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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the lynn bangladesh is new interim leader to pump the power to tackle turmoils back at home, nobel peace prize winning mohammed eunice says he is ready to help bangladesh address its problems on the weeks of violent protests, tough old, the previous governments will say, coming up on the program tile on this top court vans the country's most popular political policy and the forward policy under fleet one last year. general electric that was still from taking power and rescue is race to find potential survivors off the hotel collapses in west and germany to people of did. and at least one more person remain stuck under the rubble
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the money to just making and welcome to the program. but how many units the head of bangladesh is new caches, the government has left fronts full bangladesh is expected to arrive on thursday. the nobel prize winner said he look forward to helping bangladesh guest sounds of trouble. you'll so judge people to use this opportunity to shape a back to country, you know, spoke briefly to reports as before. boarding a flight in paris. yes, i'm looking forward to reading back home what's happening and how we can organize ourselves to get out of the trouble. thank you very much. roland. talk fresh and thank you.
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thank you very much. i. meanwhile, bangladesh has main opposition. policy has cooled for general elections within 3 months, kind of a to z or a form of prime minister and current of position lead to address the crowd and duck of via video conference, off to her release from house arrest. she's, she's out on hold democracy following the protests, which led to the resignation of shake casino as prime minister as they might, as long as a journalist with the day we saw news, paper, and data. i also earlier to tell us more about bundle that she has made a physician policy and whether it has the chance of winning an election. yes. so long a dish has had a 2 party electoral system for the longest time be essentially swung between one party or, or, or another. it was always allow me be gore the b and b. but then over the last 15
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and a half years, this opposition party, the b and b was almost completely decimated the. their leaders were arrested and put in jail. and in many cases, the, the, the sparky itself was also linked to incidents, those incidents as a violence and searching cases. and as a result of the spark dvd side, so speed away from the public of sphere. the were not participating in the elections. they said that the, the bike got to the last election to buy, got at the, one of the elections before that. and so this is huge, seen this party back on the street again. but i do want to point out that the students want, do not necessarily want to be in b, b. when they got rid of all along the lake, they want to see an open democratic space where everyone can participate and more parties will be coming up. more democratic parties will be coming up and conducting the elections. a man because we're not mood. calgary is
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a standing committee member of bangladesh as main opposition policy, the bangladesh national policy, or b and p, and i'm very happy to welcome him to the program. now welcome to the w. so you yourself have just been released from jail. the leader of hill policy, the former prime, minnesota, canada csi has now been released from house arrest. can you tell us whether she will now stand for election again off to the transition period where she is above the chair person? and she is the most popular leader, anybody that is uh, so heavy that the reason for her putting that was going into jane was the x rays. and people always have to do the shifts in the past. she wasn't too many elections in the us. as a matter of fact, she's all you did. when all the seats at the same time,
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like $56.00. as opposed to the shad? she's been, she's inspected for a 5 doing for demonstrative processing by one of those. she felt it gives the end of the shot from starting to the end of the, of the, of the more been she gave to last from the middle of the district and the country. i'm so she's known as the piano democracy, the election against the it was she she, i mean whether she was there for the body. beloved peas, the is of course, or the to a dentist, a section and she has a job, but some whether she has to stand the piece of paper we're doing to see because it kind of have for me is different and i sent you the best advice she wasn't because of the fear that they have so much. but this legal issue that the students have
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made very clear that they do not want to replace an established policy impala with another established policy. they want to initiate a fundamental democratic change in the country. how do you react to that? i do this, i was, i was wondering because it took me to that one to have it front of it. it does look pretty processing the page. and that is what we have been missing for the last 15 years. that association of delicacy, digital, everything's been and never been in business that goes to, to show the video the, the demo ticket videos of very, very important for the mission to have a profile. and, and it's up to the, to see this is what the old one and the end of the day. but the thing is, is what, what is it visiting the people of the country to do the peoples of the owners. they
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have the funding to compete, and so these almost people to move it to the best, the whole idea was the almost most of the citizens it is up to them to decide which budget to go to the in the bottom of the government. so yeah, yeah, the big, the most of them have as many of the of that would be free and fair elections. and i think the, as you say, it would then be a master all of the people's votes. if course it was a student protest movement, the bruce about this really unprecedented change in bangladesh going forward. what role do you see the students and of course, the moms playing in the future of bangladesh. or i think with the younger version of the country and the future of the country and the linux
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streaming bundle of bringing down the print this uh uh, to assist you with that we go to school this whole nation. georgia is a bit to, as i mentioned, but electrostatic to go into the building. and the whole idea of this moment is to bring back the democratic process of law. human rights in the country figured the best. and so the, the solution of a hosting solution, we just went to the spanish, of the citizens of defense. and so i'd be waiting for, we tried to do that. and we'd like to expect to be expect vision of the citizens of much of this. and that can only be done through fee and credit action as no other way of doing it. i mean, everybody has their own premium, as we respect everybody's opinion. but the oldest and most of the people barely decide. why should you present the development thing to go in?
