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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from the thousands players. wildfires threaten athens, greece asked the european union for help as 5 fighters warm. the places are spreading like lightning bolts of on the program. the leader of a canyon and doing the stay sex goes on trial over the death of hundreds of follow us. he allegedly convinced to stock themselves to that precious president proved him to admit ukrainian forces operating inside his country and orders his army to push back the biggest ukrainian cross for the offensive since the war began. dw is jonathan craig and looks back on the highs and lows of the power of southern takes
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2 weeks of high parties for an hour of us. or how will these power stay to be remembered? take a look at the heroes, the iconic sites, and the control offices of a pollution agenda. the i'm feel very welcome to the program. greece has asked for your p and union for help in bossing, while fires were just threatening the capital assets. thousands of people have been moved to safety as firefighters and military personnel using helicopters to tackle the blaze. a strong winds that fuel during the flames and the advocate region, ne of the capital warehouses of cold fire and hospitals have been closed. fire fighters, battle aggressive wild fires as they sweep across forest and suburbs. newest of athens of the residents are also doing
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that bit to help keep the plays that play phenomena. so most of the big randy heard as far as this, where we grew up, it makes us very sad and angry and there were real risks to guessing to close the flight and surrounded by and i couldn't see i hit the pine tree and this happened to dry conditions and strong winds have helped the fire spread easily. it is already engulfed, large sways of woodland and olive groves over night. police have been helping elderly and vulnerable people evacuate from the west, effected there is a blanket of smoke from the fire is covering this aston sub where residents are told to stay
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inside with windows locked grease is currently experiencing the whole to some of the on record creating the perfect conditions for science to spread this week alone off of the country is on the red deluxe to wild foil has its a freelance journalist stuff. they tell us they're saying have agreed capitals and gave me this update. i'm just outside now heading to to the area of the one fires since yesterday, sunday, when the wildfire broke up outside of the capital of athens. it's been spreading all night and hasn't stopped at all. and start firefighters are on the ground. aerial assets were flying yesterday, they had to get stuff over night, the resumed operation this morning. 32 um aircraft altogether as fighting the blades. reinforcements have been sent from other parts of greece,
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firefighters of vehicles to help you to help fight these, this huge place actually that is spawning for 35 kilometers and it's still going on . there's some reconvenes happening as we speak in different areas around africa, which is the wider region around the capital of for greece. athens evacuations. multiple evacuations, orders since yesterday. they're still coming in, people are told to to be, to be on the alerts. actually in the get ready to leap, there's been jim's opening even the stadium where we once hosted the olympic games 20 years ago. this stadium is open as well for people to temporarily go there if they need to. um, air conditioning rooms as well. there's also a heat wave at the moment. greece has been having these heat waves all summer as early as june this year. it's something common. we know it every summer in greece, but you know, now that there is extended period where this heat lingers on for,
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for longer time, for a longer period. and there's dry conditions. we had a very warm winter, not so much rate, actually very little array. so all these, all these factors play into the activity and how the fire behaves, which is a, i'm at the moment raging and it will keep on according to the or officials and the mature ologist, the wind is strong and will be strong all day today. and might be a bit better tomorrow, but we'd have to wait and see today is a very difficult way for right. difficult day for, for agrees. and people are doing us as i told all they they are leaving when told to leave well, most, all right, but in the case is there not, there's police officers and unit. so to the police, the go uh, door by door and they actually asked people to leave or they order them to leave and tell them you have to evacuate. now you can't stay in your home or even help
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people who can't leave elderly people. people who that need some assistance to to leave their houses. it's also the middle of summer here. so many people are away for a holiday. this week. also speak holiday season. we have a religious holiday coming on on thursday. but also these areas around athens are, are populated with the residents, greek residents, but also some toward the goal because there is seaside resorts around. thank you for that. so definitely, i just definitely told us in athens now to kenya was a leader of a doomsday effect. has gone on trial over the death of more than $400.00 of his followers. then one of the well so worst codes related tragedies pull, mackenzie said to have incited people to stop themselves to death. so they could meet jesus. he's now accused of multiple counts of manslow, so dw is east africa bureau chief manuel muller reports. hundreds of 3rd bodies
