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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:14pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from the israel faces allegations of mistreating palestinian prisoners, human rights groups i, they've uncovered of pop live appears. cindy's writing, giles dw makes a former inmates also on the program. your training and president, for a lot of them is that lensky discusses the possible creation of a military administration to govern captured territory in russia. now this comes this ukraine crime. so taken mode it back of it as reports from hebron, but she met a former inmate about food without altis a wild. it was a different man. after leaving prison in his room. how much the title in the, in tonight i'm thinking it a little bit of
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a while they spent moving full months in jail after being arrested in august 2023. he was held under what is known as administrative detention, which allows each round to arrest and hold people without charge. i don't think you can give if he says the security services want to talk to him. they wanted his, some of a lot of presidents are detained without any accusation. i was arrested to put pressure on my son. he says that often masses deadly terror attack conditions in the prison became a lot harsher about sort of as soon as was started, every aspect of life changed. i was beaten. i had a breeze here on my face. i had blood coming out of my as i remember it happened at the beginning of november. they got into a while, so that'd be does. inside of took us to the past. williams, i'm basis that. so, you know, i've got a lot of time in that for a while. his testimony is among many to have surfaced in the wake of october 7 in a month long investigation. his right of human rights organization bade seldom
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intervene dozens of the prisoners collecting what they say is evidence of abuse across both the prison system and detention centers run by the middle tree. that's the court. the situation they say is so bad that as well as prisons, amount to a network of torture caps was quite surprising to, for us to understand that that's what we're talking about is not them single cases . it's a policy. what we see now is actually that these really am in jail system, was turned into something very different from what it was into place where it's main objective. it's main. a conduct is to abuse by stand. prisoners is rounds. prison service denies such allegations saying they act in accordance with domestic and international. know that one case of the military detention center has recently made global headlines. this video obtained by is riley media appears to show id of
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soldiers from matching a palestinian detainee. and then allegedly raping him using shields to hide from the surveillance cameras. the incident took place in july at the state, a man detention center which is held most of the palestinian seized in gauze us into the world again. 5 soldiers are being investigated for crimes, including right. in a statement to d, w d is right, he made a tree, said it reject outright allegations concerning systematic abuse of detainees in the states came on detention facility, including allegations of sexually abusing detainees. but we saw below, as have been speaking out about human rights abuses at the facility. for months, we spoke to one on the condition of anonymity. every one was handcuffed to the side of the bed. the arms and legs were strapped separately so that any movement was impossible. they were all blindfolded. the prisoners i saw were naked, except for diaper. the united states is the rights of palestinian prisoners must be
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respected and has cooled on these ran the government to investigate any claims of abuse, difficult about the form of detainees like a while to the damage has already been done by shot in prison. i felt humiliation in every sense of what this is collective punishment beating without any legitimate reason. just for the sake of revenge and towards the end of the woods. this is the true face of the occupation mister then. he was, he says he's experience and the experience of those around him was a tragedy serving only to fuel their hatred and resentment of his room. there was the shock of the findings of the bet, southern reports nigi i boss is director of the prisons and detainees department of physicians for human rights. israel, his group pronounced it's only 4th in february dw, i asked him if he'd had similar testimony. i use industrially will still reviewing
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these, these, the business some of these because sense of control over our lawyer has managed to visit hundreds for 15 years in the dungeon facility. those are the engine facilities. i'm or the person who is on the order. they need the thing. speaking i'm feeling the same thing we are speaking about the voice is too much like a wave of abuse, torture and violence. the to we are human thing a, i'm getting the seventies and actually what we should documents showing a systematic way away relating the basic you are the a, the spinning and a needs in the detention facilities. so a bit. so number bought a just a short or give off base when they bought these the, some of these both the 1st for, for all the information that we are speaking about in the, in the investments. and as you add bass from physicians for human rights,
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israel will take a look at the most doors making news around the world. now french 55 is that help and that greek greek account of thoughts tackle while fires. vehicles are traveling on ships from italy headed for greece. the deadly blazes of displays thousands of people and cost extensive damage. climate change may have played a pause, but critics payment lack of equipment and planning for the crisis. f b, i says it's investigating obligations that come along irises us presidential campaign has been targeted by foreign hackers, you know, is when it comes days after donald trump's campaign said it had been the subjective an email, fishing attempt a suspected to have originated in iraq to her on the nice, the obligations, the times constitutional causes rule, that prime minister stress a type of saying a be removed from office. it was accused of violating ethics rules. after pointing a cabinet minister who spend the time in jail, it's rather says he except the court's decision. parliament will convene on friday
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to choose a successive homeless jobs. the new zealand has apologize after them wishing me distributing counties filled with methamphetamine. when tested the sweets contained that potentially for 3 grams of the drug, police believe that they came from a drug trafficking operation as no suggestion of wrong doing by the charity. the ukraine says the strips of advance further into russian territory up to, to columbus is in the cost region. since early on wednesday, you're training and presidents, a lot of means. lensky says he's government has discussed setting up a military administration in cost to allow the evacuation of civilians. dear administer, who works in mankato a rhodes on topic around, but keepers creating a buffers of to protect its border communities from shopping. the kinds of industries imposed restrictions on the movement in ukraine's assuming region which for discussed middle she'll thought you say this is because of intensifying thing