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and that is the way to go forward, you know, don't get the best. i understand the students cold suggest this for all the protesters that have been killed. the other 3 arrests by police and recent weeks you, as we mentioned, have been detained. more than once. how should security forces that have been responsible for all of this be dealt with as well? you know, obviously that should be god true. but all this in the end of that shows that under talk to under custody everybody bundle, dish and liberal experience so much the debt in such a short period of time. so they have the blessing that they go to a best to be best to face the music of the try. this is the x partition and the bundle, the this is killers, legit, inventory and check us. you know,
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when we did the we did this brand has to be bought before the customer metalli dri, from the bangladesh national policy, the b m p. thank you so much for your time. so for speaking to us here in dw printer, now, thailand's constitutional court has ordered the dissolution of the progressive move forward policy because of its proposed reforms to the country's royal defamation. was the court ruled, the proposal unconstitutional with serious consequences. so the policy and it's need to pay, so let me just run, run, let the move forward policy to a popular victory and last year's elections. but he was blocks from forming a government in the policies executive board have now been banned from politics for a decade. thailand to some of the strictest world destination laws in the world i offer, which is correspondence kind of won't tell him about the reaction to this ruling on
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this time movie does being a lot of frustration and anger from the move forward potty support is was waiting for you to buddy sort of late mid afternoon, late into the evening. in the top of bangkok, most of them are gathered around what is the positive headquarter and sort of these sort of frustration managers also being echoing on social media and so on. we see something called by some use groups that way so that the priest, dominant supporters of this party who, who climbed for things like a public gathering and so on and so forth. but overall, at the moment is just a lot of frustration and anger from supporters. so what does this ruling leave the policy and its members? so we just had a the potty leadership addressing the popular just moments ago. and basically
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they say that by this friday they will move to a new party. so their members, presumably most of them, all of all of them, almost are just new parties. and those who are bad for 10 years, which includes couldn't be tough lived around a lot that poppy, that they're, they're placid, and that let the poppy in las use. the election will cause you to campaign as private citizens for the party. and as far as the right away on upcoming lovely election in a province west of bangkok and another, a bi election in the north. so the policy basically said that they're moving to a new policy and concentrating right away on continuing with their loved as the opposition and assets with new political party. if we look at the big picture, what to all of these developments say about thailand's political system as a whole, as well as thailand as being through uh, 2 decades of,
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uh, sort of back and forth to avoid that as being uh, sort of so putting into conflict, you know, on one hand, we have sort of the elected uh, establishment with the allies uh, inside of the military and sort of other traditional institutions, far cajuns popular political policies. and in the past, this is not the 1st time for this particular political movement. they get their thoughts, you disbanded this happened before and 2020 and that results in that a mastery protested movement and so on and so forth. and in previous 20 years, the current building party has 3 of his former incarnations, disbanded by the co op. so this continues back tradition, if you like, all the costs he's going to court this banding popular political party and as part of this dynamic that has been going on for 2 decades and will likely to continue
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being tested by going forward. john list pano won't tell them in bangkok. thank you so much for your time. we really appreciate it. i. so let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and 5 people have been killed in a helicopter crash near the least capitol of cap on 2 victims before chinese nationals. and then police pilot authorities safety helicopter lost contact with traffic control just 3 minutes off to take off. because of the crash is not being investigated. at least 9 people have been killed off the heavy rains triggered flash flooding across central and southern china ac. now those are missing from $61.00 province of the month, slides hit the city of come, then a 3rd to use say to wrench will rain stones have led to the death of over $100.00 people in the past 2 months and the human rights group? i'm, i'm the stance and national his excuse. my dear is security forces of killing at
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least 21 people during protests over the cost of living, hundreds of thousands to take them to the streets over the past week. but the, ronnie's have gone to fizzle out. following a deadly crackdown file for us, he's a risky operation is under wayne, west in germany. what police say 2 people have died off to a hotel, collapsed emergency services of rescued. 6 people with one mall still trumped on the rubble in the town of close police. say at least one civil eva is seriously injured. nearby homes have been evacuated in hundreds of rescue workers are on the scene. please say the risk of such a collapse has made this recipe operation extremely demanding. we can bring indeed any reports of louie on upset have joins us now from the village of close. louis. tell us what's the latest as well as you said, one more person that had trapped on the rubble and the operation to get him out.
