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tv   Creative and Combative  Deutsche Welle  August 11, 2024 3:15pm-4:01pm CEST

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to stick around if you can, that's up next, a dw documents. are you showing how mexico city has it was from a city with high levels of crime to a tourist, towards the part number such as far as the next hour. the my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. most would have being nosy bay, like good everyone to king the healthy award winning called called the called back in this to see people who want to see the dreams take. we must be willing to fight
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for them the way to sort of data. oh, go into the ring. i'm showing whose number one human own mexico's this, the use of place both places creates as people and also the city of stop control. it's also a colorful metropolis. it's showing during the day i'm fine nights come . 22000000 people is their local. so lots of rooms. this is a night of adventure in the world's largest spanish speaking metropolis, the thankless. every way you look at nice and the next to see with neighborhoods that
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many one set for says even in broad daylight the 25 years ago in this all began, the prevailing opinion was mexico city is dangerous day and night time that you shouldn't be riding a bike here, especially at night to get rid of the stigma we decided to organize these nighttime . right? so they're not you and the others want to make that big hectic and crowded to see more livable and likable. they're really going to slow the pace of life. ok, it listed. it's going to give you the most thing that i think the stress were subjected to. and mexico city leads to us all running through the city like ants on it. everyone wants to get to their destination as soon as possible, you know whether they're pedestrians, you cyclists, or car drivers, unless it that makes it really stressful. and we're just gonna send that step by step. we're working on making more space for bike writers. most of the questions, part of that is mexico's capital law is in the hearts of the country as one of the
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world's largest metropolitan regions. it has its own unique, dangerous, but also typical ones. move in 7000 traffic accidents. a code here in 2022 day and night in the make us to see traffic jams of just the fact of life. over $6000000.00 vehicles clock the streets of the mexican capital here drive a spend 152 hours per year stuck in traffic. the public transport system is also hopelessly overburdened. the solutions move like this woman said, a few calls, few,
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a traffic jams and less pollution the over 25 years ago uh healey, covey all stopped at these. mike riley's to fight for a radical rethink an oven mobility. that actually is questioning the, the basis of society, of course, of energy, of equity, of how we take decisions on how the site is built. so it actually is a bicycle revolution is a real big radhika revolution. and despite the fact that it doesn't look like so tonight, the assessing of from the monument to the revolution in downtown mix. the coast is just a handful of people came to the 1st round. these now they regularly attract hundreds of writers. many are wearing costumes to mark the approaching via the west coast. full day of the dead. one of the most important mexican holidays
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to night. the city streets belonged to the scientist. for a few hours, the rest control from the calls a full stop come to be ignored. now that also part of the city escape what began as a mobility experiment has become the movements the signs to that and as to see as lee and her fellow activists have achieved something previously unimaginable. in 2020 mexico became the 1st country in the world to enshrines a fundamental rights to safe and accessible mobility in its constitution. and
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i've been told that one of the nice things about mexico as a country and mexico see this as a place to be and live is that we're enjoy ourselves pretty much all the time though. we are very carefree and relax, but at night we are even more relaxed. so i would say that is uh, associated that you can actually enjoy and breeze and actually enjoy even more at night. then during the daytime, mexico's the t loan has a ponds refutation, along with his traffic and solutions. parts of the city were characterized by buying this. but in recent years, begin to assist you in particular has been transformed into a kind of oasis. it's a popular tourist destination for people from around the world. that's partly due to people like little garcia's. so he never dreamed that he'd be successful here of
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all places. now, those thoughts with at the very bottom and works his way up. today he's one of mexico's cities topped chest. it's not easy to get a reservation of his restaurant maxima. so when you think about mexico city, you think of a place that's overcrowded. it is a dangerous maybe it is. but you don't think about it as being a color and every uh, a place where the world, what i love about about night life in mexico in maxine mall is that you see people from all over the world come to a place where they didn't actually think of it wasn't in the radar. you know, it's always, perez is always a sydney is always new york los angeles, the lean west mexico city. all of a sudden came in to everybody's radar lo garcia belongs to
