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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 12, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from the land. russia promises a tough response as in bottles to push back a ukrainian incursion into its territory. moscow says it's halt at the advance in several areas as a cranes president confound the surprise offensive. also in the program, paris says of law to the 2024 olympics. after went to opening ceremony, the french capital closes the games on a stunning summer evening. the
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i'm told me will not even welcome to the program. russia has admitted that ukrainian troops have advanced up to 30 kilometers across the border as you cranes offensive into the coast region and continues. moscow is sending reinforcements in response and evacuating towns. the surprise cross border incursion now and it's 6 today. mark the largest attack on russian. so since the war began, the kremlin spoke to us and accused key of, of intimidating the peaceful population of russia. russia, civil defense ministry, which released these images. such 13 people were injured when a ukrainian messiah was shut down by russian defences, fell on this residential building. and course the nino region to ukraine's incursion into russian territory. he is continues to be tight lips about it, strategic aims into cruise regions. but beyond the minute, 3 objectives, the offensive has provided a boost in morale to the will. we are the population. even as many of the buddha
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are forced to leave the homes for that own safety. by what do i feel great, really good. let them find out what it's like. they don't understand what worries we let them have a taste of what you want it for you. russia has evacuated more than 76000 people from the coast region as ukrainian troops pushed further into its territory. most late to the emergency workers and 16 pieces of equipment of arrives, the operation is not the 1st one for us in a rush. as defense ministry says it hit ukrainian units in areas up to 30 kilometers inside its territory. it released these images of what it says of strikes on a ukrainian tank and that road and the cost region. the video cannot be independent, the verified as the war on the ground. and the information will continue to rage over the course. attention is being drawn away from the areas that have been on the front line until now. like hearing don't pass where russia appears slowly,
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but surely to be making advances. military analysts to marry number on told us more about the strategy behind that you're creating and offensive in the course region. as well as there are many reasons for this offensive and we have more operational tactical level reasons. and we have strategically come down political reasons, and yes, one of the political, a fax that is expected if the ukranian forces can hold that territory, that will strengthen the cranes negotiating position. these are the russia, even if you crave and have to sacrifice troops in the sense that a troops are needed elsewhere along the line of contact. meaning in ukraine was the russian forces are pushing in operational terms. they also want to have a psychological impact and not just on the russian population and the russian military command,
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but also on the ukrainian population to show that the ukrainian on forces are still very capable of conductive offensive actions. despite the setbacks that we have seen in the past months. so there are many aids and that of course, they want to stretch the russian resources. so the idea was to relieve some pressure and repeat what the russians did was their hired people offensive. if we quote, ukrainian troops has to be sent into har keith to stop the russian offensive. so it is something similar. so they're mirroring this operational concept that the russians have used. right, let's take a look at some other stories making news around the world. the prussian management off the occupies operations nuclear plant in southern ukraine's. a rescue is working to put out a fire at a cooling tower. the international atomic energy agency says no impact on the plants. safety has been reported. must go blamed the file on ukrainian shilling, but keeps as russia started it. israel has expanded its
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evacuation orders for southern guides. i'm after warning of a new military operation in the area. tens of thousands of civilians had already fled on eunice area in the week. the latest order comes as international condemnation intensifies over and he's really as striking on a school sheltering civilians in gaza. city rwanda's president paul cook. i'm a has been sworn into office for a 4th presidential term, the one with 99 percent of the vote of the 8 of the candidate to a bought from running by the electoral commission. i mean has rolled round up since the end of the genocide. in 1994 a wildfire north east of athens has led to the evacuation of hundreds of people as experts, one of extreme weather conditions, the rest of this week. more than 400 firefighters and 15 planes, all bottling the plays around 35 kilometers from the greek capital. the flames are
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moving towards the historic town of miles and other fresh reports that dozens of civilians from the on. most muslim, ro hinge and minority have been killed in the ledge attack by a separate this rebels reportedly happened in the west and reclined a state this past week, according to witnesses cited by the associated press and rights. as news agencies, at least a 150 people died after being deliberately targeted while trying to flee into neighboring bangladesh. village attack happened near the town of monk dog is which is being blamed on the can army, which has been fighting the on laws, ministry in the area. the rebel group has denied responsibility for the report of kennings. the age groups, doctors without borders, has confirmed that it staff and cox's design, bangladesh of treated almost 40 range of people with malta and gunshot wounds and
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a statement 8 said, escalating numbers of range of people with violence related injuries have crossed the border into bangladesh over the past week indicating the worsening humanitarian crisis in man most were kind state a. kyle matthews, the executive director of the montreal institute for genocide and human rights studies at concordia university. you told us more about the situation off the hinge and me and ma as well. the rating uh, the 600000 remaining. um the in myanmar had face persecution. uh, blast access to school. they're still a mystery is minority. uh, what we're seeing though is that this is a new phase of mia and mars conflict. i'm groups of take it up and are working together to fight them in our military june to and we have seen um, uh,
