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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. russia's president accuses ukraine of taking what he called insane steps that could escalate the war. vladimir putin has ordered tank and troop reinforcements to the cursed region. ukraine says its troops are taking part and the biggest port military incursion on russian soil since the 2nd world war. also coming on european union sense health degrees that can't come sooner enough for firefighters and residents on the outskirts of athens as claims rates for thursday. the
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hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. rushes for an intelligence surface has accused president below to me is the landscape of taking quote, insane steps that threaten escalation of the conflict par beyond. the region ukraine's president says his troops are now taking the war to russia, where they say they control a 1000 square kilometers of territory in the course region. still, the thousands of russians moving to safe places. as the cranium troops seize, control of dozens of the village was revolting to a russian president vladimir putin. the governor of quotas said, ukraine had widened its area of control and especially images. thoughts of the situation in the cost region is difficult to understand. 28 such a minute. so on the enemy control was what somebody said on the, on the bus,
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the bus, the, there was no clear foot line. and the problem we have is understanding where the enemy combat units on thousands of ukrainian troops rammed through the russian boat at last week into the coast region with tanks of vehicles that have now advanced into neighboring belgrade. ukraine says it controls about a 1000 square kilometers. that's an area a bigger than new york city, around coast alone. the surprise attack, expose the weakness of russian border defenses in the area. president, for lot of them is a landscape who only acknowledge the incursion over the weekend says ukraine will offer schuman to terry and assistance to if actually he's on the ukrainian side of the board. and the russian army is scrambling to contain the breach and has been forced to call in reserves. it has with these images of what it says, strikes on ukrainian tanks in cost. but 14 says most cars,
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how many will prevail? a suitable similar doing people. i'm sure it appears that the enemy with the help of the west and must as is fulfilling the will on the west as pricing is with the hands of the ukrainians green. so the book, and i mean when you see the enemy, you will get a decent response and all goes will be achieved. the meanwhile, russian volunteers are distributing humanitarian aids to evacuate ease, arriving at temporary accommodations, making them painfully aware of the impacts of a role that protein has tried to shield them from shore. while ago i spoke with our correspondent sonya public, a in ukraine's capital keep. i asked her about the latest developments in the war heavy, we've had a number of i read a lot of 12 tonight and really would discontinued into the morning here in the
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cafeteria. keith, as well as in many regions of ukraine. um, i really don't think a lot of people here are lot of sleep last night. we joining in the ukraine and media that russia carried out ms time, and it strikes overnight, a targeting infrastructure in so we that as the northern region and ukraine, the board of the coast region where you're creating troops the carrying of this incursion, the emergency services on the site we don't know the extent of the damage, but ministry officials here to also saying that overnight russia launched with this to gave me messiahs and dozens of sha had goals. many of them were reportedly shut down. i think this is fault if you pray and of course, bracing for retaliation from russia off. that's kind of surprised incursion into that. uh, coast commodities. what do you cranes, political, and military leaders say about the push into russia? sonya are willing to sign off. so just how big of a scale of this incursion is we heard yesterday from ukraine?
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stop. i'm going to take a bundle and extend the 50. and he said that the queen all controls 1000 square kilometers in the cost region. he's also said that offensive operations there are continuing, we've had several reports suggesting that causes of ukrainian troops and tanks and 7 ukrainian village dates are now involved in this operation. we heard from president vilicki as when last night he in his evening address. yes. to be, you don't acknowledge the offensive and said the operation course is a real catastrophe for presidents 14. now, so lensky hasn't said much about the kind of goals and motives behind this incursion. he's kind of framed it as a way of pushing the wall back into the a graceless territory. he's talked about a rusher having used the coast region to launch, you know, more than 2000 abriel strikes on you created territory this summer. and he's, you know, said that this is about a responding to that, and this is about bringing the wall closer home to russian to ordinary ukrainians.
