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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  August 15, 2024 9:30am-10:00am CEST

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a david news of the, the hello and welcome to focus on europe is great to have you with us. following a week of rioting and vandalism, more than 400 people has been arrested across the united kingdom. the riots erupt after 3 young girls were killed steering and nicer tech nationwide. and she opened protests with fuels by for. busy this information on social media set, the suspects was a muslim asylum seeker, police officers were attacked shelves to vandalized or looted the riots began
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in the seaside town office, south port violence targeting muslims, migraines and minorities quickly spread, at least in cities like liverpool here. the muslim community is trying to take matters into their own hands and e, mom, adam co, it is leading the way by reaching out across the ride lines to avoid more danger and both bridges. so in a moment of reflection, after a week of unrest here in liverpool at the oldest most in the u. k. many still few anxious, racist riots. rooks, the country after false claims began spreading online, that the perpetrator of a mass stopping in nearby surfboard last month was a mislead immigrant. no one words keeps coming up here. power dates, power and it is whoever. with turn it around. you know, my, my change, my commute in my eva you know that not stop in and of itself is quite
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psychologically traumatized into today. ma'am adam kill, which is trying to reassure worshippers. here after mosques, integration centers and stores owned by muslims were targeted. does this pause and then in society and everybody stays in their own corner and they demonize each other. they throw stones at each other item called global attention when he cross the line to start the conversation with people jumping onto a slump, slogans outside they smoke, we were expecting that was the same time we decided to do some. we've decided to do something different. i've put a video online saying that, you know, we've been told that will be protest outside almost tomorrow evening. we just want everybody to know who will be protesting that you are our guests and we will have food and drink ready for you. i'm a willing to so in this sense of what your concerns are, i need to write the sliver to library was looted, reading locals,
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outraged. really just because, i mean, the library looks like that's what they're good. so yeah, i was, i was quite shocked like very of government, but not everyone is surprised that the u. k. reached boiling point. it's very common for riots to start with false information being spread. but then you surely the built on some kind of more deep seated social, economic, or political issues historian very top still tend to, which says the seeds of today's discontent began after the 2008 financial crisis. then the case breaks it votes to leave the european union. we had during the campaign around the breakfast referendum, all sorts of mainstream, non mainstream mainstreamed. politicians are kind of blaming social,
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economic problems or migrant. c, progressive dates with the individuals and yeah, particularly kind of people from level behind communities following the riots, hundreds were arrested across the country and the jail sentences were already handed done at this liverpool court bought at this nearby tub. some argue those involved worked oh, extreme is an immediate problem to anyone that has any legitimate concerns as potentially, you know, follow rights. obviously the rates of the people generally just play with the site state of the country to and people the to in addition to the power need to listen to these people. instead of, you know, basically 80 nathan and brandon the most power, right? alienation is what adam wants to avoid. coupons to open the most up, and invite those who attended the rights insight to try and build bridges. the result of all of this chaos for the last week is not my community now is
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communicating with parts of society. we've never spoken to before. i don't want things how they were before because we entered into a new phase. now i'm sure we can build some amazing relationships and alliances with people who just over a week ago, forgot we with our enemies. he's relieved that far right extreme is also seen far as number tier for no riots have being replaced by anti racist demonstrations across the country. and i support that supports for the case. ethnic minority communities in germany is facing elections and 3 eastern states was the far right a if the party heading for electoral success. this a spark concerns among foreign students in cities like comp this in brandenburg. the university has around $7000.00 students, half of whom are from abroad,
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mainly from india practiced on and on love dish. while the campus feels like a safe space, there isn't a thumping rhetoric of the far right. has read students like it'd be around me and a so they are unsure how the election outcomes may affect their everyday lives. up here, i mean to not mind you is from india. she was happy when she received her place at the university of technology in compass. it's judy arc, we just asked her already had a good reputation. and these days more international students apply to study here, then the university can accommodate campus was the only university in germany. offering mazda is an artificial intelligence. and that to mean glue soviet, that goes. so i decided to come to court this germany and the university's offering is diverse and vigorous study program based on how yeah, was born in pakistan. almost half of the around $7000.00 students here come from
