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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the domain use live from the and in the middle east is on the edge spheres . girl, that it, iran could attack israel, the united states, and a missile submarine to the region to act as a deterrent. is there any defense minister you off the line to says his country is vigilant and prepared? also coming up. ukraine says it controls 1000 square kilometers of russian territory. vladimir boots in orders his army to fight off the biggest for an attack on russian soil since the 2nd world war at emergency cruise battle. wildfires threatening athens. greece appeals to the european union for help. as fireflies as
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one of the places are spreading rapidly, thousands of forced to flee to safety the until me online people welcome to the program. tensions a high end, the middle east, off the warnings of an eminent irena and attack on israel earlier the leaders of the us, germany, the u. k. fronds and easily issued a joint statement. calling for com. israel's defense minister, you will have kalonde says his country is in a state of vigilance and preparedness. tensions have been mounting in the region over the killings of leading members of i'm us and has all of the public. a public announcement by the us that it's sending a submarine warships and find a jazz to both. the israel's defense is being seen as a wanting to iraq are. joining us now is been on ben talib,
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blue in washington, dc works for the foundation for the defense of democracies and focuses on it rainy and security and political issues. welcome to deed of the news. now, when do you think iran will respond? you to be with you tony, that really seems to be the question of the our really we say the question of the past 10 to 11 days. there is no doubt in my mind that both these comical public of iran, which is the patron, as well as some elements of this proxy network like lebanese, had for la are benefiting from the fee or in the uncertainty. and the doubts caused by the potential delay or dragging out of this response. but i still do see this as a matter of when and not if particularly given that on april 13th and april 14th regime launched a historic 1st direct over to the kinetic attack. mironda in territory against israel address for the listeners and viewers out there that's anywhere from 900 to
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1400 kilometers and distance depending on where projectiles are fired from. so i do think the leaders mean what they say. i think right now they're enjoying much of the world trying to come to them and call for the escalation and the tensions. but make no mistake. they're looking to find a way to, to essentially say what much of the hard line press has been saying in tap around for the past week and a half. which is to engage in blood lust after the killing of a smile. any impact on. and we know what form this retaliation will take to i think, i mean there's everyone's guessing right now, what based on what's been said in the running press so far? i think the april 13 april 14 missile drone barrage is likely going to be a price floor rather than a price stealing for what we saw in the past. uh, meeting you run is likely going to be able to employ a different project housing. a layered fashion, some which are low and lowes, lying, some which are high and fast lying,
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as well as benefit from potentially proxy fire. many hardline outlets have been talking about a 360 degree attack factor that running government officials, particularly military officials, have not confirmed this. but i do think you're either going to see changing the volume. so different numbers are projectiles or different amounts of projectiles fired at the same time in the same direction or the leaf ality a more capable system, potentially a harder to intercept system. and then of course, the multi directional red factor. and will this kind of planning be affected by the presence of the us beating up its military post or in the middle east? thank you for the interesting things about the changing us for sponsoring the region. and this is an observable trends going back. i think a decade and a half, i'm not mistaken. which is that sometimes even at the peak of that having to us carriers, for example, in the persian gulf, these law maker, public run was still undeterred and this is the larger challenge. both is real in
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america faces in the region, which is that while it's essential to send a strong signal to showcase military capabilities to both intercept weapons as were be able to respond to the potential strikes these monica public is betting that the political will to respond is not there and that's why you've seen engaging a whole host of risky behaviors over this past decade and a half. that has let us precisely to the moment that we're now in, i think if some force deployments had works, they would have worked well in the past when the regime had a potentially different and less sticky and less negative perception of us resolve . but nonetheless, this is all the stuff that the us needs there for logistical purposes to make sure there is an integrated aaron missile defense architecture. and if god forbid, there was a mass casualty incidence to be able to potentially respond. but that's something the, as monica public is trying to wager again. okay. and then kind of move from the foundation of a defense, a foundation for defense of democracies. we appreciate your insight. thank you.