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a new generation to venture pin. those who are proud of the mexican heritage and make it a central element of the creative endeavors. the blame artist, cook, the architects and the mexican culture for the tourism. i don't, i, i wish i could tell you the government has done, you know, amazing things to bring people to the country, but i don't see it that way. i see it is mexican, people have done that for themselves. when we started this restaurant about 12 years ago, there was, it was a mini, a good restaurants, but mostly were owned by people from other countries, french, vitale,
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and spanish low uses regional products, almost exclusively. he's proud of what his country is produces by this is mexican mallos paused to celebrating his mexican heritage was a rocky one. he grew up in the united states as the child of illegal immigrants. at the age of 10, he was already out working the fields. so there was little time left for school to this day, ludlow has trouble reading and writing. after a drug offense, he was jailed and then deported. little garcia's american dream was over before it had become the wind that happened. and that was important to mexico. it took me 2 months to, to actually like come to terms that my life was in mexico. and i had very little choice and i had to make it here. fortunately for me, it was,
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it was a time where mexico, what is mexico city was growing in the restaurant in this industry. so it made it just a tiny bit easier for me. but i am almost 50 now and i've worked like probably a 10 or 15 people put together a. and so it didn't come easy. it's what i'm trying to say of the he forced his way to the very top and now embody something new. the mexican dream, the chic restrooms, abundant green spaces, a temperate climate and a relaxed atmosphere. the trendy areas around the city center to offer a highly quality of life to those who kind of forward it to the halston. i was drawing beast with the
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neighborhood is rough up here in the stuff, a lot of districts. we meet a man who is preparing for a hot night's work. he'll be stepping into the ring to compete and do to leave the mexican style. resting his physical fitness as his capital, as is the mystery surrounding his identity, like other little shuttles as he doesn't want to reveal his face or his real name, we're to call him by his lieutenant value. i can easily see an american colleagues coming in and mexico. you're always walking by santa claus, sending tacos and stuff for all the things i love. 3 no longer can do to the 5 it messes with my balance. does i mean if it is, you have to even the strongest of men have their weaknesses. but guess there's nothing to these are all things i'm not supposed to eat and stuff, but i just so tasty. it's just by c mexican. i love it.
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right right around the corner is nandita is jim id, like tivo doesn't just train and fight for. yeah, he also lives here in a shed house with of a luca libra. restless. he cools farming and is that this guy is his little brother? how do you like to boast as then he introduces another important family member? thank you. mm. a j lady? well guess me, mama. this is mamma is me and he's the best deal. you know? mean that's someone who always has to back and gives you recognition. that's him, and it's what's made him into a champion number in the country marked by conflicts neutral, libra reflect mexican specials and dreams. unesco has even recognized dispose of parts of the intangible cultural heritage of mexico system. and the capital is a magnet. fully to do is, for these wrestlers, there's no better place to compete and train, like he asked them to, jim,
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which gives, talented, often comes the jump to wrestle in front of a life audience. on a regular basis. the 1st 6 pages still to trickle in many of the rest of the width of their rule. looking forward to the day i'm the especially the nights of the jet. and id like tivo arrives in face of the new set of is our exclusive community to say, pray together before every finds the us when i go into the ring today, i'm going to give a 100 percent it most that i want to show that i'm getting better every day or to come what i'm training for the i to with the that's what i'm here for today. the victory. i hope the more arrival as well prepared. and just like me, he gives
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a 100 percent more to say, okay. and he does just that. a lot of us he was of herndon since the friends he pulls dismissal brother told me, could you? yeah. today is going to show us what they've done. real graffiti wrestling moves. and of course, the generous dose of lucian libra, theatric county of the most of this is so far as so often in mexico city. the boundaries between us and life of fluid. in any case, this time around, how do you are you who comes out? so the it
