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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:02pm CEST

11:00 pm
exactly has changed the red lights, dark shadows, 6 tourism in time and stuff. so the 16 dw, the, this is data we can use, these are our top stores. your crime says it's offensive investors co screening is not meant to become a permanent occupation can use as its forces not control of a 1000 square kilometers of russian territory. a surprise attack left moscow scrambling to sending reinforcements and falls more than a $120000.00 russians to flee that homes and coast and the neighboring of belgrade region. several european countries ascending specialist crews and equipment to greece to help deal with wild fines that threatened athens and time neighborhoods. north of the capital were evacuated. however,
11:01 pm
the government says that is no longer active. 5 friends near the city is hope people will not be able to return home. now 5, now fire is becoming smaller and more localized. medical staff across india on strike of the rape and murder of a training doctor at the hospital in co kata thousands months through cities demanding passive security measures as growing protests disrupt hospital services because bobby was found last week and assignment on hold with multiple injuries suspect has been arrested watching d w use from but then you'll find more on our website, dw, don't call the all over the. 1 old, this used to be the symbol for the cold war and the separation of germany in east
11:02 pm
and west portland. well, construction on and started on august 13th of 1961. that's exactly 60 years ago. that's why this time i'm in berlin. even though the wall has now been consigned to history, there are still remnants of it scattered around town. today i'll show you where to find them and the stories they tell. for 20 a years, the wall divided for land. can families and friends of parts and brought great suffering upon the people. there was heavy surveillance and many escape attempts from east to west end the tragically, the there were a border crossings between east and west berlin. one of them was this one on november 9th of 9.


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