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abroad, mainly from india, pakistan, and banquet dash. the 32 year old is doing a doctorate, an experimental physics, and a son also appreciates the university's international cosmopolitan orientation. this is confidential and we can bring our consultants and they can also highlight what we can do to make it in the right direction. but there is a problem. there may not be right wing graffiti here in corpus city center. yeah, the surrounding area is nothing but cosmopolitan. the far right f d policy currently leads and polls for the upcoming september states elections here, as well as in to other eastern german states holding elections. purposes the f t candidates are even being monitored by germany's domestic intelligence agency and had the name of the christian democratic union. candidates was recently assaulted. one of the people concerned about the increasingly xenophobic claimants in the
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region is university president casino county. by the here, the, the yes, the extreme right wing network associations and open nice ations here of develop time, unusual levels of coordination and corporation. and that's created a very specific amelia. and it's not for nothing that the domestic intelligence agency keeps coming back to the region, mushrooms on school, so they want to shed light on what's going on in these networks on office or even off to panache because, you know, have these and that's where i can see it up here. i mean, he hasn't had any problems so far, either on campus nor in the city, but far right. stickers do occasionally show up on campus far right. members, i've also tried to book rooms for events and well known right wing extremists have enrolled in order to influence discussions. so we don't want to leave in such a unhealthy and we are all we need is to be accessible and present in an inclusive
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and real like called post. so far, the city is very welcoming and less than i don't know if the case when the right thing is coming direction, i'm really afraid, and it's a kind of threat to a life as well. to counter this company's university has developed a program against right wing extremism, the 1st of its kind in germany. this includes workshops, education on right wing symbols, unclear messaging such as the multiple and this bench, no place for racism. cult bruce is a pioneer in this respect for these when he's complaining that we're now going to work with other gym and universities nationwide to develop a common plan of action on how to deal with the far right existing. its influence on me to like streamline for some operation. a son is married to children and has been living in compass for 9 years. he also hasn't experienced any hostility between the neighborhood or the gen but the prospect of the far right the,
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the coming 1st and the elections worries and our kids are born here. they are growing up, but still, you know, nobody knows if they are really one in germany or they come from bucks on because of the appearance of pockets and in the street or at some point it could be in danger. so we're also afraid of this, like what the future holds for it gets the other students feel the same way. does he look on these peers for the universities, good reputation abroad, but she is not afraid of the f d itself is they've been is even if the worst case, what edits come about. if we ended up with an a after you met the government, we would still have on university autonomy on a new politician of any shape can dictate what we re, central judge ca full, how we organized compass live, you know, one leading cause i know it's protected by the constitution, and that's
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a good thing. so, so forth up here, i me and a son would like to plan their futures getting compass and the region urgently need such qualified workers. so there is a lot at the state for everyone in the upcoming state elections. if you plan to visit italy, make sure not to miss the amount fee post. the strip is a must see. thanks. it was tara steep slopes that descend from the highlands to the sea and famous for the intensive lemons. this smell of during the summer, lemon cultivation is a centuries old tradition of the region, but its beauty is in danger. lemon pharma, francesco will know called a fears for his plantation after the funds assess infested many trees on the multi coast line. this could change the landscapes face dramatically. the multi coast is widely seen as the most beautiful sweep of countryside initially
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. as an integral part of the beauty of the lemons that grow here in terraces cut into the steep mountains centuries ago in summer and the air here is fixed with a scent of lemons mixed in with the sea breeze. francesco bonnet, cora is one of the citrus growers. here he has around 1000 trees and the harvest has just begun with. i enjoyed this work cubic year. i've been doing it since i was 7. i mean, was it done? lemons for me, or like a dream, as all you. but not just for francesco, the 2024 season is turning into a nightmare for harmful fungus has attacked islam, an orchard. normally everything here would be sick with fudge and fruit. the bear spots where the most echo is desiccated, the trees from inside of the flood flooded domestic. this was most fickle fungus. more and more plants are turning yellow till i have done this one to enter the 14th for me. uh, we can't use this one anymore. if you, while you move in 2 or 3 years,
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everything here will be full of most echo more time. if you wish to look up there and do the subtract those plans as well, is you will, that's the fungus slot. and now this tree is infected to it, phase one day in the wide like plastic lab was we did that with at the end of plus a quarter. here's another infected trees, but it hasn't spread here yet. and if it's the, the for the, so the back francesco is already lost about half of this year's harvest. currently about 25 percent of the lemon orchards along the amount of fi coast are infected by the fungus. and so truck you know, of to call the ready farm is association is alarmed to growers. don't know what to do. l g. the shane sun cost. so far, science hasn't find a solution to fight the most echo the major ones are, must sick because of the catalog crystal, it's important to take up in effect, to the plants by the route. i mean, as this fungus is inside the root 10 to contain throw to be, so you have to get all the roots out, the, the soil lifestyle for
