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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 9, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news lives from berlin, prussia fights ukrainian troops who stormed across it's porter. there's been heavy fighting inside brushes, crisp region, and the state of emergency is in place. so far kia has said little about the biggest cross border advances. the war began also coming up. donald trump will debate his new democratic opponent, comma harris on september 10th to presidential candidates have agreed to their 1st face to face showdown, as polls point to an extremely tight race plus bangladesh. as a new leader returns home on a mission to restore law and order bombing,
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eunice was sworn in thursday as chief adviser student protests. leaders will join his caretaker government, the mom, and he says, welcome. russia is battling to push back ukrainian troops from its southwest cursed region. moscow says at least 1000 ukrainian troops entered russian territory on tuesday. officials incurs could say around 3000 civilians have been evacuated in the local state of emergencies in place. your credit is not officially confirmed to launch the attack, which is the biggest cross border advance since the war began. is hoping to send off ukrainian troops, rushes defense ministry says this footage shows you crenan armor vehicles being destroyed as heavy fighting along the border. and toys,
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it's the day around a 1000 ukrainian troops runs through the russian border 2 days ago into the courts region with tanks and armored vehicles. heavy fighting was reported near the town of sousa were rushing natural gas flows into ukraine, raising concerns over a potential stop to trying to close to europe. ukraine has released video footage, a latch, the showing russian guard surrendering at a border crossing point. and course in his evening address president for letting me use the landscape suggested rusher. i should get a taste of its own medicine without referring directly to the incident where she is in this law, the new rush, i brought the war to ireland and should feel what it has done, shall we want to achieve our goals as soon as possible. you can peace time to share under the conditions of a just peanut, so it will be one little. each symbol court has declared
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a state of emergency and thousands of people are, are being evacuated. former russian president to meet we met the death has reacted to the incursion on telegram and called for further invasion of ukraine. this is no longer just an operation to reclaim our official territories and punish the nazis. it is possible and necessary to enter the territory of the still existing ukraine to go into odessa khaki. if need to make life to go into keys and further, there should be no restrictions in the sense of any recognized voters of the ukrainian rice. moscow has been forced to call in reserves to stop your cranium soldiers from pushing deeper into its territory. i asked stephen blanc from foreign policy reach research institute what ukraine could be aiming to achieve with this attack. first of all,
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i think psychologically that taking the war to roster, which is going to improve natalie domestic morale, but undermine russian morale and show the russian people that russia is not waiting . and that's what can be brought home to them. secondly, they're going to probably take that t russell logistics targets an energy refinery such as in the pad a subject, which is the way they may be a raid. i don't think it's really an invasion and they're going to undermine the as an army by striking at as logistics as they have done throughout the war, which has been a very effective tactics to them. so it's a very daring and high risk operation. but it seems to say to us, because it comes at a cost to write because you cranes, forces are quite stretched at the moment to take you in the dumbass region, where there's a real push by russian troops. right now, do you think that this is a good use of kias resources as well as clear the key of things?
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so regardless of what i may think, then i actually think it's also a very good, it certainly psychologically disorienting to moscow and a potent and again, if they can disrupt the logistics of the russian all being presented for moving by destroying energy supplies, then they will achieve their objectives, do you believe that what you're talking about? it sounds a little bit like it's an, it's an act, it's a publicity act. in some ways. do you feel like this is gearing up toward some kind of positioning to come into negotiations with a better hand of cards as it were? well, i wouldn't call it publicity act as it gets a raid. i mean, it's intended to have a psychological impact on the enemy, and i think that's a classic objective in more time. but as for negotiation shortage, it tells the russians look, you know, we can evade we can get into your country and destroy a lot of infrastructure. this is not, you don't have
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a monopoly on that ability added as to what the russians have been doing in ukraine for 2 years by systematically attempt to destroy all of your credit, the infrastructure. it shows that we can do the same to you. how is russia explaining this to the people of russia who, at this point aren't even allowed to call it a war within russia? i was calling it an invasion of provocation. all that indicates that they were rattled, and that they were completely caught by surprise. and that they don't have a good answer for this. so, you know, this is not an invasion of rush it because we know what an invasion refresher would look like. and it's certainly not a prob occasion, because after all just has been striking it ukrainians territory. it's a 2 and a half years now. so once again, i mean, let's say i didn't cause to watch what to do. and i suggested what these uh attempts. so attack ukraine and say that also the west is behind all this. i just
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simply reflections of its dismay. we heard about fighting and sewage. what's interesting there is that it's the last transit point for russian gas headed to europe through ukraine. is that a vulnerability for ukraine that they should take into account? it says all levity for russian because it, it, it is the last station on the way to europe. and by striking is less than gas transit to europe. you deprive moscow of a lot of revenue and the revenue is what's going to finance the war. so here again, uh, it has important strategic objectives in mind. all right, steven, blank from the foreign policy research institute. thanks for your insights. thank you. to the us presidential race. now the republican candidate and former president donald trump has agreed to a televised debate with his democratic opponent, commer harris. next month. speaking from his florida home,
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trump said he wanted multiple debates and had suggested 3 dates in september. harris has confirmed one will take place on september 10th, and she left open the possibility of more opinion polls showing extremely close contest harris raising the lead. trump had over joe biden since she entered the race just 3 weeks ago. to trumps news conference was 1st since harris selected her running mates and waltz this week. do you have a is benjamin oliver? as goober has more that's right. it was a lengthy press conference in this lot to unpack it. first of all, the timing that's quite interesting. and the choice also that he's come, payne made to hold this news conference instead of a companion in the battleground, states that his democratic contenders a camel of ours and tim goals. and one of the biggest announcement was we already said that there will be 3 debates that he agreed on in september that abc will host this debate between both presidential candidates, on september 10th. it is still unclear if they will be another debate on fox news.
