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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the piece is dw news, live from bullying. wild fires raged near the great capital assets, thousands of people. slate 55 is born of dangerous conditions as the blaze spreads life. i think it's being fueled by strong waves. russia under attacks, the governor of another border region, orders, new civilian evacuations, as russian forces battle to push back and you play the incursion, bangladesh, this new government balance to take action as were a tax on hindus minorities. franklin said, documented hundreds of such a sold screwing, the prime minister's aus to last week. and i've correspond and jonathan crane looks
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at the highs and lows of the 2020 fold power skate. 2 weeks have high quality port . and now every of us or how will be power station, the, remember, we take a look at the olympics heroes. and icons excites plus controversies or the police report and change the i've been visible and welcome greece has ordered the evacuation of hospitals at homes near the capital athens as was five's continued to spread. hundreds of fine, 5 is a bad thing to flames, which in some cases a breached holding 25 meters high, permit us to carry on cost mitchell tank. it says got shortage, holiday and return to athens to deal with the prices. braces exceptionally vulnerable to wi fi as the country is announcing its hardest summer on record, with many regions experiencing no significant brain full in months in athens,
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journalist, as he called us, i gave us the latest on the wall and vice. well, it is scary and higher, and yet again, at least 10 communities have been with thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate from their homes near the region of knob, which is the main, a front line of this ferocious wildfire. and that is some 40 kilometers, just north of the greek capital, more than 4 other communities. and further south of that are on stand by it's residents been notified by the authorities to be ready to push out and move further south of the store. it is, of course, have mobilized more than $400.00 firefighters on the grounds. dozens of fire bombers in the air, trying not to douse out the fire, but literally to, to,
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to bring it into check after it sparked yesterday mid afternoon. and because of gale force winds, and because of a pro long drought here, literally spread out a lightning speed towards the east to store towns, for example, like mattress on has also been evacuated. the prime minister has cut short, he's vacation coming to athens, to oversee all these operations. smoke has been so intense uh that it build and literally close has closed the center of athens and keeping many residents on tours also in shock and panic. seen skies kind of turned into this yellow brown hue and ashes kind of showered across the capitol. authorities are advising athenians,
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especially those respiratory problems to, to, to stay inside and remain behind shut doors and closed windows. and it's obvious that after greece is called just winter, we are now seeing holidays. greece is record temperatures here, especially in june and july that have contributed to climate change that have created this really bad health. tell me um that is feeding this fire. i think can we expect to see any relief in the coming days, considering officials a warning that hosp the country is at high risk? absolutely, half the country is at high risk because of these high temperatures. and because of gale force winds, that showed no sign of abating in the next couple of days. so it really comes down
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to those firefighters on the ground volunteers soldiers. everyone has been mobilized means to be seen. also, the, the government will be calling on obviously, you assistance to come to come in. i think how does, how about with the latest from grace. thank you very much. authorities in another russian border region have ordered evacuations through to ukraine's cross border encouraging civilians living in the district of belgrade have been ordered by the governor to relocate. russia has admitted that ukrainian troops of advance up to it, so it's a kelly because across the border, you kind surprise advance, which starting cost is now and it's $6.00 days. it mounts the largest attack on russian soil since the bowl began. russia civil defense ministry says 13 people were injured when the ukrainian ms. so shut down by russian defense is, tell them this residential building. and course more than 70. 6000 people have been
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evacuated into cro, screeching as ukrainian troops pushed further into its territory. for most of the people in 16 pieces of equipment divide, this is not a fast up production rather than us. and if good on the russian army claims it hits ukrainian units in areas up to 30 kilometers inside its territory. it released images of what it says strikes on the ukrainian tank and the quick region on the weekend keep acknowledged being caution on russian territory which began last week . the show would name today, commander in chief zaleski has already reported several times on the front line situation. and on our actions to push the war out into the aggressive territory, i sent every unit of our defense forces to make this happen to you says a dispatcher in ukraine. the offensive has provided a boost in morale and to the will way we population. even as many of the russian
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border are forced to leave the homes for their own safety. probably what do i feel great, really good. what is it? let them find out what it's like, how they don't understand what toy is, how you will let me get a taste of a key. if however, it has not explained its strategic aim with the incursion into russia, but ukraine's attack on the cross region draw away attention from other frontline areas. but russia appears to make slow but sustained advances. so i'll keep corresponding economy. it gave me this update on the ukrainian offensive look, i think we were expecting that almost a weekend. we would have a better handle on what exactly is going on in court reason, but it seems more or less to be the opposite situations. we've had a clamp down from russian authorities on civilians posting stuff, social media, so those videos we had in the 1st few days of destroyed rushing me a kind of convoys. those have stopped similar situation with so called me to treat
