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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  August 11, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm CEST

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the or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level. learning gem and has to go hello and welcome to the 77 percent. so this week we are in 10 years. capital nairobi west since june, mississippi. and indeed, the rest of the country has been turned into a political stage visa protest by young people and some even lost their lives. more coming up on this very special edition. so i'm just keep on now, if you've seen any images from 10 a lately, you may notice that today is a very quiet z jane. a ruby. there are no chance in crowds must just lead no to augusta. but since the june young tendons have been gathering on these 3 in town halls and also online,
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now initially the mostly just before test as one to the controversial finance field that would increase taxes in the country to be dropped. but now those protests like others in africa are about much more than a single issue. here's what's coming up. we'll find out what steps can we look at previously, a protest from a part of the confidence and we'll try to find out all this. but before we go any further, let's take a look at what's happened until now. this will be in the day it would be traffic congestion on the road. but right now the road is full of young people. what being towed, testing a contribution for nice be at least using what i would consider to be excessive force. at the moment we've just had to pull back. we had seen somebody gets in said
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just beyond the roads that it started out as peaceful protests. young kenyans, draped in flags, calling to kenya's parliament to reject a finance build up. many felt imposed exorbitantly high texas on an already squeezed canyon population. would i be paying taxes? and then you do that you, i think they're not doing much would be to the this includes n z protesters with soon, much was t goes water, cannons, arrest and even live bullets. the 2nd day of protests ended in the depths of 29 year old mex messiah allegedly stroke in the evening of the protest and 21 year old evans q. how to, who died off to he was huge by a to you guys kind of stuff. yes. that was our need to start on june 25th to purchase with nationwide. in nairobi, the focus was in homage and up to m. p. 's version for the adoption of
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a finance bill purchased a storm and national assembly with police opening file. and this is all of the was from parliament that it was actually brought down by the protest as well as a lot all of these a truck on the south side that has been bunch belonged to the police since the beginning of the protest or the 50 people lost in life and many more we injured, but that is not the time people. they organized blood donations, raise money to put hospice, who bills and organize the concepts and remembers of the victims for the longest time needed to be. nothing has been the hands of the old. i'm the lead to. i'm the rich dogs, but i'm guessing which i mean it's the majority of the continent. we are the ones who don't have jobs, but the ones name to be today and see trying to get it to go abroad. so the question, you know what you want to put to our country and sort of dining the high seas, a bunch of domino jobs and you're in the week since the protests have become most unlike the numbers, wouldn't us in the previous weeks to date,
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very few protest as have come out in part due to the high number of security details, you can see behind me they keep loving to i guess. it's all over the, at, with the heavy security presence arrests and often even abductions. my plan includes the offices, the protest of may not only be in the streets, but the conversations continue on ex spaces offline and $3.00 costs and petitions. this is the, the political oh, it can mean everyone is the, you know, an excellent quoted, this is around taking pictures and you know, we're asking them david questions. and so many people are saying this has, has died. but it's actually the beginning and the government's response can use president has sent the finance bill back to parliament and dismissed his entire cabinets. he has attempted to dialogue with the per testers, but they say he's actions to ensure true will. now is the bill here is to be walking on the street because this was the size of some of the west guy me says
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during then i really protest now the country's parliament is just around the corner . and on june 25th young people, what able to reach the barriers, the and game. and so you know, of cost a lot of people, what inside and minimal also lost their lives. now we might have young people to discuss this issue and to tell us why exactly the what else in the streets. and it turns out that the more interested in talking about how security personnel dealt with the protests of once the hello and welcome back to the 77 percent st debates. my name is edith kimani, and this week we are back in 10 years. capital of ne ruby, but we're here to ask a protest. the only way for can is to get their voices hug. and what's next for the young people of this movement who better to answer that question than the actual members of the movements took you right? let's start with you because you've stood up to a police officer and you said, you're not taking me anywhere. i'm standing up for my rights. why? why you so angry that day? that's was 2nd base of the protests and under plus the i had been arrested. i
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wasn't even use the time i just said because i was, i'm pushed by pain clips of he says, and they threw me into a vehicle. they harassed me. they beats me and they took me to central police and we were detained among other protest as until 8 pm. so it's a, i didn't understand why the people the minds and had to be met with such brutality. so i was like, if this moment, if i help is to me i get i have to be able to speak up for myself and to be honest, i was cared about to my anger and frustration succeeded my fia at that point. right . so shakira is uncle superseding her fear. mohammad, you are a journalist to communicate to but very much mostly involved in these protests. so i did ask the question, what sparked the protest? because i mean canyons have been known to purchase for a while, but not like this, not a big scale. can you come to the brink of simple issue on so many times, but the revolution that's a very strong what it is,