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hugs, i feel good because like i did my, all these hear my voice defeated the very most of i to the opponents dental. so you know, reading the best literature in the world takes place here in mexico. the waters of police in the highest pizza league looked like we'll see for also later here in the cooler seals, the, the loot shows, shows, offering this skiing in the city when many struggles to survive, those great social into quality and holders new safety. that's the kind of underground economy supply services normally provided by the states. it's in this gray area that old highland aria and the living the paramedics are on the road and a probably, if it's ambulance,
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that's nothing unusual here. despite having a population of around 22000000 mexico, se se itself operates just a couple 100 ambulances. so in new and lucrative business has sprung up to fill the gap. when clients can pay us the most as, as experienced as gay dig, i'm was suddenly, it's happened that we arrive at the hospital when people say no, i can't pay you. is this little bit of some times we still transport them out of altruism? they most sure it's not ideal, but it's okay. and then what's your fatal? no press on that. as i know sometimes people can pay without a problem or they can pay part of the fair and good luck on mister. solicit. done whenever he can also stops off at hospitals and homes of business called to patients, relatives. it's how the ambulance tries to acquire as clients. he's found his nation is to see where results from this is the requirements. his team also coded
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through facebook posts and checks troops to find out what accidents have occurred. the wind. okay, a, what am i doing? that's for the queen says good that. i'm on the so we follow radio communications and social media the so we know whether there have been lots of emergencies and make it on pay days every 2 weeks. it's busy or to put a so then people go to bars and disc goes and drink samples. today it's quiet because no one's got any money left. can no noisy little while on highland aria, wait folks, millions. the hectic pulse of the evening is about to begin at 9, those restaurants. the sky holds a briefing for his stuff here. the service has to run like real quick. guess. pay close to 300 years of capacity for an 8 course menu. the
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exclusive clientele, special requests must be accommodated to it, and then we spoke. i have a bits of copy on dep or if someone orders and let me know because i still need to look for the set menu. so some of those on the time environment on vocal the restaurant success hasn't made his workload lights up. on the contrary, not already has a long day behind him, but the busiest hours still live ahead. while darkness falls outside things or heating off in the kitchen, that maxime of gradually even louder was stopped to sweat the leaves where we are. it is all we like we do this every day. imagine this every day the the
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restaurant is fully booked every night. its guests include wealthy business people, politicians, and altis, mexico's the teeth of a crust. people with high incomes and even higher expectations. the thing about us cooks is that we become so obsessed with our jobs, and we always want people to, to, to live a restaurant unhappy, you know, and we're always nervous. we're always nervous. we're always stressed. but that's part of the job. you know, new dish leaves the kitchen without receiving the stress, personal approval. even now, no guessing, you know, rarely takes a break. he's found happiness and success in the city. but doesn't he feel the pressure to alter the times i do. but at the same time i have so many good other things like, you know, good family, my wife, uh,
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the good life health. and that is that when you think about that, you know, there are other people who have nothing. yes, not just, you know, or even everything a lot of money, but no happiness walters does is being served as maxi moved and ludlow gets the break home phone tons on his side the. 7 4 as an emergency, the paramedics head for a neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, the strong a cold breeze. you have no other symptoms of headache. how long has this been going on? the whole thing is that's a policy. it got worse. what effect of the
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the patient needs to get to the hospital quickly? he's lucky that area and also can provide him with emergency treatment on route. that's no. so given with probably the time human services or less, almost as long as he has the so called by t to ambulances, don't even have the paramedics on board one, then they simply by a blue light and they're on a medium for them. it's all about making money from people's pain and they'll, and this is going to less, i know that their health care mercenaries and so to speak. is this a part of all ho, tells us about mexico's disease, broken health care system, despite numerous reforms, it still has huge problems. he and his team fill the gaps, and business is booming. his company now has full exam balances and employees, 2 doctors and full paramedics off to delivering the patient to the hospital. the paramedics taken the tool and still find the neighborhood where ohio grew up.
