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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  August 9, 2024 10:30am-11:01am CEST

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in the clouds as time. and then when generation watch now dw documentary, the, this is the, the news off coming up on the program as russia as well. and ukraine spread to africa. fast molly? then these cops, diplomatic ties with ukraine over in the major military defeat and the not latrice will spawn for by michael says, steve is back in terrorist in the us. i have black feelings, molly and soldiers. and after years of russian flags flying over the blue states in this i have the desktop stops in north in nigeria, even at a capital a. bu just it's a sites that see any of the countries need is very worried. you will not accept anybody, any individual plane, any for the in flight can measure. and also the issue of course and then the
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southern issue. and then you have a democratic unusual. we will not accept anyone pushing or take in action similarly or for whatever reason. one to push for the change of government. and the other end of this, the house is to done. we meet creatives who have split the homeland. and i use an art to keep the memories i live for the life you have left behind the i, i'm eddie mike of junior and you welcome to the program. so has russia's war and you queen just fred to africa and diplomatic war of words as well on the way moscow is actually using cheve of opening up the quote, a 2nd front in molly this off top of michael broke off diplomatic relations to
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clean on sunday it was in the week of the rep i love talking to north of the country that left dozens of molly and soldiers in russian wagner, mass. and the reason that i'm a, let's say, the talk is one of the group's most deadly defeats in africa. media has since followed suit and also kept diplomatic ties with keys. now the official response from by michael was swift and direct keys in t of, of support the entire risk groups on molly's soil. with him on the 27th, the transitional government of the republic of molly has none. with deep astonishment of the subversive remarks by which mr. and today you saw from so from the ukrainian military intelligence agency that admitted the involvement of ukraine in a cowardly attack. on the malia and defense and security forces, in terms of what, 10, the reminder for the default, as well as causing property damage to go within. the secret method is of the most
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going to do next. and these allegations are extremely serious, having be neither denied nor condemned by the ukraine, you know, authority showing clearly official support of the ukrainian government for terrorism in africa. this a how and more specifically, in molly, is it more money right in moscow? in the shadow of the kremlin, dozens of russians came to me on the following. wagner, fighters, the group says it's mass, and i reason molly and so it just took heavy losses in classes with y rex. and his law missed fights is from an arcade affiliate. that's why rex said they had killed 84 russian wagner mass and it was and 47 body and soul, which is doing vs bottles in late july spend a nights area at least 90 people behind bars up to images. imagine of people waving russian flax at protest against economic hardship in kind of states. now, soon after russian flags was seen of riley's in the carpets level job database.
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christine, when do i report from like us? thousands of demonstrators have been arrested for carrying russian flags and protests against economic hardship. yet in nigeria, some of the protest as were hood quoting, for a military takeover and for rest has presidents letting me food said to help bring regime change here in nigeria, the russian embassy promptly released the statements denying any involvement, not yours. domestic security agency said it, it also detain people who was slowing. the flags, the top security official, general christopher muso, save the flying of foreign flags, was a treasonous offence. we will not accept anybody, any individual flamed any ford in flag in measure. and also the issue of course, and then you guys have somebody in the show and then drive the democratic unusual. we will not accept anyone or pushing or take in action similarly or for whatever reason to want to push way the change of government. nigeria is currently
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experiencing it's west cost of living crisis in $3.00 decades, and people tend to blame on economic reforms. they say west the institutions to go back and die. i may have, have post on the country. this includes the removal of a fuel subsidy that has led to a shop increase in price is going to have some of the spending. yes. if you going to have listening yet, i have today would not because the 3 picking on the fresh moon. but what fine. you see the gold like the side of the flags has res, concern here in nigeria, because russia is deepening security ties with neighboring countries in the region between the fossil molly and it's a white russian flags have also been seen an anti government demonstrations. and we've made, a treatise, has subsequently seized power together with books, enough i, so that really, truly does some of these. and molly broke away from the regional group and that co us any others? yeah. form in a club of the own, which means to what's more school,
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the alliance of health states, all 3 countries, that's the longstanding west and allies. after a number of schools, molly sought to resend what each we take with this, you know, august 20, 20, and may 2021. ration influenza was evidence even before the clues, like cherry and 2019. but can also suffer to cruise in 2022. the fast in january and the 2nd in september. these images are from what i do. then in july 2023, these as democratic, any elected precedence was the pose in the cool. and the country also tends to russia for it. security needs to help us bring all this together. let's welcome beverly itching and secure with the analysts specializing in this. i have in global pol competition and i forgot to join us from the costs and the go. hello beverly, how big it said back is the box all the not the molly full bog, now. ag,
