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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  August 12, 2024 10:30am-10:46am CEST

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the has to check the bags, so you're planning a trip to make sure you miss nothing about is on the w travel. i hope you enjoy the trip here as much as i did about you, with your opinion, feel free to write your thoughts and the comments the do you love? take talk shop on the table. do you own a while way or tell me phone? well, chinese companies like these, i've been accused of spying on the customers, never the less that products continue to be popular worldwide. and many governments deployed chinese tech to is tech made inside on no different than tech developed in other countries. especially risks for you as a consumer and for state security china efforts to become established as a big scale tech supply. a can be clearly seen in africa in some countries like kenya, chinese technology even lies on the ground. and internet superhighway called the
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piece cable co next packaged on east africa and europe. it is part of the digital so growth china's band to expand its digital influence around the world. for years, china has been making deals with political leaders, especially in the global south to build smart cities and install surveillance cameras, sometimes china, even for the bill. so how does this tech benefit citizens be on the c? p is cable, brings past the mobile internet to can yeah, for example, when most people use cell phones to get online anyway. but where do these cellphones come from? i'm using, i mean, i'll put it in with, with samsung 8 that i use samsung upon. i'm using a techno pop 3 more than 60 percent of the people we spoke to, and i robi kenya, use phones made by chinese companies. anthony a while ago uses 2 phones, one for mobile money transfers and $1.00 for internet. this one is samsung galaxy s
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10 s and this one is a 10 according to multiple lani petula researches chinese businesses in africa. this is exactly the market. chinese phone makers have tried to capture average african probably the hope was to cellphones and those 2 cellphones, one has the one is connected to say for example n t n, a network provider, one is connected to saves in another network provider. and because of, um, lets say connectivity issues under particular day the network might be down on the same thing, but then he will walk on an empty ensign. so in that sense, it just fits the price point a lot of washington's i looking for. i mean, if it's the needs of african american consumers, maybe muscles and you're more expensive product like the accent, for example,
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phones with to sim cards or cameras that capture a wide range of skin towns have made chinese smartphones popular. and can you, anthony, can hang up, who manages of phone repair center? i've seen the market change over time and know, killing the 1st time in the country. and then you meet with the people to chinese funds which gave me the touch screen. can we better comment on the best screen size and most of the young people, especially after the fighting to go through the chinese strand because of price value. these phones used to be cheap alternatives, but now manufacturers are matching the quality of their competitors. but there are still significant ways that they can't compare based on my experience, you use it for both the us and then you start facing facing issues with optics of stuff. yeah. and issues of my teaching dues and the fights, i know it's available, but i think it's very affordable. most people prefer to go we, they take off the via phone 3 as you dump it and you get another one. okay,
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that's not a very long lived span. still, chinese smartphones are popular and can yeah, because the affordable and tailored to the needs of african consumers. so what is china's aim? we spoke to kobus on starting research as chinese investments and advocate for the south african institute of international affairs looking for overseas markets and opportunities. but they're also looking for to, to, to act as a kind of a norm set. and i know lots of kind of like, you know, player in, in the world. so it's looking to, to make the rest of the world frame near to chinese companies for new to chinese stand of. so china's engagement around the world, fuels the tech economy, back home, the more time use technology sold overseas. the more the systems and processes become the norm, which in turn helps themselves even more products. it also means china plays a powerful role in shaping the future of technology. the international institute
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for us to teach a study says china has been participating in digital infrastructure projects. in 137 countries, it's investing billions of euros. let's take a closer look at one example, a smart city in the making just outside of nairobi, kenya is africa's 1st plan smart city. it's called the console technology, and it's been 10 years in the making. when cons that is done, it's supposed to look like this. uh, high tech oasis, outside of the urban hospital. well, companies from countries like italy and south korea build apartments and schools. chinese companies take care of tech like this surveillance center built by chinese telecoms company. well, way it's connected to a network of cameras. the data from the camera travels through underground internet
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cables to a data center, also built in part by wall away. the internet, the cameras and data storage are all connected, says lucas overload. who manages tons of data center we realize that in addition to connectivity, let the to the quit, we needed a place value with a computer type computer environment where all these different let them to collect themselves as well. i'm coming at us from this much. it would be host and to be analyzed. some have raise security concerns about working with wall way, but overload believes the team is prepared. if you focus on the vendor, then you missed the point. so we have good, continuous planning. why don't we go to a way that a of engineers network executed a specialist while the primary invest bookcase really? we're looking, we just like us. so then i realize that it's higher the company basic us what isaac
