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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 9, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, to the, you know, it was coming to live from berlin. ukraine launch is a massive drone attack on a military airfield inside russia. it's coming, i mean, heavy fighting, further south and rough, of course region, and near the ukraine border as a shock, incursion, volume, printing, and forces their enters. it's force today, also coming up on our show bangladesh as a new leader returns home on a mission to restore law and order. well, how many units was worn in on thursday students? protests leaders will join his caretaker government. and donald trump will debate his new democratic opponents. connell, a harris on september 10th. the presidential candidates have agreed to their 1st
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face to face showdown, as polls point to an extremely tight race. the . i'm quite richardson, thank you so much for joining us. your brain has confirmed it launched an overnight drone a tank when a military air field inside russia. the base located nearly 300 kilometers from the ukrainian border. the la pets governor has declared a state of emergency and says for nearby villages have been evacuated. the attack comes, as russia fights to push back you printing and troops closer to the border. near course, moscow says at least 1000 ukrainian troops entered russian territory there on tuesday, hoping to send off ukrainian troops. russia's defense ministry says this footage shows ukrainian armored vehicles being destroyed as,
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as heavy fighting rages. an estimated 1000 ukrainian troops ran through the russian border early tuesday into the course region with tanks and other armored vehicles. heavy fighting was reported near the town of sewage were rushing natural gas flows into ukraine, raising concerns over a potential stop to trends that flows to europe. ukraine has released the video footage, allegedly showing russian guard surrendering at a border crossing in chorused. in his evening address president below the mirror, zelinski suggested russia should get a taste of its own medicine without referring directly to the incident. i see in this last rush or brought the war to our land and should feel what it has done. we want to achieve our goals as soon as possible in peace time under the conditions of
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adjusting peace. and it will be, course has declared a state of emergency, and thousands of people are being evacuated. former russian president dmitri med via to have reacted to the incursion on social media. this is no longer just an operation to reclaim or re special territories and punish the nazis. it is possible and necessary to enter the territory of the still existing ukraine. to go into augusta har keith to meet pro nickaligha to go into key if and further there should be no restrictions in this sense of any recognized border of the ukrainian rice. moscow has been forced to call in reserves to stop ukrainian soldiers from pushing deeper into its territory. let's bring in our correspondence on this story. we have nick connelly in it, q of and nina, a samuel nova joining us from re got your nina. let's start with you. what can you
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tell us about what is going on here in the course? uh, yeah, from course, with your uh that your credit and troops have advanced even further. experts now say that they're after 35 kilometers into a russian territory and to assess that situation, they're really relying on do you located footage or satellite image just because still the information from the ground is a very scars. we're really relying on reports on social media, a lot of also the information, of course we're getting from russian state authorities. but as we heard in the report, there are reports of intense fighting, especially in the town of switch i. we hear that people have been killed and injured and also from regional authorities. we know that air alerts have been issued several times since yesterday morning. so yeah, it seems like a pretty attend situation there on the ground. nick, any confirmation on this from kevin? and are you surprised to see ukraine apparently extending it's offensive operations
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inside russia or i think the cranes are being uncharacteristically tight lipped. i think they will bunch by last is summer counter offensive and all the kind of expectations that were raised by various pronouncements by top ukraine officials and present soleski. so this time they are saying as little as possible and letting the facts on the ground speak for themselves. and i think right now this is basically an opportunistic bear seeing how far they can get in terms of the control, right? we don't believe that they control the territory to a 35 to them to depth. it's about racing on those roads. quite similar to what the russians were doing. the beginning of the invasion in ukraine, back in 2022, trying to see what the weak points of the russian defense is. and i think to their astonishment, they're coming across very little in the way of russian defences and finding that most of this region is basically unprotected. and now the question is into, they dig into, they try and stay there or, you know, do they take the wind and go back, isn't it because it,
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is it just opportunistic as you say? i'm curious why they would do this now. why? course specifically, are under pressure elsewhere. does this make sense from a strategic standpoint? the why didn't different from political standpoint, this has already achieved his goal, right? it has shown to russians, but that in the function for his why got and all these results is, is unable to protect rushes board is that is the 1st achievement. and then any potential folks, they were to happen this year, which is still not a given. it has shown that russert is not this model listed. kind of don't that forcing the reason that ukraine is still able to basically throw the chessboard of the table and change the rules of the game in terms of the strategic value, we don't know yet if they gonna dig into happy, no thoughts of ukrainian souls apparently trying to mind touching, also built defensive positions and the way the russians did in ukraine. we don't know if that's true yet, but, but there was also told that this could be about trying to distract the russian forces from the east, where they've been pushing ukraine very hard and recent months, forcing russia to take its plains that have been crucial to russian success out of
