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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from bell in ukraine launch is a drone attack on a military field in russia is sold comes amid heavy fighting for the self and russians. caustic region near the border as a show, concussion by ukrainian forces the interest it's posting. israel agrees to attend c side towards the end of august 15th, at the pressure from the us contact and egypt almost as yet to respond. the assassination of how much lead it is man on the pros and negotiations as bangladesh as a new leader returns home on a mission to restore law and order bombing eunice was born in on. so as a student, protest leaders will join is, can take a government the
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i been visible in welcome ukraine has confirmed and launched an overnight drone attack on a military airfield inside rush at the base is located nearly 300 kilometers from the ukrainian border. the pets governor has declared a state of emergency and says, for nearby villages have been evacuated. the time comes as russia fights to push back ukrainian troops closer to the board of new cost. moscow says at least the thousands ukrainian troops entered russian territory there on tuesday, hoping to send off ukrainian troops. russia's defense ministry says this footage shows ukrainian armored vehicles being destroyed as heavy fighting rages for an estimated 1000 ukrainian
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troops ran through the russian border early tuesday into the course region with tanks and other armored vehicles. heavy fighting was reported near the town of sewage were rushing natural gas flows into ukraine, raising concerns over a potential stop to trends that flows to europe. ukraine has released the video footage, allegedly showing russian guard surrendering at a border. crossing in chorused. in his evening address, president followed the mirror, zelinski suggested russia should get a taste of its own medicine without referring directly to the incident where she is in this last rush or brought the war to our land and should feel what it has done. we want to achieve our goals as soon as possible in peace time, under the conditions of adjusting peace. and it will be, course has declared a state of emergency and thousands of people are being evacuated. former russian
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president dmitri med via have reacted to the incursion on social media. this is no longer just an operation to reclaim or re special territories and punish the nazis . it is possible and necessary to enter the territory of the still existing ukraine . to go into a desa har keith, to meet pro nikolai if to go into keys and further, there should be no restrictions in the sense of any recognized border of the ukrainian rice. moscow has been forced to call in reserves to stop ukrainian soldiers from pushing deeper into its territory. military analysts moreno ever on, joins us from munich. what more can you tell us for days into this operation? a good day. good been? well, it looks like ukraine has prepare, they have at least a tactical surprise for the russians, and tried to emulate what the russians did and har keith. and this is being done,
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and an absence of a clear strategy of victory and both political and military terms. so the idea here is not just to shift to narrative because i'm in the past in the past months. ukraine didn't come out on pop in, in the information space also in the western information space, especially. so this is a way to shift a narrative for ukraine on the one hand to boost morale for its own internal audience and its troops. and more importantly, to position itself, am in a better way if it comes to potential negotiations because we have to remember the wider context and the fact that there will be elections in the united states in november. and this might determine the fate of ukraine. so right now you creating things, it's better off if it can have that little bit of territory from russia in order to
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be in a battery negotiating position. and of course, it would help ukraine to several of the russian logistics because to try is where a major roads are. and so we just took a hub. so it is an important town. and they are for ukraine when, for the town and i for seas, or there will be more attacks, legs, this may be on belgrade, or maybe on the courage bridge, or even bolts in order to improve its position. so basically, uh, take parts of russia to keep up the sleeve and negotiations in getting back parts of ukraine. is that what you're saying? that is correct? yes. how far have the ukrainians managed to push into russian territory as well? according to some sources, a took some for $150.00 squarely square kilometres of the territory. the problem is however, and that is why i sat, it's a sort of a strategy of tactics. and because ukraine had to move troops from opposite
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directions and what actually the 42nd brigade from across direction. so it's using the forces that it could have used elsewhere along the line of compact. and the question is, how and, and how far will you create? and, you know, i'm forces be able to progress or even to hold the territories that they are currently occupying hands. i'm saying that this is more than for of psychological, for immediate effect. because elsewhere, the ukrainian forces on the premium territory facing the russians are not in a good position. so, how dangerous do you think this move really is considering a quick put its forces in other pots and a slowly it could lead to the russians. bacon for croft skipped could lead to the russians. they can try cpr and advancing to slip and skin from
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a tourist and or from the rhetoric. this move could psychologically backfire, instead of hurting the russian morale. it could be the russian, the role and the force of russian leadership to reconsider his career and aims in ukraine and push further on we we have heard mcvey of saying that they should go for a desktop and other cities which were not on the list or at least not officially on the list. so it remains to be seen. what is going to happen however, this tactical move is very costly for ukraine. and so the, the hope is that the ukraine will be able to achieve its desire. the fact, but it's difficult to predict. weather is that will be the case, right? and you say costly what, what sort of financial means and military might, does you kind of have right now as well? i'm talking costly in terms of material and personnel, specifically because we have seen some of the use of striker and bradley vehicles
