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tv   Check In  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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from around the, as all from the news for now and 2nd is next the we are all set. we are watching to see the to bring you the story behind the new the will on about come by as information for free might say do to and done all over the. 1 old, this used to be the symbol for the cold war and the separation of germany and east and west portland. well, construction on and started on august, 13th of 1961. that's exactly 60 years ago. that's why this time i'm in berlin.
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even though the wall has now been consigned to history, there are still remnants of it scattered around town. today i'll show you where to find them and the stories they tell. for 28 years, the wall divided for land. capt families and friends of parts and brought great suffering upon the people. there was heavy surveillance and many escape attempts from east to west end. the tragically, the there were a border crossings between east and west berlin. one of them was this one page of clicking on november 9th of 1989. the day the wall came down. this border crossing at bonham. monstrosity was the 1st to open and the news spread like wildfire and just one power 20000 people crossed from east berlin
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to the west. legally that is to this day, this is one of the greatest moments in german history. this commemorative stone was built out of an original piece of the wall and the wall trailed, has thoroughly transformed the area today. this is a paradise for cyclists. 3rd nature lovers, but until 1989. this was the depth strip and no man's land between east and west for the wall was 155 kilometers long and enclosed west berlin. so i have a lot to cover, but i won't be doing it on foot. you can find these kinds of scooters on every corner now or do you just need an app at all? we go, the
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my 1st stop is brendan berg, definitely berlin's most famous monument and the symbol for freedom. during the cold war, it was right behind the border in the soviet sector of the city. the plot is today a popular spot for a tourist from around the world. but back in the day it was off limits to the public it's difficult to imagine when up until 32 and years ago, there were surveillance towers and tank traps. here with an app called mile a are, you can see exactly where the wong used to run. it's an uninterrupted. it's just one day later. the 1st wall was built. the
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other company, yes, 2 decades of good vision. the. the moving on to put a lively transportation house with skyscrapers, hotels, office buildings, and restaurants when germany was divided. this was actually the broadest stretch of the desk. almost all buildings and the militarized stone were torn down. and here too, you can find remnants of the wall this is arguably the most famous remaining part of the berlin wall, east side gallery, and the longest 1.3 kilometers run along the river shortly after the wall came down, 118 artists from 21 countries painted the eastern side of the wall,
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the most famous works of the top on crossing through the wall and the fraternal kits between leon impressed enough and electronic of the not far from here. the old abound branch crossed is the spring. back in the day, it was the only way to get some parts for it and the west to freely sign in the east. next stop checkpoint charlie the most famous border crossing. here i need them to move out of the berlin wall memorial. you can see how huge the order process and why is it stretched over to i live as we don't have various check in stations yet. the empty allies guard house quality, we retain that small division is warm for light franklin street i make for i would go in later. a metal container,
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lots of symbolism and lots of irony. the old anything remaining here today is a replica of this provisional allied control booth. the ddr is massive. border complex is log on to the checkpoint, charlie, so fame is why has everybody who comes to berlin heard of it enough to say quantavia william charlie became famous due to an event that took place here 60 years ago. here in october, 1961 and the american and soviet tanks faced off here during the hottest phase of the cold war. those images went around the world and made this place famous. and that fame has lasted to this day as before, the keys and gets v as there are a lot of tour that's around it's a huge attraction that's named in every berlin guide. but there are critical voices to alleging that it has become a sort of disney land that it has little to do with the history of the places. how do you feel about that?