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the africa, coal, they seem to have lost a 50 or more fights is how important is that in the grand scheme of things, both for russia and molly? as well, this has been patronized as one of the biggest mandatory setbacks for the russian private military contractors lab and operating in marketing for nearly 3 years now . but also in various parts of the region. well, we about half of that kids think about the influence and the subject and the public in libya is the 1st time they seem to have such a mass casualty. some reports suggest that maybe 18 months of these were killed. so her message and being to the community does of some of that telegram accounts, but they normally run. so it is significant because when you compare a box in your gorgeous, less than a year ago, the vacuum and because it was known, then have arrived with the buy in on the east and north in time of 2009. it was quite a symbolic statement to the ministry they called because they wouldn't. now it's showing that they could have some sense of territorial control. and they've been
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pushing towards the north for the army for nearly a year now. and this is the 1st thing that's the most to be packed. so in terms of back for the nation and corporation, it is symbolic for the 2nd. sure. but it has natural rights, right? so just to be clear, i'm calling them vag now. um, you, you, you tried to allude to the fact that that's how the way i called should we just be, say, in russia instead of wagner. i mean, the complicated relationship between wagner, russia has been something i've been looking into all the time. so when they initially arrive in the steps, i found a couple of calls on late 20171158302018. that's going to be our in find the to 9 chapter that should match. the reason we talked about what was the russian military instructions at the time, the fact that the types of fields, reputation from some of that i brought back to pretty but what's taking place in
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ukraine station or pardon me, which was 2nd, is that to be done by the who being man well then became the wagner. also the death of a bagman need a precaution who had been the bank true and that he had been a figure a heavy had been quite a keeps regarding the bruise. they then substituted something calling on behalf of a comp time money and the saw how i sold in money and some of the ones that moved into alicia. and also the general hospital. i noticed the african, the ones in the from biggest to respond to the back me, but i think overall the vitamin me as the quite the reputation in and of itself. right. try it out. so that's an interesting breakdown. thank you for that time. can you give us an idea of the i reach an influence in molly and indeed the region as a whole. i mean, so initially they came into the regions such an in c, a r, as military instructors are supposed to be supporting the military, take back territory from rebel. and i'm groups the stabilizers,
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they launch the public. this came in coordination with some financial incentives. so it was said, the big 3 mentors that they would have full set of mineral areas in exchange for security. they seem to replicate this model in other parts of the conference having happened. whether it's maybe i will sort of seem to be some serious in mind. me, even though that hasn't quite been the case that has been an attempt to take over whether it's mining initiatives, been gold. there's some interest in it, them and back in exchange for them to provide some sort of speak, pay themselves when they are paid by the state to those mineral and it's in no hold beyond that. they also do have the operations. they have a city to meet your operations. some of them are just online companies that go viral, especially during times when they have territory. a little extra found. there's a mostly on telecom,
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sometimes on facebook. sometimes on to talk. somebody run directly by people who are seen to be back, not comfortable does, but some old. so by a city would be c cage in friends, they would be speaking in bumper on local radio as a way of goals are trying to spread the insurance on a more know, coming up. right, right. so it makes the question really what's in it for them? we're talking about dozens of vodka. no forces. if we can continue that trend as being killed fast forward to today in northern molly. so why are they that what's the need for them? is it really worth losing their lives over being that, or i suppose, if we look at what the commitment by the russian government will be when it determines whether be the what it after this territorial loss of the spot. rock lost the maya point, minutes back together with the russian appointment district discuss continued corporation. because money's not just important because of the resources that it
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has since become symbolically important. so how russia can sort of get into this deal with western countries? what insurance russian precedents in many of these countries has led to a drastic drawing down the western forces. the last batch of news at the western speech, the media less just this week after some projected that was lesions. part of it was because the us was quite uncomfortable. the relation between nisha, russia, as well as russia allies. same thing is happening with german forces who might be forced to have to need that abby's and me, i'm each so russia is looking at this as a geo political strategic. so where it's cash exempt from the magic dump. and especially given the fact that his face so much backlash with fractions in your plate, and even some of what is going to see by the west as your political tensions, and also to stabilize in parts of west africa. regarding the recent
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situation where dozens of wagner forces, where killed the victors and not in the body to our reg, separate tests, then i'll tell you that link group, what do we know about them? so the all kind a piece of the toilet separate is more than a decade, the pool has been sort of working to get back and be 100 bells against the government. and it wasn't the pressure been in, but it was the most significant ship, any of that was in 2012 and then they branch talk because they had different ideologies. the group that was then all the emily that was the political we have now from what is known as a permanent strategic framework. it's a group of perfect. i'm gonna be taught rentals that are on groups. the wasn't not the political, social, and ministry influence and northern money, many of them have been governed as a representatives of notes and communities of the region. and for them they have one to better presentation and or possibly monday,