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a very strong. but i think we can go back all the way to the ninety's when you had the multi party out, when will fight them for multi party democracy in this country. 2002, when all of us, well who to talk and saying your to is that kind of belong way. there's one uniform fact as well. and that is for the additions older is coming in, hijacked the movements and making them all themselves. so what's the difference, this thing don't i think the people that they got tired of that? so then what is the message now? because at the beginning it was very clear, right? rejected the finance bill. i don't want to speak to some people who participated in the protest. i did that involve binding buildings looting businesses, because this is also what the young people have been accused of. like the 1st day when direct score, short was in the photos and cbd at fall of as excited to go home. because it's the end of the day night time was coming in the streets, which are, you know, going to be safe people left. but then the meetings are coming to downtown, you're being told all the people who are here to lagoons,
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people businesses or i in fact before kept, most of the professors are trying to go home. all of us wanted to go and we would tie it. let me bring in a child, so we know who you might recognize as a form us books best suited for the police based on your own assessment and or the vision, how would you rate the behavior of put used was the protest of in those early days that they sometimes have be conflict, but police find themselves in because as you had, the young man took most of these issues as a political provenance between the public and politicians. police officers coming to enforce laws and regulations of midland. well, what kind of constitution is it'd be tomorrow by brent and i think what the 7 of the constitution provides that you can demonstrate to you can assemble, you can pick it to kind of present petitions to authorities, piece in place. and then who did the police respond and serve? do they consider us 1st or the politicians? the police can see does the nation every one of you?
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because for example, she's a business woman. if you break into, i shop to what happens to her. so from where i seats, i don't want to defend anybody, but what i'm saying is, can we follow the law? okay, let me hear from some people here because i'm seeing the house coming up. if it didn't want us to, most of the defaults position of the police of discounting since independence has a lot of household has been filings. now, some of the people who came out drinking support is that kids, well for middle class families, police brutality for them. it's things they see on tv or they need them to people. if you go to these low income for these neighborhoods, this informal settlements, the my thought is to keep, does, this is the data. if you had reached the sons killed without any due process. yeah . so we have somebody here from the law society of can you, what does the law say about peaceful protests and what the police on the right. because we saw images of people holding just the flag. and yet they're being sprayed with what's a kind of the unfortunate thing that we have weakness in this country, is that the keep up with treated by the states and obviously of these because we
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saw a quote in modeling the issue. i know that everything that the police officers should know to use, like the, we put in the, you know, to use foss this, you know, see, was what the economy. and it was created directed to the inspector general of police to ensure that the probably that combined the following the there was a product as failed. and i as in the various cities in the week with which and as the police wait until the validation of that order, i'm going to give me so you know, just respond to that. and then i want us to move away from the issue of felicia, when you, by the police, from using the tools required for the i treat, you mean live i munition different labor? i mean, nation. yes, i don't want to lie. i went to the video next year, even live i munitions. the story of, of is a tool of trade for the police. we have had cases of terrorism here, people coming with the bombs and fire. and so what i'm saying is that when it comes to t, i guess the quotes trying to stop the police from having to using t i guys are using but on what when using his get,
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it is misplaced in the sense that it is equivalent to telling the police, the police station, let us protest, the president has already made some concessions, fired nearly his entire cabinet has now re appointed. some people are to still be made to them. how do you feel about that? do you feel like the president is listening to the demands of the youth? honestly, i don't think it is. because if you see that a shuffle, it's like she just switched positions. you know, it's like this person was here. come stay here. you go. stay here. just, just to show people, it's like it's pretty, that'll just people's mind. like i'm, i've done something. so what the real issues, let's come back to that. it's evidence that when we say rude to my school, we don't specifically refer to roots so much of the anti government that he's the backing him up. they've been given a chance time and time again, cause this up when you chance of had a boat since i was that you could go. so i think it's just time we it's like
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it because tracking everything and start afresh for my new foundation. so what are the solutions i'm going to plead with a youth. my children go to school in that will be, i walk in that will be, that means my children and they'll go to school. i was no good luck and i am a single mother of 3 children kindly as a human being. i wish i hope that this protest can take a big time. so why don't you support the movement? you don't want lots of business. you don't want the loss of life. okay. understood, let me get some more points. my solution is simple, the band people you. i didn't my unit stop tribalism. the driver. excuse me. i don't say you add a tribal if i say we have been practising. probably bully them, you ident emission should stop. i want to see an election where you are going to