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were found in this remote stretch of land near the coastal city of melody. many of them stuff to some had been strangled and bludgeoned. only a few narrow li survived of what happened this man a form, a taxi driver turn self proclaimed past the name, poor mackenzie brainwashed people into thinking they would meet jesus if they stopped themselves and even their children to death. believing his preaching that the world would soon come to an end and with cove at stoking bills, fee is many follow disorder survive. us allow marsha was pressure to pay the past was owed us by her husband. and i like to just as all the to from going to do, i asked him how the kids would fast. and then if there was food inside the house with them the one he said, the kids needed to fast him up and that they would eat once they died and met jesus
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from 2020 to 2023. at least $436.00 kaufman both died in a country that counts itself among africa's most modern and stable nations. people have struggled to understand how little enforcement mr. signs. how did mackenzie had a history of extremism in class just with the law managed to keep his desk cold hidden for so long? the government has been trying to regain the nation's trust. the government of can, you will do with terabyte takes to make sure subtly convict mr. mckenzie and all those who helped him treat these heinous crimes that they pay with this. if this is most painful, punishment available, mackenzie and 94 of his help is now facing charges of murder, terrorism, manslow,
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to among other crimes. they have pleaded not guilty to old charge. and while multiple trials are expected to last them separately, is numerous groups are still being found. only $34.00 up to $436.00 bodies has been identified so far can only now be returned to their relatives. will not report filed by data visa, east africa bureau chief marion lola anerio, gave me an update on the, on the trial uh, just an hour or so ago. so you have to know, mackenzie and those 94 co defendants are facing different charges in different chords. this is just one trial of 4, so he's uh, facing charges of terrorism, of mazda, of child abuse. and that's what he, what this trout here is about. 238 counts of mass. go to and you have to, you know, confused with all these numbers because 429 bodies has been found in the forest.
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and why only $238.00 comes with massive. well, 191 of the 400 more than 400 were actually children. so the prosecution said they didn't have a choice. they were forced from the parents or from other adults to stall since of death. and the adults were either forced or, or helped by mackenzie and his co defendants. and the prosecution says they have lined up 90 witnesses proof that case. and they say, this is the worst case of religious extremism. in kenya, the defense in turn said no, all they did was, is covered by the constitutional rights of freedom of expression of assembly. and how was it possible for this cold, later to spread he's ideology unnoticed for so long? well, that's the question that the whole country has been wondering and discussing for a year now. so mckenzie was actually arrested twice before these people died in 201720191 charges of radicalization and also spreading at 3 months lease,
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but it was acquitted. so people are wondering how did that happen? why and so you have to know that the context of this country that 80 percent christian said in kenya and even jellico churches parish, huge role that has huge influence. the 1st lady herself is an event article preacher, she and her husband, the president william router, are good friends with very famous filaments and evangelists. so mackenzie, he started off as a send evangelist. he had his own broadcasting channel where he would broadcast as sermons all over the country. and even a brock people would even say, you know, later and they said you say they came and fixed it. the problem was that is that these churches are not registered in kenya, so there's no oversight of what they're preaching, what they're telling the follow us. and this has become a problem. in this case, it has, it has turned out to be very dangerous, but many people set in the beginning. he was supposed to sound like, anyhow, they've angelica of preacher, he's the promise to be able to heal a h, r v,
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or cancer or other diseases to gave us hope he made us feel seen as getting hurt because he is all. he was also a taxi driver before he became a self proclaimed pastor. so he was actually giving us an option and actually the positive path in life. and what's the government done since the 1st bodies were found to last year to prevent other colds from causing more home? so 1st of all, that crack down another cost that they already knew also radicals, but the bass total races. and so the correct on on these ones then they also the president and stated a little a task force. and they reviewed the legal framework that religious organizations are embedded here in the country. and they found, well, we need an oversight body. we need to correct this and we need a monitoring system. so now also the recommended and amendments to the information and communications act in kenya, so that there is no control over what is being broadcasted from these religious
