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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  August 12, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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as we say, there is never giving up every weekend on d w. the one of the best ways to protect and preserve the environment is through local solutions that help communities live sustainably. well, they've taken out some of those ideas on this new edition of eco africa. i'm chris lives coming to you from lee goes nigeria, good to have you with us today? a valve is sold to crease initiatives, vowed salts from the ground up can often set an example and influence people across board is i am sandra holmes,
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the 3 nobody you write to income prolong you can do. here is what we have coming up the quotes and almost in town they were using voucher reality to help the boys. they use a young interesting you, you'll be a, we've a stylish solution to bostic pollution and how small scale form is kind of forward through face dr. diesel, we've clean solar energy. let us begin a ride to in uganda where many communities are named via the amount of plastic with that is littering. the streets clothing suit was on humming the environment. organize with management could help a lot until then it is up to people like, you know, fuss report to find creative and rewarding ways of dealing with these plastic like
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life you never have to do. come in, you've gone is anything but easy? but daughter is cuz he does not phone the weight on money collecting plastic bottles. the company's lead touch with them, including the small patch of land where she grows her vegetables. she sells the plastic west to a recycling company. who was the moya, on this uh comic about $24.00 euros a month. a cool me 5 by a ways to stick bag sima is saying. yeah, i think i get 24. you are. i mean, but it has to be heavy duty is covered up sled war to not keep a provenance in democratic republic of congo. about 80 years ago. she's one of the about 1700000 refugees living in uganda. most come from neighboring thoughts of done the democratic republic of congo and broom, the country that i've suffered under conflict and civil war. as a result,
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your gun that is home to the largest refugee population in africa. me think that the need seems like a huge challenge. now the oldest of you guys touching the button that young body. if hugh settlement in west a new gun, there is the west collection point close to her from her garden. the payment arrives as points, but on her mobile account, she can use them to make purchases and shops or get a cash disbursement of the dock. i'm a bus to get to these people bring more plastics, tubs, so environment. you know, the plastic chunk, the environment, tell you my best of the plastic. this was the sort of fatality, the so it loses its flexibility. if we continue to collect plastic decided we gain it's fatality. you know, normally with the problem was already turning plastic recycling into a business that was the idea of vent to put in your front can you shop. he and his team also developed the of which went online
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a year ago in 2 locations in the city of dean j and he's done, you've done the on here either. if he comes in west of the country and for equal plus time, this is just the beginning. we think it's possible to to how about this more than a median refugees engage in recycling as a business. and i need a smaller door law in the uh, from plastic recycling, quite clean environment. if we can do that, then we assure that the heating the triple bottom line, which is the people planet and personality. the worst plastic has been brought from the come to the companies, 53, the come products. this is where the plastic it's shredded and melted and then turned into roofing tiles. the tires are lightweight and cheaper to produce the conventional play tires and they can be dyed in various colors triplicate, the appearance of natural clay or concrete. they've already been used on several
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roofs in kampala as we make them a 100 percent from plastic west. um they are brick red. they look like the normal crate dies by the way, by the tooth ends. light weight with 0 breakages and reduce the cost of construction loss. the company recycled more than half a medium kilo swath of plastic bottles. that's a lot for a small company. but very mex, a dent in the roughly 220000 tons of plastic waste. that's produced every uh in the country. so far that you've done and government hasn't come up with a plan to reduce plastic use. and there is no national recycling system to the dismay of environmental experts and do that on searching. i think it is around less than 3 percent of the plastics are being recycled and the rest is being displayed. the is being thrown into the environment as
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a result of plastic waste is a problem across the country. it's mainly local organizations that are trying to stem the tide. in this young, bloody effigy comes the n g, okay. international brought echo plus tile on board to help with the plastic recycling. what is good involved in the compound? no. more than $1000.00 refugees are taking part in the trash for caution program. the end you as also noticed that the program is making a difference. we have to do with the nearest ups when such intense or plastic corrected or by the video over the last 3 months. that is a lot in terms of their voice, you know, toner, plastic being corrected in terms of removing it from the environment. but you are looking out to and every time that we have you visited for the cortex as for the aggregate, as for the plastic recycle, as for those who are picking press because the source of income with the us any incentive more plastic waste is now being collected for recycling,
