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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from bottom, and that ukraine said it's offensive in russia's cost. region is not planned as a permanent occupation crime. the oldest, more mass evacuations and residents scrambling to leave us the tank, and tru reinforcements arrived to find off ukraine. surprising cushion also on the program repeating countries and specialist equipments and emergency crews to help fight wildfires and they have a great capital. thousands of people have fled, but its hope someone will be allowed to return as far as become smaller and more localized the
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. i feel good, you're welcome to the program, you cry and says it does not want to occupy rushes at costco. region permanently will do a 120000 people have been evacuated from cost and neighboring belgrade. the following . ukraine's major inc cushions into the territory. a king size is cross border attack aims to for the russian to attack. so it's terry strict on to pull russian military resources away from the ukranian from line. well, that's a surprise attack by ukraine is up politically and militarily embarrassing for russian president vladimir putin dressed and citizens are taken aback by the crating and offensive russian state. and we give you a putting a positive spin on events, but the family, as a frontline russian troops are becoming increasingly dismayed. this is how russians states media presents suprised incursions. most i see russia
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will not negotiate with those until civilian city destroyed, civil infrastructure and attack nuclear power facility. use them, you know, during that and that'll get you in the evening news program on state television claims tv reporters help rescue locals from a village in the course region. the loan number is reports show alleged successful hips on the crating, an army. well, the method was really a to, to do it, but, but investigative journalists have already challenged the claims. some of the russian defense ministers videos reportedly contain old footage that wasn't even filmed on russian territory. but in ukraine, what russian tv viewers don't see, this video from the 1st days of the incursion is believed to show ukraine and forces capturing russian soldiers among them. cons rentals. this is the russian unit along the border consisted mostly of poorly trained conscripts,
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soldiers, and experts say that is part of the reason why your crane's incursion was possible . the conscripts mother started an online petition, demanding president bugging the porch and to remove all conscripts from the border region. they have no military experience and no weapons spare the lives of soldiers who are not prepared for military action. the military's reliance on con scripts did not come as a surprise for many analysts. maybe so nobody promised they wouldn't take part in any military duties and they were promised they wouldn't be deployed in the so called special military operational 4 course. what isn't the status of it and to least officially find today? the ukraine and incursion that has brought process war closer to people inside russia. according to local authorities, tens of thousands of civilians have successfully been evacuated from boarder
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regence. these videos published by russia emergency ministry show temporary shelters build for civilians. very good. that is good for the they built the some close as the change in to this video shared on social media platforms show a different story why they want to show you how they told us to come here for the operation with the to know we are sending you a fair voices will not make russians, dave, to loose evening news, because even the degrees and several e. u countries ascending crews and the equipment that so helpful thought is deal with. while 5 that threatened athens time neighborhoods, north of the capital, had to be evacuated. however, the country civil protection minister says no longer an active fight upfront, near the safety of the origin of dealing with many small that localized file drop in a single massive blaze. resistance could only watch and huge flames and call
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this warehouse one of several properties destroyed in the mess of fi, a matching towards the greek capital via cruise, the wicking frame, typically you to battle the plays with people pitching into help wherever possible . i liked what we tried to save all the houses around and apart from ours, it's a difficult situation. the firefighters and everyone here trying the best. the thing is you can't find the nature a medically split up as is i get the reply most in the house makes the trees were on fire. i don't know what happened because we were told to leave, but the situation is tragic but significant. you came 6 smoke names, residents can only hear and not see. even nearby helicopters working disliked the
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fires. strong winds intended dry conditions have made that bring the blaze is specially tricky with flames stretching more than 25 maces high in some places. june and july, with the horses month either recorded in greece, which also recorded its rule mister winter either. the fire is estimated to have been through about $15000.00 hick days of land and area. a logic then man has health is on its way from april e u. countries from italy and the check for public are among those seeming equipment and assistance. thousands of residents remain on standby as the fire 3 times more homes and civil athens hospitals being prepared to take casualties.
