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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 10, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, passenger plane crashes in brazil, killing all 61 people on board videos post and the social media show the aircraft tumbling out of the sky. just north and south palo authorities have recovered the black box and are searching for clues as to what caused the disaster. also coming up, russia send reinforcements to the chris region where its troops are struggling to repel. are you printing an attack within its own borders? plus is real, agrees to join a new round of causes cease fire talks under pressure from the us. cuts are in egypt report on the flight of palestinians,
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forced to relocate multiple times since the start of the war. the amenities of welcome to the program, brazilian airline void pass has confirmed that all 61 passengers and crew were killed when one of its plains crashed and fell. pablo state social media video showed the 8 hr, 72 tumbling out of the sky over the city of unusual investigators are working to determine the cause of the crash of the. this is the moment the plain spirals out of the sky and hit the ground in a neighborhood about 80 kilometers north west of south paolo leaving residence in shock. we saw shakira. i thought it was going to fall in our yard. it was scary here, but thank god there were no victims among the people who lived here. the 3rd thought
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1st, the plain straightened out and then it started into a nose dies. i'll go to the walk. where am i thought? what's happening? i oh, maybe it ran out of fuel of somebody i you really caught me so i ran out of the house and i sort following another roof cause out. city officials say that one home was damaged, but none of the residents were hurt. the plane belonged to brazilian airline void pass. it was traveling from costco to south palo when it dropped about 5000 meters in just one minute. shortly before its scheduled arrival. no more people buy from the head cross did not communicate with ad traffic control, that there was an emergency planning. and i mean that is the preliminary information we have. there was no indication from the golf course that there was any kind of emotions. it was might be pretty much at an event in southern brazil, president losing nasty, a little of a silver. asked the crowd to stand and hold
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a minute of silence for the victims, firefighters and military police have been deployed to the side of the crash. passengers who failed to board, the plane found themselves in disbelief. village you looked at that i thought, well, i even push this to a little bit and told him, let me get on board to get on this plane. i have to get on this claim, was it because it and he said no, i can only re book your ticket, have my football most of the phone, but i just speechlessness. i've been trying to imagine how i feel. i'm shaking my legs trembling, newsheel protell. subbing this moment, or a sorry to say they have recovered the black fox, which should reveal more about the cause of the crash. earlier earlier i spoke to journalists veneers, who was dinardo, who was at the scene of the crash. we are leaving a very said, the melancholic day and our country, but it's really strange. i am now at the right. the rest seem continual as
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most all the countryside and i cannot approach so much there. that is, the agent now goes there, please send me all the to the point of trying to rescue and things that have to be done here. so unfortunately we are leaving a very said they have, we heard anything about who was on board the plane. we have just received the passenger leaves the 58 people and 3 through and i, i was told that there, there were many doctors in the plane, but that's it. i don't, i don't know very well because we just received the mix. we're seeing is dramatic videos, phone on cellphones, of the crash. do we know anything at this time about the cause of the crash? the weather is not so good for you. uh. yeah. from yesterday. and
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even today it seems raining to now and because of the extreme is not totally clear, we know that there is no future report will be released to 2 days. but we know that there was an issue there. the weather was in a rush for me. and victor buying, and this is a derek breast, stern buy, bought some kind 3 z. maybe that the reason because this is the claim for us. uh, what is the safety record of the void pass airline that owns this plan? for the 1st time. that is very aligned to add some extra. uh it's one of the oldest um, companies in brazil and district score uh i have to jamaica, correct. and correction here. and 3 group right?
