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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin. israel faces allegations of mistreating prisoners. human rights groups say they have uncovered a pattern of systematic abuse of palestinians being held by israel. the w meets a former in maine, also coming up germany 6, the arrest over ukrainian man over the 2022, sabotaged at the north stream under seen gas pipelines. investigators say he was one of the divers who planted explosive devices, shutting officer and these main supply of russian gas. and you premium presidents, the landscape discusses the possible creation of a military administration to govern catherine the territory in russia. this comes
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as ukraine claims to make more ground, while russia says it's stopped caves troops from advancing the welcome to the program. i'm nicole fairly. israel is coming under increasing scrutiny for its treatment of palestinians in it's detention facilities. these really military is currently investigating several soldiers suspected of serious crimes against a prisoner at one detention center. but human rights groups say this is not an isolated case, but part of a wide spread pattern of systemic abuse across israel's prison system. the w corresponding rebecca river as reports from hebron where she met a former inmate both forward without altis a wild. it was a different man after leaving prison and israel. how much this is the title in the
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18 tonight? i'm thinking it a little bit of a while they spent move in full months in jail after being arrested in august 2023 . he was held under what is known as administrative detention, which allows each round to arrest and hold people without charge. and he says, the security services want to talk to him. they wanted his, some of a lot of presidents are detained without any accusation. i was arrested to put pressure on my son. he says that often masses deadly terror attack. conditions in the prison became a lot hasha sub october, but as soon as the war started, every aspect of life changed. i was beaten. i had a breeze here on my face. i had blood coming out of my as i remember it happened at the beginning of november. they got into, well, so that'll be does inside of took us to the past williams and bases that so you know, i've got a hold of him in that awhile and his testimony is among many to have surfaced in
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the wake of october 7 in a month long investigation is right of human rights organization based set them interviewed dozens of full in the prison is collecting what they say is evidence of abuse across both the prison system and detention centers run by the middle tree. that's the court. the situation they say is so bad, that is rouse prisons amount to a network of torture caps was quite surprising to for us to understand that that's what we're talking about is not them single cases. a, it's a policy. what we see now is actually that these really am in jail system, was turned into something very different from what it was into place where it's main objective. it's main. a conduct is to abuse, posting and prisoners is rounds. prison service denies such allegations saying they act in accordance with domestic and international law. but one case of the military detention center has recently made global headlines. this video obtained by is
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riley media appears to show idea of soldiers broke matching a palestinian detainee, and then allegedly raping him using shields to hide from the surveillance cameras. the incident took place in july at the state, a man detention center which is held most of the palestinian seized in gauze us into the world. again. 5 soldiers are being investigated for crimes, including right. in a statement to d, w. d is right. he made a tree, said it rejects outright allegations concerning systematic abuse of detainees in the states came on detention facility including allegations of sexually abusing detainees. but we saw below, as have been speaking out about human rights abuses at the facility. for months. we spoke to one on the condition of anonymity. every one was handcuffed to the side of the bed. the arms and legs were strapped separately so that any movement was impossible. they were all blindfolded. the prisoners i saw were naked,
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except for diaper in the united states is the rights of palestinian prisoners must be respected and has cooled on these ran the government to investigate any claims of abuse. the difficult about the form of detainees like a while to the damage has already been done. was it a shot to proceed in prison? i felt humiliation in every sense of the word go to. this is collective punishment beating without any legitimate reason. just for the sake of revenge and torture on this end of the woods. this is the true face of the occupation. mister then he was, he says he's experience. and the experience of those around him was a tragedy serving only to fuel their hatred and resentment of his rail. let's hear from nadia boss, the director of the prisoners and detainees department at physicians for human rights. israel, welcome to z. many were shocked by the findings of the bets 11 report. your group
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put out its own report in february, and you've heard similar testimony, haven't you? a yes. and that city will still viewing this, this, the business some of these because sense of control over our lawyer has managed to visit hundreds for 15 years in the detention facility. those are the engine facilities. i'm or the person who's on the order they need the visiting us speaking . i'm feeling the same thing. the all speaking about the voice is too much like a wave of abuse, torture and violence. the we, are you renting a good thing? system of these and actually what question documents showing a systematic way away relating it, what are you basically you are the a the spinning and a needs in the detention facilities. so a bit so and then we bought a just a short or give a face when they bought these testimonies. both the face for,
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for all the information that we are speaking about in the, in the investments. yeah. how is conditions for palestinian inmates and is really presence changed since the last hair attack on october 7? a religious, let's say, is the conditions and those are as j is are. those are the junction probably of submit. it shouldn't be related to what's happening in gods, on a, to the promise. it's a different system. and we are speaking about different people, most of the city and, and the, they need, know they all from the not from got to be on the condition. we are speaking about a whole different story about our different a situation, if what we had a default over for the a cause the position is what, what, how, it's not what a good place to be if those where i live with, jeez, but also the thing changed the music, a ed negligence on the left,
