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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm CEST

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the the, you're watching the, the news coming to you live from berlin, emergency crews, bottle wild hires, threatening athens, greece, ask your opinion for help us firefighters warrant the blazes are spreading like lightning. thousands have been forced to flee to safety. also coming up on the show, the leader of a canyon doomsday, sax goes on trial, over the depths of hundreds of followers, he allegedly convinced to starve himself to death. vladimir putin at mid ukrainian forces are operating inside russia and orders his army to fight off the biggest for an attack on russian soil since the 2nd world war. plus your wes sends
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a battle groups to the middle east as fear as grow that iran could attack. israel is really defense minister. you'll have to launch says the country is visual intense. prepare. we'll take a look at how events could unfold the glare. richardson, thank you. so much for joining us, greece has asked for european union for help of battling wildfires that are threatening the capital athens. thousands of people have been forced to flee as of firefighters and military personnel use helicopters to try to contain the blazes, which are now burning for a 2nd to day. strong winds and prolonged drought are fueling the flames in the attic. a region north east of the capital, houses have caught fire, and hospitals and schools are closed of firefighters, special aggressive wild fires as they sweep across forest and suburbs. newest of
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athens residents also doing that bit to help keep the blaze at bay phenomena. so most of the big randy hurts as far as this where we grew up. it makes us very sad and angry and there are real risks to getting to close the flight and surrounded by and i couldn't see i hit the pine tree and this happened to dry conditions. and strong winds have helped the fire spread easily. it is already engulfed, lots waves of woodland and olive groves over night. police have been helping elderly and vulnerable people evacuate from the west, effected there is a blanket of
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smoke from the fire is covering this often sub where residents are told to stay inside. with windows locked grease is currently experiencing the hold to someone on record, creating the perfect conditions for science to spread this week alone, costs as the country is on the red deluxe. the wild soil has its correspondence, sophia, cliff talk in athens, has been reporting on those wildfires of clothes. she gave us this update of the situation where i'm standing right now is literally out of control. you can see the smoke behind me. it's very sick. it's extremely hard to breathe or even see as we're talking asher's are falling down, and everyone is on the alert. i'm at
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a main road at the area of the show right now, just outside of the athens city center, people and residents here of course, on the nerd behind me next to me in front of me. people didn't leave. everyone is here in order to either connect with the people that stayed at their homes or trying to help in volunteer as this bias forces are not enough. and as we heard at the report as well, french and the czech republic in italy, some help already. and there's more help to come. now, greek authorities have told people to evacuate, but it sounds like many aren't taking here. can you just paint a picture for us? why this is so dangerous. so greta sorry to use urge everyone to a backyard. so since yesterday afternoon and it's throughout the day, there were a semester finding out in order to evacuate, but we the people we talked here to mostly everyone state and for the reasons they wanted to stay until last minute. they didn't want to leave the properties. we
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saw in front of us literally houses burning cars burning. so it was very dangerous as the fire was literally in the yard. so it was in front of us however, they didn't leave. they wanted to wait until the situation gets even more serious. but you can see and you can hear it the, the wind is still very, very strong. and um, the situation doesn't look like it will calm down in the next hour. indeed, great authorities have warned that not as they are, but in fact half the country faces a high risk of fires do so. those strong winds and high temperatures, still windy, where you are, but what are conditions looking like for the days ahead? exactly. the high largest floor at how the country um from yesterday until tomorrow . so everyone is on a higher alert. um i'm sorry that the conditions are extremely hard for everyone as
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they try to cold as you fire from our lighting up every every now and then. so they cannot really have all forces. that's why volunteers extremely important. then also authorities urged people to follow the vacation orders and to follow also new updates on local media in order to make their work easier to protect everyone and to help and our efforts to get these fires under control going. are there any areas of particular concern that greek authorities are focused on for the next few days? it's so since you have citizens, the outbreak of the fire at the knob, we have several areas which are very much affected right now where i'm at is the most effective area. the area of the you see behind me is the mountain of the daily where it showed you the, the thick smoke earlier, which is also very important is, is the so called long of offense, athens as
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a city know much green. so this is very important. i was able to see it in comparison to, to last 2 years, 5 years or the previous years, and also what's upcoming when we think of climate change. so they try to cope hybrids. very dangerous, especially inside off, i'm sorry, you know, the, i'm sorry, just outside athens and as the fire reach, so, so deep into those topics. those aren't melisha is a neighborhood in athens where people live, those are not summer houses or anything. so people leave here and therefore everyone everyone tries to, um, to bring forces to your however, some people told us that they couldn't reach by forces. and that's why people have to stay and also um that's what makes it so important that volunteers state to your in order to help the residents for protect their properties themselves from here, thank you so much for your reporting. you take care now that is our correspondence . so click sophia class talkie turning out his mother knew it was the leader of
