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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  August 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm CEST

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it was like the vices present, dw, used on instagram, to follow up the on the table when you're driving a film car, it's like a little vacation from daily life. you feel special? the media is going my files and then where is the ultimate market growing as fast as in the world's most populous country? well, the industry seems to be determined here. it goes, looking very effective as a comma. see, just the number goes to 4000000 cause now, you know,
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which is which is quite high. it could be the view china in the 20 sweat to use. so it's not about making money in the next year. it's about making money in the next 20 to 30 years, and that's why you have to go to india. now. how important is india for the gym and automotive industry? now for the beautiful against the do political backdrop with us, one thing i'm needing to diversify. india is a country that we simply contact no longer and in business for buyers from the automotive markets in india, a promising but it is so difficult and highly complex to rate that you will not be successful. so be careful when he bowed them of the
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click, the a role, that's a general comment for slaves. and yet my advice would be to, to really go in the direction of the elected cause and try to position themselves as a leader in the 2nd with the india they will take the plunge because uh, you know, uh, the race in india has just started. and this could be one of the be the markets of the world in the future. i'm sure, with the choice of, uh, the life for an up. so dylan manufacture that'd be great. jobs in the market is not just the population growing faust in india. the more than 1400000000 people need solutions for daily transportation and comp. production is key to this. more calls are now being built in india than germany of to china and japan. the country is one of the world's largest comp produces volkswagen, for example, has been trying to become a play in the indian market for over 2 decades and has its own production facilities. but the german still not fall behind to market lead them a routine suzuki and some korean and indian companies in sales only around
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$50000.00 sco does and $40000.00 v definitely use a sold in india every year for the columns. and now being we shuffled in india is car industry. one reason is the in some cases dramatic environmental damage and appellation in the country. this is also forcing comp offices like the head of indian market, lead them a routine suzuki, to rethink their approach in response to the identification number. that'd be government has described going forward. i think uh there seems to be a good sense is that the long the electric vehicles will be mainstream start hiring impressed by the speed of transformation in india. and that makes us optimistic that will transformation to e. mobility can also really take off in india and this time another reason the indian or somebody should industry assessing a new course is do you political changes to your see?
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and union, in particular, is keeping place track because how india's relationship with china is changing. the value of it all varies. you true of looking to east and west. but now the recognize that china is really playing hot game geopolitically also specifically regarding the south china sea on to i was in the last year and i felt that they are no more open to negotiate with you and was the united states. it's no one to volkswagen. he's also making another attempt to find success in india, the germans, and now launching a co operation with indian call make him a hand truck. we will supply our electric drive and batteries sell technology to our colleagues in india that has benefits. of course we have additional scale. so we achieve more value on the new world,
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drives on volume and benefits from the economies of scale that we bring to the technology. and i think it's good not to put all your eggs in one basket. in other words, not everything is focused on the chinese markets. gem and comic has set about 40 percent of the vehicles to china. companies like v w has played a role in the countries transition from bicycles to cost and made a hefty profits in the process. but india is not china, according to how much sort of g, one of india is most important. automotive generalists. luxury gone market in china is huge. in india, it's, you know, out on 4050000 causes a yard. so i was volumes are concentrated at the lower end of the market, which have very small margins, very difficult for companies to make money over that. so if you look at the german common effect as being particularly strong in selling large luxury type of vehicles, it is not really the market that they feel comfortable with. i think time small
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cars with lower margins have traditionally been more challenging for us here at the and manufacturers. and there we just again the topic of small costs. the ones from the routing suzuki has dominated india's roads over 40 years. and 1981 depends, suzuki founded a joint venture with india is more routine which became the country's largest call, making its vehicles of almost singlehandedly, made india mo bile. the faith invested a lot of time and money to get into this country. that was not a foss lane way. really, the basic reason for uh, being marketed needed for such a long time is of uh, obsession with customers. so all our processes, our systems, our products, everything is designed on the customer because are very suitable for it and, and customize that efficient dad. you have any fuel efficient,
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the cost of ownership is very, very little, very live a good resale value. it can be fixed anywhere in the country. so really, you know, it's just the way the full driver and beetle was a name in the art of, you know, after the ease of ogden on, on life, on the india new volkswagen locals. i know when near as successful as the beetle was blake, the wind, jasmine caused and not so well received by indians is best explained by sha shank tree, bust of uh the head different a routine visit. the some of the products which have been introduced by the, by, by the, you know, be in manufacturers here. uh, the uh, audit mismatch of the requirement of the consumers. they sort of draw supporting the products which, where they're designed for other countries. and then basic history is about