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ukraine and to protect courts. and it's also see a big morale boost if people in ukraine who had pretty bad news of the last 3 months. you need it does what nick is saying ring true based on what you are hearing. coming out of russia, do you think that this is making the war feel much closer to home there? so yeah, definitely, i mean, we have seen previous attacks on russian territory, especially in the last year. but uh, yeah, this seems really to be on a different scale right now, a lot larger so that, that's definitely mean that the war is coming closer to ordinary russian people again. and of course, that is a blow for the kremlin, is there seems to be this effort to show that the situation is under control of pushing it yesterday. talk to the regents acting governor and announce that there would be support for people have been displaced, but still he called it an unconventional difficult situation. so a very much downplaying of the situation here. and now in social media,
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we've seen reports of locals who are really angry and frustrated. there is a video circulating where people are appealing directly to unfortunate pushing for help. and also russell of course claims they have already as accurate as thousands of people from the region. but again, people on social media are contradicting that they're saying there has been no organized evacuation that the local authorities are not helping. and they say they pretty much have to get themselves out themselves from the region and cars, etc, fleeing coming on to fire. and so of course, this seems to be really a stress test for authorities, especially in the region. as we hear people read it openly criticising authorities there and i think that is also um yeah, really, really i am a big deal. i would say because of course the laws in russia are very repressive, restrictive. freed, restricting and freedom of expression a so that they're being angry about it so openly. uh, that's a i think does
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a lot. yeah. fascinating to hear how that seems to be resonating. nick from the ukranian side. do you think it's troops can sustain this offensive look, i think we don't know the kind of military logistics and in the minute trees kind of a cost benefit analysis rate. right now we have that russian reports claiming that it was about a thousands degraded soldiers. seems hard to believe that they would have been able to move so far with just a 1000 boots on the ground. and in terms of, you know, how long this continues. i think right now you know the russians a couple of days and have not been able to find a response. this little scale. so we've seen reports of a night of ukraine's being able to destroy columns of russian tech moving towards the weather. ukrainians. ok, so for now, i think, you know, ukraine is going to try and push this advantage home, take as much time as it can and then potentially use this as an exchange of something to trade for the rest of the budget crating church in the future. right now that doesn't seem to be any incentive for the grains of drawback into kind of
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pull down the pace if this advance beautiful. thank you so much to both of you. those are correspondence. nick connelly in a queue of and then you know, send me your nova in riga. we appreciate your time as always turning out to some other news. pockets on and china are the latest regional neighbors to congratulate bangladesh as new interim leader. as he takes office, nobel peace prize laura to mohammed eunice, heads up the cabinets that includes the student, protests, leaders, and representatives from civil society and the military. he has been a harsh critic of long time prime minister shea casino, who was ousted and fled to india after weeks a violent anti government protest. unice has now vowed to heals a country. another historic moment in a whirlwind week in bangladesh, politics, nobel laureate mohammed unice, has been sworn in as the countries interim leader. after being tapped by the president to fill the power vacuum left behind. dr. shakers senior was forced out
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by mass protests respected economist who pioneered micro credits, which helped to lift millions from poverty, had been in paris when the request to serve his country came. arriving home at dhaka airport, he called for an end to the street violence. the 1st order of business should be to restore law and order until this is done, we will not be able to make any headway with improving conditions you shouldn't say to me. and the students here reassured me, i'll be able to carry out this duty along with restoring stability. the interim government is also task with repairing fresh elections. many bangladesh are hoping for greater freedoms and economic opportunities to develop people that be setting an example by giving this country a new beginning. we expect june as we able to rebuild our country on this
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foundation for come on. i seriously hope the new government will put a stop to the bad politics in this country. what all diseases, the working class, can you live in peace? i'm russell high unemployment in a country where the median age is just 28, was one of the grievances fueling. the recent anti government protests with protests leaders, demands met for change at the top many bangladesh. these will now be hoping for improvements in their day to day lives. i'd like to bring in at tests name, cultural and exile, bangladesh, the journalist and editor in chief of natural news, a public interest journalism platform. focusing on banquet dash, welcome back to the w. news we've been speaking over the past few days, but i'd like to ask you at this point, one of the big questions, which is what comes next here. are there concerns that elections might not take place within the next couple of months as plans,
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as well. thank you. i think we are absolutely lean on, charted walters with these prices because i'm in the constitution stipulates that the name and actions must take place within 90 days. i think that is going to be unrealistic. the new government would actually need a few more days than 90 days, but not i mean if that takes too long to arrange a new election that is going to be a problem. so we still don't know because the government has challenges. i mean, the principal challenges right now is definitely the candle, an order, and then the economy and justice of the crimes against humanity that was carried off, but a sewing machine. is there a risk that this is dragged out for too long? and if it takes longer than 90 days, is this not in contradiction to what the constitution of bangladesh says?
