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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the dr. news life from bowling thousands are reported cues often. it's rarely as strife when a school in garza city. witnesses say the early morning strike came without warning as people played at the mos in the school is read, some of the tree says it was targeting hamas. come on center at the site. also coming up over shows inbound good. there's faith, the country of chief justice and sense was backed up in a half quit as protest that's forced out a former prime minister white. and that as the head open you into them. complement quotes for unity and joshua is left on the back foot. scrambling to send reinforcements to coast as it launches a new operation to develop
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a major you creating and and caution across the board on the number such as while back into the program, egypt has accused as fail of deliberately targeting civilians and gaza off to the deadliest strife on a school compound being used to show to a displaced people the attack at the debates coolant, gods of city took place only on saturday. oh god, that's how my son government says as many as a 100 people were killed. and many of those injured israel said so that story doesn't value with its own information and says it's meant to treat the august to the hum off. come on santa hidden within the complex is drugs, sets it on 20, her moss and a slimy 2 hot militants were operating from. the school. author drew slim forest formed into rebecca does, has more now on display to school and strike and got the as well. ben,
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this was one of the number of strikes carried out across the strip over night, was certainly the deadliest with around about a 100 people more than a 100. we're hearing from the guards and civil defense killed in that attack. we're seeing many more casualties. we know that a fire broke out as well in that compound, and many people are suffering from bone wounds that were trapped and caught up in that 5. in fact, 3 consecutive strikes that hit the school, which was housing at an unknown number of displaced palestinians. and it hit around the morning, pray time, it certainly looks by the images and the sudden think of the types of casualties that we're hearing about on the ground, that that number may well rise of a time. now as you've mentioned, the israel consent, this is a strike a it just before 6 am local time. they said that they had struck or precisely struck with the words that they used to mass operators operating,
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command and control center as you just meant it mentioned. um, they also said that this was a hide out for how much command isn't that they had been planning attacks on id f units from there they said that they had taken numerous steps to avoid civilian casualties, but that sent me counted to the images that and and reports that we're hearing from the ground, many reports of civilians including women and children being taken to a nearby hospital full with very, very severe wound. so it's difficult to say when you, when we talk about precise and precision, just how that was indeed carried out to as t w's rebecca interests instead of slim. now egypt got that, i'm the you for him. policy chief, have condemned the strike. so to has the non governmental organizations save the children if they showed a statement about the incident which describes us the deadliest attack when a school since last october, it goes on to say it is devastating to see the tool this has taken,
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including so many children and people at the school for don press in times of war, there's often a new number, but this must not be it. autobiography, as well, official favorite chief justice and central bank and i have resigned. it follows an ultimatum from students for testers who gathered outside the high court in taco demonstrations that almost a prime minister of shakes i see now and forced to, to free on. now widening to target, more officials appointed jordan had ministration chief justice a better hudson is one of several dogs is viewed as being joined to the former lead of students. i said to have warned him of dire consequences if he did not step down adopted the boy. she is a student activist from bung with this. she said her opinion on the resignation of the phone with issue officials. i guess the question is the, the fastest, the casino is, im not all the phone folders with the faxes from about mr says,
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but also the full tractor decided struck the defenders this victim also feel comfortable this kind of buyer a bunch and they don't see the bargain the diesel by the time he has every to resign or with other 6 diseases, i'm going to be shuttled back. you know, p o y. well, well say that's 4th of july that the students for the day that you cannot produce and she needs the shelf of the just food or high board. so yeah. when the guest us, so they hired about that the do you just being had scores on it? we're going to be doing online. we don't even go savvy. we've been doing the wrench, the projectors again. i started the test and they, they went to the high board and started reducing their, you know, the whole system, the board structure of system of body should be long because the whole system is so slow, but actually on it with the name of secrecy, not that was the yes, this last now wanted somebody formations on the whole system of the vision is
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a symbol for very long deformation of the bus station as well. so yeah, the students are good that the for was just website lunch will be that. and what would be a dinosaurs so everybody will fit the mileage of a student activist property, the pushy and talk on monday. so let's go to some of the stories making headlines around the world. now investigators and brazil associates with the wreckage of a plane that crashed on the stage a cellphone or $61.00 people on board were kid. so send me the video showed the ashcroft in a flat spin falling from the sky over the city of india. though a southern and northern so done has cause buildings to collapse, killing at least 17 people and destroying over 11000 homes. the united nations. once millions of people displease from the water and so done now face even worse conditions. but the thoughts are block 8 deliveries to irritate by 5, and i'll talk to you from the us state of new york,
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say the remnants of stone debbie. we have triggered widespread slash funding. dozens of people have been left stranded in the homes. that'd be made land phone off the coast of florida on monday and have back to several northeastern strips which is king charles have spoken out for the 1st time about the fall and i saw you, it's the broke out across the u. k. the more not calls for mutual respect and understanding, he also tanked emergency services and praise the way that community groups had come together to counter the violence. now russia has launched, awarded scrolling account, attended as the ma probation and numerous party this off to the biggest ukraine in advanced industrial joining the war so far. moscow sending military equipment to the coast region where the state of emergency is in 4th hundreds of your printer and full support over the border on to stay. all the cube has not officially acknowledged the incursion. images,