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a year. so everything can rot away and cause that issue is only possible. i'm up to the only then can you plant a new lemon tree and i just hope it's not already infected as well, but i'm not seeing fit data collection the season. now that you can almost damages a notice, but i'm awfully lemons. i'm more than just citrus punch is the part of the regions lifestyle says prop yano, that'd be more i see. we don't just squeeze juice from the lemon. so we also extract essences where i live on. tell a look here for ice cream and other sweet treats via it get a multi coast as new into these things around the world to the orchard, scrolling white by the sea or doing better even so the harvesting takes place a few months earlier than it used to says kiara gabriella. she manages the amount of coast 11 farmers consortium. her own 400 lemon trees have largely been spared. the most echo she burned to fit the plants at the very 1st sign
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was so full, what was domestic, this massa phone going to say spreading because of the changes in the climate. yeah . and these thing is the cold and then room temperature is on february and march and strong wind are so hot damaging on them an increase. they put a little stream down. yeah, they noticed with the and then those adapted to cope with these extreme temperature fluctuations. these mazda, are they full easy pray to the fine go swimming money, ada? um, the 5 for you, that's the amount see, minus its lemons would equal the tourism disaster, as many places can offer, send and see. but only a murphy has stuck a memorable lemon aroma fairly low. this is our yellow gold. we just look at these terraces to do that. so i mean for to nato demonica is myriad of shatara and spokesman for the communities along the amount of the coast. he says the lemons colors and green could all be gone within 5 years, and the solution is found that with lemons,
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the multi cost would lose everything. so we have to fight to bring that many lemons from terraces of already being a band. and the consequences appear in a few years. the danger of land slides in floods, stores on francesco bought a car, his grandfather depended under lemons for his livelihood. francesco is facing the future, does anything but certain factor? so we'll try to on just as long as we can hear, some of the we might have to give up this place and go the i'm of the the a tell him government has no pledged assistance for the lemon growers of the mouse and coast. meanwhile, francesco is doing whatever he can to make it to the next time, just based jumping is arguably one of the world deadliest sports. you're free, falling to the ground at speeds upwards of 140 miles per hour. with only a parachute to sit you is a dare devil, a trip this couple,
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simon and jermel didn't fuss now, has taken thousands of times. their home ground is a lot of boning valley in switzerland. one of us hot spots for base jumping, but visitors being reminded of how dangerous the school can be laudable and it has been nicknamed. this was death valley, a team on and you have a d and the fast match. looked like ordinary hika is up systems. but often having dropped off the 5 year old son, kindergarten, they are going to help themselves of this cliff into the valley thing. then. it's the wednesday tradition, the movements they feel free is of a, the leading to fly, to be above the clouds. that's freedoms. it's like the story of the through us monday, around the dream. a flight is ingrained and those humans using we're just not quit for it and meet these at off tv tags, but certainly thought, but these wing suits,
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i think we come as close as possible to that dream of flying communities in terms of how it feels, the food c, 9, a kiss, and then the world's best wings suit based jump, a couple takes night. don't counting his jumps years ago, but the time the number to 3500 this mountain is like that home base. when you jump and i'm extra lucky because i get to fly with my wife was just getting into the side. i've seen with a partner who is that moment when you take the flight together is very, very intense. you experienced that moment very deeply. how does move in c, c? sleep? the
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general dean has power. she twist sounds, h opens. she nearly lands on private property on the outskirts of image by accident. is she afraid of dying during moments like that? do you know that human are going to die? all of us, we are going to die. so we better do what we love to do, and this is what i love to know my limits and i know how i want to expose most that myself. so i am a mom. my life is more more important than my sport. 10 years ago shall dean was the 1st to climb the mountain phone and dials. this summit in a wind suit, the well finished show which the feeling my pro snowboarder had spent many years preparing
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the switzerland snouts, headphone and valley be in the band. he's out is like a wooden suit. mecca mathias lease from the swift space association. wants to make this boat safe on, for example, with stable jump platforms, because more base jump as dying low to bonum, than anywhere else in the world. so 567 deaths have been registered. does a stripe, and he's got this. this is done tonight and face troopers have died here by didn't based jump. and i'm told people also die here scheme for you writing the climbing and hiking buttons and on the all the time people push the limits to try something between something that is a bit more dangerous than playing golf. maybe a few things can happen. full screen and it's done so i can see him. even de