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thank you, sir. meanwhile, german chancellor schultz has appealed to the runs, new president must suit as i scan to do everything to prevent further military escalation in the middle east. sholtes wrote on ex for many twitter that the spiral of violence and the belief must be broken. now any alternative entails unforeseen risk for the countries in the region and of the people. and it follows up saying in my phone call with the uranium presidents, i urge that everything be done to avoid further ministry escalation are tending to the one, gaza now and how much says it's militants have shot and killed one male hostage being held in gaza. and when did 2 of the statement published on telegram said, there was separate incidents and did not specify it when they took place. of course when antonia grandma has more from jerusalem. this was for the moment we have the
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statement from this book's personal because some brigades, us, he said, it's a bit of an unusual statement announcing earlier to noise that in 2 separate incidents, militants guarding hostages, shot and killed one hostage, and also injured to female hostages. seriously, the statement also said that they are currently being treated to save their lives. the statement did not identify the hostages and said that they are looking into it and that they will give more information at a later stage. now that is really military as reacted to that and said they do not have a more intelligence currently. they cannot either refute or confirmed these claims and they also will try to verify those claims getting more information. now of course, this highlights you know, the up, so we need what hosted the families of the hostages that are still held in garza police to be a $115.00. and as he said,
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we don't know how many of them are still alive a so it's really underlines the necessity, that they will be a c store and hostage to that would see those hostages release. and this is nowhere to be seen. again, people going out on the streets, demonstrating and calling on the government to get such a deal done. let's take a look at some other stories. making news around the world. more than 20 people have been killed in a rubbish dump, collapse in that event and capital compiler, at least 2 of the victims were children. the cities only landfill is located on a steep slope, which was we can buy heavy rain. some locals scab inch for plastic waste as a source of income. the leader of the canyon doomsday sacked has gone on trial over the deaths of more than $400.00 off his followers. in one of the wells was called, relates, and tragedies upon mackenzie's said to the insides of people to stop themselves to death. so they could supposedly meet jesus,
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he's now accused of multiple accounts of manslaughter as a draft law allowing goals as young as 9 to be married, has sparked protests across iraq rights activists say the proposal which is backed by conservative. she, i'm muslim. politicians would legalize the child the right if it becomes a law or religious authorities would have the pot to decide on family affairs, including marriage, divorce, and child care. british police have arrested a suspect over a nice attack on a woman and an 11 year old girl in central london. both victims were taken to the hospital. the attack took place in an area popular with tourists. police say they're not treating it as a tyrant. incident, ukraine's as it now controls around a 1000 square kilometers of russian territory, gives surprise offensive is the largest attack on russian soil since the 2nd world war is prompted president vladimir putin to send tank and trooper enforcements to
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the coast region. he accuses ukraine of sewing on rest and trying to gain leverage ahead of any possible peace talks. thousands of people moving to say for places as ukrainian troops sees control of dozens of russian villages. so the reporting to russian president vladimir putin, the governor, of course, set ukraine, had widened it's area of control. and the state showed image. thoughts of the situation in the cost region is difficult to understand. 28 such a minute. so on the enemy control was with someone on the, on the bus, the bus that was no clay foot line. and the problem we have is understanding where the enemy combat units all around a 1000 ukranian troops ran through the russian border last week into the cortex. region with tanks and armored vehicles. they have now advanced into neighboring belgrade. the ukraine says it controls about a 1000 square kilometers,
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an area big of a new york city, and course cologne. i guess the surprise attack, expose the weak this of russian border defenses in the area president below the me are so lensky who only acknowledge the incursion over the weekend says ukraine will offer humanitarian assistance to evacuate on the ukrainian side of the border. the russian army is scrambling to contain the breach and has been forced to call in reserves. it has released images of what it says or strikes on ukrainian tags, and clerks. 14 says most goes army will prevail. show you the symbol, but i give you people, i'm sure it appears that the enemy was the help of the west and must as is fulfilling the will on the west as pricing as with the hands of the ukrainians green. so as of a sign language, i see the enemy will get
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a decent response and all goes will be achieved this. 4 russian volunteers are distributing humanitarian aid to his activities, arriving at temporary accommodations, making them painfully aware of the impact of a war that protein has tried to shield them from greece has off the european union for help to combat the wildfires threatening the capital. athens, thousands of people have been forced to flee as firefighters and military personnel use helicopters to try to contain the blazes, which are now burning for a 2nd. a strong winds and a prolonged drought. a few along the flames. in the attic region north east of the capital homes have been such a blaze, and hospitals and schools are closed. syfy to special abreast of wild fires as they sweep across forest and suburbs. news of
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athens residents also doing that bit to help keep the plays that play phenomena. so most of the big randy heard as far as this, where we grew up, it makes us very sad and angry and there are real risks to getting to close the flight and surrounded by and i could see i hit the pine tree and this happened to dry conditions and strong winds have helped the fire spread easily. it is already engulfed, largest waves of woodland and olive groves over night. police have been helping elderly and vulnerable people evacuate from the west, effected there is a blanket of
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smoke from the fire is covering this aston sub where residents are told to stay inside with windows locked grease is currently experiencing the hold to someone on record creating the perfect conditions for science to spread this week alone off of the country is on the red deluxe for wild, for hazards. as a reminder of our top story, this i'll says, israel's defense chief says is the countries in a state of vigilance and preparedness. as of way to a possible irena and attacked tensions, have been mounting in the mid least over the killings of leading members of thomas . and as well as the us has sent a submarine warships and fights objects to balls to israel's defense. that's all for now. up next kind of
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a examines the concept of concentrated solar power and told me a lot of the on the long voyage through the ocean, another humpback well with the comp for a long time they had to fee a humans on the journey. now the trenches have become very protective of whales until the results of the ocean conservation, the stats of 10 to souls dw this shadows. these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating colonial.


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