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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 7, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, you know, who's coming to you live from berlin, come to la harris now has her running mates. tim walls will become vice president of the united states if harris wins the white house in november. so what are the democrats hoping the minnesota governor can bring to the tickets? also ahead on our show today, nobel prize winning economist has been appointed to lead of bangladesh as interim government. the choice of mohammed units fulfils a huge amount of student protesters to force the resignation of long time prime minister shape. and tomas names it's new political chief, jo said war is accused of masterminding the october 7th. the terror attacks his
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whereabouts are unknown as well as valves and kills him. the . i'm sorry richardson, thank you so much for joining us. we will talk to those stories in just a moment, but 1st at this hour we do have some breaking news coming in. at least one person has been found dead after a hotel collapse in western germany. police say 8 others are still trapped under the rubble and could be seriously injured. this in the town of a crow of we're going to bring you more on the story as we get updates throughout the our turning out to our top story though in the united states and democratic presidential hopeful cala harris has picked her running made for november's election tim walls is the governor of minnesota. the harris camp hopes having him
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on the ticket could help went over voters in nearby battleground states like wisconsin and michigan. harris and walls are expected to campaign together across several swing states in the coming days, much. and what was that he hopes to bring his states values to washington. minnesota strength comes from our values, our commitment to working together, to seeing faster differences, always being willing to lend a helping hand. those are the same values i learned on the family farm and tried in skill in my students. i took it to congress and of the state capital. and now vice president harris and i are running that that goes very values to the white house. the walls was introduced as vice president harris has a pick in philadelphia that is the biggest city in pennsylvania, and that stays electoral votes will be critical in deciding if harris or former
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president donald trump is elected in november. the stage is set for the us presidential election. pamela harris has found her running mate. minnesota governor team was the us vice president. and so she's found a leader with whom to build the pride of future. the kind of person who makes people feel like they belong and then inspires them to dream big. and that's the kind of vice president he will be. the president america, a little known figure on the national stage was, is currently in his 2nd time estimating his soda governor. he served in congress
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for a 1000 years. really fun has got before being elected to congress while you work. does that, do you offer free teachers and a high school football coach issue official progress was pushed to progressive agenda that includes free school meals goals for tackling time of change, access to abortion tax cuts for the middle class, and expanded paley for workers. democrats believe having goals on the democrats tickets could help. we know voters in rural areas and the midwestern battleground, states of wisconsin and michigan. i respect a minute, the girl run in like the already. yeah. and i expected things and it seems like they're listening to the people and see like what people want. she could have like a talking dog and i would come on harris. i was overcome on hers anyway. republican opponents have been quick to criticize harris's choice,
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and labeled through competition as to liberal. even comparing was to minutes since known for tara attacks. just highlights how radical probably here this is. this is the person who listen to the modeling of our own party and selecting in albany. i think it's interesting actually they, they make an interesting tag team. pennsylvania was the democratic, do was 1st stop there contain will now take them to 7 crucial swing states, where they will hope to persuade undecided voters in less than 3 months. while the economist and civil society leader mohammed unice has been named as the head of bangladesh and durham government, the appointment meets a key demand of student leaders who helps the top of the former prime minister. shake hacienda. she resigned on monday and fled the country following weeks of protests against her government. these alone being regarded as one of bangladesh is
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leading citizens. now, mohammed unice has been asked to lead his country out of crisis. the economist and banker won the nobel peace prize, but his micros finance concept, which is credited with helping impoverished people around the world. naming him is head of an interim government was a key to mind of the student protesters the shuttle we talked deductible. how many units he has agreed to take this responsibility of the scale to save bundle with dish all the way it's on tuesday. citizens gathered at the national parliament building off to the legislative body was dissolved by the president who called for the restoration of cars. a day earlier protest is stalled into the chamber demanding the resignation of prime ministers. shake casino, now her official residence is awaiting the new occupant often has seen a flight. the country pending her 15 year old curious citizens wandered through the
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red sacked rooms. we have seen a clung to power as more than 300 people were killed in protests, which were brutally suppressed by security forces. then the vision, now we sincerely hope everyone gets justice. every death must be accounted for. we can cut off i alone in the eyes, bangladesh mourns the many killed in the unrest. changes are flowing fast for my opposition leader kalita z a has been pardoned and released from house arrest. one of thousands of critics detained under the previous government, which is this hosted with john. i think the next ruler of the country should take lessons from the students. but if anyone becomes a corrupted traitor and gets involved and social activities or takes any decision against the country for them to go to data, they will face the same face. we want them to chart the future, keeping of the country in mind, the top box, the burned down the office of the fall, and the ruling party shows how quickly shaken scene is legacy. has been turned to