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which is part of the reason. there was that 2015 agreement. what hospitality had initially received. i'll be, i'll kind of go to me. it is a more radicalized branch of fact, and they have been preaching extreme. this is a mis ideology. they are not so much interested in being politically engaged, but the, it's a wielding social economic power in their own way. and in imposing chevy a law in areas of the are operating. but over the course of the past year, given that they have been increasing was typically between the military, the marty, an army and the army groups. and the know it's feel the 6th is a silent alliance between the on groups and the all kind of in that they have been found in similar combat songs. they have been funded day is way either the army has been attacked and being so we've been in the same area but we haven't acknowledged working together because it undermines this toner subject frameworks, political evictions because your name is politically and economically and security sanctioned by western powers and by barriers of
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a possible watching together might cost a lot of tension in building the csp from budget to the see not just before. what else or brock. right, right. we will get back to talk about rushes into ins in the region overall. but before that are based on the recent incidents, again, that cost a 1000 and sofa, wagner force us to lose your lives. molly has caps, diplomatic ties with ukraine, accusing keys in the strongest of times of quote, terrorism is ukraine, if you have any mollys internal affairs, and why would they do that? so after the battle ages are 10, which is what happened and the other one is on jerry, how are you printing intelligence? official allegedly said that they have provided some information to the 200 separatists, which was working together. it seemed to be working together with y'all. kind of group which enabled them to really want to attack the volume army and the russian
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mass series. there was a similar video that was shad proposed to me by the opinion rocks about who was based on current and cynical sections. i'm sure there's also that there has been quite a diplomatic stand also. marty decided to break sense because see, be seen support, not just the $200.00 acceptances which money has been branded terrace for those that you name, which is a name specially sanction terrace organization. is seen as giving a return on the just call support to a tourist organization, which is why money has chosen what it's chosen. but also because money does have a piece of leadership and pressure. and at the moment, russia and ukraine have been observed for quite some time. your brain is trying to business different mounted footprints, moving agents. and this may have been seen as somewhat something that could undermine the needs of to, to get that footprint. but how this ended up happening? right, so it was a case of the enemy of my friend is my enemy also writes something, something along those lines. so almost a year ago,
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the eastern economic forum in russia president vladimir putin said most who had never colonized africa. what's your view on that? considering that wagner seems to be the long arm of russia in the region. as i mean, you will find that the countries that are working together was about to say that they are doing it, they are working together to see when that suppression government was saying that they are doing it because it is best software insurance because they feel about the i'm on west coast apartments that they've been working with, whether it's from, for the us, have been an external in position. and part of it does have to do with legacy because essentially, legacy over the, especially now as russian insurance has been growing, has been called into question. and then also. so i'm going to just move things that i imagine national incentive. and it does feel like it's in a sense of dependency on russia, which is what this, you know,
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fighting engines. our 10 has demonstrated that even the past, the online, in the community operations. but if you're talking to people who work according to the one size industry, sions, the people who are full come and as opposed to russia, they would argue otherwise, even though it does seem as if josh and dominance is coming up, particularly cost human cost as well as an economy cost, right? quite an interesting situation that isn't it. can i also get your take on events in northern nigeria, ration slacks, being slow, not protest, 90 people are arrested for carrying russian flags, rushes embassy has denied involvement. do we know why boots us doesn't not the nigeria would want to make common calls with fulton stuff. right? yeah. because the other interesting thing about this was a key point chanting in house. we want structure. we one trasha, excuse me. i'll put you in a stick, it is a kind of, i would say no longer in the happened during the purchase of insurance with
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frontier wireless and will be waiting, waiting steps to print things that cannot pass. so just after the 2 minutes, a close that happened in 2020 to $40.00 benicia, and the awesome off of that ministry last year. it's deals with it. that's how it's building blocks. even the 2 that was arrested. among the 90 people who was russian sentiment in northern nigeria, i need the pasta for the myisha. you wouldn't see that particularly strong that happened some radios where some commentators will speak. so can you about russian presence, particularly in the shad, which obviously the breaker's tripped mitchell, found to be some type of insurance. how much of it is actually filtering into people's lives? now see these flags and why change is something what's looking into. but it may seem, in some ways optimistic because we do know that 5 minutes underground channels took advantage of protecting the file to demonstrate that they also do have insurance. why the right talking about i'll put you in as a cool after cool old cooler. now the stylized boot that out rather than flax
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flying across this i how i guess the question is where to ask is this all part of a grand strategy or just a student of what you knows and buy food to? i mean, it could be both ways because there are countries that have been ashton's a key fundable to me that you have always been a candidate to have expands previous schools. and even the present towards the portsmouth was quite fragile. and given the fact that this has happened in bonnie happen to book an apostle and he was the only president at that point, was welcoming with western college. it also says a lot about the fact that the west cannot decided quite cheap or but i wanted, sorry, 20 minutes in a tax increase in this problem. dispatch. and then to the, how the screening with this packet the shuttle into is that how people respond to those differences, for instance, on the white french intervention or not the study. but once we get
