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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 14, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from the ukraine presses ahead with it's in caution into russia. president, one of the means the lens. he says ukrainian troops are still advancing and the cask region of the seizing thousands of towns. russia has made a trade down placed the assault while the original governor warms the crisis, has not yet been overcome. also coming up hospital doctors across india strike and protest over the rape and murder of training medic, demanding bits of security for medical stuff, who they say face violence on a daily basis. and european countries send specialist equipments and emergency crews to help side walls, fives. net degrees capital type,
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some residents will be allowed to return as fine has become smaller and more localized. the i'm along side of the welcome to the program. russian authorities are scrambling to get the situation in the coast region under control a week off the ukraine launched it surprise attack there. more than a 120000 people have been evacuated from coast and the neighboring belgrade region following ukraine's major incursions. keith says it does not plan to occupying coast permanently. it says the cross for the offensive aims to for the russian attacks on its territory and to pull russian military resources away from the ukraine in front line. president followed the means of landscape, said his forces are still advancing. suspicion we are expanding the area of active operations. the commander in chief reported to our forces all controlling $74.00
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settlements in the cost region homeless. it should be jam or a he's good. he's go in, what is the more we destroyed, which is ministry presence in the board areas close up piece and true secuity will be if i was states. russia must be held accountable for what it is doing. and it is being held accountable even before you die. your credit, surprise, attack is politically and militarily embarrassing for russian president vladimir puts it as russian citizens taking it back by the ukraine. inoffensive russian states media, putting a positive spin on events about the families. a front planned russian troops are becoming increasingly dismayed. pretty cheap. this is how russians states media presents ukraine's incursions from what i see russia will not negotiate with those have killed civilians who the destroy civil infrastructure and attack nuclear power facility. use them, you know, during that and that'll get you in the evening news program on state television
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claims tv reporters help rescue locals from a village in the course region. the loan number is reports show alleged successful hits on the crane army, but the method was really a to, to do it. but, but investigative journalists have already challenged the claims some of the russian defense ministers videos reportedly contain old footage that wasn't even filmed on russian territory, but a new crane what russian t v, viewers don't see. this video from the 1st days of the incursion is believed to show ukraine and forces capturing russian soldiers among them. cons rentals to see if the russians unit along the border consisted mostly of poorly trained conscript soldiers. and experts say that is part of the reason why your crane's incursion was possible. the conscripts mother started an online petition,
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demanding president bugging the fortune to remove all conscripts from the border region that they have no military experience and no weapons spare the lives of soldiers who are not prepared for military action. the military's reliance on con scripts did not come as a surprise for many analysts. you may be so nobody promised they wouldn't take part in any military duties and they were promised they wouldn't be deployed in the so called special military operational 4 course. what isn't the status of it and to least officially find today? the ukraine and incursion that has brought process war closer to people inside russia. according to local authorities, tens of thousands of civilians have successfully been evacuated from boarder regence. these videos, published by russia's emergency ministry show temporary shelters build for
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civilians. very good. that is good for. they brought the some close. this changing to josh video shared on social media platforms show a different story why they want to show you how you know, they told us to come here for the operation to know we are sending you their voices will not make russians. dave to loose evening news because even though the united states has approve $20000000000.00 and on sales to israel, the deal include schools of fine suggests and add to it myself. but the 1st deliveries are not expected for several years. details of the sales come as iran dismissed as coals from france, germany and the u. k. to exercise restraint and major growing phase of an imminent right in attack on israel to iran blames is ralph with a can of him off his political chief is now honey, a in the arabian capital last month for us to look right sent to the region as
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being seen as a warning to iran, camera and my teen lectures on international relations with the focus on iran at the university of sussex in the u. k. he explained why it's iran is taking its time to retaliate against israel. i think the writing in writing is facing a message on the one hand, it feels obliged to retire. he is against his royal, given that it's been, he related you know, time and again by his rainy army and it's um, you know, um intelligence institutions. and so on, and in order to restore its print abilities with his own regional allies as well as to avoid being seen as a week by the police side you are on. if it feels like it has the response and the other. there any energy in my view correctly assess is that any
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retaliation carries the risk of a response, a joint responsibilities, right? the ends united states and this response might include destruction of your owns nuclear sites, as well as it's wide to the comic infrastructure. so um, on the one hand, your own does not want to retaliate in a way that it triggers such a response. on the other hand, any response seems to carry that risk, especially lights of these raise the assistance that it would immediately respond to any attack. the inside is right, so i think ron is trying to figure out how to respond without causing it major war with us and israel and is probably trying to see whether a potential ceasefire agreement can remove. that's a necessity from retaliation. and claiming victory by, you know, saying that iran suspense has contributed to the ceasefire, which has time us that was cameron mentioned from the university of sussex in the u
