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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the does the state of winners live from berlin, russia as president, accuse us ukraine of taking what he calls insane steps that could escalate the warm blooded rebooting his order tank and troops reinforcements to the cursed region. ukraine says its troops are taking part in the biggest foreign military incursion on russian soil since the 2nd world war also coming. they are being very incense health to greece and can come soon enough for fire fighters and residents on the outskirts of athens as the plains range for us thursday. and the cords in bangladesh has opened a murder inquiry against our prime minister. she casino over the police,
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killing of a shopkeeper during last month student protests. the welcome to the show uncle shirley. russia as foreign intelligent service has accused ukraine's president will let him read the landscape of taking, quote insane steps that threaten an escalation of their conflict. far beyond the region, the landscape says his troops are now taking the war to russia, where they say they control a 1000 square kilometers of territory in the curse region of the thousands of russians moving to safe places. as the cranium troops seize, control of dozens of the village was reporting to a russian president vladimir putin by the governor of quotas, said ukraine had widened it's area of control and the stage showed images. thoughts
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of the situation in the course of agent is difficult to understand. 28 such a minute. so on the enemy control was with somebody sitting on the, on the bus, the best for you. there was no clay front line. and the problem we have is understanding where the enemy combat units on thousands of ukrainian troops rammed through the russian border last week into the coast region with tanks of vehicles that have now advanced into neighboring belgrade. ukraine says it controls about a 1000 square kilometers. that's an area, a big of a new york city, around coast alone. the surprise attack, expose the weakness of russian border defenses in the area. president for all of them is a lensky who only acknowledge the incursion over the weekend. says ukraine will offer a human to terry and assistance to evacuate. he's on the ukrainian side of the board
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of the russian army is scrambling to contain the breach and has been forced to coal in reserves. it has what are the same, it is of what it says strikes on ukrainian tanks in cost. but 14 says most goes on me, will prevail, a suitable symbols. they're giving people, i'm sure it appears that the enemy was the help of western masters is fulfilling the will on the west as pricing as with the hands of the ukrainians. agreeing to that. but i mean, when you see the enemy, you will get a decent response and all goes will be achieved. the meanwhile, russian volunteers distributing humanitarian aids to evacuate ease, arriving at temporary accommodations, making them painfully aware of the impacts of a wall that protein has tried to shield them from an arrow correspondence on your phone. the car is in the cranium. capital keeps telling you what more can you tell
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us about the developments incurs it was the reports of an on going back to the actions of russian civilians in the, in the coast question. we've heard from ukraine's a top winner creek a bundle and extend the service. can you who says that you creating all controls of 1000 square kilometers in the coast? clinton he says, was offensive operations. i'll still go on going exactly a week off to you create improves plus push they we into, into cost of now there are several reports of, of thousands of ukrainian tanks and troops of $7.00 ministry with deeds being involved in this operation. and now they seemed to be pushing deeper into that region as, as the old reports talked about, but also across the board, the ukrainian side in the northern region of so me the situation is since we're showing that more than 20000 civilians had been the back created from their, from tubs and supplements of your party, say that overnight russia academy dot misaligned strikes on. so be hitting
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infrastructure damaging power lines. a gas pipeline of a hospital building. it was every cause that were damaged in that the attack as well. and today we showing that 2 queens where the tree come on does now impose new restrictions on civilian movements, the 20 kilometer models on off to me, citing kind of intensifying hostilities. and the reason i'm saying, you know, that increased activities of all this, the russian, sabotage and rick on this, on the groups in the area. it's only up to 12 people in the ukraine make of this move. how do they feel about their countries troops? now, suddenly finding inside russia and seizing territory to when i think there's little doubt that this huge bush, by creating troops into russia has certainly provided a significant boost to, to your credit in moran, you know, the ukrainians. i've spoken to sure in the capital the keys, most of them have been quite happy. some of them really taken aback at this kind of sudden total of events. this shift all in the one narrative of the month of utah
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bad news and said backs on the box and feed, but this a blue charting on this incursion. but of course, that will also concerns about a retaliatory attacks by rochelle. what exactly that could target, though? it has to be say, the full spot, ukrainian cities and towns, unfortunately, are already accustomed to large scale russian bombardments of civilian i'm imagery is what does industrial interest talk to? so i think some people like us can, you know, what could get worse, like what, what would be the, what was the response? no, might well show. so there are other concerns. one of the major concern i think here is that if russia were to deploy a lot of troops include us, can actually cutoff and, and surround, recreating troops that could potentially lead to, you know, most casualties. but even most capture friends as well. and that is really fraught topic if you create and so there are certainly concerns here as well. now we've looked at the situation curse. we've looked at the situation. and so me, how likely is the ranting incursion into russia to affect the other front in the war? well,