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he says the city's best tacos are here. the crew shift is drawing to a close, along with adding some money. they've provided vital support to the mexican health care system, which would collapse without private time billing services. like this new mexico's disease administration of doesn't manage to help the disadvantaged, many still flock here. they come seeking refuge and the future trends. women included this despite the fact that officer, brazil, mexico, is the well 2nd deadliest country for transgender people. many of those killed trends women that mexico's to see office trends, women, a certain amount of protection, is largely thanks to kenya, way of us here at the edge of the city. she found it the 1st safe house for trends, women, and all of less in america. than what it is today and swimming up ranking with
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stereotypes that religion has historically imposed on us, but being transits where does this thing and that's what drives the hate as possible. and that hates regularly tons into violence. the life expectancy of trends women in mexico is just 35 years at the safe house and also come in the rates victims, including kenya, equiv as best friends poll. i'm a sex worker. she was brucely murdered by a client's rights in front of kenya's eyes. to live our lives have outside of capital, the own i go to india is con. drove a couple of meters. and suddenly i heard a cry for help. the call on to my name and i knew i run over and hugged 3 shots being fired to school. i can still see how my friend died in the guise arms when he aimed the gun. that's me. so that means that it's not going to be the gun didn't go
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off the must have a guess, gavin, off to that traumatic experience. can you realize that terms women need to protect themselves. so she found at the safe house in because especially you have found refuge here where they came from, people couldn't or wouldn't accept them for who they all the joey of to moment this look around a year ago, i added myself to my family and this they reacted very aggressively, and i figured i had no choice but to leave home. it was extremely difficult for me see for me at 1st i was very depressed giving you it took a long while for me to connect with that as a facilitator that i can look that stuff mapped it, but i only have one of them and that i and since i've been here in the safe house known this is i feel less pressure to conform to social norms, most of the lead them. and i've made peace with my sales rep and utilize that. i'm most impressed with legal means much the crowd is conditions done. both of them,
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they feel safe and secure. here are free to just be themselves without constantly having to justify the very existence. we'll see a full that lives here. they have a roof over the heads, food and medical care, and they receive job training things which in mexico city of fall from being given the lisa can, you will take us to lowland ha, nope, tunnels for res, through the city, stock or coolness. until then we take an hours drive east was in the close of 10 young zillow spaniels, people are preparing for a big nicest celebration. annual news of working close neighborhood. the black space of petunia, cheese and infrastructure had life takes place on the streets,
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including the policies held at nights that really something special. the local d j is called. so needles also need the whole set the mood. they've created a style of music. the rooms like lou turned the papers to me due to both susan recognizes pauses next to city's cultural heritage. and this is the man who started it all the way up to the noon or so need a fussy nephew in the 19 sixties and seventies. the d j still just spinning vinyl up local policies. you thousands of special records, which i had these, the problem was he couldn't. if everyone knows that for good music, you have to come to opinion. not because we're the pioneers and the fast. and there's a, we have a special magic wise that we go to where the music's from and bring it back to the most. he travelled throughout less than america. i'm returning to opinion the low
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samuel carrying record to use it with tropical rhythms. that's until then had rarely been heard in mexico city. is it easy to see the end of the look at this record from puerto rico or is it good? does it? does that mean i brought it back here in person with my own hands. i totally call coming up with, you know, most of the equal. i thought i'd just like this music from pad who and music from ecuador. this is the, this here is columbia all columbia. i'll give you some political me more than 60 different rhythms. mothers isn't that he must be his special mixes made so needles . and depending on those values, neighborhood, household names and mexico and the since become a real family offense. his son, mandalay julia was taken on the fussing the seal name to be doing as
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a special neighborhood, gathering this evening to look inside of the hook. i'm in the i see one big family here tonight. we're celebrating a past day, but i said we already did the music of the goals. baptism of the so it's about having a good time to get ahold of my, the, enjoying the moment there is look, that is the input momentum right now. that's still assessing us. we'll come back when the policy so the, in mexico city music and also every with their integrity parts of the cities, identity. the mexican capital is a power is always full funds of museums. once a month, they stay open late for the not your name was it was full nice of museums. this is how night calling loves museums and always house. but the umbrella and most of