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the a success in other places. and you can't really draw support all your systems audio but thinking it, you know, 100 percent into in your area which could be totally different. and in game that sense is gemini, is actually call industry missing. the mock is the indian luck it. since 2010 volkswagen has been selling the po that but the perennial vw favorites, a worldwide success hosting, pleading money in india. this'll quote good. that's not really book yet, so because every market, every, every client group has its own specific needs that volkswagen also seems to be nothing. permit setbacks, the company know the india to point to project in 2021 full models designed
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exclusively for the indian market. this go to push back, go to slide the dw tie goon, vw versus a sending like takes maybe even a let the car forward in getting the conditions which is uh, especially with the sedan, given focus on the seat. 3 seat is quite important in india. ground appearance is very important in india, and all these factors have been taken care of. the indian hold somebody to market is in a state about people e mobility and the desire for more luxury are increasingly influencing costs, reduction, and 11, to hold more and more. s u v. 's have recently been rolling off the production line at moving some suzuki is okay. but for fios noise the indian customer better than any other car manufacturer. and that's why the 1st electric common routine suzuki is known king in the country is also an s u v. yes. so you do the media to be e, as in the most expensive, and yes for the side,
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it will be expensive before the customer drag and there's no wind. you know, if the su markets in all 50 percent and you keep making this model, i did all the time, may not desire to may not be warning done. so results for the market. you just 3 or 4 years back. almost 50 percent was a how just because a small gosh. and i remember about 1015 years back, i just made up almost 6065 percent of the market. so it's been changing. even if not everyone is cracking open champaign. the standard of living in india is rising, or at least the design of some whole people's est, uh, the more money is the more money to spend. they will move towards the automotive chain, right, from entry level. because there we go, the middle class and those are the number of luxury vehicles when we grow. and i think these up thoughts, trent, this is something which really plays into the cards of flight to the hands of uh,
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forward manufacturing will have quality products to provide good with. very good dixon logic. look nice people's gem and come manufacturers would certainly not be the lose us in the transformation. the indian society is currently undergoing the foster corporate indians, which used to love to save earlier. now they want to spend their lives, they only have one life and they need to enjoy it. so there's a shift and even mindset from the indian consumer. and then we live in an instagram age. so everyone wants to, you know, have the same ad digitally as well. so they buy cars as a way to show the show office to come. the other thing, fortunately, is made in gemini, still come on special attention in india. i'm typing it in as low as being a gym and the product is actually a very, very powerful stay to civil pat this,
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this and, and this fact is our staff is growing very mercedes, the w. all the drop, the record saves the highest i. what am days be my kind of i phone the hoffman. does this frontier isn't? it can only hope that we will move away from this luxury version of a gym and call it and move in more more towards the mid range. and the mid range vehicles will also be successful and the inside and current app. so i got a quote, i sent an email to tom on you fight to is a working on it because then that on the i buy from the hash that out even if sales election, we cause of increasing the segments still accounts for no more than one percent of the total market in india. after all the gym and luxury car exported to india is 3 times more expensive than in germany. a complex system says customs duties and taxes for foreign causes according to vehicle class. it also takes into account the
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proportion of indian results is used in manufacturing. the european union is currently scrambling to reach a free trade agreement with india. so that you're being charged for really a fab chance on the low end market. you have got this is jewish, alice, we've heard there's definitely move partner association. asthma is now clearly in favor of a free trade agreement with it. yeah. you know, and also in favor of tariff, this modeling, that's a good thing. but of course, indian manufacturers and even japanese manufacturers investing in india don't want to surrender that high terrace so easily released on salary. so i'm yeah, cables, indian prime minister in adventure, emoji has been skilfully steering india's economic policy for use cosmopolitan. and at the same time, conservative and traditional in one hand, they want to predict the growing industry to buy uh, let's say
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a heavy certain the 2nd trade um on parentheses, a stronger idea. but the import terrace here on the other hand, they also we'd like to do or even basement to dish or see or in every government in such a situation, need to find the right balance between free and the market and a proper protection of the, of the growing industry, see hind market need them the routine, suzuki, indian companies, tasa on my hinge and making up more and more ground manufacturers the to very committed to and let me try my benefits but india is still heavily reliant on external health. when it comes to battery production, that's why prime minister moody has been in close contact with tesla boss, you know, months for years. the to, and now negotiating intensively once again of the optimal conditions for the