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organizations and churches. and then they also found that's a huge lack of what's actually being posted online on social media because many of the followers of mackenzie also said they were following it on their phones every day. and so yeah, this is something that the government really needs to work on and they have identified the problems. but 3 of them is to be seen if they have the manpower and the financial resources to actually do that. and what does the follow is, why would anyone willingly watch their own children stuff to their, of the well, it's incomprehensible. um, but when we, when you talk to people follow as they said, that was already mentions. you know, he was one of us, he made us feel seen and heard research. um, you know, he was talking about this wonderful place where we could meet a jesus and in the beginning he, it was harmless, you know, he just was promising. when. so for example, a mother said my, my daughter is suffering mental disease. so i was, i was hoping that you could hear her and others where just desperate in life and,
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and eager to get on. and they hoped that she could help them the moment when they realized this is actually dangerous for me or for my children. often it was too late. some people tried to escape, but they were already convinced to move to this very remote place where they were promised a piece of land. and you know, they were told this is the sanctuary. we can all live in peace here. once they were that they were tools, you actually have to starve to death with children. first, the women and men demand, and mackenzie and assembly would be lost. so then if people try to escape, they will also brutally killed me. thank you for that. no matter what a molar in mombasa will take a look at some of those stores making news around the world there. let me try to people have been killed in a rubbish dump collapse and the guns and capital composite based to 2 of the victims with children. the city certainly landfill is located on a steep slope which was weakened by heavy rain,
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some local scavenge of plastic waste as a source of income. a pleasing townsend. they all have detained several figures from the opposition should dame of policy, including former presidential candidates to internally. so they also rounded up hundreds of activists before planned rally for international use. today, under 10000 people i would expect you to attend, but please find the gathering as well as automotive activation for southern guns, that warning of a new military operation in the area. tens of thousands of civilians have side con eunice and it brings you to is how much the militant group research and mediators to return to a truce plan. i presented by us president joe biden, last month's united states. they said the warships of the fi suggests to the middle east defense. secretary lloyd often announced that a guided missile submarine is heading to the regents, seen as a message of detectives to ron in groups under its control. the us and others believe that preparing to attack israel as a russia, which is
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a dollars that ukrainian forces have penetrated up to 30 kilometers into each territory. as in volume improvement has ordered, he's ready to dislodge the ukrainian troops. so can you push his own with his weak, long, offensive in the course? screening wasn't a 120000 russians. living near the board have been moved to safety as moscow settings and reinforcements. president bruce, it accumulates keys. i've tried to so public unrest and gain leverage in possible future pace tools. choose those funds which are still it is becoming of this unclear now, why is it key brushing him? had refused our proposals to return to a peaceful settlement plan, as well as their proposals of unusual mediators. stairs are displayed, luxury name is easy because it appears that the enemy has to be with the help of west and most as, as for the feeling that well on the west is fighting us with the hands of the
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ukrainians. you who you help. okay. me ok. and so it looks like the enemy 6 to improve its negotiating position in the future looking it's thing, it's a whole genius way for me to go with that quite easily. what we should look at the course screening session creighton in the troops. narrow control 28 supplements inside russia was russian forces scramble to be po being cushion. well starters have widened, evacuation orders in the belgrade and caustic regions. the surprise offensive is the largest attack by far an army on russians. so since world war 2, it will not correspond to nick conley and keith gave vis updates on the ukrainian defensive. we were expecting that almost the weekend. we would have a better handle on what exactly is going on and could reason. but it seems more or less to be the opposite situations. we've had to clamp down from original authorities on civilians posting stuff, social media. so those videos we had in the 1st few days of destroyed rushing me
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a kind of convoys. those have stopped similar situation with the so called mid a cheap logos. these bloggers were close to the rest military who were pretty uh, you know, kind of panic and obese. beating the drum that the russian government wasn't taking this seriously. the 1st few days they have gotten down and pulled them into line and hit the crane. so i just keep you very tight lips when we do get stuff posted by ukrainian soldiers. it often seems to be a couple of days out of date, but does still seem to be the case. the ukraine forces are about 30 kilometers deep, interested in the quick squeeze. and we've had reports of incursions at other places on the border and build the region and other parts coast region. and there is a sense that the ukraine is on a role. we've had reports by another saying that russia had built defenses in this part of its border with ukraine, but the, it's just weren't enough boots on the ground and enough of munitions and other equipment that actually make those defenses work. so basically, once the crane and soldiers had passed those boats defensive lines, they could basically take much territory as they wanted and didn't really find much in the way of russian soldiers. and if they were that they would most likely