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on the table and became the seeing a is i sorry, i mean, this is all, it doesn't serve as a button that says ok. and you know, how many visits in the access of the i, c, r c a this stop or the treatment. the the, or the prison of belonging and live with them was nothing. people will visiting people that still have the same clothes. so spoke to a know how it changed. be a flat, it just the one person kind of describes the whole situation. you're speaking now about more than 6 people, assuming you guys in the judge of facilities a those are in detention facilities. central thought. oh yeah. that is, according to your investigations, and we're talking about how the students and is really presents. but what is real groups say is happening to tell us thing and detainees with in gaza. the the, the,
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the only the whole people in gods are inside. the guys are a, when they are people, the phone guys. now we are speaking about more to so i was on a guy's on a bus to any and on detention the or brought to inside is or are they are being held in detention facilities or under that goes to the army or under the cost to do with is already present service the i've been all these facilities in the, the army, it was a, i, b, s. the situation is very good use what we are saying for months that these conditions on these policies over ship. what is, is actually there is a lot of these are brought to speak that they are making the life of the city and the they need all the hospital be these. but it is a both of those situations that don't risk for everybody. but the thing in a, in the engine facilities for his health and even for his life as dodgy,
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a boss with physicians for human rights. israel, thanks for your time. thank you. thank mediators and cease fire talks between israel and las, are making a push to revive stalled negotiations and pretensions between israel and iran. one of her mazda is most powerful backers, a new round of talks, is said to begin on thursday, but her last hasn't confirmed whether or not it will attend. now any hopes that talks will resume are set against the backdrop of continued is really strength and build up areas and gaza were lives continue to be lost every day. just a warning, our next report contains disturbing scenes. i had left his family to pick up the certificates of his nibbling twins. now he's in a mood with his children's bodies lie alongside his wife's wrapped in plastic bags . killed and it is really bombardment in central casa. the twins were just 4 days
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old, homeless, it was a way to get the birth certificates for the babies. and my wife gave birth the day before yesterday. i didn't even have time to celebrate the so she gave birth spices very infection and she was still tired and couldn't walk the malibu. hi, it is only 3 months old. her face covered in cuts and bruises. she's the only one that has family to survive and is really striking at home. on monday, when the baby was breastfed by her mother. we've been trying to feed her for me lessons this morning, but she wouldn't accept it because she's used to her mother's milk. after 10 months support and gaza strip chemistry on health authority. so it's almost $40000.00 palestinians have been killed, needing many grieving families and many children without the parents. israel says it's military choice to avoid harming civilians and believes that that's on how to
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us. it operates in dense residential areas that can't be just on the battlefield, but they think that they can beat us in p all times. it is how much that is responsible for any civilian casualties in gaza. they don't upset that they're all civilian casualties. they wish that what 10 times more because it's a key part of this strategy. and is this really increases the pressure on how boss on its leadership. and it's responds to the october 7th terror attacks will cause ins. i'd like you to pay a heavy price. many here will be watching and hope things ceasefire, top slices for this week, and also abundance. and that some kind of deal can be reached. so i'll put them some rest bites. in this, when you're in germany, prosecutors are seeking the arrest of
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a suspect over the sabotage of the north stream gas pipelines. it's allegedly or ukrainian man who was living in poland and planted the explosive devices. in a 2022 polish prosecutors have confirmed they received. the german arrest warrant to underwater. explosions were registered on the north stream. pipelines off the danish island of bonham. in september of 2022. it was months after the start of russia as full scale invasion of ukraine and the pipelines were supposed to bring a russian gas into europe. but we're not in operation at the time. at the blasts. double your chief political correspondent, nina has told me more about the suspect we're talking about the ukranian man, whose name is given to us as load them. is that only? according to german privacy rules, we don't get the last name and whose last address was in poland. so german investigators believes that he was one of the divers appliances explosive devices
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on the note stream pipelines that arrest warrant has not been executed. so father, because he said to have already left poland for ukraine because and i quote, the polish authorities gemini, failed to include his name and a database of wanted pass. and that's what royce is our reporting. so we're also a ring that german investigators have also identified 2 more ukrainians, but there are a no and there is no arrest floor. and so these people yet do what more do we know about them? german media are reporting that there are 2 more suspect if i'm not mistaken, to 2 more suspects to ukrainians. amount on the women and german investigators believes that they could have acted as divers in those attacks. no arrest warrants for them yet. now we will remember the reports that 2 years ago that was a german yachts, that was sailing in that area, the german, your named and drummond. and it is well plausible, a say those media reports now that those people have been actually dived