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if you don't have a front can with dish up, pays a visit to to young body is us to show how the up, what form. so many refugees here, the ability to on a small income mix, a huge difference. and of course the, in this kind of, most of us, the single mother, we no longer with the one. some is what they abandoned us with the children's does yet. but this business has helped us stuff because we have something to do every morning with trunk can, will you show and doty is viewed, i have both inbox in a new past and it's paying off the entropy. and you guys know, getting in touch with the organization so that he can launch is program even more if he comes collecting west plastic is one thing preventing good is another way of if you appear next to meet an answer for you was settled to reduce the country's addiction to plastic shopping box. those rights sandra on how company is not just talking pollution in
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a stylish way. it's empowering women and creating jobs in the country is competent . the eco friendly in fairfax for men, women for work or for going out and produced locally in ethiopia. impossible? well not for keeter's test by yet. he just found it to but the opiate in 20. 19. in this suburb of addis ababa, she just created 31 jobs for women. microsoft. the women are weavers and work from home. she just comes regularly to collect the fabric they make. after this, we use these 5 weeks for different states defense of box. so we can manage with the data, she just had the idea to start a business 5 years ago. at that time, she was a student, and she was living in this area which is known for this big dump site in 2017
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a land site on the site cause the death of at least 130 people. after this event, she just wanted to do something for the neighborhood. one of the reasons why that happened with the existence of plastic functions, the garbage, i got 3, get the concepts escalator back we. so it's at that time if we produce environmentally friendly shopping box. next step, our body shop each box. we can replace draft each box. but she soon realized that the initial capital needed to produce paper or fabric for shopping bags was too high for her. so she looked for another way to create jobs here. i know the elements were live around here and that, and also the incident happened outside in this area. so i wanted to set you up for sure before the only minutes we leave around here. to non you was one of the 1st employees of cheapest. that's very, very uh i'm trying to see if uh she'd due to the fall break as i want
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it or as i trained. huh. so it's okay to non. yeah. it looks after 3 children. this work allows her to provide for a large part of the family's needs. with the money she's given me, i pay the rent for my house. i also have an extra job to ensure ruba has to do with the money from that i pay the rest of the food, etc. it's all done on me with the fabric made by the women. she just returns to her office in the city center of addis ababa. the bags are been made in this small room, cheated itself $60.00 to $75.00 bags every month. to cope with the crisis and to reuse the leather straps, she started to sell smaller and cheaper objects. like wallets were bracelets. she also often works at night to sell her products in a concert hall for the future. she dreams of selling more and more bags to create more jobs for women. and in the longer term jobs to relaunch her idea of ecological
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shopping bags. building up a small business can be a real challenge, especially when you're trying to be sustainable. that's possible green solutions that often still also find out. she'll reach for many, but it doesn't have to be thought way. let's go to start like a know where i'm in. the chief oper to live project is helping small scale families make the leap to clean energy. it's a desperate scene. the water tank is bowen, dry, the ground water pump is broken, and the diesel kindest is empty. all abandoned by a senegalese farm, a overwhelmed by the effects of climate change and rising fuel costs. it's a growing problem here. is a go now they are farmers who use 1200 meters of diesel to irrigate a single heck to of agricultural lat company. we are in the i s region in
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north west in senegal region stretching 180 kilometers between the capital call and the city of san luis. it is the country's vegetable growing hub, but it's raining, less and less here. and the ground water levels are dropping. the young coal button d'ye it is currently cultivating potatoes and onions. honest, we used picked up thought, but he's also managed to cultivate overseen and other vegetables on this land. to until recently this antiquated diesel generator was a small hole does only means of pumped the ground water onto disputes. now he has 9 solar panels to this clean energy is helping him to save money and keep his business afloat. the following up, before getting the solar found out, i was facing enormous difficulties because my diesel permit,
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i'm because old more than 60 does of diesel offering broke down may have. but with this installation of the solar panels, my consumption has dropped quite 20 meters. photos of my current every day to my higher form using solar energy. but i can switch off the diesel generate at noon and just use the solar power for the rest of the day. loses young coal button di i bought the solar panels with the help of a small load equivalent to 6000 bureaus. thanks to support from a state bank. the only has to be paid off of the loan. the loan was broken by an association in t is in the south of the region that represents more than 20000 vegetable farmers. my, my do the, i a has managed to secure a micro credit for solar panels for about 300 of his members by a certain angle, lease financial institution. the long term goal is to d carbonized bombing in the region and save livelihoods in the face of the time in
