted for. the height of it and as bangladesh mourns the many killed in the unrest, changes of flowing fast for my opposition leader kalita z a has been pardoned and released from house arrest. one of thousands of critics detained under the previous government. is this hosted with john? i think the next ruler of the country should take lessons from the students. but if anyone becomes a corrupted traitor and gets involved and social activities or takes any decision against the country for the data, they will face the same face. we want them to chart the future, keeping of the country in mind,
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the job to burn town office of the fall and the ruling party shows how quickly shake has seen his legacy has been turned to ash, many bangladesh cheese or celebration and awaiting the stock of the new era, the guy before we go, a reminder about top stories. this o u. s. presidential hopeful come about harris has chosen minnesota government kimball's as a running night. last night. he's campaigned to be with harris and they're really in philadelphia on tuesday, the democratic presidential nominee and the new vice presidential pick auditors of several swing states in the coming and the palestinian militant group. i'm also so just chosen, it's talk military commander in gaza as it's new political late, i'm guessing want replaces for my political a to is smell honey was killed last week in iraq in my is the man is rel,
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believes was behind the type of 7th terre attacks as valid that's all for this. now i'm next is talk to my for a short break. i'm anthony, how it in berlin? thanks for watching and good bye for now. the good news innovation. green, the green revolution global. so since the climate is probably the best to see if the carriers subscribe to those channels every friday, subscribe to plan, it's a good result for us to man.


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