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yes, it will be in contradiction to the constitution. but what is happening right now? this is, i mean definitely x or the new times one very important thing, use that water for the intern government. does that needs to be done in consultation lead lead from the elected government that comes after this? that these the elected government, whenever it comes, he needs to sign off on the changes and meshes the scene trim the government makes. so any we, i mean this into government need to be provided in government, your immunity for its action by the next you looked at the big can, i mean they can go outside the constitution,
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say that this was necessary for the public interests for the, for the greater good of the country, but that needs to be signed off by the next incoming problem. and so different if you, whatever the interim government does. now we have to be in consultation with all of the major political gorgeous. and what about the role of the military in this, in terms of government? is there a risk that we could end up seeing them playing a long term role behind the scenes in bangladesh? like like a situation we would see and pockets done today. i and we have seen similar situation back in 2007, 2008, when there was a mediator. in fact, the utilities from the interim government and their human rights records for a disaster. beautiful about that situation, repeating the mediator. this time is under immense pressure of, of,
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obviously, from the people from the edition also from the international community. one area where they are going to push back. where do we like to have? you know, agreed to control is when it comes to the portion of accountability and justice where he memorized the abuses. because some of the military organizations and some of the media to you, it's a direct peak use of puppy treating human recipes as so the military for the military does going to be a very tricky thing to work with. the new intern government, when it comes to the question of human rights and just to send it over to me. so thank you so much for that update. so that is test name and holly on the editor in chief of an extra news. we very much appreciate your time as always. thank you. we do have time to bring you up to speed with some other world news headlines at this hour. is ro has agreed to resume gauze that cruise talks after a demand from nations mitigating negotiations. the leaders of the us,
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egypt and katara had called on israel and from austin to get back to negotiating, saying that they only needed to work out the details. but there are fears that the reason just as a nation of from us as political leader could stifle chances of a ceasefire. a powerful earthquake has struck off japan's southern coast, prompting authorities to warn of a heightened risk of massive earthquakes in the area. in the near future, seismologists have long highlighted the potential for 8. make a quick stomach from an undersea trough close to japan. to would you be q plus active a symbol gary? i have protested against a new law passed by the countries parliament. the controversial legislation vans the promotion in schools of what it refers to as non traditional sexual sexual orientation or gender identity. the amendment was proposed by pro russia party. the european union has criticized gl guerria for not doing more to protect eligibility q plus rights. and venezuela's embattled presidents nicholas my judo has signed and
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order blocking access to the social media platform ex, formerly known as twitter for 10 days. he claims the platform has been used to incite violence following the countries disputed election. my dora socialist government has yet to release details. vote tallies, which the opposition says would prove that it's one and less than 3 months since the us presidential elections and a former president and donald trump. the republican candidate has agreed to a televised debate with his democratic opponent, cala harris next month. speaking from his florida home, trump said he wanted multiple debates and that he'd suggested 3 dates in september . harris has confirmed one will take place on september 10th, and she has left open the possibility of more opinion polls show a close contest with harris are raising the lead from had over joe biden. since she entered the race, which is 3 weeks ago across new conference was his 1st since harris selected her
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running made of tim walls just this week. indeed nobody is benjamin abra group or has more for this friday was a lengthy press conference and as lot to unpack it. first of all, the timing that's quite interesting. and the choice also that he's come, payne made to hold this news conference instead of a companion in the battleground, states that his democratic contenders a capital a higher than tim goals. and one of the biggest announcement was what you already said, that there will be 3 debates that he agreed on in september that abc will host this debate between both presidential candidates, on september 10th. it is still unclear if they will be another debate on fox news even before that we still need to hear from the campaign team from campbell harris . but it is an opinion poll shows that come on hire. as in a new running made in minnesota, governor roles have erased basically the lead, the trumpet built over president biden trump's components. of course, now working on new strategy and the trump campaign is trying to portray harris as
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someone who does not give interviews is trying to hide from the press. and they're also voices within the democratic party asking a complaint to consider more media appearances apart from her relatives as a last long as the tone interview was in june. and benjamin, a friends group or with that update. now trying to some other news in london, a artwork of animals has been appearing, and bank see is behind it. and usually the renown for a few the artist work and doubles up as a commentary on society and culture. so fans naturally asking what this all means. they're also wondering if the a parent fast of the latest edition might also be part of the concept backs these latest howling wolf painted on a satellite dish. and it's gone. caught in the act, a mass man was photographed grabbing the dish and walking off with it with help