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crisis seen with the local. but it's a problem is we don't model nice. are ways of working and take into account of wiggling water resources. that's why we have to introduce solar panels so that farmers say money conserve water supplies, but it adds save jobs, drop a, got the liaison spilled diesel contaminates the soil and kind of get into the ground water like other farmers, young coal button b i is use yes, think about the benefits of switching to clean energy for mazda and get, i know what was more for what am i doing to boost the hospital like we have had a cause about the harmful effects of using diesel. it's not just a smoke, the fuel can also have polluted the ground and the harvest. but the pharmacy, we still use diesel. don't have any other choice anymore because anything, any more i'm on. when like i'm, i'm saying go to lose the guys up, ask us all, i have a new money. additionally, i wonder if i'm any more diesel. one might feel i the if i had 5 solar kids,
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whether or not they, they, they, they thought it all. but the small whole the content for to do that that's on hey, according to agronomist i'm, i'm a do so from the senegalese in g o n deaf food willed so says the micro finance system favors big farm is the slow season associated will lead to event that is, the interest rates are often a problem that they often too high. and that means that the producers frequently don't have the flexibility to commit to such an investment for you to be able to see some of that when you what it is, or what we are seeing is that people with more capital than the smell hold. the other ones profiting from this kind of investment piece on keep your positive that is more affordable. solar facilities like young cool button b. i is good health regions. pharma survived the new. yeah. yes. region is also
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crucial for food security. this for the child coastal strip produces more than 60 percent of the 10 a goals, vegetable rapid climate change caused by human behavior have been effect all over the world. on extra pull takes us to a place that's having to deal with too much water rather than to re, to then is in italy is assessing rising sea levels. while on the same time, its foundations, us thinking the was from a city has already sold high cycle slot, gets bought the a wondering easy enough. the venice has fascinated the world for over 1600 years. and for just as long people have been scared of floods or worried that the city could sink into the sea. this is the latest attempt to protect venice. 78 metal barriers that can be raised to separate the sea from the
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laguna. the system is called mos at signalfx triple said, well, if we hadn't had mos in venice would have been irreparably destroyed on november 22nd of 2022. it was the 2nd highest flood in history, but nothing happened. we were able to protect the lagoon and venice of del, provide to luna infinity. so it's elizabeth to spits has already given the order to raise the barriers over 50 times that much to compare, search, see, and she's having to do with increasingly frequently. so think about the jeanetta, 40 the bell curve feet the most that we now know that most a is a flexible instrument that does not always have to be opened and nor at the same time said, danville today we know much more about black than wind. so we're in a position to act again, flooding it out within 50, has the most a system only partially to guarantee the exchange of water between the sea and the
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goons. come green, did a go. somebody that does that mean venice can be saved? climate experts predict that the sea level could rise by 60 centimeters by the end of the century. the oceanographer gate arc on the keys, it says that most it is just buying time the most else. and he's moved enough to save tennis game. a man, yes. at the moment, seen so definitely in the next 1020 or 30 years. but if the sea level rises by 50 centimeters and it will have to be use $300.00 to $400.00 times. that's once a day 1st. i mean, it wouldn't manage the shaft that it moves. it won't be able to cool as a structure, but nor will the lagoon manage it because it needs the exchange of water. uh did i won't it? but often host gosh, marco siegel, vinny from the venice institute of marine sciences is researching the lagoons eco system. he says the frequency with which most a is being used has not yet had any major consequences. but this could change if
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the lagoon is separated from the sea more frequently and for longer periods of time of the remains of the time. okay, so i mean, it's a sort of thing. it could be that at some point, we'll have to decide whether it makes sense to maintain that lagoon is a salt water lagoon or not at home for see the long closures interrupt the cycle between the sea and the lagoon, which is fundamental for venice. and we're all of them, you know, it's what creates the lagoon floor, which determines what plants and animals can lived there. i think it, we're going to face talk decisions because they could understand the future whether to save the lagoon or the city the nations would ideally keep both the sun marco is the lowest point of venice and the 1st the flood. the work is currently under way to raise the square the get on my buddy now were raised to
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a $110.00 centimeters in the square would no longer be under water because it would manage up to a 110 centimeters with like flooding. and that over a $110.00 centimeters come and what was the system would close? so in other words, there would be no more flooding on the son marco he says that venice, as we know it cannot last forever in any case. at some point the lagoon will have to be separated from the sea and the venetians will be forced to decide what kind of a by those cannot be rescued. we have to decide what to say. somebody then investments. there is only one bed and it keeps my i'm in a difficult decision. one venetians hope they will never have to make the pad to deal with what level of problems may lie ahead. con, really help quotes in girl is around the globe. are trying to understand how to