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leon manuel died during a practice jump in and out typical, and then she had been with god it just the king of wing suits jump as since flying through this gap. cathy films by his buttons to go pro the summit to use visa for deaths and the notable and then finally on new reason to them the sports he loves to dollars. courthouse, everything looks good. now he comforters either to have a good to send out. steve, 321, the in liberal, switzerland. there is currently no political push to band based jumping. however, the police association rep that play on that, please would like to see an end to the high risk sports. this could also, i'm is it's gruesome when such athletes,
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men and women are many impressions of the cliffs and you have to pick up the pieces you face of and listen to them on the 9th. and the time that i was they can always on same on and yet how do you have lost friends including some who was experienced a sale that put cab with siemens wing sewage pump. nathan, many is he was killed in a relatively simple jump, but 35 years old. patrick had previously set a record for the world's longest flight by jumping off the summit of the young fellow. we ask him on whether he can explain his friend's death. it is what it is of the work, but is there a reason this can happen to such experienced flyers? just conduct the case. some people have car accidents to pass life there's. there's really not much to explain continued just switching
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to see more and shadow dean lying and then when suits is part of life, it makes them feel alive, even if one mistake could make them plummet. like because the, the dutch city of russia them is especially vulnerable to the impact of climate change. large part sly, several meters below sea level, leaving many residential areas to the threat of rising tides and flooding of to stoops. so climate change and a patient measures have been pushed ahead by the city administration for a meal fun. when some the green booth sees taken care of not only reduce urban heat, they also have another well coming, but concealed climate in proving feature
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a meal fund. rinse them, loves gardening, and his workplace is this roof of a rush or dumb office building. his commitment to looking after plants and snails appear goes beyond the joys of gardening, for the state isn't to belong. i cool, but it's becoming increasingly important for cities to store walter helping more and more water is flowing in the city office told me walter, them flood speakers label low, and the sellers, the street and the tunnels are full. the come we have to find ways to store walter with green smart roofs and it's the actually madonica devolved her to find it like on this office building the 1st of its kind to our tanks under the roof that can store rain water guarding the sewer is against flooding during heavy rainfall, the roof this ex, as a sponge, doesn't clip it, others evolve here, the flu. i've gotten a device to communicate salt to magically with a weather server and checks whether there is enough capacity for more rain. walter,
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i guide if not to open up what's your history and also a better thing to take, but it's not uncommon about the better through piping system on the buildings exterior. in the future, the water will be used for the garden or to flush the toilets in the building. but the system is expensive and too heavy for many buildings. so for now, the roof tanks are still the exception. for the new box, it doesn't get requiring to do anything with the roof. so if new buildings, but even just on existing buildings, there are around 400 square kilometers. it's flat tories area plus the picnic ring cells. and so we could connect tool to build insect hotels, to bio diversity orange to solar collectors. there's a numerous potential that isn't being exploited yet or feel more innovations such as lighter materials are needed by project times plant is clear to have more smart roofs become a sponge city to. that's all from us today, please to the next time for a new edition of focus on your up by the
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german opportunities over what is what they say. but i hope i loved them so much. i don't. my grandson, leaving home can be contemptuous, but for different reasons. and the child would then go to another country. why would that be good? i'm afraid that she would be murdered or to that i send when generations flash 30 minute dw, finding overland the. the confrontation between jewish settlers and palestinians in the west bank is dramatically increasing.
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the documentary takes a special look at the bed when village of waddell seek the refugee camp, nor shines in 75 minutes on d, w. the welcome to the tire timelines, capital for 6 tourists. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute, you pay twice or $3.00 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, it documentary uncovered corruption on child abuse. the
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youngest one, for example, let me show you this was now the film team investigate the was exactly it has changed the the red lights, dark shadows, 6 tourism in time and stuff over 16 on dw the the, the,
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this is the, the news coming to live from berlin, world health organization sounds the alarm over an outbreak of m. parks in africa, as cases serves the w h o declare is a global health emergency. the outbreak is being fueled by a new more easily. trans middlebury is also coming up talk. same doesn't shipping a cease fire and guns are set to get underway and go home from us as refusing to take part, saying it's losing faith in us, mediators by little weights and offer from israel. and 3 years after the taliban re took control of afghanistan and germany is that.


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