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loud. we buy them that we've microsoft for example being some of the sort of shows that, that i, that mike look at the us company. so we don't limit this. well, we can use cons, that isn't the only place storing sensitive information. and while way data centers, senegal agreed to migrate its government data from foreign servers to its own while we build data center in 2021 and pakistan signed off on an agreement to get one as well in 2019 research remote elani pelt to law says there's a reason countries take on these projects. china is financing, so play to mitchell really liked the dominance of bonds, trying these companies in, in tech and africa. so technically, equipment mindsets are like um, while way, like guns, etc too. i me slow but quantitative price and cost effective equipment and poor adults and solutions. so it's played
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a really huge impact for some countries. china is also is attractive, better digital infrastructure of cheap loans and technicians who help implement the systems. but it's not always clear if the tech benefit citizens or the people in power at busy highways and intersections across kampala, there are chinese surveillance cameras. the government purchased them for more than 100000000 years. the cameras are equipped with software that recognizes spaces and scans license plates. guns and officials and local journalists have said that some of them are neither monitoring nor recording crimes . members of parliament even called for a review of the cameras after they failed to capture footage of a police officers killing it's a claim that uses so one you know from you've gone to is police force denies. delegation of cctv no tracking. it's like true. the system is working and it's
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really supportive to, to, to fight, to increase the surveillance cameras had been in use since 2018. they footages the evidence which is driving from the city to the office. from this issue to resisting his undisputable and the task of reduced to dressed because when they come back, look, we have seen a reduction the in the there with the behaves. yeah. they've, they've, before there was a be, so one day road. we have seen a reduction in a bad rise and so forth in the, in the a bunch i think simply because of kind of service people i know morris by see the cameras are part of why ways save city program designed by the chinese telecoms company to deploy surveillance to technology, world wide, safe city technology reportedly helped police to monitor the cell phones. if you've gone to an opposition candidate, bobby wine. in 2021 wine last against you,
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wearing the 70, you count as president for 35 years. this is why lawyer and digital privacy advocates, san paula allegories. he says it doesn't matter if the cameras work, their true purpose is to deter political opposition that we used to single participation. do use it now to compare to the most christians. it is easy to know on truck with addition, chinese companies may be supplying the technology, but you've gone to the government is deploying it. that for you to pay to steam for it. so the, anything possible why waste save city project is flow with 52 countries participating? according to washington, dc based the think tank csr. yes. 71 percent of these agreements are in countries considered partly free for not free. and let's be clear tech used for digital repression is not only exported by china,
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but by western democracies too. so what's the difference reports like this might be the answer, allegedly computers in the african union headquarters. and if you will be a building funded by china, was secretly sending data to service in shanghai every night. why this data was allegedly transferred remains aren't clear, but it's supposed to have been going on for 5 years. time denies any wrongdoing, but experts say this is an example of why there are concerns about working with chinese tech tines. so what about us the private use is, does it make a difference whether it's a move take talk or google that takes our data? one difference is the time these companies not in a position to refuse handing over the data to the chinese government, is a lot of, of allegations that they uh, um, what's called the kind of digital back tools kind of built into, into networks. and that's, you know, that with, in some ways enable surveillance or aspiring level so,
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but it's not nearly the global self law just concern. like i think a lot of ghost hunters are a lot more worried about just getting digital access in the 1st space and paying for china as technology has a global impact. many nations are willing to co operate in order to speed up digitalization, for example, in africa. se asia, latin america, eastern europe, and the middle east. but do these tech and pause mean great. the chinese influenza . whether as dave leaders or private uses, we should all can see that how much we use is made in china. you will read about data security, or do you think the benefits of chinese technology outweigh the risk that doesn't know by and see you next time the, the test of what did you do? the i played tennis, survived the ocean bits,
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thanks to music. he was the nazi's favorite conductor positions under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music in nazi germany, watching on youtube dw documentary. welcome to put tire time. that's kind of sofas. thanks tourism. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute, a twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service. in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption and child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was now the film team investigates the,
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the was exactly have changed the red light, dark shadow, 6 tourism the in sierra leone in west africa was rich and natural resources. and yet it's still one of the poorest countries in the world. we have a little company and backing on large scale mining why we called show the user is actually working through that a drop off casting fees, our from bosses, corporations scramble for the countries, riches people in sierra leone and of placing back mutual below, in the hands of the community, a group of paralegals in sierra leone is trying to change the way 9 deals on
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made and shift the power into the co has the after lie to me is a paralegal at the organization. number 2. well, the not fully qualified lawyers to me and his team all trained to conduct legal research and support communities and negotiations with investors instead of leo. and we have 4 cp of layers, and even the lawyers, majority of them in the city walk is to make sure that communities access just these. as part of the guys who go out to put me in, it's easy to make sure that we have them to on the stand the law.


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