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the results with the ship. but it would be hard to say if it is all the time that i spend took over to achieve instability, political security, which all come together to make or vision. crone timidity, clues, it's all the piece which happens rental has come on. it hasn't been acrimonious as with the saw how it has been a building for a long time. so i guess for now people, i was wondering why is it likely to happen next? right, that's, that's a $1000000000.00 question. we don't have the answer. now to that, but i blends a lot from you. beverly o chang, security analyst, specializing in this. i how thank you very much. thank you. as well, there warrants of them has displaced more than 11000000 people since fights interrupted between government and rebel forces in april last year. people have to
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let the neighboring chide south to them. and can you quite a correspondence, felix maureen got met a group of sit on these creatives, the, i use an odds to raise awareness about the conflicts back home. the inside of mind that was also good and was photographed. and that gave me not allowed to done 6 months. i go after classes around, he's hometown that laughed many people did. he's one of a group of the dentist, at least 2 x i independent copies on their walks, reflect the experiences of the country and the lives they left behind. and how you ever seen this? i've never been over like this is not just a visual experience by them, but it's about the emotions people feel when they see my odd size. and again, you can see the colors and the depiction of young, old people as to why who is being displaced and dying for years. i mean, usually you,
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so anyone viewing my autistic work should be able to feel the essence of these pieces or what in the night when i did, and i just showcasing that watson beast gallery, they giving a voice to the forgotten war. and the millions of people displeased thousands of can only come back home to him said don, is that you need to for the rest, the fancy dancy you hope things to be so kind of help keep the public focus on the wall. the same holds allows things to do. sometimes the phone for his own country for this exemption allows for people to learn about the situation to understand about the situation, to understand how this solution is affecting people. and what's important to you right now is by september, if the conflict does not stop or the odd se fluids um for aids are not open. we, we are losing 2000000 people. do to find that, and that's not, that's not the little number. that's the highest the, you know, this is one of the highest if the humanitarian crisis in the world and maybe even
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in history. so i feel like this exhibits as it becomes even more important, more dire to have nadine hopes to see that book. i see the density zoom country tend to silence and that so then realizes peace. it was, i keep your mind off for democracy process before the war began. for $15.00, looking at the start of the 2018 revolution. young people like me dreamt of achieving a sudan that is free, peaceful and equal. if i had the authority, i would have implemented the ideals of freedom about peace and quality. gladly any inferior jonathan. in paris, african outlets may not have had the best olympics this yet still set africa and can you have been leading the metal tables but off the field, fonts and visitors? i've been able to enjoy the africa station. it's a place for visitors to embrace the games and meet some of the athletes. the aim is
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to celebrate the sports course, but also the rich diversity of african cultures with foods and crafts from countries such as molly cook, while julia and kenya, i'm from a french. so i'm super to the french one. but as well as the incentive and english as well. so i've got 3 nationality to support, but they're all good to be fair is just uh, based on the performance that we're doing amazing. i come from london then that that wasn't expecting to to see like african states, sense, so nice, quite good. yesterday we can for your son to and it wasn't amazing at today we, we have 4 or 4 bits. so let's see, it is really nice to see them. so this is jen house forces such dots. um, we have a platform where we can ship this whole chunk because she pays on us because she gets every every 3 months. and then she has all the charges for 2 months deposit, which of the eclipse site as
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a lot of things the back home and for my other friends. and that's it for now. so you, next time i put on the,
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the slicing full, the traditions and language, the have the indigenous people live on the cruise, the volumes of how does this pacific coast, after 2 centuries of oppression that's finding their way back to the root of that culture. the have the people in town in 15 minutes, d w, the big problem is that they're killing us and the government is doing nothing to stop doing. that's what i can't imagine is going to try that. then when,
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when your child risk, your life for political change, it needs to be stronger producer and doesn't change everything. now was unfortunately suspend or do you stand off foot people and then do that. i think it of us and them in 90 minutes on dw the this shadows these costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed scorched coast, tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. welcome
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to put tire time. that's kind of sofas. thanks tourism. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service. in 2023, a documentary uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, uh, let me show you this was uh now the sales team investigates the was executive have changed the red light, doc shadow, 6 tourism the
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you're watching the, the, you know, who's coming to you live from burly new brain launch is a massive grown attack on the military air field inside russia, the attack coming a bit heavy fighting further south and rushes forest ridge. and here's the ukraine border as a shock incursion by printing and forces their enters. it's for de also ahead on the program language s as new leader returns home on a mission to restore law and order mohammed eunice post warrant in on thursday student protests leaders will join his care take are governments the .


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