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this is a very since the stage, the rescue is i've told us bank routing specialist equipment to trying to reach him . but he is an a sport that's very difficult to reach. i must tell you in the last few minutes, they has been some commotion behind me. a lot of rescue personnel coming in. they all bring in more equipment a to try and stabilize that folding. that collapsed earlier. they were so i'm happy seems when at least well at 6 people were rescued among them. a family of 3, the mom and child were rescued in the early hours of the morning. and then around noon or a little bit before 12, before the where i received from the rubble to great joy of everyone. yeah. but the focus now very much on getting that the last person out from under the rubble. and we're hearing from the police that the risk of, uh, the collapses making this just such a delicate operation. i mean, do we know it, well, did the authorities have any idea yet what caused the collapse?
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no, but i can tell you the risk is our on site, the diode inside the building in the collapse of areas. and they trying to think holes to get to that person that is still trapped. no 2 yet indication of what caused the building to collapse around 11 last night. but the investigation has started, but that will take a while to investigate as well, and you get to the scene once the rescue is done and the site is being the cage safe can tell you the whole of the buildings around the so it's all about collapse have been evacuated as well, so uh, erase group is now taking no chances, dw reports, and literally i love to say thank you so much for the updates. for 10 months have passed since the almost terror attacks on israel, which precipitates of the on going war and garza, the type of the 7th attacks began when militants infill trace is southern israel
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from the gallons of strip. killed some 1200 people and took around 250 hostages to garza israel's subsequent military campaign. and it stated goal of destroying him off. this killed, fussy, 9677. i will send you about so according to the home us from the health ministry in gaza. thousands more are reported missing the nice the rubble and presumed dead and as the complex entities, it's 11th month phase of an all out regional on growing that the request of a wrong the organization of is lumnick corporation is holding an emergency meeting in jetta. saudi arabia, the meeting will focus on the situation following the assassination of the homeless leader is my honey into ron last week. meanwhile, the us is trying to prevent the conflict from spiraling into
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a major. we'll say x ray of states on sunday, blinking cold on both sides, iran and israel to de escalate. let's take a lesson. we continue to work intensely to de escalate tensions in the middle east and to prevent the spread of conflict. over the past few days. we've been in constant contact with partners in the region and well beyond those conversations, we've heard a clear consensus as no one should escalate this conflict. we've been engaged in intense diplomacy with allies and partners, communicating that message directly to iran. we communicate that message directly to it and we can get more from coming in at least unless shawnee or is honest. who's here in the studio with megan? c. shawnee is always now we're hearing. i'm so in a blink and saying, but the us is communicating directly with israel directly with a ron over the tensions in the region that we're seeing right now. what do we know? what more do we know about these direct us iran contact?