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a canyon doomed. a cold has gone on trial over the death of more than 400 of his followers haul. mackenzie allegedly incited people to starve themselves to death so that they could supposedly meet jesus. he is now accused of multiple counts of manslaughter to nobody's east africa bureau chief mariama that reports a hundreds. a 3rd bodies were found in this remote stretch of land near the coastal city of melody. many of them stuff to some had been strangled and bludgeoned. only a few narrow li survived. what happened? this man a form, a taxi driver turn self proclaimed past the name. pul mckenzie. brainwashed people into thinking they would meet jesus if they stuff themselves. and even the children to death believing his preaching that the world would soon come to an end. and with
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cove at stoking those v as many photos as order survive us allow marsha was pressure to pay the past was owed us by our husband and come monday i like to just was all the to from going to do i asked him how the kids would faster than if there was food inside the house. with them the one we said the kids needed to have to mother and that they would eat once they died and met jesus from 2020 to 2023. at least 436 kaufman bus. died in a country that counts itself among africa's most modern and stable nations. people have struggled to understand how law enforcement mr. signs. how did mackenzie had a history of extremism in class just with the law managed to keep his desk cold hidden for so long? the government has been trying to regain the nation's trust the government of can you will do whatever it takes to make sure that we convict mr. mckenzie
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and all those who helped him perpetrate these heinous crimes. that the pain with a severe artist as most painful punishment available, mackenzie and 94 of his help is now facing charges of murder, terrorism, manslow, to among other crimes. they have pleaded not guilty to old judge and well, multiple trials are expected to last him to several millions. numerous grapes are still being found. only 34 up to 436 bodies has been identified so far. can only now be returned to their relatives to the as mario miller file that report to she gave us an update of this 1st day of trial, a cause me to pull mackenzie and those $94.00 co defendants are charged with
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terrorism, meta, child abuse and manslaughter. think to 429 dead bodies that were found in the shack, ahold of forest, not far from here. and there opening statement. the prosecution said that this was the worst case of religious extremism that can you has ever experienced. it is lined up 90 witnesses and they want to approve the members of the cold agreed and committing mass suicide by starvation that mackenzie and the school defendants actively helped or even forced people to die. the defense is not true. the only thing they did was exercising their constitutional rights a freedom of religion. even technical churches like the one mackenzie lead have a big influence in the country. the 1st lady of pania isn't even jessica preacher herself. and she and the president of close friends was famous, tell evangelist many churches like mackenzie's and registered. and that means there's no oversight what they're actually preaching, or even broadcasting on their own. really just to be channels. something the government has now decided to change. that will be an oversight commission that is
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supposed to regulate, read it just content in churches on to be and on social media. and it remains to seeing if they're actually able to enforce this reporting there, we can turn now to some other world news headlines. police intends in the have detained several figures from the opposition that to them a party including former presidential candidate to me. so they also rounded up hundreds of activists before a planned raleigh for international use. day some 10000 people were expected to attend by police bands. the gathering more than 20 people have been killed in a rubbish dump collapse and that you've gone to capital come paula. at least 2 of the victims were children. he said he's only land. phil is located on a steep slope which was weekend heavy rain, some locals, scavenged for plastic waste as a source of income. it drops a lot, allowing girls as young as 9 to be married, has sparked protests across
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a rock rights activists say the proposal which is backed by conservative. she, a muslim politicians, would legalize child rate. if, if it comes law, religious authorities would have the power to decide on family affairs, including marriage, divorce, and childcare. rushing for, excuse me, president, i will let them years. lensky says about a 1000 square kilometers in russia's course. creation are now under the control of ukrainian troops. president vladimir putin has ordered his army to dislodge the printing and troops as one who killed pushes on with its week long offensive in the region. more than 120000 russians living at the border have been evacuated as moscow sends in reinforcements, boots and accuses key of, of trying to so public unrest and gain leverage ahead of possible future peace talks. and she lives the interesting it is becoming obvious and clear. now, why is it key brushing him? had refused our proposals to return to
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a peaceful settlement plan as well as the proposals of unusual mediators. there's a cookie luxury imposing to use. it appears that the enemy wants to be with the help of west and most as, as for the feeling that well and the west is fighting us with the hands of the ukrainians. you who you help. okay. me. ok. and so it looks like the enemy 6 to improve its negotiating position in the future. it's thing, it's a whole shooting as we go to the question. so what we should have the governor of this course, great as, as ukrainian troops now control 28th settlements inside russia. as russian forces scramble for upheld the ukrainian incursion, authorities have widened, evacuation orders in the belgrade and course regions. the surprise offensive is the largest attack by a, for an army on russian soil since world war 2 us. and we have dw, as correspondent,