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one of the you creating lawmakers, he would have said that one of the objectives of this incursion with the speculation to the stage is to kind of divert russian troops and move them and equipment on to russian territory away from the east of ukraine. specifically, the eastern done both front with russia for months has been carrying out for nicholas attacks and really finding on the pressure on all the straits you premium defenses around strategic tones like vocal i'm told it's in, in the don't you region. so the hope is that this will kind of piece some of the pressure in the east, but that has not happened of that you're printing military. in fact, has said that russia has step up a tax on the book on the front. and the fighting is in fact intensified since that incursion by you're creating troops into the coast quick to double use on your phone, a car from keith. thank you so much. several e u countries including france and italy, are sending assistance to help greek authorities come back while fires encroaching
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on athens, the capital firefighters have uncovered the body of a woman and a burn town factory and an athens suburbs. the health ministry confirms dozens of people were injured as the flames spread rapidly, fire chief said they are no longer battling a single fire, but rather many localized glazes, entire neighborhoods. north of the capital have been evacuated. the residents could only watch as huge flames and call this warehouse one of several properties destroyed in the mess of fi, a marching towards the greek capital via cruise. the wicking frame took lee to battle the blaze with people pitching into help wherever possible. i liked what we tried to save all the houses around and apart from ours, it's
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a difficult situation. the firefighters and everyone here trying the best. the thing is you can't find the nature a medically split up as i get. so people are not in the house next door. the trees were on fire. i don't know what happened because we were told to leave, but the situation is tragic but significant. you can 6 smoke names, residents can only hear and not see, even nearby and helicopters working disliked the fine is strong winds, intended dry conditions have made. peddling, the blaze is specially tricky with flames stretching more than 25 maces high in some places. june and july, with the harshest month either recorded in greece, which also recorded its rule mister winter. either the fire is estimated to have been through about 15000 hic da as of land an area,
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a logic then man has health is on its way from several e u countries from italy and the check for public are among those seeming equipment and assistance. thousands of residents remain on standby as the fi. a 3 sions, more homes, and several athens hospitals being prepared to take casualties or correspondence, a forklift. hockey is in athens and spent the past few days in the affected area. she gave us this update on the fires. the situation remains crucial. i'm right now in the least you have the most effected areas where several houses, cars are burned down. you can see it uh, behind me. and uh, as we speak. assets are still falling down. uh, so the situation is still uh crucial. however, most affected areas as we speak are put under control,
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but as the fire is not completely pulled out, everyone remains on high alert. and also there was a warning, especially for the upcoming hours where the winds are expected to stay as they are right now. very strong or even stronger. so um everything is still uh tends. um, what i see here in boucher is the people that have been evacuated yesterday and this morning start coming back to their houses to check the damage and to see if their houses and homes are still there. that was sophia clift, talking from athens. take a look now at some other stories making news around the world today. authorities have a rest of the 18 year old man after a stabbing at a mosque in northwestern turkey. the attack injured 5 people leaving 2 of them in a critical condition. turkey's interior minister described the attack as random and has vouch to investigate the coast guard in costa rica has intercepted
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a semis, submersible best, sol carrying 2 tons of cocaine off the country, southern coast to colombians and one ecuador and citizen, help interested the suspect attempted to sink the vessel once authorities corner them around. foreign ministry has called on european countries to quote, stand against the war and gaza. the statement comes after a ron dismissed calls from france, germany and the u. k. to exercise restraint, amend warnings of an eminent iranian attack on israel. iran blames israel for the killing of a mass political chief and tear on last month. the united states reason, the deployment of a submarine and fighter jets israel is being seen as a warning to a ron to stand down on its threats. follow surgeries is with me now. he is a professor of international relations as one is school of economics with a focus on the middle east. welcome back to the w. fall is now,