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as bangladesh as new engine government gets down to business, the country's largest minority community is on edge attacks against hindu household's. temples and business has been reported since the removal of the former prime minister, shaken siena induced in bangladesh of traditionally back to allow me the policy. i see a secular in that you most of the majority of nation all the while there's hope across the bottom of the can somebody, there's one the despair or harald with them. a honda is a dyed auditor who used to work with jake because he knows of me, league. his house of dogs alluded, and the optimize of the most uprising that follows bangladesh as long time prime minister to flee army. so because song there's protocol and i'm very scan at a little bit about if someone sets fire to the house, you felt you don't want to go back to them. but i go for the private say,
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what is that door? and i still want to go back to my house and list that because i've lived in that place for so long up to me is south 2nd to i'm on. even though i'm scared of the good in life. i'm the looting that they did not. but for the best article that that's of how the, whether you to talk to mom, louisa's him do is have traditionally bad the of all meaning which is seen as a secular body. the most of the majority nation. now the feel for the safety that see very every family, every 5, even even talk, even even talk, avoiding the flats. they actually vary the clothing, the adults. they are not opening the door without conforming who's nothing to lose. and other minority groups have had, like, protest in the past week, the money protection and condemning the reason, speed of the tax the he this mom is
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a student leader and the minister in the new in durham government. he says the tax on more politically than religious, the driven to the did those responsible will have to be brought to drill down a little bit. we called upon the minority community. hopefully they will be assured to the people of bangladesh and the government of bangladesh. will stand by your heart that almost the process is out of it. but that's my mom's that'd be made by listen, if any resistance i'm a product use but many more than deals have stepped up to protect neighborhoods and templates. so iran has called on european countries to take a stand against israel's war against thomas and gaza to her on this dismissed calls from france, germany and the u. k. to exercise restraint to me, drawing fears of an imminent arabian attack on israel, around blames israel for the killing of the masters. political chief is male jaime
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intake from last month. a us baffled good sense. the region is being seen as a warning to a rock would love to come around the mountain like to is on the international relations with the focus on the iran at the university of sussex in the u. k. a. welcome back to dw. it's been something like 2 weeks since this makes heavier was killed. why is it around taking so long to take this revenge? that is for trains so loudly that it will take i think the writing in writing is facing a mess. this conundrum on the one hand, it feels obliged to retire. he is against his royal, given that it's been, he related you know, time and again by is really army and it's um, you know, um intelligence institutions and so on. and in order to restore its print abilities with his own regional allies, as well as to avoid being seen as
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a week by the police side, you're on it, it seems as it has to respond and the other a new machine that's in my view correctly as this is that any retaliation carries the risk of a response of joint response bias, right? and united states. and this response might include destruction of your ons, nuclear sites, as well as it's why to the comic infrastructure. so i'm, i'm the one hand you're on does not want to retaliate in a way that it triggers such a response. on the other hand, any response seems to carry that risk, especially lights of is raise the assistance that it would immediately respond to any attack. the inside is room, so i think that ron is trying to figure out how to respond without causing it major war with us and is low and is clearly trying to see whether a potentials as far agreements can remove. that's
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a necessity from retaliation and claiming victory by you know, saying that iran suspense has contributed to the wi fi which has time us. so you think that there is a whole then there's a possibility that this, the expected retaliation will not happen because iran is trying to push israel towards the si, fi, i can claim some sort of victory. it is possible. in fact, it runs a permanent position to the united nations on friday issue, the states, i'm saying that at their arms a retaliation will be times and carried out in a way us to not to the risk. this is 512 scheduled for this 1st day. so it is possible that be around, for example, ends up attacking sets and sites in neighboring countries in iraq, you closed on where your arm has previously claimed. so have attacked. uh, is there any relates of sides or even the nose or by john,
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which has close relations with israel without itself directly attacking is right. but i think this really depends on the way in which it is scheduled as far totes and full on thursday. kind of thing, stand the prospects of military price, because a mazda is claiming that israel should i agree to the may version of the proposal, which they have accepted at the time. and how much may not even participate in distorts on thursday, which case is ready with having, you know, a plausible excuse that decides which kind of preventive as far too to succeed is how much and not is right. right? and despite all these public proclamations, whether that comes from, from iran, or from israel, from from us or whom ever despise, well the shouting in the media doing spent but quieter, front door diplomacy with iran is already happening. i think
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diplomacy is happening, but the diplomacy, as far as we know from statements made on the western media is that the united states messages are relate to iran. and this message is basically, um, you know, one of your on of, and massive retaliation on the, you know, the coast of the consequences of a potential attack on these ro a. so this much is for sure happening. and then we have this strong statement by leaders of france, germany and breton, asking your own to stand down to which you referred to in the beginning iraq project. so then believes that they have not taken any sponsor gains as rosamond barton. and i know impression garza so beyond that, i'm not sure what else that's being sent to you around. iran is obviously also keen on seeing who wins the elections in the u. s. a democratic and administration is
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more likely to strike a deal over your honest mixer. project so in the sense that it will that will have to leave it back, but thank you for the diving. assume about so clearly dr. method of to come with mass and from the university of sussex in the okay, thank you. as i said, you're up to date some more. well, here's at the top of the by the, the green space innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the carriers, by the time it's all subscribe to the subscribe to plan, it's a chip talk has become a political battlefield. i will look as populism my algorithm.


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