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conscripts, people in the early twenties with no me a fighting experience in the front lines who weren't able to put my put up much of a fight. i split commonly in cave. well, frank language as a former u k military intelligence officer, who nodded back to us in strategic studies at portsmouth university in england. he told me what he believes is behind the or crated and offensive. it does say now that we're looking at a major and cost, you know, it's about $5.00 gates. so 121-5000 people, the relevance of 5 per game. so not only that, but they are well equipped. while equipped with alexis, west of gail tillery rocket systems and so forth. so this is not a, not a sort of rated force, that's the 1st thing. so what's the purpose? well, it seems that the primary purpose, which is succeeding is to shift the narrative shift the story message that ukraine is capable still, despite the pressure the south, off conducting effective off offensive operations. so it's not the political level,
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the capable still of effective assaults on rush arrest reports as the stabilizing the fact we're talking about this, it this way shows that that is succeeded, as far as it goes. okay, how does beyond that, how does it advance anyone's role games will be it's from what you said. it sounds like you crazy say. we're still in the game, but the thing is still not locked in place. yes, and it's very early days to say where this will go. the main uh, so upper racial objective, they said strategic objectives to change the political story, change things. we're on the front for us next. that but at operational level, i suspect one of the ups that lease was to attempt to, to know, certainly attention away from the bottled fence and the se, but to drill rushing reinforcements. so it's cool versus blessed say, look,
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how much do you really want to defend your territory? at the moment it seems that the russians are not fighting with respect to that they're not pulling forces from other places. i plenty of places within metropolitan russia, so not least by the way on the good news, which is the area of operations that the rest, you know, i mean, it'd be printing, it says smashed into the headquarters of which is odd studies fell through. so that's pointing towards concave. once the trainees, if i take effectively to go to though they won't get me a task. so the highlight do it, is that if i'll be very interesting to drawing pronounced, but it will be from that from the comp. gibson. nope. date, really under pressure, so the front, but we'll see the russians have made big mistakes before it would be a big mistake to do that in my view. also just one other thing, it does seem that there are opposed to the f s b, the federal security bureau, the okay to be a lot have been put in charge of running this operation as an internal security matter. i don't know what the significance of that will find out, but really,
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this is already days in this week old operation. and it's too early to say how it will go, how it is on ton ukraine, sustained this advance towards the belgrade and cast that's the key question. when will that drive kobinie? i think with that or near that. now that's not necessarily a bad thing. if you print it out right now, logistics, if they get too far into russia, if they got bought down, that would be bad news. i suspect that they planned this really well. they don't want to repeat the counter offensive last year we're talking about hosp. the forces deployed in this attack as we're deployed last year, but they'll be fall back to better prepared for this plan. putting planning will be far more realistic. so i suspect i would like you to get both done. one option, of course, is just to come right out to get if things get get to get trouble 7, the narrative shifts, we don't know. but the one thing how to avoid is running beyond the logistics
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because people inviting rest today not find that it doesn't tend well and as ukraine in fades, russia can you see russia escalating these from the so called special military operation into an actual role. the concept of needing to do that, 1st of all, that would buy it, the price, the narrative, but secondly, they don't need to, they've got no problems at the moment with my power they're getting volunteers in you client does have problems with manpower and i suspect there are certain views being expressed in the south and east of the country that troops are under pressure . that's why it is those 5 had brought up that back to the gaze of the i'll be happy deployed into the restroom and it could be possible usefully deployed to the south. so not the russians, i don't see them changing not, but that's the goose's decision. and i complicate no, can anyone else look inside his head? why don't you credit not to effectively customizing analysis upfront? can we thank you for administrative english frank language. it's my pleasure.