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. k. let's take a look now at some of the stories making news around the world's japanese prime minister. assume your case, you don't, has the announce table step down in september because you that has been in office since 2021. but his approval ratings have plummeted over i political fundraising scandal, his resignation triggers a contest to replace them as head of the governing, liberal democratic policy. the wind roof that's election will become prime minister . pamela harris, his presidential campaign, says it was told by the f. b, i last month that it was quote targeted by a for an exit influence operation. in a statement, a campaign official said they would not aware of any security breaches and remain in touch with authorities. on monday the f b i confirmed it was investigating off to donald trump's campaign, claimed it had been hacked by iran. the un is a court thing on nicholas madeira to end his crack down on protest. as in venezuela,
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25 people have been killed since contested presidential elections 2 weeks ago and more than 2000 arrested. a do row says he won by a landslide. many countries have rejected the official results. here they will be out of africa's top health organization has dictated impulse, a public health emergency. and you strand of the virus has spread from the democratic republic of the congo, 2 neighboring countries, including the run, the kenya and rwanda. the african centers for disease control has recorded more than 15000 cases and nearly 500 deaths this year. the hospitals, doctors across the several indian states are on strike over the right, right and the, the of a trading the doctor at the hospital in coal cancer, thousands of doctors march through cities demanding better. security going purchase, have disrupted hospital services. the victim's body was found last week and
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a medical college and hospital where she worked with multiple injuries. a suspect has been arrested. roger sharma is the vice president of india federation of resident doctors association which is leading the strike. he told us more about the action. actually. uh the detective start, dude, been bundle forward. is it been doctor? was ruefully they've been murdered and it didn't sustain a lot of the data. indeed myself, but is it in doctors which are looking for quite good in the country? and then uh, if you decide to, uh, like on behalf of the additional president of good association that nationwide education must be of a continued until over defined so many of so doctors and best thing going on for testing for the dates and depend india. there's a moment i'm going to be want to have better sit, go to be part of it, is it in doctors being it is it in dr. b,
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i a different plan and we do that lots of patients on a daily basis and it makes us quite liberal for uh for these that tech. so uh, according according to the central survey, uh 75 percent of all the doctors space physically abusing their lifetime and emergency settings. 100 percent of doctors have based any kind of global abuse in deluxe. jumped back to so it's kind of thought a scary situation of a bitch tribute. you see uh, a fucking on a daily basis. i anything, the hospitals that was roger chuck, vice president of india federation of president, doctors association in dallas, speaking to us or you know, several e u countries, us sending specialist crews and equipment to greece to help authorities deal with walls by us. that president, athens and time neighborhoods north of the capital, had been evacuated. however, grace's civil protection, minnesota says there is no longer an active fire front. near the city of ortiz on now dealing with many smaller, localized fires rather than
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a single destructive place. 2 days after the devastating wild fires outside of the greek capital athens, the severity of the destruction is becoming clear. and the athenians suburb of the lease, one of the most effective day, rarest with thousands of houses and businesses burned down to the ground. the scenery a complete devastation, the flames transformed the landscape literally into a waste land. the ground is covered by a thick layer of ash, and there is a very strong smell of smoke and burned wood. this woman's house was damaged by the flames. she was at work when she got the message to evacuate. she says she rushed home to pick up her parents and left. now she's back to see the extent of the damage and take care of her dog, which she unleashed before evacuating. one of her 2 dogs is still missing. i
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suppose. it seems to be packed left straight away and picked up people who didn't have a car within an hour the flames scorched the house on a is open since the 1st time. i've seen it up close in all the years i've been here the 1st time. it's gotten this far. fire crews continue to look for hot spots. a few minutes down the road from where a woman's body was found, stephanos casa, lackeys, the opposition leader of the series. a party comes to assess the situation. if the response that you're seeing here is to be job the adequate. uh then i don't know what inadequate would look like. i want to clarify that the people on the front lines are on the front line, our true heroes in my book. we are counting of them and that we are grateful to
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them. but they are understaffed. a lot of them work only seasonally and they don't have adequate equipment. and it's not just politicians criticizing the response. this homes owners say nobody came to their aid, gave you because it and there was no water tank or no fire engine. nobody's had drenched the place so that it could be saved, or at least not completely destroyed, not to build such a house, takes a lifetime of work. the house is completely destroyed. you filled with the families, says they're still waiting for official word on what to do next. and finally will time a street to office. bang, c has put the finishing touch on his surprised series of animal artworks in the purchase capital bank sees latest image appeared on the gates of london zoo. it shows a gorilla lifting the software to release a c lion and bugs while other animals appear to be watching from inside several of the animal images attributed to the bank. so you have popped up around london over
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the past week. that's it for me for now, but stay with us after the break. we have a documentary looking at how the war and gone size tuning tensions between palestinians and jewish settlers in the west bank. i'm a long cycle watching the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at these events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is. this is the weekdays on dw, the, the nothing.


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