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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the, the, this is deed up news live from the ukraine says that controls 1000 square kilometers of russian territory. but i don't know, put in orders his army to find off the biggest for an attack on russian. so i'll send for the 2nd world war. as time some troop reinforcements ascends to the coast region. also coming up the middle east on edge us is girl that iran could attack israel, the us sense of missile submarine to the region, to act as a deterrent. israel's defense minister says his country is prepared and donald trump 3 times to ask for an interview with dylan and to put in a musk, but the event is played to the massive technical issues
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the i'm telling me a lot people welcome to the program. ukraine says it now controls around a 1000 square kilometers on a russian territory. gives surprise offensive is the largest attack on russian soil since the 2nd world war prompted. present. letting me put in to send tank and troop reinforcements to the coast region where more than a 120000 people have been evacuated. thousands of people moving to say for places as ukrainian troops sees control of dozens of russian villages, the reporting to russian president vladimir putin. the governor, of course, set ukraine had widened it's area of control,
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was the showed images, thoughts of the situation in the course of agent is difficult, was the order for the $28.00 set to minutes on the enemy control was with someone sitting on the on the bus the best for you, there was no clay front line. and the problem we have is understanding where the enemy combat units all around a 1000 ukrainian troops ran through the russian border last week into the cortex region with tanks and armored vehicles. they have now advanced into neighboring belgrade ukraine, says it controls about a 1000 square kilometers, an area big of a new york city, and course cologne. i guess the surprise attack, expose the weakness of russian border defenses in the area president below the meters to lensky, who only acknowledge the incursion over the weekend says ukraine will offer humanitarian assistance to evacuate on the ukraine inside of the border. the russian army is scrambling to contain the breach and has been forced to call in
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reserves. it has released images of what it says or strikes on ukrainian tags, and clerks. 14 says most goes army will prevail. show you the symbol, but i've given people, i'm sure it appears that the enemy with the help of the west and must as is fulfilling the will. and the west is pricing is with the hands of the ukrainians green. so as i think it's 9, the way you would see the enemy will get a decent response and all goes will be achieved. the russian volunteers are distributing humanitarian aid to his activities, arriving at temporary accommodations, making them painfully aware of the impact of a war. the protein has tried to shield them from memory now mirror on from the war studies department of kings colors, london told us why russia has been unable to stop the ukrainian advance as well.
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according to official reports, there was only one line of defense that was a weak spot and the ukrainian side has been able to exploit that week's part, the end, the porosity officer bore there in order to conduct this offensive. and course, and i, i think that that is one of the reasons why is this location was chosen because they knew the previous slide news that they could get through very easily without a lot of resistance and inside russian, especially inside the ministry of defense. and the monthly intelligence services, i'm sure that they are already looking for a guilty party. and the also reason for that is that ukraine succeeded in musket rothko. we have seen a similar thing being done by russia in the higher q region works. the premium side was caught off guard then now the ukrainians said, well, both parties can play this game and so they manage to conceal those 2 battalions at
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the essentially deployed the course was ministry on a list. marina muran attentions behind the middle east. dr. wanting is of an eminent iranian attack on israel. is role defense minister. you'll have kalonde said his country is in a state of midland and preparedness. tensions have been mounting in the region over the killings of leading members of the militant groups, hamas and hezbollah. the us has ordered a guided missile submarine and another aircraft carrier to the region. move that seen as a wanting to iran. i know german chancellor laf schultz has appealed to. you runs new president muscle as i scan to do everything to prevent further military escalation and the released schultz wrote that the spiral of violence in the middle east must be broken. now any alternative entails unforeseen risk for the countries in the region and the people. and he continued saying, in my call,
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in my phone call with the uranium president, i urge that everything be done to avoid further military escalation. early i spoke with ben, ben tyler blue from the foundation for defense of democracies. and i asked him when he expects the ride to retaliate against israel. that really seems to be the question of the hour. really. we see the question of the past 10 to 11 days. there is no doubt in my mind that both these comic republic of iran, which is the patron as well as some elements in his proxy network, like lemonade. it has a lot are benefiting from the fear in the uncertainty and the doubts caused by the potential delay or dragging out of this response. but i still do see this as a matter of when and not if, particularly given that on april 13th and april 14th the regime launched a historic 1st direct overton kinetic attack from or on you in territory against israel address for the listeners and viewers out there. that's anywhere from 900 to 1400 kilometers and distance depending on where project houses are fired from. so i
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do think the leaders mean what they say. i think right now they're enjoying much of the world trying to come to them and call for a d. s collation in the tensions. but make no mistake. i'm looking to find a way to, to essentially say what much of the hard line press has been saying and tap around for the past week and a half. which is to engage in blood lust after the killing of a smile. any impact on are following us president donald trump has been speaking to the own of x e. long mosque in an interview streamed live on the social media platform. speaking to the test, the owner who has endorsed the republican now many trump took a series of swipes, a top democrats, including vice president, carla harris, and the chat. he called about a new present and north korea's keen jung on smart and vicious. and he said he told the russian president not to invade ukraine. it's all started almost an hour late after technical difficulties. and must said what down to a cyber attack?