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well, i'm not sure how i mean, it could be that i would probably, they're somewhat in direct. i mean the americans have been in touch despite everything really wrong before october, 7th, and ever since october 7th, but never through direct channels. they've been reports about talks going through them on a, for example, in may, which a officially denied, but there is no doubt that there was a channel of communication. there were in the hands seem to be still on the fence further, you know, on how they're going to respond to the americans are trying to use this time that they have to try, you know, and put some pressure in. we'd be get the ranges to understand that we'll back as real a very strongly as firmly in case of a, you know, suspect of escalation and maybe trying to incentivize iran in a way as sort of like not just, not just sticks but also offering carrots in order to bring all of this, you know, assumed or, or expected escalation, dallas prevented rather. so this is what we seeing on the other one hand, and you know, at the same time that the americans are sending their carriers into the
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mediterranean to support israel. we know that the commander of sent come the central commander as a for the americans has been in israel, camilla, a general career. so they're doing both of this sort of trying to show strong, you know, alliance with an in israel with its defense. but at the same time, in the secret channels to sort of maybe just avoid the whole, you know, as scenario as of the escalation that is expected to come. you know, maybe that would be the best way, you know, prevention rather than just deterrence. so we're seeing this me thing today on way the organization of is line at corporation. me saying it's happening in jetta today . will iran is around like for you to find support the probably mean what we've been seeing in the last the week since the assassination of honey a into ron? is it even the countries that are considered to be the moderate so many countries like like for example, saudi arabia, who's on the verge of, of signing, you know, a normalization and with israel at the same thing with your jordan, that has
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a peace agreement with israel and is it, you know, a very, uh, it was strategic, a neighbor, you know, and it, for his real living distancing themselves for israel, saying, you know, to both sides, you know? and we know they have had some role in helping the deception of the previous attack from iran on israel. in april. they've been saying we don't want none of it to don't use our aerospace we don't want to be included, you know, and more than them, you know, and this is basically a slap in the face for israel sort of turning the back to israel saying, we don't want to be part of this partially because they're seeing how the war is ongoing and partially also because this is all connected to the assassination of a very prominent palace. and you need to explain honey, you know, how much is known as a truck. and as a know, get as a tourist organization in many places. but for palestinians, many of them live in jordan, many of them in the region. he was a symbol, he was a hero. and, you know, seeing the government supports any acts standing with israel, you know, for not been getting be punished for that. that's a bit of a, you know,
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more problematic sense for them to take 10 months of to the october the 7th attacks . would you say israel and a mouse closer to what they originally wanted? it's unbelievable. it's been 10 months. i don't think you know is really they have expected after 10 months to be where they are still so deep into gaza. far from any conclusion. you know, in the near side, i think, you know, to, to use a church. the same is speech we are, we have probably, if you the listen very carefully the best and you know, this is may be the, the end of the beginning, but not the beginning. of the 20 hours seems to be very adamant and going forward pushing very much strongly. i need to weigh how much is seeing in the last week. some of is, you know, as you know, it, while the stream has been coming to that is true. you know, since the beginning of, you know, since october, how much was wishing for more and more funds to be opened against israel, with lebanon, with his ball out with a rod in the west bank note at wishing for escalation. and it could be that were on
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the verge of beth, which would be for her mazda best case scenario. so, i mean, 10 months, and i'm afraid we're just not anywhere close to seeing an end to this inside. unfortunately, database meant lisa, unless drawn arizona strongly thank you. you're welcome. any some updates from the power olympics now with spain took with us gold metal of the day and a brand new event for the games. the mix. mattress and race relates to place through the straits of central powers, including hanover's, between team members. now spain's twice. well champions of our i'm austin and maria paris. try and and alexandra miroslav. poland has one olympic gold in women speed climbing. it's her 1st and then pick metal there is slough, has dominated the competition throughout. even assessing to well records and
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qualifying tyranny managed for in tokyo, 3 years ago, making her power success against shyness. dang, need you on. even sweet and his reminder is our top stories for you at this hour. the head of bangladesh is new interim government has deposited paris to return home. mohammed eunice said he was ready to help bangladesh get out of what he describes as a difficult situation. he is now tossed with restoring order and preparing for new elections. after weeks of violent protests toppled to the previous governments, pylons top court has them the policy that one last year is general election. it is believed the course may be able to because of the move forward policies, opposition to thailand and rescue is in western germany. say a hotel collapse has killed 2 people. 6 people have been rescued,
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but at least one person is still trapped under the rubble in the west in camden town. now don't forget, you can always get the w news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the app store. i will give you access to the latest news from around the world, as well as push notifications for any breaking news. you'll also find sports, business and entertainment views plus analysis and background from all correspondence around the globe and dislikes. and you're watching right now, but it's also on the website as well. we have time for button in the state because coming out next night in germany. expose how climate change is affecting the local food secure seat. stay tuned for that. if you count on, you can see mckinnon on behalf of the whole needs team here about and thanks so much for watching. stay with us. the,
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