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blog as these bloggers will close the rest military who were pretty, you know, kind of panic and a piece of beating the drum that the russian government wasn't taking this seriously. those 2 days they have gotten down and full and into line. and the credit side is keep you very tight lips when we do get stuff posted by ukraine soldiers, it often seems to be a couple of days out of date. but does still seems to be the case. the ukraine forces are about 30 kilometers deep, interested in the quick squeeze, and we've had reports of incursions at other places on the border and build the region and in other parts course region. and there is a sense that the ukraine is on a role. we've had reports by another saying that russia had built defenses in this part of its border with ukraine, but the just wasn't enough boots on the ground and enough of munitions and other equipment that actually make those defenses work. so basically, once the training, so just had passed those both defensive lines, they could basically take much to create as they wanted and didn't really find much the way of russian soldiers. and if they were that they would most likely, con scripts, people in the early twenties with no me
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a fight to experience in the front lines who weren't able to put my put up much of a fight. and this is the because you kind of get in touch and if it's type in this will, what could it achieve? of the quote, present zaleski has kept me a very quiet. he hasn't given any kind of broad aims to basically just talked about basically giving the rest of the taste of its own medicine. i think they are very coach the fact that they put too high expectations on the counter offensive last year. and they would face the training it for months before it actually happened and then were able to meet unable to meet expectations. this time i think it's pretty opportunistic, just seeing how much certainly they can take a look. see, this is great route in ukraine, often months of bad news. it's also very bad for me around russian obsolete here. that'd be preaching, basically unable to secure his own country's board, let alone you know, take control of the crane. so that is, you know, a win for ukraine will search and actually it shows your western countries may be thought that ukraine was basically running out of steam. but there is still a resource kind of base that i think there was
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a hoping to force the russians to take trips away from the front lines in the east of ukraine's and yet screeching with the russians being really pushing forward. we've had reports that russia is having to move its playing to save ation. that's being crucial to it's uh, advanced on the ground to court region. and they're all now increasing reports of soldiers being moved from the kind of less high priority pots, the front lines, and you probably not yet from place like up across school. just if you are obviously this will take time. that sort of thing that happens within a couple of days, but the hope is that the, this could really allow you printing troops. and these, they've been suffering to basically have a break. and to have less of a russian supremacy kind of opposite them. and you're potentially that's been the suspicion that this could also be some kind of a swapping future. the ukraine takes directory in russia to then offer as a trade for the rest of the budget crate. all these things are still speculative, but for now, i think, given the kind of seemingly relatively small investment in terms of resources and manpower, i think this is going back to then, you know, most ukrainians of us would have expected just
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a few days ago. they connelly in case thank you very much for the analysis. a little look at some of the other stories making news today. a fire at the separation nuclear power plant in ukraine has been extinguished according to russian stake media. the facility and southern ukraine is under russian control, russian and ukrainian. o, socrates confront one cooling towel was damaged. most good blames the blaze on ukrainian shilling. cave says russia is responsible as well, has expanded its evacuation orders for southern gallagher. after warning of a new military operation in the area, tens of thousands of civilians have already flayed hun eunice in recent days. the latest order comes as the hum us militant group. judges mediate has to with tons which was fine, presented by you. west president jo buys and last month us has ordered a strike group of warships and find to judge to accelerate the deployment to the middle east. defend secretary lloyd austin publicly announced he was sending
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a guided missile submarine to the region. it's seen as a message of deterrence to a run and it's proxies through the us and israel believe preparing a large scale attack on his way up to bangladesh, where police have resumed patrols of the capital. talk after a week long strike police resume that you. he's off to late night talks with the new inform government, which is bound to restore law and order of the weeks of unrest. the new cabinet has also expressed grave concern over reports of attacks against religious minorities rights groups say they've recorded of the 200 such incidents since the alice. the refinement is to shaken seen it. induce of the largest minority face in the country, which is predominately most and many of them are supporters of shaken, seen as puffy general. this assignment is non works for the newspaper. they be stopped in taca. i asked her how wide spread these attacks of minorities of beans is the full of the old regime. as you're right the there were over 200 supported
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incidences. incidents has a violence on minorities, but i just, i do want to say that this is a conservative estimate. not everyone is reporting the, the violence that they are experiencing. and not all of it is of the scale that can be reported. like, you know, someone probably came and uh, the door also been a few of the house of the roof of your house that a bit, a bit of violence like that is probably falling off their radar. whereas more large scale via lives bus, for example, burning as homes, etc, are being reported. so it's more than that it's, it's right now it's, it's the culture of fear that a certain minority groups might be living in that i think is, uh, what's more pressing is that when you know the government show. and uh, uh, we have a hold for a new government to new bangladesh. the minority seemed to be