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nic economy in a kia, if you gave us this update on the ukranian offensive. we were expecting that almost the weekend. we would have a better handle on what exactly is going on and could reason. but it seems more or less to be the opposite situations. we've had to clamp down from russian authorities on civilians posting stuff, social media. so those videos we had in the 1st few days of destroyed rushing me a kind of convoys. those have stopped similar situation with the so called ministry blog as these bloggers will close the rest minute to who were pretty uh, you know, kind of panic and obese. beating the drum that the russian government wasn't taking this seriously. those 2 days they have gotten down and pull them into line and hit the crane, so it is keeping very tight lips when we do get stuff posted by ukraine soldiers. it often seems to be a couple of days out of date, but does still seem to be the case that ukraine forces are about 30 kilometers deep interested in the course. reason we've had reports of incursions at other places on the border and build the region and in other parts course region. and there is a sense that the ukraine is on a role. we've had reports by another saying that russia had built defenses in this
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part of its board with ukraine, but the just wasn't enough boots on the ground and enough of munitions and other equipment that actually make those defenses work. so basically, once the crane and soldiers had passed those both defensive lines, they could basically take much territory as they wanted and didn't really find much in the way of russian soldiers. and if there were that they would most likely conscripts, people in the early twenties with no me a fighting experience in the front lines who weren't able to put, put up much of a fi to turning out for some other news as well as stopping air force personnel from travelling abroad because of fears that an attack from iran, one of his allies is imminent. defense minister, you'll have the launch says as well as in a state of vigilance and preparedness. tensions has been mounting in the middle east over the killings of reading members of the homos and has the law militant groups. a public announcement by the united states that it's sending a submarine war ships and fighter jets to bowls for israel's defense is being seen as a warning to iran. a middle east analyst and georgia pharaoh is ceo of gold
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state analytics, a risk assessment group. i asked him if there are signs that an attack on his ro, by a run is imminent. a thank you. good to be on your program . i would have a very difficult time imagining the ronnie is not retaliating, considering the 2 very high ranking figures in the run, the lead access of resistance were killed last month. then of course, the killing of the hamas leader in the heart of the running capital, which shows milly eating, leadership and tier on definitely wants to establish what we often called, quote unquote deterrence capacity. so i do think there is going to be some sort of an action from the ron or other actors and the axis of resistance. but i'm not so convinced that it will necessarily come so soon. i think that ron will be acting cautiously. they certainly don't want to do something that would give is real
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justification for escalating this to a much higher level. and i think the runny is are also quite content to see everyone on the edge and certainly to see these railings very nervous. so again, i definitely expect some sort of any ronnie and response, but i don't think there's any reason to assume that it's going to come at some point in the immediate future at germany's chancellor. all off schultz has spoken to a ron's new president and my suit for that key on as called for restraint will not have any effect on the iranian leadership. you thank as i don't think so in light of the europeans responding to the way in which the us sabotaged the nuclear deal back in 2018 is left. the ronnie is viewing the europeans, is completely spineless. unable to stand up to washington, then also the conflict in ukraine has heightened tensions between western european
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countries. any ron and then also everything in the middle east and is october 7th of lead to a further deterioration of ties between most e you members and iran. i don't think germany really has much influence here. let's keep in mind and germany has been a staunch supporter of israel throughout this conflict. i, again, i, i just don't see the leadership in germany. really saying anything that's going to have much of an effect on a ron, to be entirely honest. and what about the united states thinking on this? are you surprised to see them deploying a guided missile submarine to the region? no, not at all. i think obviously the united states is trying to send a message to israel and also all of israel's adversaries in the region that washington is going to have the israel's back. no matter what happens. and if these hostilities spiral out of control and turn into a full fledged war in the middle east, i'm positive,
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the united states will go all in to support israel. and this flexing of military muscles is about sending that message out to friend info. and just before i let you go, i'd like to turn briefly to the gaza cease fire talks brokered by the us at guitar and egypt that we are expecting to take place on thursday. i'm off as now rejected an invitation to a final round of negotiations. do you see any hope for these talks? so i'm not extremely optimistic about these high stakes talks set for later on this week. i, you know, late last month. presumably it was the israel that assassinated the lead, a mosse negotiator. you have to certainly consider how that makes some us look at the idea of negotiating with israel in a different way. and also the new a most chief sin war is
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a lot less flexible than his predecessor. he is much more of a hard liner. i. e is taking, he will be taking more maximum list positions as the homos chief. and i think it's going to be much harder with these new conditions. there's new leadership and homos to imagine the palestinian group are being willing to make real compromises with the israelis at the round table. not saying it's not possible, but i just want to stress that i think it's going to be much more difficult despite all of the hard work that we've seen from officials in egypt and costs are. well, thank you so much for joining us with those insights that is giorgio coffee, aero, with gulf states analytics, we very much appreciate your time. thank you so much. after an alleged attack applied force, the cancellation of 3 taylor swift concerts in austria last week. they bring germany is also on alert countries. interior minister nancy phaser has warranty,