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is there any reason to believe that iran will not retaliate or limit its retaliation? a take is that you're on will most likely retaliate for israel is that allows us as a nation of how much stop politically this 900. yeah, in the wrong, iranian officials have repeatedly said that they have the right on the international law to respond to the humiliation and the destination of how much politically the on the tab cars. but my reading is that the wrong and leadership does not really want allow tool with a israel. they are taking that time. they are trying to calibrate that attack in a way that does not really provide these riley 5 minutes. that was a pre tax for the full escalation, full side escalation. so to answer your question in, in, in a,
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in directly i think it will most likely be measured and try to avoid civilian casualties. in israel, iran's new president, mostly protest skin is considered more moderate than his predecessor, is there or was there hope for the escalation with this new government as well. i mean, we know that the new president, the agenda is the agenda is very clear. he wants to focus on the economy. he wants to open up the wrong of society, the one to restore relations with the western governments. but remember what happened on your end is in all duration. uh, i best send a yes my you honey. yeah, was the, i mean guess ivana for the wrong in the the ship was killed during the migration. um, it was really great humiliation seen by the wrong in leadership. so what the, your, on your leadership is trying to do is to basically that's what they say to try to
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restore the task, strive to prevent israel going visit is round, not really a take a so the rush and for the wrong and president, it was basically a major sabotage before even he uh, on his own cabinet. but at the end of the day for your own, yours, the wrong president does not really make the final decision on full on policy strategic matters. it's the so praying lead the wrong idea so many who is the commander in chief. but based on what we know, that then you're arguing president is trying to limit your role as retaliation. because in his thoughts and his phone conversations with the french president and the british prime minister salma, you made it very clear that the way to the escalate is to have a c spot to and the blah blah thing and god. and this is, might give the wrong a way out to climb down from the tree. mm hm. now, and this is what we have publicly been told, right?
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that, that there was a rebuttal of the western nations appealed for restraint. what do we know about the back door diplomacy efforts and in this issue? well, i think this is a very important question. i think what we know, what we do not know is more important than what we know. we know that the united states and you're on uh, communicating directly and in direct they have been doing sofa wide, you know, since the uh, uh, break out to the war in gaza. we also know that your theme governments, whether germany or problems or britain are really trying to also, uh, the escalate the crisis we know pop out and take in egypt. and jordan are also playing a role. but at the end of the day, you're all going to need to have made it very clear. they cannot afford not to retaliate. and sadly, to say, as a student of international relations,
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that's what states do the idea prestige. the idea of the time is very important. but at the end of the day, it's been 2 weeks now. and the fact that you're on and phys, by law level as well, i have not 3 colleagues. it's so far, it tells me they are trying very hard. that decision will be designed to retaliate without really provoking and a further escalation between israel and the united states on the one hand and you're on any it's local allies on all that as far as jurors from the london school of economics. thank you so much. great to get your insights. thanks. and to other world news, dr. is in cities across india have stage to strike over the alleged rape and murder of a doctor and a government run hospital in the eastern city of calcutta. police say, a suspect has been arrested by the protest, are spreading rapidly with diamonds traders demanding justice and improve security . and the court in bangladesh has opened
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a murder inquiry against allison prime minister, shay casino over the police killing of a shopkeeper during last month student. protests. 6 other top officials are among the accused. more than 300 people were killed during the widespread protests before . has seen or resigned and fled to india or bangladesh, the students whose protests led to the alister of former prime minister shaken. so you are switching the focus of their activism. now having achieved change at the top of the political hierarchy, students in the capital dock are now pushing the interim government to deliver generational change to a system. they say remains deeply corrupt. this is where it started just weeks ago. the now peaceful campus of tucker university was at the center of filing dashes. as students liked it, the government attacked students demanding change from the government that started spread across all of funds that these. and let's do
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a hard to track down by the speed that lift many students and young people that it was the fight that eventually late former prime minister. she had christina to fleet the country and the creation of new instead of government, headed by a leader to students wanted nope, a large yet. mohammed eunice. it is very helpful for us that he is the supervisor of the term government. and i hope that he will be stake and this 30 steps, and if it can be fixed and still making the succession of the country better. and because the system of the country is very caught up the right now. and we need that eve, establishment of the system and the find me that the far to be spent on the country . the students are also demanding security from those still fit for the of the government. they want safety in cam press and that's the safety includes our safety from outside during the spins and also from 40 to go to se, nathan,