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a bit of enough to talk in this area about, you know, the proceedings. the other problem is with independent information on these attacks as being hard to get what role is missing information playing at the moment while the minorities themselves are feeling of a for are feeling to speak out at the same time, india and especially in the far right thing groups in india, i really treating this really taking up the, you know, the, this issue and they are some of the things that they're tweeting, although not necessarily to correct. for example, these noticed that these were, there was this one writing tutor. i found that cheated out of photo also. i printed their ma sure if he'd been most of those houses being set on fire and said that it was a minority cricketers house being set on fire. whereas my shop you've been most i is actually and allow me fundament area and wasn't along the find,
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find them into in. so are there those, you know, things that they are really capitalizing on the scenario? this is, i think that's also a bit of their foreign policy. that's also a bit of how they perceive bangladesh. they're receiving bangladesh as a, as a, as a place where minority groups are not safe. and i'm not seeing that we have done our best in the past few days and protecting our minority groups. but at the same time, i think the kind of messaging that's being pushed out of saved, right, surgeon, right wing groups in india is not necessarily a reflection of the truth. it's more their fears that they belong to. let's move on to the political shift that's on the way the son of the hosted pm would over the weekend at the a why me leak, shaken, seen his party, should not be excluded from politics and banquet as let's have a listen to what he had to say you're not going to be able to establish democracy, but with this, without the law many, it will never be accepted by half the people of the country at least. so just as
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with the b and b is going to be between the v and view and why we need, we need to work together. we are willing to meet with anyone to talk with a one, to restore democracy, to ensure peace, to restore law and order. so is a, how is the transitional government dealing with representatives of the old regime? or at the moment, the transitional government is not necessarily engaging with represented as the old regime is what we have seen. i don't want to say that it's only been less than me. it's not even been a week yet, and they have uh, you know, they've had their hands full trying to bring back control to a country that has had, that had completely fall in a part of the scenes. so for example, they're trying to get the police to come back to the police station. i'm out of the police disney joining work today. some of the police agents have the cooperative operational starting today. they're trying to get of protesters to longer, certainly stop protesting,
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but also to bring some semblance of normalcy back to the streets. and i think at this point of communicating with the old regime has not necessarily been, you know, their, their top most priority. there. they are all in fact there instead, instead of that, they're actually looking more towards reform, which means they're trying to see places they're trying to move on faces. for example, the supreme court where, where, you know, the previous meeting might have installed the people of their own. they're trying to reform places where the position, which you had me into treated and, and politicized institutions. so i wanna thank you very much for your analysis and bringing us up to date on that story. stephanie's air force as being taking part in the ad drills in india, along with negative partners, friend, spain, and the u. k. it's the 1st time german forces have health exercises with india, the w's sometime pete has been, has more touch the sky with glory. that's the chosen motto of india. the
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air force, many of it's tied to jets, are refreshing, rich, and with a fleet of close to 2000 aircraft, it's the 4th largest in the wood off to the us, russia, and china. for the past week, the indian air force has been hosting for europe and nato countries and the big joint address. and it's a base and sewer in the southern states of time. united amongst the guess, germany's air force, which made india the last stop of its pacific skies exercises the air force chief himself to one of germany's your real fight tests from malaysia to india. from a german perspective, the joint maneuver is much more than just an ad, right. it's also a political and strategic statements of the we see the this area of the pacific is a very,
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very important area. and for basically the whole good. and we want to work with partners to make this area safe. and this is the 1st time german forces have participated in any maneuver in india. germany had long been hesitant about close defense cooperation with india, mainly because of the cost me a conflict and human rights concerns. my direct us invasion of ukraine and shyness actions and the in the pacific have really shifted strategic thinking. i think, you know, it is a very, i'm really broad in between right now. you need partners across the globe not only in europe that really with whom you share the same values. and india in a weight is a democracy with a stable democracy with the very sound constitution sounds, democracy, speech, and you share many, many views of the work and just like germany, india is looking at new partners as relations between russia and china grow
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noticeably. wilma india is taking reliable allies to address its own china challenge and it's in the ring for the dispute. but the indian actually is quick to emphasize that the exercise is not directed against anyone. and i don't think we are training to operate against any one particular nation auto adversity. it is just the, in answering the interoperability and, you know, enhancing the, the, but i'll me between the f was this parameter. but in the us also, i in western countries like germany for potential students as it seeks to calculate distance itself from its largest supplier, russia, ukraine, war and west and sanctions have made deliveries of space and munitions much more difficult. any kind of the technology transfer to joined wrenches is always welcome . we would like to partner with the industry that can also does a lot of new health better than just no way. and any,
