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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 10, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w news. life from bill in thousands of reported, killed the officer in his way. the strike on his school in kansas city. witness society early morning strike came without warning as people prayed at a mosque in the school, as well as military says it was targeting a homeless command center at the sign. arrived at the top level resignations in bangladesh, a student leaders, coal for accountability of the country's handling of deadly protests. and russia is left on the back foot,
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scrambling to send reinforcements to call us as it launches a new operation to repel the major you creating an incursion across the board of the date visible and woke up dozens of people are reportedly data after a nice way to get a strike on a school used as a shelter for displaced people. the attack at the top be in school in kansas city to play so the on saturday, according to gallons of civil defense agency around a 100 people have been killed with many more wounded. is way the military has confirmed the strike, claiming it hit a homeless command, the control center embedded within the side. it says around 20 homeless at his limit. she had militants were operating for the school. jerusalem corresponded rebecca rate is as more on that that they struck are well, ben,
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this is one of the number of strikes carried out across the strip over night was certainly the deadliest with around about a 100 people more than a 100. we're hearing from the guards and civil defense killed in that attack. we're seeing many more casualties. we know that a fire broke out as well in that compound. and many people have suffering from bone wounds that there was trapped and caught up in that 5. in fact, 3 consecutive strikes that hit the school, which was housing and i'm know number of displaced palestinians and it hits around the morning prayer time. it certainly looks by the images and the something like the types of casualties that we're hearing about on the grounds that that number may well rise of a time. now as you've mentioned, the israel consent, this is a strike a it just before 6 am local time. they said that they had struck who precisely struck with the words that they use,
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the mouse operators operating command and control center as you just meant it mentioned. and they also said that this was a hide out for him as commodities, and that they had been planning attacks on id f units. from there they said that they had taken numerous steps to avoid civilian casualties, but that sent me counted to the images that and, and reports that we're hearing from the ground. many reports of civilians including women and children being taken to a nearby hospital full with very, very severe within. so it's difficult to say when you, when we talk about precise and precision, just how that was indeed carried out. they don't use rebecca. but as reporting from jerusalem there, and we can now bring in china low from the norwegian refugee council, also in jerusalem. what are you hearing from your people in gaza this morning? this morning? then we have 6 staff members in northern guys. all of them have been accounted for this morning,
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but this strike is not an anomaly in the last month or so since july. 4th, there has been 15 attacks on schools, north of warranty garza and earlier this month, the ones education cost are released to report that found that $344.00 schools in gaza has been uh, stopped for direct hits during the course of these 10 months. of possibilities, schools are places where civilians are seeking of shelter. they're looking for some safe place to live. many of these people have been displaced multiple times. and really they, they are seeking places where they think that they might have some degree of, of safety. and what we've seen time and time again is that there is no place that is safe in gaza and that civilians yet again are paying the ultimate price of these 10 months of hostilities. the other problematic, of course, with such big numbers that way,
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hearing like today is that hospitals todd cope. what are you getting on information as to how the casualties are being dealt with? i've heard also that the hospitals are struggling to keep up with the number of patients in need of assistance, but there are not enough beds and hospitals. there's been a 10 month to extremely type fee jump guys up with very limited aid getting in. so hospitals are already sort of staff sort of medicine sort of supplies sort of electricity. and when we have these high cap mass casualty incidents like the one we saw this morning, hospitals are already struggling to keep up with the ordinary needs, let alone the types of injuries that they're going to be seeing from a strike as large as this one. good to see you here in china low with the norwegian refugee council. as the chief justice of bangladesh, the supreme court has reported they agreed to resign. it follows an ultimatum from
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protest is the central bank governor is also said to be stepping down. an interim government has been sworn in and its head might have a unit, says his top priority is to restore lower node. it is called for religious unity in the country, which is new, temporary administration facing numerous challenges ahead, including preparing for elections following weeks of deadly violence and on rest. let's go over to student active as property policy, right, to see you again, probably what is your take on these top level resignations that we're hearing about today? i guess the question is the, the fastest, the casino is im not on the phone folder with the faxes from about mr says, but also the boys track the fact destructive defenders. this victim also feel comfortable this kind of buyer a bunch and they don't see the bargain just diesel. by the time he has
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a week to resign or with other 6 diseases, i'm going to be shuttled back. you know, p o, y, well, well say that's 4th of july that the students for the day that you cannot produce and change it needs the shelf of the just food or high board. so yeah. when the testers, so they hired about that the do you just being had scores on it? we're going to be doing online. we don't different goals savvy. we've been doing the range. the projectors again. i started the test and they, they went to the high board and started producing the ash and i and that does he, does this a said that he was designed by to uh, by good evening. is this exactly what students, $100.00 students, a cold for, for a total of he will of the system for both is within the judiciary itself to resign over what's being in a pulling past week's of,