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the russian defense ministry wants you to see. the hey, allegedly so russian jets, striking ukrainian forces on russian soil part of moscow's response to keeps incursion into the coolest region. the russians forces i said, to be scrambling to contain the ukrainian offensive. on friday, the cremeans said it was sending more military hardware to the region, including rocket launches, a tillery tanks and heavy trucks made while it was also pulling people out. moscow has declared a federal level emergency in the region and claims to evacuated. some 3000 civilians, food distribution center and the city of coast. people arriving from harry as close to the crate border. so the situation was tense. viewed, my grandfather is still there and i can't reach any of the clients who have been evacuated, but no onset yet some they just say sick and sounds. this is going to allow it to
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work and not all the border areas occurred to me on the phone. but we seen in the got the people here had to leave the homes because of the bombing by old accounts. the incursion by ukraine appears to be more successful than most i would like to admit. this video shows a convoy of 15 downtown russian military trucks in the coast region. russia is president vladimir putin held a meeting with the security council again on friday. it stood this week, he's causing the crating and offensive as a major publication. meanwhile, ukraine's presidential automated zalinski also held a meeting with his top defense officials. on friday. he said that his army chief had briefed and on quote, the defensive actions taking place in areas used by russia to launch a strikes against ukraine. although ukraine hasn't officially admitted carrying out
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the cross border incursion, it appeared to justify the operation. considering russian troops regularly conduct strikes from the coast region from o, i'm joined now by thomasville. i talked to most of the new electorate on security and development at kings college funding. it's good to help you with us. again, told me to law what, what do we know about draw shows new operation to what these advance and your training troops weren't that we don't have a lot of details. but what we have seen is footage of military con voice which involve light, infantry and motorized. light infantry wait, there are $262.00 times artillery and rocket launchers. so the reason this sort of course, uh by russia to try to send forces, which in many cases is primarily composed of reserved forces to the area. it is not clear out yet whether they are mobilizing forces that are deployed inside ukraine,
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which is probably one of the objectives that the ukrainians were trying to achieve to ensure that there is sort of our diversion of forces away from the more critical areas on the front lines. uh, because this also would take quite a bit of time. uh, but you know, we had kind of be excluded. there are reports that uh, forces are being moved from areas such as so beyond sort of hard keys. but i think it's too early to tell exactly what kind of forces are being deployed in that area . i want to come back to what you said about ukraine strategy would force this mobilization is coming at the hughes of one of these, one of the biggest incursions of its kind that in this war so far. what does this tell us about russia? existing defense capabilities as well. it is clear that this was a very weak spot. that dresser hadn't really set top proper defensive lines, proper lines of protection as a data inside ukraine. the so called the sort of you can 9, which was very well uh,
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uh, set top with a very strong defensive lines uh mines and these kind of 4, if occasions have not been set topping these areas because probably the russians never thought that the ukrainians would dare such kind about taxing these areas and of course the ukrainians tried to find these weak points. uh so it clearly indicates that uh, this is a great sort of deficiencies on the russian side. also because there were intelligence reports that the russians apparently received, that these kind of concentration of forces on the ukrainian side of the bordering the areas, of course, was taking place. funding was case maced by sort of the higher echelons of the russian military. so here also we see uh sort of a um, a weak assessment of intelligence studies coming in. uh so that is also probably of my take. so we have the combination of these 2 elements of lack of preparedness,
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lack of attention of intelligence that is coming up. surely something that you're creating seemingly have managed to explore. thank you so much for that order, aside from also from king's college, london. and now a dad has taken over the video from you and ask for a string of concepts this month. and she had a special surprise for friends attending friday night. so that's a good confirm that she was engaged off to supporting someone in the crowd with the same thing with you, maddie, me to do all the crowd. she couldn't because she was already getting mad at adel has been with us both agent, which for since 2021 the and i don't mind if i top story at this have a of the doctors have been reported kids often as fairly as strike on a school and guys of city witnesses said the only morning strike came without warning, as people were playing at the mosque inside the school is there
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a similar tree has said it was targeting a mazda c'mon center at the site. and joshua has declared a state of emergency or what are your preening joint attacks on a bit of she asked for you in the loop pets creation. the base is located nearly 300 kilometers from the border process already fighting to push back and i'm calling for ukraine and troops. now, don't forget, you can always get more news on the call from the down. you just download our app and we'll just play all from the store and then give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as for start of occasions for any breaking news . you're also fine sports business and understanding the new stuff and alice's and back home from a lot of squanders around the tool. that's all it from us for now. the sticker on if you can as shift as off next speaker, look at the dominance of china. tech victo number such as far as thank you so much for being with us. the
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so you don't think you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought desired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable port is not i want my son to become a doctor. joe, in the clubs it's time to, to get from your generation with a sleep asked and then when genuine.


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