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even before that, we still need to hear from the campaign team from campbell harris. but as an opinion poll shows that come on hire as in a new running major immune and so to governor walls have erased basically the lead the trumpet built over president biden. trump's companions, of course, now working on new strategy in the trump campaign is trying to portray harris as someone who does not give interviews is trying to hide from the press. and they're also voices within the democratic party asking a complaint to consider more media appearances apart. from her relatives, as a last long as to to an interview was in june, was due to these benjamin others, gruber and washington. let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the firefighters are still struggling to contain one of the largest wildfire as california has ever seen. the park fire has already burned through more than 1700 square kilometers of land in the north of the state. thirties have charged
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a suspect with arson for legend. the starting place on july 24th fresh demonstrations of taking place in kenya, the canyon capital nairobi against president william rudo police fire to your gas at people gathering for a raleigh weeks of anti government. protests have driven, have driven, are driven by anger over the cost of living police in barcelona, i have entered a search for the catalonia and independence layer. carlos pushed them on without giving a reason to return to spain. after 7 years in exile and address cheering crowds before disappearing. police had planned to arrest him locum in the report that he has left the area no bell pres, peace prize. laureate mohammed unice has taken charge of bangladesh as in term government was about to heal the country. units heads up, a cabinet that includes student protests, leaders, and representatives from civil society and the military. it's been
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a harsh critic of long time prime minister. she casino, who was ousted and fled to india just days ago after weeks of violent and to give them that protests another historic moment in a whirlwind, we can bangladesh politics, nobel laureate mohammed unice has been sworn in as the countries interim leader after being tapped by the president to fill the power vacuum left behind after shakers tina was forced out by mass protests most respected economist who pioneered micro credits which helped lift millions from poverty, had been in paris when the request to serve his country came. arriving home at dhaka airport, he called for an end to the street violence. the 1st order of business should be to restore law and order. until this is done, we will not be able to make any headway with improving conditions you should say to
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me and the students here have reassured me. i'll be able to carry out this duty along with restoring stability. the interim government is also task preparing fresh elections. many bangladesh are hoping for greater freedoms and economic opportunities to give the people that we set an example by giving this country a new beginning. we expect june as we able to rebuild our country on this foundation. i seriously hope the new government will put a stop to the bad politics in this country. what i'll do is he says, the working closely community of talking piece across from boston high unemployment in a country where the median age is just 28. was one of the grievances fueling. the recent anti government protests with protests leaders, demands met for change at the top many bangladesh. these will now be hoping for improvements in their day to day lives. same as long as the journalist with the
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daily star newspaper and doc us, she told us what it was like to seem how many units weren't in are those most of the people as bangladesh. it's definitely a new hold for a new political landscape, but also for realm of units itself himself. this is a bit of a, i think it's carmack justice in a way because of the former prime minister has really, really persecuted a number of units. there was a barrier and she faced a beverage of cases which have very little legal standing and, and the celebrated nobel laureate, was truly in many ways, humiliated in our country. we were essentially a country without a government for the last few days. and i think we really saw firsthand what country like that didn't look like because there were no cops on the street. the police sessions have been a hundreds of police. visions had been set on fire and the citizens took it into their own hands to get on the streets and,
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and start doing things that the government start providing services. but documents usually does, which means controlling traffic, cleaning up trash, guarding the streets at night. and uh, it to, i mean, wireless was all very inspiring to senior citizens coming up and, and, you know, doing their civic view changes. it still did not, did really do a lot in terms of bringing down the kinds of violent stewards, minorities that you had seen the he in the community or are violent stewart's culture of sculptures, cultural artifacts. and. and we hope that having this new government, which isn't government, i want to put for, put it out there that this government is very human rights focused. all of the people who've been sworn in today. they're not just professionals in their own fields, but there are also people who have been strong human rights advocates doing a tie when talking about human rights was stamped them on to being an die state. it was, it is along with the daily star newspaper in dhaka. you're watching dw news from
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berlin up next started documentary looks at the methods used by the nazis to conceal their atrocities. remember, you can always get more news and analysis on our website. that's dw dot com, i'm on e and you said stay with us. the name isn't the calls back. save. wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good everyone to king check out the award winning called com. so hold back the
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