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of rights protests. and that's, as you know, the goal is to stay with the structural system off body should be long because the whole system is so slow, but actually on it with the name of secrecy, not that was the liability. and yes, this is now why did somebody formations of the whole system of the dispute is a symbol for very long deformation of the constitution as well? so yeah, this would interpret that the for was just web selection feedback and what would be a dinosaurs. so everybody will fit the mileage. so the students are making major in roads, they're already part of the interim governing will they end up forming their own potty? you know, the leader, why they didn't go read to you. they won't be able to do the elections as because the involvement, but yes, you have already know that the students have started to clean this for you. they are big in charge of property controlling and they have taken josh,
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would that be in the trans they didn't put the money, would you be putting out there as well? so, you know, the testers of this reading, which one on one e, by that he, all the factors only that the minor split c o, b b i s, we, yeah, the students was probably different from the binomial when you get to b and b. and i had this that's available for their the, to be able to finally got to our board. the was a new one of the goes by the school in be able to express it all or right. so will be, but they'll stay for watch just and will be able to find that easy. the guy provide a fair function on them see table 6 property. could you ever expected that the student protests would have had such an impact when the 1st day began? when we started to protest for pull that information, he was offering jobs. i the, we,
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all my goal is all of my friends. we do not think that the phone we got to be that will be in that saving dollar fee not. but you know, the, the, when the started to you, i was just when to start it. so at their very best the, you know, the, the star says, so yeah, been the hold on people the whole for the them, the other people differently do a default. there was a company that even has been we all are the 15 years of why the expression of why they're so they look at the and yet that's been the way the other people i was thinking it also can be passed. i've been talking in head start to get this pulled up. i did that, which we still don't have the that we sure ship talk. this is free and we are exploded the ghost debris. is it brandy? what doesn't bother. so yeah, this was on our part when we started at the moment that he was delivered by the company, not his name and the my house because he actually cuz it got it now, but up to, you know, uh for, for this is all of the, uh, back to turn,
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all of the content will be pretty student activists update that policy. thank you. russia has launched what it's cooling, a counter terrorism operation in 3 border areas. as it attempts to propel the biggest ukranian advanced inside rushes into the bowl began. moscow sending relevant launches artillery and thanks to the cost region or a state of emergency is in 4th, hundreds of ukrainian troops began crossing the border of the tuesday. although keith is not officially acknowledge the concussion images. the russian defense ministry wants you to see the, hey, allegedly show russian jets, striking ukrainian forces on russian soil, part of moscow's response to keeps incursion into the coolest region. the russians forces i said, to be scrambling to contain the ukrainian offensive. on friday, the kremlin said it was sending more military hardware to the region, including rocket launches,
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a tillery tanks and heavy trucks made while it was also pulling people out. moscow has declared a federal level emergency in the region and claims to evacuated. some 3000 civilians, food distribution center and the city of coast. people arriving from harry as close to the crate border. so the situation was tense. viewed, my grandfather is still there and i can't reach any of the clients who have been evacuated to put no onset yet some they just say sick and sounds. this is going to allow it to work and not all the border areas a currently on the phone. but we seen in the got the people here had to leave the homes because of the bombing by old accounts. the incursion by ukraine appears to be more successful than most i would like to admit. you know, this video shows a convoy of 15 downtown russian military trucks. in the coast region. thrushes president vladimir putin held
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a meeting with the security council again on friday. it's good this week. he's causing the crating and offensive as a major propagation. meanwhile, ukraine's presidents a lot to me as a landscape also held a meeting with his top defense officials. on friday, he said that his army chief had briefed and on quote, the defensive actions taking place in areas used by russia to launch a strikes against ukraine. a although ukraine hasn't officially admitted carrying out the cross border incursion, it appeared to justify the operation. considering russian troops regularly conduct yeah, strikes from the coast region. so let's get him to that. ukraine's involvement in his nice figure dress thinking how many units would taken russian folks surprise the nation boy. and i'm, i want to express as much special gratitude as 12 worry isn't units of who are
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punishing the exchange bundle of upon to by taking the occupiers is captives appointment and helping free our people from russian captivity to not get to stream . the important, as i'm not as being particularly effective over the past 3 days, we must free on off people who remain in russian captivity. that is what she's getting award before we go a few other stories making use investigators in brazil as searching through the wreckage of a plane that crashed in the state of south panel, all 61 people on board were killed social media, videos of the aircraft. the flat spin, folding for the sky of the city of indeed old flooding and old and sedan has goes buildings to collapse, coming at least 17 people and destroying over 11000 times the united nations. once millions of people displaced from the warranty dance. now face even worse conditions with the floods blocking a deliveries to areas hit by famine and also hard. he's in the us state of new york, say the remnants of stone debbie have triggered the widespread slash flooding.
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thousands of people who've been left stranded in their homes to be made land full off the coast of florida on monday and has added several northeastern states. if you're watching dw use from both in a mix of the cycling in india and one cyclist stream to become the world's most successful long distance driver, i paid for the old and the gentleman with c w 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level, learning gem and has chosen to go early, successfully legal advice, helping communities in sierra leone in the fight,
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against robbing and to explore against the power of multinational corporation.


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