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being lost in the course screeching and that we don't know the exact number of ukrainian losses. and so that is difficult to estimate. however, there will be losses and we're still waiting for a flu russian response to this incursion. and ukraine is probably hoping that the russia will remove with forces from c r q because of the proximity in order to weekends of pressure and the premium forces. they are both rush, it hasn't done it yet, so it remains to be seen how much law says ukraine will have to endure against the background. that general service you was actually planning a potential counter offensive at some point in full. so will you frame been have enough force is and means in order to conducted given that the mobilization is not going as planned, given that there are the lease and delivering the western equipment to ukraine. so
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ukraine is in a very shaky position right now, and i think it doesn't have any good choices. this is why we're seeing this incursion. interesting analysis there from maureen over on many thanks. thank you for having me. the leaders of a us egypt and contact have demanded the resumption of talks to stop the fighting and cons that they issued a joint statement saying only the details of carrying out and cease fire and hostage release needs to be worked out as well as setup with st. negotiate has to go high or cairo on august 15th, how much has yet to respond. the recent assassination of thomas political leader in tehran, widely blamed on these rounds based tensions across the region. some saying it's complicated pieces. so let's bring in, rebecca rid is in jerusalem, we both know how complicated this has been from the stats rebecca. but what is the likelihood in, in your,
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in your opinion of these tools actually taking part 1st of all, taking place? well, i think they will, they, with all likelihood will take place then. i mean, you just said yourself, though this rate is very complicated, you yourself have reported from here and everyone knows that these talks is supposed to take place on thursday. a week in this region is a lifetime and anything could happen, of course we're waiting for retaliatory responses from both hezbollah and iran. should that happen? then? you know, it's very likely that the talks will either be put on hold or certainly certainly delayed but, but otherwise given, given the, the joint statement released yesterday. and then of course, the prime minister's office here is having a statement saying that israel will take part in the talks, does mean that they are likely to go ahead on thursday at a yet to be determined. location is, of course, is the latest iteration of a deal. it's based on the framework set out by you as president biden at the end of may. and you both sides, him us and he's around,
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has been close to agreeing on this deal, but there are still sticking points. both sides. blame each other for those taking points. i just have to say what comes out of these latest round of negotiations next week. okay. so run this through those sticking points again. yeah, and most of the same issues, kate coming up, we have been talking about this now for months and at various times throughout all of these discussions, these various integrations of various deals. we have been talking about the same sticking points, namely the, the, the, the discussion of the talking point around the complete cessation of hostilities that something that hamas has been demanding. and it's something that ease route is saying is absolutely off the table. it wants to have the ability to resume fighting after a period perhaps. so after the 1st phase of the hostage negotiations is complete and some of the hostages have been released. particularly a sticking point. a being reported in this is something around article 14, which of course i don't expect people to be familiar with,
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but the language is around the duration of negotiations that have mouse and israel as opposed to stopped during that 1st phase of negotiations. now, the original language as it stands now, is that the us cuts out, and each of those k negotiating partners will make every effort to ensure that these negotiations and in an agreement for the home. and it's a sign now, a mouthful of that language to be changed from make every effort to ensure to transfer up that agreement. what we've been hearing from me is right beside that, that's something they're unlikely to agree to. so of course, well we talk about finding out the, find a details these find the details are and a very important and still main that both sides are pretty far apart. and rebecca will kind of pressure is the hostage situation putting on making yahoo to come to any a great a so just off the, they joint statement was issued been we heard from the hostage families for on this a representative body for the families of the hostages they said the government and the prime minister must demonstrate leadership and concluded deal without further
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delay. they have been putting ramping up the pressure i could say on, on the government, and on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we've been seeing weekly protests, even more than weekly at times we've been saying, you know, them calling in the media that they want these to be the most important thing that the government is pursuing. it, of course, is the release of the hostage as well. of course, and then yahoo is also pursuing his military ends, which he says is equally important and that's completely dismount. not telling him off it, you know, full the families of the hostages. it must just be an agonizing, i think frustrating isn't strong enough. definitely in agonizing weight, as they see is they get hope every time that you know, the us and all the people say that we're close to a deal. and then of course those hopes dashed when the deal fails. they have been putting on pressure though i should say for, you know, the entire time and it still hasn't been enough. so whether or not, you know, they can wrap up the pressure and, and fix, you know,