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them would take it even as a little kid, i was, oh, is it easy enough? preferably in the palace is fine. all right, and they go up. i'm we, my mother always tells about how i play with my friends and say, and when we called the, let's go to the philosophy of the villas at this. and they'd be like, what palace here was the 3rd call is passion. never faltered. her goal to visit every one of the cities more than $150.00 museum. now she's organizing special foss tools for the not you didn't was there to see one says many people as possible to learn about the wide variety of cultural offerings that make this city so special that they have a nice moment. ok, many mexicans might have heard about this, that he's 5 most permanent museums. i want to show them that there are many others that might not be as well known. but those are really nice and important. and that's on the for the see that for the cosign the one that i'm also,
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paula also uses social media to generate more public interest and museums. she works for an ad agency, but whenever she come, she visits, museums, and posts. what she sees on instagram and take talk. that makes call a so just museum influence. so who dreams of turning her, hoping into a profession show who doesn't dream is getting paid to visit museums cell. so those of the nicest museums is a big deal for carla. so these days she no longer has to go live. she's managed to pizza friends, interest belief, in fact, email of joining had tonight. they intend to visits as many expeditions. i'm the attendance, many events as possible at the past few museum, the chocolate museums and the museum of full costs. they watch adults
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performance then take pulse in a few workshops and a chocolate tasting for cala until more than 200000 follows these places are like hidden gen elizabeth, but something i could do out of a list of museums simply don't have the budgets with the that the person who sells the admission tickets on supervisors, the exhibit has to handle social media to that, that vehicle. but if no one visits any way, they might have to shop for good and that would be a tragedy. ta, those bus tools promote active participation. p, a, a trip to the museum is an experience. nope. just a compulsory dose of culture. kind of hub to sleep picks, museums with high end to payment value. high culture isn't always the most at the tequila and miss kind of museum. guests can enjoy a taste of mexican culture. i'm even staying on
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the top that has achieved her goal tonight of winning of a new funds for mexico cities museum. d the he's a man who already has funds cool. at the arena. totally c o we me superstar as seen as a spanish will the springs to make it to the very top and low chevy play? do you have to come to mexico city? yeah, t as on this donald mccord us and some sort of here you're simply among the best in here. there's a real competition to be the best. the fittest or the most ad joan said to be
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a good opponents and gabrielle going to like ever because the mexico city also has the best coaches to speak with some of my quarters. perfect. sort of, it seems they gave up his old life for his career. he hasn't seen his family and a long time. they have meant that, so i've got to get up and have breakfast, go meet lunch and dinner without hearing a loved one. say good morning or good night one single time i look into that kind of loneliness is tough just place you on the i don't know. lonely. even though who likes to be children by a crowd of thousands. his is the event and mexico city tonight. for thrilling moments like these spring fee is willing to push off with flu charlie bruce downsize. as soon as that part of the the, the gets a contact sport to them which requires a lot of sacrifice. there are times when i have to fight 4 times in a single day. one says every other mental that's incredibly physically strenuous. there was something going on there. but there's the magic of the mask of this
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feeling you get when you see a band wearing your mass scatter honoring your name. and moscow cannot be sure and hope. and then you forget all your tiredness. we come into the gun central k yet, but i just kind of guns on the time has come. the 1st spectators start streaming into the arena outside the entrance crowds just to get most and take sophie's, with the superstar inside it seems space flips into character. it's a movement that brings some real film and the difficult you near my transformation begins to into the person. i love to be lucky . i'm turning myself into the spank skis. i'll say really, the was my, all of my childhood dreams are coming true. you know, your end with god's help you,
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another fight will end in victory tonight. the moment has come to conquer the college sale. started in equity, so here's the circus mx and this kind of atmosphere. it's c o 2 to everyone. young and old, rich and the sick tate is also pulse of the lucia. they can blow of steam and low in salt at the rest of those without suffering. and the consequences the the
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today as things the loses unless drag himself out of the rain, the sea so. so it's a ship injury. yeah. has no plans to take it easy the the present. i'm sure that i'll be back finding again tomorrow. this is a high performance sport, pain and problems go with the territory, which a lot of the, oh no matter what the doctor says. it won't stop mangled. thought of solomon's ring on tomorrow. he saw what am i? yeah, the
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just to columbus is from marina cali. seo, kenya, we have us as making our rounds she doesn't remain on recognized for long because for many years she also stood here every night as a sex worker waiting for clients life and mexico, se se can be most of this trends. women often have few other options living. daniel, us. i live just like these women with a 20. yes you've got, does it for them? i was dessie and smells bad in the bank. totally. um, uh, my whole body language showed that i wasn't doing well. you up with my stuff with just like them being experienced on the cold and lonely, no less. all of that. maybe one second life on the street. gone to me for a nice guy that maybe that i'll never forget to engine process was going to go way all to be that it was the brutal death of her friends powwow that finally triggered