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that's the power of selling fake, said joe, to a close front presidency manual macro said the tournament to show the world the true face of france. closing settlement. he saw a hollywood stop tom cruise. i'm sail into the national statements, french swimming stuff, they'll motion extinguish the olympic colon and carry the flight. celebration runs off 2 and a half weeks of competition. the next summer olympics will be in full years in los angeles. and that video, jonathan claims in paris for the games and gave us his perspective on the highest and those 2 weeks of high quality support. and now every of us or how will these parish games be remembered? so let's start with the highs despite heavy security and face of the country, the friendship embrace, these games stadiums have been most before. and so how do i like to lay on more strong? have read 8065, and the country. i feel like it turns paris for a bit for
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a week. it's been magic here. it's been a success to john pics has been amazing, obsolete mother had been able to share in that magic with the i didn't pick vintage states for a nursery for the very 1st time. legend free american sprintzel allison phoenix, has been instrumental in that project. my message to all the mothers as you are capable, you are absolutely capable to have your best performances. after childbirth, parisians have seen the city transformed into an open stadium with eye clinic landmarks like the eiffel tower turned into spectacular menus. just don't mention this one, the river send pollution level for a constant. worry for organizes with a trash on. on swimming, mattress and events. most effective, some swim is even reported sickness. but the gentleman in story of these are the impacts has been in the book, st. competition, the mon kelly for vouch, area, and taiwan. so when you think we'll both sets of her felt 10 to test last year, i didn't pick rose meant they could still compete. but that participation has
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raised questions. i've offended the safety and inclusion in women sports coats in the middle of the books. this stuff with horrible abuse on social media if you had and then i asked people to stop bullying all athletes because this has massive effects. it can destroy people. and this, despite the negative attention, vice kelly for add link to coating the gold medal fable, say they've silence that critics for the why the debate will shortly rumble and long beyond these other impacts still isn't crying. as a reminder, that top story at this hour, greece is requesting help from europe in union as a wildfire runs out of control. i'm in northern outskirts of athens, hospitals, and homes. we have a great capital of being evacuated under the 55 has, and military personnel approximately the place. flat richardson will have more world news at the top of the our next on the w global us looks at the place of mike
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or domestic workers in spain will often explore the
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this is a modern day slavery women from less than america watching as amazed and most makes hours of the day, no labor rights, i'm only paying one thing to financially support this time and these back. they end up losing them in the process. a life in europe comes as a high price. global next dw,
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the crimes of the nazis who is systematically planned to near atrocities towards the end of the war was also systematic noon as operation. 1005 western new crane researches are uncovered a lesser known chapter of the war crimes. so that the victims and their families can finally find some, he's in 45 minutes on d, w, the on the each to the ocean and mother come back well with a comp time to answer the humans on that journey. but now the premises of whales
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of ocean conservation started september for the push to the limit, leaving domestic workers call for more right hold on the horizon will offshore natural gas. finally bring prosperity to senegal. the stand a school on the street, how some of india is forest. kids are getting an education the .


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