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a different response for israel. this time remains to be seen, but you know, we haven't seen that in the last 9. i'm sorry, mounts since the last hostage deal. we haven't seen another deal. so, you know, the pressure is, you know, not being ignored by the government, but certainly not getting it all over the line when it comes to agreeing to this deal. yeah, definitely 10 months. the balconies of the families of hostages in israel, and 10 months of agony for the people of gaza to rebecca. thank you very much for bringing us up to data and running through the prospects. of course of now add some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the president of trump has agreed to a tele vice presidential debate with his democratic opponent, cala harris, the republican. nobody said he wants multiple debates, which our said she'll decide like that whole. so a close contest with harris raising the lead trump had over the president joe biden since he dropped out 3 weeks ago. kind of on separate is lita collars puts them on
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has flight spain and is heading back to belgium after a mad hunt failed to locate him. that's according to the head of the body which seeks independence from spain. he appeared in boss a loaner on the thursday before a bathing police, despite an extensive search bile, sorry at another powerful load, quite constructed of japan, southern coast, from single authorities to one of the high risk of massive us quakes in the area in the near future. seismologists have long highlighted the potential for a mega quite stemming from an undersea trunk close to japan. plus thailand's band opposition policy has reorganized itself into the largest parliamentary faction you potty elected a form of tech executive passes. leader forward one, the most seats in 2023 elections bump was dissolved by tongue tied court for its plan to amendable the shields the royal family from criticism. the new group slaves to carry on with the forwards performed the site over to pakistan and
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china are the largest the latest regional neighbors to congratulate bangladesh is new in from leda. as he takes office, nobel peace prize. lorez mohammed eunice heads up a cabinet that includes the student, protests, leaders and representatives from civil society. and the military is being a harsh critic of long time. prime minister, shake casino, who was ousted and fled to india after weeks a violent anti government protest. yours has bound to kill, the country is another historic moment in a whirlwind, we can bangladesh politics, nobel laureate mohammed unice has been sworn in as the countries interim leader after being tapped by the president to feel the power vacuum left behind after shakers. tina was forced out by mass protests who knows the respected economist who pioneered micro credits which helped lift millions from poverty,
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had been in paris when the request to serve his country came. arriving home at dhaka airport, he called for an end to the street violence of 1st order of business should be to restore law and order. until this is done, we will not be able to make any headway with improving conditions you shouldn't say to me. and the students here have reassured me, i'll be able to carry out this to take along with restoring stability. the interim government is also tasked with repairing fresh elections. many bangladesh are hoping for greater freedoms and economic opportunities to develop people of setting an example by giving this country a new beginning. we expect you and as we able to rebuild our country on this foundation, i'd have to start to hear from them. i seriously hope the new government will put a stop to the bad politics in this country. all diseases,
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the working closely community of peace across from the high unemployment in a country where the median age is just 28, was one of the grievances fueling. the recent anti government protest with protests leaders, demands met for change at the top, many bangladesh. these will now be hoping for improvements in their day to day lives. david bergman is an investigative journalist to work for several bangladesh and use papers and joins us for london. how do you restore lower in order on the bangladesh? is current system? well that is the biggest challenge as mama jeane is just states. it's in the base right now for the new interim government. the problem is, is that the police, which is the entity responsible for the nevada and bundled us in any country, many they were responsible for significance giddings just before we slide to. in
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fact, the photo of the former government and so many of those people out in hiding and escaped to come out. and the police forces, generally concerned about venture fusion so that they basically be able to strike for the last number of days since the, for the sake of cns. and they all, i believe started to come by. and it's going to be absolutely imperative for the new government this way, the police that they can actually come out and start doing the juices. now community, many of them i know it has to be what i mean the and that could well be a problem, but hopefully he would have to just understand it. and you've just been section, and they're gonna have to was popular in order to enforce the law and order. but at the same time, some of them may have to face time. i mean, is that going to be justice for the families of the hundreds of victims, of those protests of accountability for what took place over the last 2 weeks is clearly essential to the demands of students and many others. and as well
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as accountability above the human rights violations that took place. uh give me the good responsible for prior to that, that's going to be a tough challenge as well because the bundle dish is criminal justice system is really not fit for purpose. and it cannot be certain that individuals will be subject to popular unfair investigation investigations and gets a fair trial. so that is going to be a big challenge for the, your government. maybe they just think about the increasing reconciliation commission or something like that. so different kinds of homes of accountability, not just ones where they do the criminal justice because otherwise it could be very overwhelming. what do you think about elections which are required in 3 months, but we see those. it was a different uh, good things within values, right? now, overall, quoting for different levels of time before the next election of the bottom,