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from others. shortly after it was unveiled of the same i assess me on the right hand side that out 11 up soft costs it down to the other 3 and i run around the corner and around about 90 seconds, pull it out. so i asked to be efficient guys, popping up over the last few days. bang c has released a series of animals on london streets. monkeys, elephants, and it go to my take on it. is that what ben skis trying to do is to really get us to think and reflect about the ecological crisis that really threatens and humanity is always the data. meaning that they look, they look very simple, submit the, the graphics are very simple, but this, this political visits even meaning behind them. bang seats, whose real identity has not been made public,
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has confirmed the pieces as genuine and social media posts, but has left friends to draw their own interpretations. and india is dreams to boost its olympic metal tale were dashed earlier this week. after wrestler, vilnash forgot, was disqualified. the superstar athlete failed to make wait for the final match as another olympic disappointment for the world's most populous country, which was one and just $38.00 metals in over a century of competition. rustling. however, it has been a breakout support for indian women. each d need these, these curves want to run through the feed, stopping village. she's arrest the aiming for the next. i'm fix none. denise screen 6 on the to build us trend by 16. she was a state rustic champion, smid us up and i can see my dream to compete in the olympics as meadows. i want to
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win the gold medal fellow i dream of being the 1st person from india to win the gold medal and wrestling do so. i've always dreamt about winning and returning to my village and making my parents proud of me, boucher but with no profit creating a new professional coaches in this village. dream for the hot tea. the father has taken on the responsibility of becoming the rest of the coach tree. this daughter and the other girls from the village. she changed them 6 days a week. medical model goodman. as you did see this yeah. hello, good. already couple. some of the sweet sees the chronic lack of resources that can go on to mines, did performance new to some kinetic energy of both. the important interesting is very important for these restless. what if i don't get probably nutrition?
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if i take too much longer to recover the fish or just the lack of those sometimes struggle to even get here the days when i don't have any energy. i like complain of painting their bodies. but these girls keeps dropping and manage to, to know what the speed boarding they've been or but the words most populous nation, has one of the worst of them think record in terms of meadows book, capt. uh, the one quotes there for sports and the list to be taught to charge you the for me, they could call to help cheaper roots different countries. the site of the mindset to be frank olympics, as you have to be a prior day for in and then go on immune system. that's the reason. one of the reason it's like we're not an adult once they do that friday. so we go of the common thing that did a bigger issue has been sports like addressing education, addressing, sanitation, addressing, health care system. so those have come into prior to this, to that for you on a t for the olympics hasn't really gone to kansas for the after the like,
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not in the people moment. but she is determined to keep going mentally, or physically facing both mental and physical challenges. great, but there are times when we get injured and our bodies don't support us through or through. despite that, we have to keep practicing the you with them because they don't they, because number the lead to none of the 6 could you to her phone screen watching the see of this pull them face and pulled leaps compete? she sees herself on the current stage of 2028 back in the arts. thank you for watching data for you. news coming up next on dw news. africa is ukraine behind an attack on russian mercenaries as molly and soldiers in late july ok of moscow. and follicle also, yes. as a result, i'm always notary when to have separate diplomatic ties with ukraine, accusing them of supporting terrorists in this. a health plus will meet the student
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needs creatives, who fled the civil war and are now showcasing their art and memories of the life they left behind. and before we go, a quick reminder of our top stories at this hour. russian officials have declared a state of emergency affray, ukrainian drone attack, and a military airfield in the pets region. the base located nearly 300 kilometers on the corner. that attack comes as rush of fights to push back and incursion by ukrainian troops. near course, edward that you are up to date, don't forget, we always have more news and analysis for you on our website also in our social media channels. our handles there is at dw news. i'm going to richardson for land. you can find me ask claire reports. thank you so much for watching from me and the whole thing. and i forgot the,
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the, the,
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the new will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use that force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d w. that's slicing through the traditions and language the have the indigenous people live on the cruiser volumes of kansas pacific coast. after 2
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centuries of oppression that finding the way back to the root of that culture. the have the people in town in 45 minutes on the w the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and money, different things from life, single parent. i just want to pursue what sets my swan fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable old stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to indicate it's time to to. and then
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when generation nash, which now dw documentary the, this is the, the news off coming up on the program as russia as well. and ukraine spread to africa. fast. molly? then these cops, diplomatic ties with ukraine over in the major military defeats in the knolls, latrice volkswagen for by michael says, steve is back in terrorist in the us. i have black ceilings, malia and soldiers. and after years of russian flags flying over the blue states in this, i have to be just popped up in north and nigeria even at a competent level job. it's a site that's k. any of the countries need as very worried you will not accept anybody any individuals. flane any 40 flags and major.


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