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american e. com, manufacturer on the indian markets test labs. the contention is that, you know, they want to test the market. they want to be competitive. and they know they want to, they will eventually start manufacturing, cause u. s. lies up. is the 1st of all i of the world and everyone wants test. um, i need to be a great statement for the indian government to have that slot, bring a manufacturing set up over here. and what we understand it will be for a low cost model which is below the model $3.00 right now. another ambitious project by chinese e cause compacts to b, y d has ended. however, it wants you to invest $1000000000.00 us dollars for the production of e cause and batteries in india, but the indian government stops the factory for being built. it's no point so dense that this has happened after uh, there was a big border sco, make sure our board or fight read the shortages on both sides. lost their lives, you know,
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the worst we've had since i and they named more than 50 us. so tensions between india and china have been very high because of issues at our borders. so this obviously has had an impact on uh, you know, lets say chinese companies investing as an economic disputes between 2 giants in the country with a democratic constitution on china, which is increasingly turning into an autocratic dictatorship team. yeah. has recognized that you political situation has changed. it was a valid live, it all varies neutral. but now the recognize that china is really playing hot game geopolitically in india, which is growing as a play it and opening up to the global markets. now the big opportunity for europe in call make the, this, the, you know,
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the world doesn't revolve around to europe and india is increasingly self confident because they know they're an attractive market for many, many countries. and that was the saying, well, things can go on like they are, the interests of the global south must be given much more, much greater consideration, backup of assisting bad. and the only thing we need to understand the big picture. yeah, i don't believe that just because they're not getting on so well with china now that they'll run into our. um so okay, so based on the team that does it and then for the volkswagen group is clearly not waiting for the indians to come running into it sounds together with it's in the in putnam a hindrance, it's simply getting to look and produce directly to is just a supply at age, but, but that is stock or going for that or maybe doing some enjoying product development. and i think a work we've heard and we broke into story actually that is a discussion between score now and mind which court are taking the lead for the it
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may be $21.00 gene which is the low cost um i the platform for india. so there's a new, let's a low cost or a smaller i the platform coming in that volkswagen and score dot active, launching it in there. they would id like a collaboration with the my hands that make sense. europe has long been waiting for the 1st to low cost gym and electric call that's truly affordable for everyone. will it go into series production that my interest in the into the visas potentially selling india right? or the signing manufacturing? yes, they could be effective for other markets to not turn this route to some market with a 1000000000 people. and i found to have an impact on europe voice. i'm hunting them, but i'll smoke and have a whole lot present control industry didn't come on for laws
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against all to achieve the impossible for some journey. even the sky east india is taking off 9. gym and companies are hoping to be right in the sake of things i'm sure, uh with the choice of, uh, the united products uh, cost. uh it'd be, you know, dylan manufacturer, that'd be great jobs and in a month it'd be, have great respect for them. i mean, it's a great down in the engineering expertise, but the engine to be do the excellence in terms of the bus 9 ship and so on the line from germany and vehicle we will be back to the i'm the with the increased a collaboration with them sounds like an invitation to jem and call make has to try their luck in india. a great adventure wait smoke, so i couldn't bmw mercedes with
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a lot today with one so a lot to lose the congested streets are effective life and showing us the capital of chain is here and that means lots of pollution decisions center is teeming with delivery vehicles . if they was the pallet and policy would be vastly improved, a gem and juniors and starts out taking notes and as manufacturing. so that's how it 3 wheelers. there's no need for charging stations because the vehicles have panels on the roof, which was a 3 wheeler because of the window is very efficient. and the they don't consume a lot of energy and the weight is very long. and we the,
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if the weight is very light and we have very small multiple, really small. ready mix of multiple of both the $500.00 watts. uh, if you put $500.00 to upon is it fit together? it's an ideal solution to add non lose. who has a wholesale business peaceful one of the vehicles and has calculated that he's saving the equivalent of about a 150 years and fuel expenses among to the to see thing if i the was electric image and also mean and this is very easy. i knew quite and you know, there's no reading or new oil change. yeah. almost nothing that needs servicing is in the engine is robust and very good quality of this to the county to the gym and she knew the install shop has sold a 146. so that's how it vehicles in june india and is now coming to open branches in saudi arabia and then lagos, nigeria,
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hopefully they'll soon be helping reduce pollution, just to say on here in genus. the mounting hahn's mission in life is to resurrect cars. that broke film or t v history and put them back into action. he pushes his replica of kit to its limits, just like david hassle hosted in the night rider tv series found he takes this original dodge ice charger for a spin near his hometown of golf and shock, lower austria, true to its name, the car even cut a few good figures on ice in the 8th part of the fast and furious movies series. it took marching hon. about 4 years working by hand to replicate the bat. no bill. it's hard to spot any difference to the jet turbine powered vehicles that overtook every villain in the batman movies of 1989.