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in the attic. and the growing presence of russians, recognizance and sabotaged units to the crane, launched its incursion into russia, from the city of suicide to columbus, from the russian border. dw correspondent nick connelly is that welcome, nick. there was a sense of what you say. well, assuming it might seem like a very orderly towel of people out on pretty rooms on this evening on that bikes going for was going for dinner. but certainly this is now pretty much a front line. so if you, you have lots of military hardware on the street to see what's caused with that triangle symbol that we've seen on crane military vehicles going into russia. that's pretty much, you know, every night here. they all used to having attacks and the russian side was certainly we heard what sound like sounded like a ballistic missile coming in last nights and lots of helicopters and planes and drones in disguise. that was very much easily be affordable for now. somebody
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hasn't been hit more than was the norm of the last 2 years. the certainly those villages near the front lines the, the for that is, are seeing a really intense creation of fighting. we were speaking to our activities today. we were talking about the russians using a lot of light bulbs and whereas previously they got used to attend array and drones and kind of managed to build a life that allowed them to stay safe. that just isn't the case anymore with those like bombs being used with russia. brand plans that were previously believe to be of the place on the front lines. and so they've chosen to leave and they went out here. and so me deciding whether to stay or it's, can you just continue the journey further away from the board? tell us more about your conversations with those people being evacuated from both the villages. so there was a real kind of a variety of thoughts. i'm see that was the kind of most acute logistical questions about where they were going to live, what property they will take with them. what to do about animals, it'd be left behind. little learn older relatives who refused to leave either because they were physically not able to move well because they just didn't want to
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give up their homes. then they were the people who were saying that maybe this is a good thing that it actually will show russian civilians who have been busy watching the russian army attacks crane for more than 2 years. that it would force them to kind of recognize quite how dangerous war is and they would maybe put pressure on their own government to end this war. there was that point of view. there were others who were less shows the right one of the russians, many of whom they might have known before the war, relatives friends contacts across the board. they what so showed that they would actually change anything, but at least they would be some kind of fantasy that off to a time where and people on this on the board. i'd be suffering that now the russians would have to deal with the same and they would just hope for most of them . but this buffer zone is revised ukrainian people took, but it would actually just mean that the fighting moves further away from them. and do that potentially in a week or 2 they can go back to the homes and have some kind of normalcy. return to to those things. and we have a clear on what ukraine is trying to achieve with these incursions.
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not much. i think the whole point of this is to take the lessons to draw the lessons velocity is comprehensive, where there was a lot of trailing, a lot of speculation from a top officials in care of and then less than the way of results this time they're saying little leaving the space open to change the age they go long, basically see how much they can get and how strong depression results will be asked for the kind of total buffer zone. it has be said, this is about amex in character. you like russia has in ukraine where russia claims now the old chunks, we find bloom. teresa, this is very clear. they've said this, it would only be as an exchange, as a kind of bugging chip to them, a hand back to the russians in return for our certified ukraine. but for now, i think that does essentially, that he's going better than people might expected. and those mean of famous russian red lines actually proved to not stand so much. and it says that they can make conley in see research in columbus from the russian. it's a german prosecute as a 2nd to arrive to arrest suspects of, of the sabotage of the north stream gas pipeline. 2 years ago,
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ukrainian mani was living in poland. is accused of being one of the divers who planned to the explosive devices ponies prosecute uses have confirmed. they have received the gem and the rest warrant. a 2 explosions were registered on the north stream pipelines under the baltic sea in september of 2022 was months after this down to addresses full scale invasion of ukraine. the pipelines were built to bring russian gas into europe by germany. but warranty and operation at the time. when our chief political correspondent anita hossa, told us more about the suspect. we're talking about the ukranian man, whose name is given to us as a below them yet that only, according to german privacy rules, we don't get the last name and whose last address was in poland. so german investigators believes that he was one of the divers appliances explosive devices on the note stream pipelines that arrest warrant has not been executed. so father, because he said to have already left poland for ukraine because and i quote,
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the polish authorities gemini, failed to include his name and the data base of wanted pass. and we're also hearing that german investigators have also identified 2 more ukrainians. but there are a no, and there is no arrest floor. and so these people yet, and i, we will remember the reports that 2 years ago that was a german yacht. that was sailing in that area, the german, your named and drummond. and it is well plausible, a say those media reports now that those people have been actually dived and, and planted those explosives on those pipelines. it's very important to note in this context though, that none of this has been confirmed by the german prosecutors sofa. and we have the information from the post authorities but not from the german. once they've declined to comment, it's such a political correspondent need a honda not fits your up to date, so i'll have more. well, these are the top of our next on dw choices following denny residents. as the on
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the goes test, if he's a ability to start a new life in nature, the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production. here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube, you'll update this innovation green.


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