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there's naturally as biology, the major opposition party until now they want the next is as soon as possible that a major party i give you the soon as they have a fab lexus, which they are going to be the main beneficiary of the protests, because it's very likely that they would come to power without much testing from anyone else. the students, however, my understanding is that they likely to be an attempt to set up a new policy. so they will one more time to be able to set up the new budget so that your next give you a full the challenge to the back of the test as boxes. so there's going to be a conflict between the 2 escalations and that's something the interest government is gonna have to deal with. but i do do very unlikely. alexis will take place in 3 months for talking at least a. yeah. and maybe if, as long as i can, all of the students i've spoken to have no trust in the military. but as i mentioned before, the military is involved in this new interim government. what are the risks of the military playing
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a long term role in any government like impact us that it was the obviously the army was involved in showing that they could see them resigned and hosting the allow me the but the same actually played a relatively light hand in setting up the kids like a government, they've obviously be consulting them being involved in the decisions like compared to other times and budget assist me with the ministry has been involved for example, many pieces me in 2007 to 2009. this particular instance, they seem to be taking a light hand and allowing the a civilian taking into and government to be very much in charge. clearly it's important for that. so we didn't get a new interim government that relationships with the army. that's really important . but i think that it's, i don't think the army has any particular relish to take jobs and certainly they would much rather i think that's a between government and you mentioned government does it does the job of governing
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the country. and i think it hopefully unless something started off with table takes place on this bill. it was in the waiting during government purchased as tough. the army will remain in his bags. journalist david bergman in london. thank you very much. i. it's like it's simone use now and a story and also are things of a race to the 3rd person following the cancellation to taylor swift concepts over and alleged care. plus, they say the 18 year old was not directly connected to the plan to tax, but was in contact with the main suspect who was arrested on tuesday. organizes canceled 3 sold out shows in vienna as the towns that the products that would you be to active as symbol guerria of protested against the new law passed by the countries parliament, the controversial legislation bands, the promotion in schools of what it refers to as non traditional sexual orientation
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with gender identity. the amendment was proposed by a pro russian party. european union has criticized bulgaria for not doing more to protect l u b t q brings you lab work has been appearing around london and bank see is behind it. usually the renown graffiti artists work doubles up as a commentary on society and culture. so fans are asking what the paintings of animals all mean. they're also wondering if the parts, if that the latest addition is also may be part of the concept. backseats latest housing wolf painted on a satellite dish and it's gone. caught in the act. a masked man was photographed grabbing the dish and walking off with it, with help from others. shortly after it was unveiled of the same i assess
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me on the right hand side that out 11 up soft costs it down to the other 3 and i run around the corner and around about 90 seconds, pull it out. so i asked the efficient guys popping up over the last few days. bang c has released a series of animals on london streets. monkeys, elephants, and it go to my take on it. is that what ben skis trying to do is to really get us to think and reflect about the ecological crisis that really threatens humanity is always the data, meaning that they look, they look very simple to met. the graphics are very simple, but this, this political visits even meaning behind them. fancy whose real identity has not been made. public has confirmed the pieces as genuine and social media posts,
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but has left friends to draw their own interpretations. that's what they used for now, but we leave it with a tribute to the olympics as they could look in. it's all this extra noticeable in china is 10 going space station perform distribute to the powers games, i think with a known fine level torch relay. a then showed what space table tennis might look like and made light of weight, lifting the crew of chinese competitors to enjoy the journey and create remarkable, more and about how very terrestrial metals, the nation wins the over at atlantic show, china has reached you heights in the world of support of the ex, out documentary looks at german forces stationed on navy east and bought a miscellaneous, i've been f as will and see next now with low voltage the
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or the
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actor ready with nato soldiers from through india securities the 393 tank battalion is the speed ahead of the rapid reaction. it defends with the way media, if an emergency strikes with will raging in ukraine, this danger is getting close to. how is the task force set top next on d, w? how the one that gets of a mento, a souvenir, or b c of conservation is conservation signing for itself. rich people coaching,
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endangered animals. why is this allowed and is benefiting from it? shot trophy, hunting in 45 minutes on d w. the welcome to the tire timelines capital for 6 to or is it windows 10 am and 8 t go to the faucet. you do pay twice or $3.00 times as much and you get half the service. in 2023, a documentary uncovered corruption and child abuse. the youngest one, for example. let me show you this with her. now the film team investigate the was
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exactly have changed. the red lights, dark shadow, 6 terrace in stossel, the 16th on dw, the think moore is terrible. nobody wants to will not to. if we want to prevent it, we have to let every potential aggress and know we are capable of defending ourselves. we can take you all up and that's what it don't about. nothing else under this. i want to look out to the laughter that i'm moving, position possible, and then we move it to the east thousands of the world sondra. the idols always have a lot of missions abroad, like enough kind of style of basic training laws and national defense and submitted the founder. of course, we've already prepared our equipment so that we can keep our react.


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