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elect people based on, on or not based on the policies that they want to send to you because got in police, that's a fair point. and finally, i'd like to hear from you more, let's close this with you. as a civilians, we are going to take a civic duty very seriously from the on the other day on to, to we had to different sort of thing. a street spaces on wednesday. well, one group was teaching people about the bills that are being tabled in parliament and other people stitching people. if a group of young boys were teaching people about the catchy but the, the, the constitution, red reaching a point to, they're going to make life very uncomfortable for politicians and then a non violent fee. okay. let me just clarify it, right? so we have to rock that because of the time, but i did ask a question, you know what next? and i think the answer has been very clear here that even if it's not on the streets, it's going to be somewhere online or perhaps a so debates like this, right. so i think you all for participating, i did read somewhere that these protests will not. so much on side government,
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but the pro good governance, and i think this debate has clearly illustrated that. thank you for watching. ok. thank you so much to everyone who investigates now the longer version is available on youtube and just all your information that we had initially approved several politicians and p to try to understand how they see their role in one of these political changes. but the ones able to join our debate so much like caea and kinda nigeria use was a sense of one of the largest focus movements in africa and saw can you believe that it's already been for years? so let's take a look back. what's the process? thousands had got it to peacefully demonstrate it, gave rise in cases of police brutality. i know that the protests were largely peaceful because i was there before to put that evening. the protest songs in legal
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would turn into christ for help. and the same place with people called for their rights to be upheld, would be the same place. they were killed. it all started on the 3rd of october, policemen from the special anti we scored unit better known as stars, allegedly killed a young man in southern delta state and took away his scar as a video of the deadly of salt lake online. hundreds of young people took the social media event and share their own, saw the experiences, all of which were bad. saws was initially formed in 1992 to tackle armed robbery in the country. but the units grew into, in the totally us force popular for a store team and abusing young nigerians my have to wear 8th, the, on my anger against stars had gone so much that is built into the streets nationwide. illegals, protest is mounted roadblocks and shut down traffic. thousands, get it other lucky to get a major highway in which area of the city. this would come to be the main
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demonstration points. their demands was simple. they wanted size band that officials pulsing you did. and for victims to be compensated, but they were also advocated for the officials themselves. they wanted them to be mentally evaluated, and for the salaries to be increased, so that it would have fewer reasons to extort. on the 11th, as the process gave momentum, the nigerian police finally scraps thoughts this sufficient to produce, quote, and i do know for this unawares and on the sides is here by dissolved, but people were buying it. this wasn't the 1st time the police was claiming to reform stars. by then the demonstrations had become more of a move met anyways, and people were demanding not just the police reforms before better governance. why animals? on monday the 19th legal school, no budget is so lou form introduce you to kind of look into saws of uses for the
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protest continues still and see for some cases of police crackdowns, they were largely fiscal all the criminal elements, hotspots infiltrate as thousands of protesters got it again and lucky, told it on tuesday, october 20th. they noticed the things with different people told me that they so told gave staff we move in, ccc cameras installed in the area and that as evening fell, the street lights wouldn't come on leaving the place completely dark at around 4 pm gold. no, so lu, impose the curfew, trying to is to order, but many poor testers at the toll gate we made there. then at around 7, middle to 9 june armies holding on several vans started to shoot the own. i'm demonstrators. eye witnesses told me the count of several buddies that night taken away by the army. but it wasn't over as one of the kid has traveled, remarks to the streets, newton shops,
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burning views and attacking policemen. 12 people died. according to amnesty international and many more were injured of the 9 to and government to set up judicial panels to look into the police violence but denies the killings of october 20th nigeria hughes took to the streets as successful. you have the controversial saw police units disbanded, but for these 12 people died on that night of what is now known as the left. you told the mazda com. so what happens during such protests and why did the police meet often react to this way? i guess people protested, well, it was supposed to secrete the export steering kenya. and this is what we have to say. it's the day of the protest. hundreds, perhaps thousands of people stream into the street. the organizes had notified the police, but the sheer numbers overwhelming. so how to react that in scenario is that any unit that is passed could still manage within that data or did addiction,
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would go into protect those royalties. i mean, those protest us to get to the end the game in which case, you know, present a petition to a, the power or, or an agent of the target. and you know, way to influence auction to, to just basically spell out their grievances. and once that is done, then go back home peacefully over the top is fully to the police as opposed to protect, especially in countries which guarantee the right to freedom of assembly. in other words, the right to protest. but then we've also just seen where the excess is on the part of the old and well, you know, as the noise, you know, in future does come in to take a bunch of the she and numbers. and that's about getting the infrastructure that's supposed to be providing security, how to be very vigilant to a single out. this advertise on to relevantly apply force to, you know,