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make this development. sonya, how do they feel about their country's troops now finding inside russia within the symbolic level? i think this incursion and cost because certainly great for ukraine's more all, you know, the dual credits of the i've spoken to ensure in keys. many of them seem almost taken aback of by this kind of shift in the one that attends of to you in a month. so bad news and setbacks on the battlefield. this suddenly showing its own . this is something we've also heard from residents, ulta, northern, you paid in regions of to me with a resident southern evacuated because of the ongoing fighting in the neighboring coast region. i think one of the main talking points here on ordinary premiums is really kind of the pilots and supplies elements around this incursions. this is in sharp contrast with a highly publicized need up to the you know, for you to create income to offensive loss skills. so i think this is certainly welcome use of where you pay sonya,
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thank you. that was our correspondence. sony father and ukraine's capital key. several e u. countries including friends in italy are sending assistance to help greek authorities. combat wild fires encroaching on athens, firefighters of uncovered the body of a woman in a bartel factory and in athens, suburbs. the health ministry confirms dozens of people were injured. as the flames spread rapidly. fire chief say they are no longer battling a single far, but rather many localized places, entire neighborhood, north of the capital had been evacuated. the residents could only watch as huge flames and call this warehouse one of several properties destroyed in the massive fi a matching towards the greek capital via cruise, the working frame to clean you to battle the plays with people pitching into help wherever possible to go to my left,
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what are we trying to save all the houses around? apart from ours, it's a difficult situation. the firefighters and everyone here trying the best, the thing is you can't find nature a medically split up as i get. so people are not in the house next door, the trees were on fire. i don't know what happened because we were told to leave, but the situation is tragic, but significant. you came 6 smoke names, residents can only hear and not see. even nearby helicopters, working disliked the fine is strong winds. intended dry conditions have made that bring the blaze is specially tricky. with flames stretching more than 25 maces high in some places. june and july with the hottest month either recorded in greece, which also recorded its rule mister winter either. the
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fire is estimated to have been through about 15000 hic da. as of land, an area illogic then man has health is on its way from several e u. countries from italy and the check for public are among those seeming equipment and assistance. thousands of residents remain on standby as the finest reasons, more homes and civil athens hospitals being prepared to take casualties. i spoke earlier this morning with a correspondence, so if you eclip talk in athens, she spent the past few days in the back to the area. and gave us this update on the flyers. well, the situation remains very, very critical. terry this morning. so 5 forces worked um around the clock throughout the night and still this morning we have several friends and also the
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fires claim. their 1st victim of a 60 year old woman which was trapped in the building. she was working in the area of the laundry, and right now the creations are going on and it's extremely difficult. and as the wind is still very, very strong. i'm in the and the city center of athens right now. but in the, in the affected areas that are several of the residents are still there trying to protect property, which tire, of course, is operating there. and it's still very, very tens. um, everything seems not under control. by now, at least now, the athens metropolitan area has over 3000000 residents. is the capital prepared for the fires to come even closer?
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well prepared to um, to react to the situation when it comes to cleaning budget taishan to, to setting up a fire breaks. however, that has been a criticism, especially by residents, not only by the affected areas to make a long term plan in order to react as this is not something unusual during the summer months. now, the greek government has requested help from you partners what. what kind of support is needed uh well a different um, the kinds of support, of course, on the one hand, i ariel fire forcing um, such uh, equipment such as uh, water bombing and plains helicopters, of course. and on the other side, of course, ground troops. so people specialize in managing and extinguishing those high scale uh, fires and also uh in the several um next days. maybe also when it comes to coordination
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um on the ground. so that was the w correspondence. so if you live talking in athens, let's catch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world day. a iran's foreign ministry has dismissed calls from france, germany in the u. k. to exercise restraint amid warnings of an imminent or rainy of the attack on israel, instead called on european countries to quote, stand against the war and gaza, around blames israel for the killing of hamas, his political chief in tehran last month and is about to respond because guard in costa rica has intercepted the semi submersible best for carrying 2 tons of cocaine off the country, southern coast to colombians and one ecuadorian citizens that have been arrested. the suspects attempted to sink the vessel once cornered by authorities, as well as the criminalization of cannabis is here in germany. early this year was
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celebrated by many, but the countries infamous bureaucracy has since proved a real downer kind of as clubs which are supposed to provide legal access to the weed or having a hard time getting off the ground scenes of jubilation. not berlin's brand. number gates on april, 1st, they mark to decriminalize ation of china based in germany, much awaited by many adults can now possess and smoke marijuana. and public bureaucracy seems to be standing in the way of access to legal cannabis. according to the new law, individuals can grow up to 3 cannabis plants at home. and as of july, 1st, people can apply to establish so called kind of bits, social clubs, associations where members can grow plants together and share the harvest. the problem, some clubs have been unable to apply for a license in berlin. not a single club has managed a hand in their application. frustrated club founders have come together and
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started organizing to put more pressure on the authorities. the responsibility for the permit application is being shifted back and forth between city and district authorities. we feel like we are being lied to from start to finish. the berlin city government told the w it is currently clarifying which office should oversee the permits. while this is being sorted out, the responsibility falls under district authorities. this still doesn't provide much clarity to the hold for managers of the kind of as clubs and questions remain as to whether this new law really makes it possible for people to access kind of boost legally. yeah. is there something i've already signed up to be a club member and now we're waiting, waiting. the books happening more and more in my circles is that people are getting their own accounts for the way they do this. you in germany is a contest. so free. this wouldn't change anything the way it is right now. so people still use cell of dealers, you know, because still we have no shops to buy the fund somewhere despite some skepticism
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cannabis club founders hope they can soon overcome the bureaucratic hurdles. and finally, start growing legal marijuana. you're watching dw nose up next close up, looked at the struggle for democracy on tick tock, extra you cream was like a stepping point, you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a safety for me to train, you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently more people than ever on the world wide in such a fashion, life categories, something that is common very, very sense. and yeah, can we learn more about or no one a story info, migraines chick, total cars become
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a political battlefield. i will look this population my algorithm.


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