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the rowing got trying to flee and supposedly allegedly targeted by drones artillery by the american army. so that's what we know so far. but they really are a minority that, that, that the world was forgotten about and still face just a terrible situation in the am or itself. for the case. the rang um they remain kind of forcibly contained in certain areas that are allowed to travel through the country. or they all have access to education to food. so people are leaving because are absolutely desperate that, that that's, that's the truth. the 2nd thing is the eric on army that's being working with other rabble groups to fight, to fight the military june to have basically to go for most of right kind of the state. and so there is a, a vicious fight between the arrogant army and the military due to right now. and the rang that are caught, stuck in between that they cannot leave and they cannot flee. germany's air force has been taking part in add rails in india along with natal partners,
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including from spain, the u. k. as the very 1st time german forces have practiced in exercises with asian superball, the w's sandra page. as mine has more to touch the sky with glory, that's the chosen motto of india. the air force, many of its tied to jets, are refreshing and rich. and with a fleet of close to 2000 aircraft, it's the 4th largest in the wood off to the us, russia, and china. for the past week, the indian air force has been hosting for european nato countries and a big joint address. and it's a base and sewer in the southern states of time united amongst the guess, germany's air force, which made india the last stop of its pacific skies, exercises the air force chief himself to one of germany's your real fight tests from malaysia to india. from the german perspective,
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the joint maneuver is much more than just an ad, right. it's also a political and strategic statement. we see that this area of the pacific is a very, very important area and for basically the whole good. and we want to work with partners to make this area safe. and this is the 1st time german forces have participated in any maneuver in india. germany had long been has attempt to close defense cooperation with india, mainly because of the cost me a conflict and human rights concerns. my direct us invasion of ukraine and shyness actions and the into pacific have really shifted strategic thinking. i think, you know, it is a very, i'm really broad in between right now. you need partners across the globe not only in europe that really with whom you share the same values. and india, in a way, is
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a democracy with the state be democracy with the very sound constitution sounds democracy . we switch the share many, many views on the world and just like germany, india is looking at new partners as relations between russia and china. ro, noticeably wilma, india is seeking reliable allies to address its own china challenge and its simmering for the disputes. but the indian add, she is quick to emphasize that the exercise is not directed against anyone. and i don't think we are training to operate against any one particular nation auto industry. it is just in answering the interoperability a, you know, enhancing the, the but how many between the poses primitive but india is also in western countries like germany, full potential fields as it seeks to castle the distance itself from its largest supply of russia, ukraine war and west and sanctions have made deliveries of bass and munitions much
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more difficult. any kind of a technology transfer to joint ventures is always welcome. we would like to partner with the industry that can offer as uh, more of know how better than just no way. and any, any partnership is most welcome. in short, both india and germany view, the intensifying defense cooperation is crucial in the rapidly changing global order. the 2020 full paris olympic games have computed in the french capital, the closing ceremony. it included hollywood star, tom cruz absent going into the stadium and performances from red hot chili peppers and be the irish french swimming style. leon marshall extinguished the olympic cauldron and carrying the flame to the ceremony and found, says national stadium, i'm sorry many rounds of 2 and
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a half weeks of competition. the next summer olympic games will be held in 4 years time in los angeles. speed up the smallest correspondent johnathan crane, was in paris at the study for all this, for the closing ceremony. you told us his reflections on the 16 days of sporting success. i think it will be remembered as a big success. there was a lot of skepticism, i think. and that's the bill that by the french, we're really going to embrace it. and i may certainly did in the and there was a real feel good facts around the city i think. and that was especially free once the matter was started rolling in stuffing with of course that lay on my stone who's become the star. these games you mentioned him in your intro, he was and both in the closing ceremony, he won full gold medals for france. that's really the face of the olympics. lots of highlights as well. in the competition, i have to pick out some and by when she got 3 more goals, of course she had problems and took care with her mental health to come back and achieve what she did was absolutely phenomenal. i missed somebody who's that lived
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in paris in the past. it was slightly strain for me. i have to say when i 1st got here to see it in this context hosting, we have them pick games because they really time this whole fits into an open stadium. and i have to say by the end is really, really growing. i mean, we've had some spectacular venue, for example, you know, the eiffel tower, looking down on the beach volleyball venue. that's been the equestrian at the chateau device side. really spec, tyson the venue is really staring off terrace in order to use the data. these jonathan cream and paris and the elusive bridges a street artist bank. seeing, has claimed yet another work as one of his on the streets of london. this time of police century box has been made to look like a tank of swimming fish. this is the 7th animal themed piece to surface and the bridge capital over the last week. while some have already been preserved and was moved. one housing wolf on a tv satellite dish that appeared in south london early this week was stolen shortly after it appeared are
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now coming up next report, a series means a group of activists in syria and fighting to stop big corporations for buying a local farm land i'm told me a lot of go see the next hour, the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at these events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is. this is with the weekdays on d, w, innovation green, the green revolution.


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