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any partnership is most welcome. in short, both india and germany view the intensifying defense cooperation is crucial in the rapidly changing globe in order. the 2024 olympics have come to a close. they don't use jonathan crane was in paris for the games and gave us his perspective on the highs and lloyd's 2 weeks of high quality support. and now every of us or how will these parish games be remembered? so let's start with the highs. despite the heavy security and face of the country, the friendship embrace, these games stadiums have been most before. and so how do i have likes of lay on most strong have read 805, and the country. i feel like it turns paris for a bit for a week. it's been magic here. it's been a success to john picks has been amazing. isolate mother had been able to share in that magic with the i didn't pick vintage dates for
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a nursery for the very 1st time. legend free american sprintzel allison phoenix, has been instrumental in that project. my message to all the mothers as you are capable, you are absolutely capable to have your best performances. after childbirth, parisians have seen the city transformed into an open air stadiums with eye clinic landmarks like the eiffel tower turned into spectacular venue. just don't mention this one, the river send pollution level is a constant worry for organizes with a trash on, on swimming, mattress and events. most effective, some swim is even reported sickness. but the tillman and story of these are impacts has been in the books in competition. they mon kelly for vouch area and taiwan. so then you think, well, both sets of her felt 10 to test last year. i didn't pick rose meant they could still compete, but that participation has raised questions. i've offended the safety and inclusion in women sports coats in the middle of the books. this stuff with horrible abuse on
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social media if you had and then i asked people to stop bullying all athletes because this has massive effects. it can destroy people. and this, despite the negative attention, vice kelly for an leading to coating the gold medal fable, say they've silence that critique for the why debate will surely rumble and long beyond these other impacts. joining us, the law is done. your boss alone, us the closing ceremony compared to the arctics are many which cause so much controversy. well, the closing ceremony was definitely more traditional, let's say, because it was not held on the sun under the rain. it was in the difference. but it was still very artistic and spectacular. we saw a lot of the same character is in the opening ceremony. this golden voyager. we saw dancers that kind of looked like mummies and acrobats that looked a little bit like aliens. but it was all very spectacular. and now it since been excellent backs will be held in los angeles. it was kind of that passing of the
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torch. there was the american national anthem, and then you could start to hear the chords for mission impossible. and then tom cruise is on the roof. and he jumps down into the stadium, he takes the flag and then he brings it to l. a by sky, diving out of a plane. and then the closing ceremonies is there now lay. and then we saw, you know, the red hot chili peppers reformed, and billy iowa, dr. dre, and of course, the unofficial or official olympic mascot's new dog also performed. i think, for me, would, would made it perfect. was it the golden voyager was revealed to be some new dog, but it was great. otherwise, what about the competition your highlights? it's so hard to pick just a few highlights and so little time. but i think we have to start with 22 year old . we all martian the french swimmer who essentially became a sensation in these olympics. of course, he was for the, for an individual events with gold medals. he won 2 of those gold medals in the same day that's actually never been done before. not even by michael phelps and
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a lot of people actually comparing him to microphones, staying and swimming. of course katy with becky. she was already the greatest women's swimmer of all time. coming into the olympics. every time she's got to the pool, she wins another bottle. it breaks another record, of course um small bottles, coming back from her mental health break. so really change the narrative. yeah. around mental health when he more meadows so dominant and her competitions, of course, 41 year old cuban wrestler, my he lopez, he won 5. it straight olympic gold metal. so when he won his 1st metal, the gold medal in the olympics, there were some athletes and this one that weren't even born yet. so. okay. what about uh, gender power. the other guy? yeah. so this case has been incredibly significant for women the i will see really committed to gender parity. so and this games there was 50 percent men and women athletes in the games. they were more female events, more mixed events, which was cool because men and women competing together,
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they also committed to more visibility. so putting women's events in primetime broadcasting slots and planning it so that they didn't compete with men's events. you could watch both the women's marathon also closed out the games which has never been done before. also for the 1st time in history, the olympic village had of nursery for parent athletes. of course, there's benefitted men and women because parenting is a job, of course for men and women. so families could use the nursery, which was great. but of course, as a female professional, asking myself, i can tell you that you know, the discussion around becoming a parent and keeping your professional career going. it affects women more than men in this case. but these initiatives are really fantastic to see me olympics and hopefully we can just improve moving forward. you want to be jumping into this in any time, so i don't think so. no top of you next chairs? nope. nope. you buffalo to thank you very much for coming in. they the biggest on dw shift looks at demand for chinese tech worldwide. what that means for you and
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