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and, and planted those explosives on those pipelines. it's very important to note in this context so that none of this has been confirmed by the german prosecutors sofa. and we have the information from the post authorities, but not from the german once they've declined to comment. so this attack dates back to a 2022. besides that yacht that you just mentioned, what we learned in the meantime about how this group of people presumably was able to carry out an attack on the pipelines. a germany denmark on sweden all opened to investigations into the incident at the time of the swedish investigators found traces of explosives on several objects that they recovered from the explosion side, which then led the swedes to confirm that the blocks were in fact deliberate act. so acts of sabotage and in january last year,
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germany rated their ships may have been used to transport explosives and germany then told the united nations that they believed that trained divers could have attached devices to the pipelines and the depth of about 70 to 80 meters but so far, uh, that has been no result as far as suspects go. lots of accusations from russia that were rejected by the countries accused. lots of conspiracy theories too. and then like in sweden, then close to investigations earlier this year with no result as far as suspects go . and, but the investigations continued in gemini, can you give us a sense of how important the north stream pipelines were for germany and europe in terms of energy security? that is a significant development in this story. nicole just remember that 2 years ago, russia loans is its full scale invasion in february, european countries impose sanctions on russell because of that. russ or cub scouts supplies and responds and then in september the pipelines are subatomic and we see those explosions. so that the note stream pipelines and those explosions where at
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the center of the political tensions between russia and ukraine added support is on the other side then and says, and that has been lots of speculation, lots of conspiracy theories, as i said. but the case have been away, run cold, and now we've got this. but again, it's west note saying that the german federal prosecution service has not confirmed any of it. but on wednesday, the governments folks passed and said it's high priority to said lights on the story that it is a must have for the process of prosecution. and that it doesn't have any negative implications on germany's relationship with keith or change the fact that russia is still waging war on ukraine. does the double use me know, has a brewing speaking to you many things. meanwhile, ukraine says its troops have advanced further into russian territory, pushing forward up to 2 kilometers in the course region. since early on wednesday, ukrainian president will let him reason. lensky says his government as hell talks
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on setting up a military administration incurs to allow the evacuation of civilians inside ukraine. the military has imposed restrictions on the movement in the sumi region which borders curse. your grains military says the restrictions have been introduced because of intense finding in the area and the growing presence of russian recognitions and sabotaged units. and that is exactly where our correspondence, nick connelly is in the city, assuming 30 kilometers from the russian border and make the incursion into russia was launched from su me where you are. can you give us a sense of the feel of the cd right now? is this a city that is full of military vehicles, lots of soldiers, lots of those zip codes. but the triangle symbol paints on the side and a bit reminiscent of unit to be in the sense on those russian tanks and vehicles that came into ukraine putting 22 last night. and you could have a fair amount of planes in the sky of helicopters, drones and also some assuming
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a ballistic missiles coming in it is, you know, we, the normal when you look behind me, you'll see people going out for walking though. that's been your air raid sirens over the last few hours. typically, i think this is the that has go use to war and will be on his doorstep and russian to solve arriving within a matter of seconds because it is just so close. but there is a real kind of options and i hope when people hear that now in the ukrainian forces in coast regional pushing those russian troops a bit further away from the city. no one knows how long it's going to last and if they'll stay there. but there certainly is a sense that the stories being changed and that the ukrainian forces were able to really take the russians by surprise. yeah, and since you got there, you've been speaking to ukrainian civilian, evacuated from border villages, not just from assume me what of even telling you of the will that support nicole. right. because this was such a secret operation because this was meant to take the russian side by surprise. civilians on the credit side when not informed were not taken out before, but that would make it, it made it obvious what was about to happen. so we met those people who somebody
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got there on their own, somebody being evacuated by kind of useful transport. they were saying that whereas previously they had got used to a life being attacked while to revise those i had it ring and built drones. suddenly, the russians rector of aging, all the basic ation. they have plains ascending and glide problems and that basically surviving in the villages near within. if you come to the board, it just wasn't a realistic option anymore. and so they were leaving as fast as they could. and now let's people who are working out if they should stay here and to me, or should they should head further away from the border into, you know, central ukraine. but certainly about people saying to us, well, maybe not as fun to the russians to, since what we've been going through for the last 2 years to get a bit of their own medicine. and maybe maybe at least some people in the russian side will realize what the cost of war is and will maybe come to a different understanding and maybe put some pressure on the government. prentice. yeah, there has been a lot of speculation about ukraine's and game here. hasn't there, and ukraine says it does not seem to hold on to russian territory. are you getting