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kenya to change her life. ever since she's been on the mission to help other trends . women i live, i live everyone, i feel comes with me. these women need all the help they can get the most for some of the things that are less. yeah. for the current for the, for the that move on the people with h i v yes, sundays we on money. then we can eat and have a roof over our heads and i'm on other days we don't then this is all home july, the 11th. why no, no, it doesn't tell me that he has to. yep. we're very thankful. so can you she's a role model for us. oh, okay. at that, get those as well as she's done everything she could so that we can experience respect and the quality of the product is here, that kenya quivers is a tell you list actors to finance has all her work through donations. she also
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offers these women the way out of life on the streets, thoughts and the safe house, even if not, she knows she comfortable them to take it. she says people in valuable situations, awesome like the strength to take advantage of such office unities. the person that the front desk again may have to hit rock bottom fast when a person has reached that stage when they've suffered enough enough and the then comes the point when i'm ready for change was gone. and i can't force anyone here to meet this life behind them. what only got another end, you must have so well, they might have you the desire and i was getting on the commitment to move to make it happen. and as i was going put on me, so gimme a call, a bose knows that most of these women will not manage that thoughts. step by step she keeps facing to make mexico's to tea. a little safe for trends. women in virginia on the final policy preparations on the way in the 10th testing the ceiling junior is still sourcing out the cables and connections. he's gone digital
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and they'll get out of those reciprocals, even though they can come in today. my job is to make music, i said, come on to make music so that everyone goes home satisfied that happy. i'm tied out from don saying that the surveillance of this for just him by level go next to there's already a lots of excitements and yes, this is now me. that's a big day. she's turning 18 and then will you be so nervous? i have to dance in front of everyone. my whole family will be there and now your filming it to you have a phone going middle, read all tasks. in mexico city, there will usually be extend the operations tamaqua goals, 15th birthday. ever since she was listening, jeremy les look forward to that day, but then dependent mccain in the policy have to wait 2 days. she's finally celebrated sourcing. now, let's say rates a round of applause for
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a young and then the whole alvarez family the policy kicks off with the traditional father door to door. after that, it doesn't take long for the don't store to fill up the at the age of ac. many we have seen yet just comp tips do when this music pays like most subsidies, similar policies are taking place throughout the neighborhood. and opinion anyone can join in with us. they've been invited. who knows? the image i have is that one of the most i live in for the people who own the from one parts to the next. stay a while throughout the move on. and then go back to the one they liked best. and again, there's that level 9th is one of them that spurs him off at
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the end of the evening. jeremy les this happy and the tom flew as full. so refreshing us young junior knows he's done a good chunk, the in mexico city november 2nd is the official day of the dead on the west. those mexicans believe the spirits of the parts of loved ones return and will come on then. it's a holiday to celebrate the deceased and forget the struggles of everyday life in metropolis where people come to trolley, then look a place for creative souls who wants to make something of the noise and out of the city. people who have done more to change mexico city, then it's officials ever have people who made the mega city into the city the night belongs to them, the
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ship, your god to life. and it did to to explore all the latest online trend. navigate your way through the digital jungle. get a global perspective. we'll be your guide and show you what's possible. really massive to you. in 15 minutes, on the double you sound side with a major vision to get more women on stage. life never played an instrument
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before. not a problem. ruth miller sounded the unglamorous music collective with a single goal to how she was the pump mom in 30 minutes or d, w, the person who's got issues with a lot say what crazy. the,
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the, since you got good news life from bullet proof, thoughts of renewal deadly violence in myanmar allegation stuff. an attack by a separate district booth on the country is most single hinge of minority in the western drop kind stage with thousands of positives. and they've tried to sleep with joe from a to i'm just investigating what happened. also ahead prussia, i promise, has left off for us forms as a baptist to halt. are you creating an in goshen? most of the army says it's hard to be advanced and separate bases that ukraine's president breaks of official silence over the surprise offensive and new cause left . these fire tops hanging the balance as.


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