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impede some of these actions on or to arrest them altogether. what we've seen across the african continent, however, is that police are onto their tea. and in many cases, when the situation becomes more volatile, they failed to the estimate. and king is most the reason protest. please used to your guys and what kind of the despise, even just a handful of people. and in addition to that, to be filmed, officers use the fire arms. even if you have to drive the way up on to shoot, you know, at, at whatever it is that is out there. there's got to be an existence show threats to life that is end of the life of the opiates of themselves sophisticated agencies. and or there's one from destruction or property, or this risk to, you know, a threat to live, especially on the part of the people that are being protected. in preparation for the cfo award cup in south africa in 2010 police as security forces got special training to prepare them to control the crowds of fluids and football fans that
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would descend on the country. for south africa was fully marched from the boot advertise. as easy as it was, they could not afford to enjoy this within funds. so would needs to be changed back to training discipline and more consequences for those who don't stick to the rules . what's clear is that the change needs to come from the top. so we've now looked of 10. nobody's looked at nigeria, what's another country that's still a very prolonged use uprising for south africa? the fees must fall. protests took place between 2015 to 2017, almost a decade ago. at that time, students were protesting the high costs of universities. and because we wanted to find out what happens to movement when that initial wave of protest guys don't, we us, some of those for my students. the reality is that society, yes. hi. so as, as we begin vandals running around causing chaos,
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i think that student movements get a bad rap really, really bad rap because all that will see is the violence, but they don't know what has to happen in order to get to that stage. and so i'm going to visit you just lovely dealing with people want. well i don't care. you know, what was the one to release themes and so he now and of course he's less for united way the media. we're academia itself is loading things in the school. as you know, there's a visionary movement and of course, in the projects of africa. but at the time of these, my school moved very isolated and we were treated as patient and shoulder and she didn't understand the reality of what it's almost been a decade. the students have ment, fuels by the high cost of university fees, and the sense that the education system was told in the opposite side colonial past clothing instructions with toppled under the hash tag roots most full of the
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students to monday. the university fees must full for the application is not only accessible to, to reach the students for capades to accomplish this, but they will also mess with polls by police and the university's private security . it that's more manageable. so because we cause ungovernable diversity we took over from the management, it's much harder to organize when they all private security with rifles guiding different buildings. and as much time to organize when even during new teams piece was the quote. and for the time to shut down the campuses, put enough pressure on universities to agree to some of the demands to be better for that than juma agreed of and called for free education. but now we need it done to state how is going to be funded. we know that she education never came. and so
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there's a lot of changes to tactic to de, mobilize us. and it was very effectively 9 years down the line and students with places of advocates, best university is still here. losing debt supports due to outstanding debt in 2024 . over 1900000 students applied for financial aid. it just feels like every single generation is going to fight the best fight. and then woke 2 steps forward, 10 steps back and we keep advancing. we do have just an incredibly slow rate. and what did they learn from me? jersey as i saw, we were young, we were making things up as we went along. one of the things, things that you also made as is young people to refuse. most folks is that to do also to your m go out to our communities to involve them organize,
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mobilize and organize, and the elect members that you trust that are vetted also mobilization. that is directly talking to the institution. your protesting, my hope is that we as young africans can revive the spirit of had african, the struggle that we can support each other. as was the case in the sixty's in the seventy's, there's a need for us to go back to our roots and to read and to nod and to speak to, i'll do. and so i'm very excited for what the future holds for young africans who are taking their power back. so reflection disappointments, but perhaps those we just had, oh, well, we've come to the end of our show. but tearing tenure the countries use a still in the midst of things will continue to bring you the latest developers. and you can also follow us on 6 talk. the cost for you to,
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as you can also find this point is the ground. thank you so much for watching of you to remind me goodbye the
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this is the w use life from building ukraine's president technologies for the 1st time that his forces of funding in russia let him is the landscape calls the incursion into the russian cost region. a drive to restore justice as officials, they're trying to speed off the evacuation of tens of thousands of civilians. the waste vice president condemns the loss of civilian life in a deadly is why these franklin, a school shelter that spanking international outrage is well says it was targeting uh how much space your c spice holds hanging the balance as thousands take to the streets of so.


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