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us political commentator if and famine shed his assessment of trumps conversation with mosque. well, it was a classic situation you on musk is a very intelligent human being. he attempted to have a conversation with former president donald trump, who was down 3 points in the latest polling average. but the majority of what i heard was just the usual round of, of lies and attacks and nonsensical statements regarding things like solar power and nuclear power. it was a very odd conversation and there are even suggestions that tonight's broadcast was in violation of title $52.00 of us codes, chapter 3. 0 one for an illegal campaign contribution. interesting. i think there were also a bit of a warning from the you as well about the contents of that. i think they were
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worried about about misinformation. but how useful is it for these 2 man? let's start with trump to have it on most in his corner as well. eli mosques, fanbase is, is not necessarily the same as donald trump's. there is crossover there. so that's a very smart strategy on the part of for our president trump, to work with you on mosque was pledged significant money to get voters to donald trump. so this was a good move on trump's part and mosque. that's another question. yeah, i'll do is because most has the business and goal that he chases, but he's also pushing himself forward as a kind of cultural for lead. what does he stand to benefit from closing up the drum? he stands to benefit the tax and trade policies of donald trump, which is for the wealthiest americans to have huge tax breaks and for businesses
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to benefit from deregulation. that's what most stands to benefit from. for furthermore mosque has actually been hurting himself with his right wing and far right wing and re tweeting of conspiracy theories and he submitted comments, etc, where his car sales are being damaged because at least originally, the tesla buying bass was actually very left leaning and seems to be getting hurt by this new right word swing by you on mosque. and in the grander scheme of things, the, the, the electro campaign. what do you think this conversation does? does it add much to, to what's going on? you know, that's an interesting question. it's hard for me to see how this heavily benefits or changes any outcomes. i think most money,
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if he's really gonna throw tens of millions of dollars at the trump campaign, could have an effect. he does reach young white males particularly. and that cultural appeal could be beneficial to donald trump, but i think overall, the numbers have been showing their comma here is tim. walt's ticket on the democrats side is having a much greater success reaching younger voters. so it will be hard. it's hard for me to imagine that this is going to have much of an impact, but it is possible to live with that for now. it's on famine. thank you for speaking to us. thanks so much for having me on this. take a look at some other stories making news around the world. the leader of a canyon doomsday sacked has gone on trial over the deaths of more than 400 of his followers in one of the wells was called related tragedies. home, mackenzie's sense of incited people to stop himself to death,
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so they could supposedly need, jesus looks, he's now accused of multiple accounts of mine. so, so the draft law allowing goals as young as 9 to be married has spots of protests across the rack rights activists say the proposal which is backed by conservative. she mostly politicians would legalize child rate. and if it becomes law, religious authorities would have the positive decide on family affairs, including marriage, divorce, and child care. greece has off the european union for help to combat the wildfires threatening the capital. athens. thousands of people have been forced to flee as firefighters and military personnel use helicopters to try to contain the blazes, which in albany for a 2nd day, strong winds and upper long drought, a few along the flames in the attic, a region north, east of the capital, homes have been set ablaze on hospitals and schools are closed. residents could
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only watch as huge flames and call this warehouse one of several properties destroyed in the massive fi a matching towards the greek capital. by a cruise of wicking frame, typically to battle the plays with people pitching in to help wherever possible for me, i like what are we trying to save all the houses around apart from ours? it's a difficult situation. the firefights isn't everyone here trying their best. the thing is you can't find the nature a medically split up as i get. so people are not in the house next door. the trees were on fire. i don't know what happened because we were told to leave, but the situation is tragic but significant. you can 6 smoke names, residents can only hear and not see, even nearby, and helicopters working disliked messiahs strong winds,
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intended dry conditions have made. peddling, the blaze is specially tricky. with flames stretching more than 25 maces high in some places. june and july, with the hottest month either recorded in greece, which also recorded its rule mister winter. either the fire is estimated to have been through about 15000 hic da as of land an area, a logic then man has health is on its way from several e u countries from italy and the check for public are among those seeming equipment and assistance. thousands of residents remain on standby as the finest reasons, more homes and civil athens hospital is being prepared to take casualties.
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well that's it for now. coming up next on documentary takes you to the heart of romania to explore the captivating region of transylvania. i'm told me a lot. thanks a lot of the, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers subscribe to those channels every friday, subscribe to plan, it's a the nearest.


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