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but the danger of an illness, terror attack in germany is high. stupid, old snag. i have some terror attack on israel, on october 7th. and the ongoing horn gauze of attempt situation has increased significantly. is that mr. chatelle isn't this terrorist organizations, but also an individual, as long as perpetrates of real often radicalized on their own teeth. are things that exist on each of the times. once with the guides, the security authorities have struck entirely on several occasions in recent months and were able to force attack ponds and numerous times suspect for have been arrested. let's get over to date of these political correspondent assignment a young for more on the story assignment. how words would people be if they're attending a concert or, or another public event in germany? yeah. cloud i don't think is that they should be more worried, spitting mold in the, in any of the come phrase. i think that what you can point to is the fact of your
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thoughts ease. here. i've got a real, a focus on this, but being very open that they do face and increasing complex the threat from tara. and you can say, for instance, during the summers you wrote football tournament where the authorities, uh, the intelligence services and the police had a very intensive operation on that. in focus of all kinds of tara threats, but well including at the is the most threat at that post off without incident i think they're saying that, you know, they face threats not just for amazingly based, but also from extreme. it's on the left and the right, but from foreign actors, sabotage, especially in the context of the rush, is war and you crying and but talking about is limits. specifically they say the danger is heightened by the war in gaza. and that is one reason. and that's the size of the interior minister said why the gym and government has a focus on the escalating that conflict because i think that would lessen the
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danger here. and what are they doing in terms of the escalation? what can german authorities do to counter the terrorism threat to what does the various things that they do do, but to in particular, it's working closely with foreign intelligence services. because a lot of the important information of tip offs about the individuals who are potentially behind terror attacks they have come from foreign sources. they. those have moved, in some cases to ban the extreme based is limited organizations and you know they've, they've had police raids in several cases. they've the, they've identified the ringleaders of those extreme anti west and hyper conservative is with ms groups and some of whom overall pricing here in germany. they've also been the people deported about 35 of them over the last 3 years. we're
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told by the government. but of course, that's not always possible, especially to countries like that to have kind of started syria which are unstable or indeed other people who copy to policy those who actually hold gem and pos sports which of course some of islam is also did. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is good. at least political correspondent assignment young and in other news at this hour tropical storm of maria has had northern japan with some areas the record rain fall levels. authorities issued evacuation warnings to more than 300000 people and warned of the risks from flooding and land slides. there have been no immediate reports of casualties. indonesia, as president of jo co window has chair at the 1st cabinet meeting and the new capital in this on tara, the city is being built on the island of borneo at a cost of around 35000000000 dollars. it will be inaugurated next week. the current
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capital jakarta is threatened by rising sea levels and floods senate now as the parent olympics wrapped up president that money while my clients at the tournament showed the world the true face of france. the closing ceremonies saw tom cruise ad sale into the stadium. and french of swimming star, and they almost shot extinguish deal with the big cauldron. the celebration rounds off 2 and a half weeks of sport and competition. paris hands on the baton to los angeles, which is staging the next a lympics in 2028. to now just before we go is look minder of our top story. greece has been requesting help from the european union as a wildfire burns out of control. the northern outskirts ends, hospitals, and homes near the capital of being evacuated, and hundreds of firefighters and military personnel are vastly for places.
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that is, your needs update at this hour. thank you so much for joining us. the
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platform is yours, the internet isn't yours, right? we're not putting up with this just because you're allowed, we're taking this backward reclaim struggle for democracy on to control. the rise, the right wing networks in austria and germany. how is social media radicalize in young people? waiting back and at what's called take talk 10 politics. close up the next 10 years you fed up mismanagement. no jobs are few prospect thomas jen z view the protest
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and us times why the mind types to be match with such brutality conditions holders come in and i just make it a mobile maybe because take this as has died except me. the gave me the 7 percent in 30 minutes on the w. the in many countries. education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in minecraft. instead of going to class others can attend classes, the, the minions of children, of the wills pounds going to school. we also want to just add you case and makes the world
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make up your own mind. made for mines the chick fil a because become a political battlefield. i go with this population, my algorithm, government the, if these rising to become a minority in our own country, the young people turning to the right the what's happening on sic till sunset, we live in a dictatorship. the only thing.


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