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we seem in us from out inside our campus. we don't want any of our teachers to be or do you think any se negative and powerful because we want them to the main on by us in any situation. wireless sense of normalcy appears to have it done to the campus. many still keeping those off of the fellow classmates outside the campus. the students are painting attribute to those skilled during the projects are my dear, as have said, a lot of things before to sacrifice their lives for the country, their captions and their facebook quotes d b, then all these quotes are you able? mission started. that said a lot of meaningful things to us. we want to remember that for the rest of our lives, and we want our next generation to see everything. we want the names to be remembered . we want one that said, we want them to remember everything. that's why vehicle name everything. everything
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that they have said in our university was the predicts, begin with students demanding a change to the government school system for us to the service jobs. it ended with an of that of she had cutting us government, making the students even more determined to strive for a free and democratic country. we can out here from our fund. i'm actually is a student from bangladesh who has been living in germany for the past 4 years. so great to have you on the show. and i want to start with, with the feeling you had when you 1st saw your fellow students take to the streets in bangladesh, did you expect them to be able to basically topple the government? it? there was a strong belief within me. of course, it was a feeling of extreme jubilation. if i may say um i was so proud i'm still so proud of what we are doing, what we have achieved so far. it, it had been a long month the month of july of for this and looked at it is that we have experience and or if it was a collective struggle for us and we have,
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i think what we have done is revolutionary. it is that you have an ocean in our country and to think that such a powerful government tools such, such a powerful dictator. by mister shakes, i've seen how she would be able to resist her regime and be able to oust her, as is just show us how strong a student movement or general population movement can be. yeah, it was the 1st step for allister. there's a lot more work ahead. what do you expect the interim government to do now? guarantee, maintain government are trying to find out where all the diseases lie in the system . and they're trying to diagnose all that. all the, all that is that to diagnose we recently found out what or how broad bigler options are and how, how much depth the country has. and how can we try to work on that in the future
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that trying to lead down the plan for us to detroit? and they are also trying to he farm and the constitution in a way so that the next government the next find them into a government that comes into bower, is not able to form such an autocratic regime that this government was able to do. and the students do want to remain instrumental in the stone. there is a, there has been a call for a resistance weak program that is set to start today. can you tell us what that is about? so there was, there was kind of like a judicial cool, reversed school planned uh, by the heads of the supreme court and head judge and etc. and we got to know about it. and then doing this weekend, we both tested near the supreme court and we do minded forward. there is
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a conditions of the athletic divisions as an accept trump and thankfully our court a square successful and we weren't able to stop that traditional cool. what we learned is that, that there are on spent of de politics working in the whole system. everyone is trying to gains something out of it. mostly the fall in regime they are trying to do and do all that good work that we're trying to do. which is why all the student eaters, and all of the student organizations from all around the country, banded together and call the industries or this didn't speak, because we hired rumors and speculations that the government is. and the farmer by administer shake has the i is trying to come back to bangladesh
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and i'm trying to oust and legitimize this government somehow destabilized his government with our anarchy. um, yes, i'm at the. how promising do you find the legal efforts against a casino in relation to, to the killings that took place during the protest? mm hm. so one of the demands of the students right now is that the needs to be, uh, i just described in the font to far all the feelings done by the former regime and to be one of the private citizens. us of the country filed a criminal case against a prime minister, 2 of our ministers, the home minister, and um, the rhodes rhodes minister, who is also the, you know, security officer party my, when the show many and 3 commissioners of the police. and so all of them have
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a, have been, uh, charged. um and we, we do want justice. we do want that. they are taking into you know, like they are taking into serious excuse me. no, just this. yeah. we'll have to leave it there. that was our but i'm going to thank you so much. i and a quick reminder of our top story at this hour. the russian foreign intelligence service has accuse ukrainian president boulder as a landscape of taking, quote, insane steps that threaten escalation of the conflicts. far beyond the region. the landscape says his troops are now taking the war to russia, where they control a 1000 square kilometers of territory. and that's all for now. stay tuned for in good shape. i will be back with more of the top, the next hour. thank you so much for joining us by the
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