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for a front park with people from the crew and steve 7, best center. okay. what is the 1st time that this company had some uh, airprint at all right. the journalist veneers, who was dinardo many things. thank you very much. i, this russia has deployed more troops in an attempt to repel the biggest ukranian advance crosses border since the war began. moscow sending a rock is sending rocket launchers, artillery and tanks and the curse region where a state of emergency is in 4th, hundreds of ukrainian troops begin crossing the border early on tuesday. but to you, if it's not officially acknowledged, the incursion. images, the russian defense ministry wants you to see. they allegedly show russian jets, striking ukrainian forces on russian soil, pontiff, most scouts response to keeps incursion into the coolest regions. the russians
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forces i said, to be scrambling to contain the ukrainian offensive. on friday the kremlin said it was sending more military hardware to the region, including rocket launches, artillery tanks and having trucks made while it was also pulling people out. moscow has declared a federal level emergency in the region and claims to evacuated. some 3000 civilians, the distribution center and the city of coast. people arriving from harry as close to the crane border said the situation with tense viewed, my grandfather is still there and i can't reach any of the clients who have been evacuated, but no onset yet some they just say sick and stands. this is going to allow it to work and not all the border areas a currently on the phone. but we see that the people here had to leave the homes because of the bombing by all accounts. the incursion by ukraine appears to be more
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successful than most got would like to admit. this video shows a convoy of 15 downtown russian military trucks in the coast region. russia's president vladimir putin held a meeting with the security council again on friday. it's good this week. he's causing the crating and offensive is a major publication. meanwhile, ukraine's presidential automated zalinski also held a meeting with his top defense officials on friday. he said that his army chief had briefed him on, quote, the defensive actions taking place in areas used by russia to launch it strikes against ukraine. although ukraine hasn't officially admitted carrying out the cross border incursion, it appeared to justify the operation. considering russian troops regularly conduct strikes from the coast region and zalinski also hinted at ukraine's involvement in his nightly address thinking army units who had taken russian troops
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prisoner without directly referring to cursed nation, void them. i want to express my special gratitude. war is in units of who are punishing the exchange bundle. typical bonds by taking the occupiers as captives appointment, and helping free our people from russian captivity to not get to stream the important as i'm not as being particularly effective over the past 3 days. we must free on off people who remain would have seen in russian captivity. that is what she's getting awarded. christopher morris is a military and security expert at the university of portsmouth in the you, k, we asked if you crane has enough manpower and resources to keep this going. professionally. of course i like i say they best certainly not guys have the resources to maintain a long term presence inside of russia. not least because as time moves on, pressure is able to affectively mobilize, its internal military resources,
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imitates load up hundreds of thousands of conscripts that have to fight back this incursion. what the ukrainians are doing at the movements however, is forcing russia to maneuver and effectively to panic. and as a result is on the who is in the open and it's able to inflict some fatty survey casualties on the new ring. russian forces us and russia is also continuing its own attacks on ukrainian soil in eastern ukraine. at least 14 people have been killed and around 40 others wounded. the strike on a supermarket. official say, a russian missile struck the store in constituting difficult, around 13 kilometers from active combat lines in the region of don't yet printing held areas regularly, face rushin showing and their strength and a quick look now, and some of the other stories making headlines around the world flooding and northern sedan as cost cause buildings to collapse. going of the 17 people destroying over 11000 homes un is warning on millions of people displays due to the
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ongoing one sedan now face even worse. conditions with the floods blocking a delivery is 2 areas hit by the m s. e mancha leaf has one. audrey is 1st ever gold metal for women's boxing at the purse lympics. the victory comes after, kelly faced the scrutiny over her eligibility admitted a gender dispute. 25 year old says she's faced attacks and online abuse during the competition of the president, nicholas monroe has appeared before venezuela supreme court asking the top judicial body to ratify his disputed election. national electoral council declared madero the winter of the july 28th phone. but the opposition says record show its candidates, its candidate was the actual winner. protests over materials declared victory. i've left at least 24 people dead. the cuts alone separatist major calls
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put. mine says he's back in his home in exile in belgium. he defied an arrest warrant earlier this week and returned briefly to spain to address thousands of supporters in barcelona, even evaded police and left the country. israel has confirmed it will send negotiators to gauze a peace talks next week and either do ha, or cairo prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says he has read to the talks at the request of international mediators. below the militant group, i'm off has yet to respond. i'm sure world leaders are pushing for talks restart after the recent assassination of a hamas leader into wrong. why be blamed on israel res, tensions in the region, and let the fears that peace efforts would fail? are now as the families of this really hostages. wait for their loved ones to be freed. the people of garza are desperate for the fighting to stop him off run health ministry there says almost $40000.00 people have been killed so far 10
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months into is rounds. will with him us thousands of thousands are again, forced to flee, meaning have moved multiple times to escape the fighting. now they are leaving hon eunice as israel steps up its attacks. once again, there is no safe area. i'm telling you we cannot find a place to stay. we have thrown industries. i'm calling on them and calling on them to see us because we are tired. by god we it's hired. like god, we're tired. it's not just is reynolds attacks that shasta, any sense of security, a lack of sued, clean water, and basic supplies means it's a daily struggle to survive. we are tired of this life by god, death is better than this. let the country see our situation and find
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a solution. we are tired. we don't need $100.00 times, which is really a tax. have hit 2 schools and guides, a city in recent days because of civil defense agency said more than 18 people were killed. is riley mo, trees say that struck some us come on seem to is the. and a reminder of our top story at this hour. a passenger plane has crashed in brazil, self hello state, killing all 61 passengers and crew on board. the went down in small city of san diego, some 80 kilometers north of south palo videos posted to social media, show the aircraft tumbling out of the sky. the any watching dw news from berlin up next on rev could and sold the key to ending traffic. chance to member you can always get more news and analysis on our website,
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and our social media channels are handled. there is at the w news. i'm on east of to stay with us. the gentleman with c w plus or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level. reading gentleman has never been since a fairly successful legal advice. helping communities in sierra leone in the fight against context, forties against the national right.


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