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when you're driving a film car, it's like a little vacation from daily light livestock. you feel special. everybody looks at you and you feel a bit like a superstar in the car. so i'm in the mount. the mounting hans daily routine involves working as an insurance agent. he's been collecting film cars since 2006. sometimes he finds the originals, but often he recreates them himself. like is made version of kit complete with the super pursuit mode. familiar to fans of the tv show. after working on a car like this for years and investing so much time and money, it's a priceless experience. when you take a seat in the complete car. very high level, michael is traveling an excessive speed. his kid may not talk like the one on t v did, but it looks virtually identical. it took him several years to transform a pontiac firebird trans them into the night industries 2015 color c and the other parts are
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handmade or do i bent and welded all the metals best. the hardest part about duplicating the car was always making the parts the scale. if you, i think it was a, you can't get any construction plans. it's good off. all i had to go on were screenshots from the series stand, freeze frames, rulers and excel tables to calculate the measurements up at the car. that was it. as you see, a pond has recreated a dozen movie conners and steel m. tim from popular movies and tv shows adding more every year. he's got the full support of his family for projects that are always experiments. also challenges taking on something new and overcoming new limits. email everyone asks me if i've got a plan, how i proceed. so i tell them no plan. i just take a piece of metal and a welding torch of flex, predict, and see what comes up as a welcome to what comes of in our faithful reproductions, especially of cars that wrote film and t. v. history in the 1980s,
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like the cadillac from the cult, classic ghostbusters that carried the intrepid heroes out on calls with all due haste. tons all the, all these are the cars from my childhood to me, but now that i built the automotive highlights of my childhood, i think on specializing and more contemporary car thoughts so it gets paid. so let's see if he's currently working on his versions of the rusty tow truck character, tow meter and the race car, lightning the queen from the animated movie, cars, best friends with human personality launching hun hammers, mechanical life, and to the fictional models. i've got 2 little boys, 2 and 4 years old, and they're total lightning. the queen and cars. man, my kids don't have an emotional connection to my other movie cars. i'd like the boys to develop a passion for cars. and that's why i'm building this one that is don't think about
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most of my teen homes. recreations aren't allowed on public roads, but his movie cars do bring a little piece of hollywood to rule ha street and more automotive tales next time on risk. the, the, the,
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the crimes of the nazis and systematically planned or atrocities towards the end of the war was also systematic. noon is operation 1005 in western ukraine researches on covering a lesser known chapter of the war crimes. so that the victims and their families can finally find some keys. in 15 minutes on the w, the
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early successful legal advisors helping communities in sierra leone in the fight, against robbing antics warranties against a multinational corporation. probably any of the country's wealth reaches the people. there on the move to change this, the paralegals of sierra leone post this weekend on a dw cost about why does that matter? because now i'm leaving the new host. join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between. the most is the video and audio production by d w. i hope that you will tune in the welcome
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to put tire time. that's kind of sofas. thanks tourism. when you get here, you couldn't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you. this was her. now the film team investigates the, the was executive have changed the red light, dark shadow, 6 tourism the,
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you're watching the, the unit was coming to you live from berlin. russia is promising a tough response as a battles to push back a ukrainian incursion into its territory. small scouts as it halt as the advance in several areas as you praise. present confirms be surprised. so sensitive. also a head on the sho reports of renewed violence against man. mars pro hang a minority. an alleged attack by separatist rebels in western rock. hind states please does instead the inquiry.


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