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ash many bangladesh cheese or celebration and awaiting the stock of a new era. look at the very latest from z. i might as well, i'm a journalist with the daily star newspaper. joining us today from doc, i welcome to 84 year old mohammed eunice is really towering figure of bangladesh and he's been called in to had an interim government. why was he the person that protesters wanted to see in this role? so i changed those 1st and so was there is, besides that he is naturally an international, celebrated for his it's, she's meant and that is, i think one of the major reasons why he was selected is that this person has proven that a to what he has done in his life that he is a worthy person to be this country. but beyond that, there's one other reason is that he is an apolitical person. he has not been made
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to it any mainstream political parties as of yet. and that was a big reason why people want to him because we are tired all of the, the main street village, both parties and the way that the have been governing the country for the last many years. and the last time we had a public uprising of this nature wasn't 1919, which gave rise to the parliamentary democracy. that'd be guards. we have, we want a fresh start. that's what we want. so someone has really seen as above the fray of politics here. um the president now of course has dissolved parliament just as tuesday, students demanding elections to take place within 3 months. how likely does, how often do you know about the it's, it's actually embedded into law that it has to be within 3 months on it. so if you don't do it, you're going to, you must, then it's a violation of the law. what we're expecting that in 3 months there's going to be um, a mushroom angle,
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fluid at the bottom of the sentiments of all sorts. and it'll be hold that. what has previously been an energy political space with only one major moving parts, he's making all the shots is now going to have up to realistic about i it's going to give who is really 6 phase where all kinds of i d as in political ideology, is will be accommodated and that will be our election. so what are the most important issues and this interim government will need to address before heading into elections to make thing, make sure that things run smoothly. just this is where somebody just do things or this is our friends and have to do with the they have to overhaul the law enforcement system. so for example, right now, i'm actually inside depends on men's and we are in front of the office is all the intelligence agents some here where the families of those will have lost non,
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sorry, families of all those me, victims of, of invoices, appearances. of course, supposedly supported me being held in this headquarters. they're all here and they are demanding that their family members be returned back to them. and what was this appearance was a huge issue during the last machine where you know, you would, you would get picked up and then simply disappeared. and no one you were. you would have to have fun. you never hear from that person again just yesterday. uh, 2 people very nice who had been held for as much as many as long as h. yours 2 family members. and once again we can be told that the the may be able to meet their loved ones. again, this is the kind of overall we need, we don't want and for disappearance anymore. we want to change to go by the law. i law enforcers to act 5. 0, well thank you so much for speaking with us today. on dw news, that is, is i'm a, is one with the daily start in doc, starting out or some other news,
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the palestinian militant, a group home also says it has chosen a, it's a top military commander in gaza as it's a new political leader. yeah, i'll send wire replaces a smile. amelia, who was assassinated in a wrong last week and an attack complaint on israel as well. believe since our plans the october 7th terror attacks and has been pursuing him ever since. so let's take a closer look at it. yeah, us in war, the man israel has vowed to kill. yes. yes. and what is how mazda is taught, both in gaza. born in the con eunice refugee camp. he had been with the militant group since its beginnings in the late 19 eighties around the time that the 1st intifada or palestinian uprising against is riley occupation. back then. he lee the security mit with which tracks down palestinians accused of collaboration with israel. and while was jailed by israel in 1988 for planning the
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abduction in mood or of to his riley soldiers and the mood of for palestinians. it was locked up for 23 years. eventually released in 2011. he was one of mold in 1000 palestinian prison is exchanged for one that is really sold just to having served as a commander of how mazda is military wing. sin one was elected as the groups gauze, alida in 2017. he issued this threats while speaking to crowds in gaza in december 2022. we will come to you god willing in a ruling flood. we will come to you with an endless number of rockets. we will come to you in a flood of soldiers without limit. we will come to you with millions of foundation tide after the tide is rarely choose this,
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and while it was being the chief plan or of the october 7th terror attacks, which killed $1200.00 people and took more than 250 of its hostage in gaza, i don't need to confirm it, do i have it? the one who decided on this despicable attack was here as in law, the suffering of the gaza strip and therefore he and the whole system under him are as good as dead. we will attack them. we will dismantle them. we will dismantle the system and get them out here that you like. is riley forces have hunted him relentlessly targeting gases underground tunnel network, where he is believed to be hiding from israel's attacks, which have killed tens of thousands of palestinians. that just before we go, we want to bring you back to this breaking news at this hour of waste. in western
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germany, say a hotel collapse has kills. at least one person may say 8 others are trapped under the bubble in the town of stuff. some are with serious injuries and that is our show for now. thank you so much for watching the diesel. the news on a couple days and the note follow what old card has to do with new production? here's a hands on so really indeed much now on youtube.


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