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a better grasp of the objective here? i think they're leaving those aims open and unclear on purpose. they want to basically allow themselves to opportunistically, achieve as much they can on the ground with limited losses. if the russians sending more troops and things get hotter, they might pull back in part or fully they are. but by last is comprehensive and misuse. expectations that were put on that and not being able to kind of follow through on the kind of expectations and promises in terms of background to offensive last year. so that keeps very, very quiet. and you know, they do the credit them, it doesn't work by rest of that's clear, but they might hold onto that charge of some time to then trade it from the territory elsewhere as an economy reporting from soon we thank you so much and please be safe after more than a year of war, in some don, fresh ceasefire talks arranged by the us. and sonya ravia are underway in geneva, in switzerland. also,
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jones per military leader has announced plans to attend and is not clear whether the head of the sudanese armed forces will participate to the army is struggling to hold the advance of the parent military rapids support forces who stand accused of indiscriminately killing men, women, and children in ethnically motivated attacks, some of the worst violence has been documented in dar 4 and particular, and l jeanina the capital of west star for a deadly r as f attack. they are killed at least 15000 people last autumn and for survivors to flee to neighboring shot some 600000 sooner. these people are now living in refugee camps their w as marianna miller travelled there to capture their stories. honey is 9 years old. she had a childhood with no worries until last november. that's when sedans, rapids of pulled, forces came to his hometown engineering a detect you still can speak about what happened. that's
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a bit of the big shot from all fall sides like via there were many r as a fighters. we have them all. i don't know which side the bullet came from the guy . we only found him schultz and there was no need. was shutting the leg and needed medical care quickly as i did was the family flat to chat with doctors um, protected his leg before this attack, the iris, us and allied are up munitions to control of a nearby. so denise me, base, then they went door to door and honey is hometown system metric you looking for members of african ethnic groups. negron, my son, the community. there it goes. and people are nice, executed, boys and men. they left bodies on the streets to rot. honey, it's by the very 28 people that day, including his nephew, the advisor, to manhood, shocked to me in the head. and he's watching the stomach, the pretty,
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but i found them inside the house not begin. i do a bit during this attack. he remembers are as f i t as using racial slurs or i can call the harvard. they abused, as they said, you will know of africans one. we will kill all of you. you won't have any land, but this land will be under our far today. and we will decide who will cultivate advocates not know, it's a genocide against them. they don't want any black people to remain a roll of us. so the united nation says the iris s and as allies today and as an estimated to 15000 people, an estimate key motivated mass because enough for human rights watch has also want of a possible genocide against the muscle need in the region. the 1st i killed doctors then they killed teaches. i think you would really just latest and most people with
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an education they want to end the muscle. the people realize that the even that to them for them after the mind speaks as a community leader and from personal experience the same man he prayed with in the mosque in the evening, abducted 12 members of his family and executed them. his son, the doctor, was killed while working at the hospital after one surviving family also sold safety in chad. that suspicion remains up of minds as the arab neighbors. and so don helped the hours s and pointing out must indeed houses during that attack. and some of them now live in a nearby refuge account. the other witnesses to corroborate this claim, and some who deny it. that'll make this our upcoming tinita shop civilians would never kill. this is a lie. methylated a line of those who came to chad. nobody is hurt them. the, you know,
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the divide runs deep to prevent conflict. residents tell us ethnic arab, an ethnic african refugees, are staying in separate, comes in the camp. holly, as parents are happy to watch the sun grow up in safety and it's filling them with hope for the future. when my son rose up, i hope you have a business. i imagine many things for him and working at the most and having children to yeah, i just want my son to be happy in his life. a half and the right now as before hyundai was happiest when playing football with his friends discuss of the full the remain the on stopping him from doing what he loves and what that report from our correspond. elario miller, we and our show up next made in germany visits of forest and a salmon farms that are under sustainable management. if it's the latest news and
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analysis you're looking for, you can always head to our website that is d, w dot com. and clearly from all of us here in the nation, thank you so much for joining the
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kind for us di, back. the good news is that the question is what's happening later, but what's happening is that the oldest fruit trees are gone and the forest that a long series now make okay, it looks truly shocking, but this isn't too typical. the planet is dying story. this could actually be good news made in germany next, on dw, if even that is india and it's a very viable davis 17th downtown, seem a lot of valuable boss and the fraction of them to find their ways to them. okay.
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so so what happens to that, they throw it away to change this people in this eco india in 60 minutes on d, w, the, on the long voyage through the ocean. and mother, i'm back with account for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have to come there, protect the
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ocean consultation to dw the you've probably heard of bikes made out of woods and in the past, even cause for airplanes. what is a highly versatile, durable, and of course, sustainable resource. one that's also used in a growing number of buildings. the, the problem is all force on the supply of 10 are under threats. thanks to climate change, model culture, plantations, and destructive pests. how about a natural solution also coming up in the shows of some of the farm that protects the environment and its fish recycling compound rates of tricky. and then you might think.


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