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that issue isn't as far as and souvenir shops we see here are the downside of a big drop this place house on taurus. luckily, there are also attractions dealing with its history. an open air gallery on a construction fence on, on the black box cold war exhibition, though they were all designed as temporary attraction. i, until there was something permanent. but this temporary, real estate has lasted 10 years. so something really, it must happen here. now here, are there any plans that you believe are aiming in the right direction? because the 2nd one is on the plan has been approved phones. this plan stipulates i there should be 2 open spaces life and that one can be used to construct a museum that involves the. ringback ringback ringback located in the heart of the capitol, the berlin wall memorial is the main place of remembrance of germany's former
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division. the construction of the wall devastated the lives as many and left its mark on that now as dressing, traces of which are still visible to day. here you can see the last remaining section of the border installations and its spatial depths complete with the wall, watch tower, and desk drums at the wall memorial documentation center visitors can learn about the political and historical events that led to the building of the wall. it's a venture will fall and german reunification band. no us trusted assault, plenty of escape attempts. the group for lena on to button or berlin under world organizes the medic towards the bottom, the both sides, which were entirely in the french secular tongue to put the boat to run along. the edge of the building of one is the property line on the roll when top one always about 13, come on for the east gym and the police came and long for building tools from the
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inside. and what's a residence could on the inside that it probably is the real property behind them that wouldn't they reached nicole eod walls, not west berlin was so close, but suddenly unreachable. the resulting desperation let many to jump out of their windows. the escape of 77 year old sleet a short so was especially dramatic still mule. what does it broke down to do a soft spring when she wants to jump in with that, they tried to pull her back into the flat about that these 2 students down below. finally, the jump top, grab the legs and the 2. she fell into the life of the bed and find department. through the basement of an old drury, we reached the reconstruction of a very elaborate escaped tunnel, the and fresh air supply, electricity cables and phone lines. the, this little cart allow the tunnel builders to bring out the debris with the
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health of the escape facilitators from back in the day, the people here also try building a tunnel themselves of around 70 projects. only 19 were successful. this is really impressive and just imagining that here have people crossing with all their belongings and a child or their children is really incredible. the most tunnels led from west to east and ran as deep as possible. so the communist intelligence wouldn't be able to detect them with their acoustic tracking devices. but what did people do with the debris? it must have been hard to hide, expecting. yeah, that's, that's be stored in the cellar where they did the taking the wherever 1st load celebrate. and was wondering where in the end, just narrow path way single. sometimes they dumped the find wooden walls which reached the ceiling. it was a real captain, miles came between the stones, even for the call to the escape. health of the will sometimes one side, one,
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sometimes the other but not all. the tunnels here are replica so that's the original escape to my last stop is mellow pack, while elsewhere the course of the death strip can hardly be followed. here it can still be clearly traced and the elongated shape of the park. a meeting chris charles were back in the eighty's. she lived in west berlin. she moved back to her native u. k. and returned to berlin in 2013. now she's part of the friends of my little pockets, those the ation. what makes this play smell of packs of specialty you? it was this trump solutions that's happened to it's just in kits. incredible. um is this the germans called it the test strips? it was the space between the 2 rolls between those tools. what was the 1st thing about this? it was, you know,
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a top dog of dogs patrolling and it was about keeping people a pos, it was, it was awful. the 1st time i came into this place, so i just, i couldn't believe it. uh, i didn't actually realize it had been landscaped into a park. i was just amazed science and a sofa theresa to thoughts as serenity parties. it takes care of the place. well, this, the place are some sense of loss. huh. what do the friends of smallpox do return because to notice the trees. so maybe we look up those trees as well to some extent of the playgrounds. and, but we also to him because of that sphere rest of the place and got excited so much just like it. this place is now ever saying that they bought things before and still debate about that pricing people keeping them. i've talked about death, it's about bringing people together. it's about lice. oh no,
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it's just for fun. and as you can see, that feeling is shared by many others. for 20 years, the wall divided the cities in berlin, germany and the entire world. this period of time will never be forgotten, and it shouldn't be because remembering is crucial to keep the past from repeating itself. so if you ever happen to find yourself in berlin, make sure to take some time to explore the history of the wall. and then a little deeper into berlin's fascinating history. we only just started and scratching the surface. so you next time somewhere in germany, the cathy, my lot of the dialogue box and the fraction of them find
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a waste of them. okay. so what happens to that? the thrown away to change this, people in the name is eco indeed on d w. this is modern days, slavery women from less than america watching as amazed in the space hours of the day. no labor rights, i'm only paying one thing to financially support this time and these back. they end up losing them in the process. a life in europe comes as a high price logo in 60 minutes on g w. get ready for an exciting, auburn toyota look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have
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a one to delete it from port yet? please go to the spot on the on expected side to side. the native species of predara. i'm going out on the set, and that is all good news for us. on the one welcome i'm saw that got the body and you all watching equal and yeah, we need to comes of the species otherwise. so they would be extinct logs, animals, and even your morning cup of coffee could be on the check. let's watch today's episode to find out more you might've seen these tiny little sl was bunched together often in.


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