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adapt to an effects of climate change as you about to see some farmers and kind of guessing some innovative on striking count. it's not your average teaching age virtual reality technology takes a bit of getting used to but with the help of these headsets kind of runing caught in foam, is a learning have to adopt, to move sustainable practices, boosting their hobbies, and everything comes to, to do for much jump and that is the type of training plunges from is into a world where they can practice the message and practicing helps them understand the challenges better and adapt accordingly. let dr. new hello watch. he hello key, learned how to from caught him from his parents. but now he's willing to try out new approaches and gain new skills. the high tech headset transports into a cotton field for and the most is learning experience. he can see the crops close up from his desk along with any interest stations and dangerous pass. the training
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also shows in some creatures a beneficial, such as spite is the feed on the customer pin is the can destroy his cotton chrome . if i'm in the video from any like way right there in the video, we can see exactly what's happening. plus it's been a great help to us. it's been a great help to me. so i'm, i work with a company, not real well in northern cal, marine is the centers, the country's cotton industry is the main cash crop growing in the region. and one 3rd of arable land 2 is used to call production many families depend on it for their livelihoods. of 10 minutes specialist, including hollywood, g hello keyes. one is for children at school. his wife and 2 of his neighbors are going to help him with the harvest. hokey is planning to put what he learned on the course about pest control in sustainability into practice next year. when it's time
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to associates again. is there an attempt by at least to buy one used toxic chemicals because they cause a lot of problems. muskets i did honestly buckle is that these i products kill all insight. and so if i have some a useful okay. it will see you start to see that goes back to our animals and that bad for the air we breathe that i know so long as you did, i wouldn't use toxic fertilizes either. i'll use organic fertilizer and i stayed clean again north of the farm. i learned how to make cool comic pesticide spray on the virtual reality course by mixing names, the powder with water olive oil, and a little washing up liquid. it's not telling you back to the environment, the chemical pesticides. it's also a lot cheaper to the training sessions are organized by the international clinton advisory committee and financed by the gym and development agency. the g. i said it
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must have learning individual environment that replicates real world situations is also cost efficient. it reduces the sort of expenses associated with stem to training methods, such as traveling fuel, northern cameron and these, these a 3rd of the rain full of the rest of the country and climate change is exacerbating the irregular rains and drought. i got you up. i look for the sign. it was what it isn't rain, nothing rose, come on. that's a problem. also it is up. we'll see it even if the truck start to grow without rain and they won't last them properly. but that's another one of our challenges will see. the farm is learn how to best top is to cotton, to preserve its quality, and avoid dust contamination. hokey is also started using 12 sacks rather than plastic, not least because that means less waste. 255 minutes have already taken part in the
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virtual reality cools, and 90 instructors have been trained up to pass on the new skills is climate change . conference. com is with new challenges. hello g. hello key and his family. a team to keep up with the times whether it is high take or low take, or a mix over to the best solutions walk best when they impart the people they are supposed to help. i am sandra co forms, the 3 of you signing up from complex right here in uganda. thank you, sandra and i am christa lansing lagos. nigeria, thanks for joining us and do checkouts echo off or go online for more grid stories and the ideas. see you again, next week, the
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10 years you fed up mismanagement, know jobs, few prospect, thomas jim z view, the pro and us tire. why the mind types to be made, which such brutality only has come in. and i just couldn't make it a mobile maybe because this has died. but the gave me the 7 percent in 30 minutes on the w. the
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doctors. why does this? because now i'm leaving the new host to join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between. the most is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope video will tune in welcome to the tire timelines campus. so for 6 tourist what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to the prostate, you pay twice or $3.00 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one,
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for example, let me show you this was now the film team. investigate the the was exactly, it has changed the, the red lights, dark shadows, 6 tourism in time and stuff all the 16 on dw, the, the, the,
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this is the w news life from the land. wild fires rage near the great capital assets. thousands of people, fully homes and hospitals find, find his board of dangerous conditions. hence the place spreads blank lightning fuel mice from width, russia under attack, the governor of the 2nd border region, or as you civilian evacuations, as russian forces battle to push back the ukrainian incursion. bangladesh as new calvin bounce through take action were attacks on into minorities. right, scripts have documented hundreds of sensors sold, screwing the prime minister sounds this last week at paris bids farewell to the.


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