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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from bell in the world health organization sounds via law. i'm over an outbreak of impulse in africa as case numbers of the virus search. the w, i told the classic global health emergency the outbreak is being fueled by a new more easily transmissible, very also coming up towards aimed at and saving a cease fire and gaza must good deal to get on the way and don't come off is refusing to take part, saying it as losing face, and is us media. as you price incursion into russia has spot to new debates about restrictions on tvs use of western made weapons. we take
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a look at the west car and red lines and how they could change the gulf is welcome to the program. well, the household denies ation has declared a global public health emergency over an outbreak of a new strain of the impulse virus in africa. the virus was formerly known as monkey puck sent can be passed on through contact to prove close contact. it causes flu like symptoms and lesions on the body as it come to. it's not been detected in at least 13 african countries, but the democratic republic of congo has been hit, especially hard. the inbox is searching across africa and this is ground 0 by thousands of cases, had been
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a post in the democratic republic of congo. as a new outbreak grips the country, it's already claimed at least $450.00 lives, most of them children. and it's showing no sign of slowing down. 7 the detection and drop you to spread off a new laid off and books in eastern the odyssey. it's detection in neighboring countries that had not previously reported in books. and the potential for further spread within africa and beyond is very, warding united option to add that out, breaks of other plates, of and books in other parts of africa is clear to that, to coordinate that international response is essential to stop these outbreaks and save lives formerly known as monkey pucks and poke spreads through place contacts, including 6 closing flu like symptoms and painful pests filled legions. but this
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new strain is proving more infectious and even more deadly. an expert spirit, a growing outbreak in africa, could just be the tip of the iceberg. we believe that it's already, uh, it makes uh for international sprague done. of course. there is also the chance that'd be good. it spread beyond africa to auto redone. so the world, the world health organization last declared in pups and international health emergency in 2022 with cases emboldened 70 countries, that was loc, the shut down with the help of vaccines and treatments in which countries very few of those are available in africa. and global health officials hype, this new emergency declaration will kicks to us in the international efforts to contain the disease. leave our ologist, mom at benito, is with us now is with university of lancaster in the united kingdom. now what do
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you make of this outbreak of and pulse? how is it different from the last one in 2022. um for the last couple of uh, the world health organization has the glad uh the impulse outbreak. a, a global health emergency. how much of a difference does that make as inclusive, but it should make a significant difference because that is really the highest level of along the actual can can also um, to create a little bit of responses. and particularly when it comes to the inbox, i think in the last public health emergency we have gather enough and knowledge and information, for example. and we know of each back seems a little better. we, nobody, diagnostic testing was better. i think this emergencies really recall the coalition, and the collected effort from the globe is to really be source and re purpose those resources to pull the efforts in deploying the vaccines in containing the infection
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. inappropriate testing and making sure that the awareness is at the level where it is required to really minimize the spread, because the spread lower than this one within the continent is definitely gonna pull the risk for the rest of the world. and now let's compare this. if we can, to the last a global pandemic, the corona virus, how does this compare? is it some, similarly, infected or so with the total lives is the kind of why says, are a bone, this part quite obviously compared to the impulse. because people that are to be to dispense on less than to enter distance comes to cost to be in section with a cronum lighters. but for the impulse, you have to have a very close interaction, very close skin to skin contact. that is to be a, it's the products. and more importantly than the lesions in the unplug start developing, we've become very collectivistic disease. you cannot really misjudge that one
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compared to any other infection, but in the kronos what example fluids do cause the similar kind of symptoms. so one can easily confuse with that, but with the am, parks is very difficult to we need misjudge that. but at the same time, we also need to assess and estimate that the overall mortality, the people who died, that the impulse is significantly higher than the pro nevada. so overall impact the risk and the impact it could have. would it be look more than what we have? it must be the toner light is if it's increase in cost mission at that scale. the bi rutledge's mom is more near from the university of lancaster in the u. k. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. thanks for having me. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world sizes. as the phone call call talk to, to the states condemning the roof and matter of a female training doctor on the slogan reclaimed. the knights demonstrate this
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quote for an end to the problem of violence against women in india. smaller protests also took place in other cities around the country. the student protesters have gathered in the found that there is a capital costs in an attempt to block around is by supporters of y'all's to prime minister. shakes massena. today is a public holiday. mockingly anniversary of the assess the nation of i've seen us for all the full, the president is u. n. c will investigate atrocities committed during the reason the unrest in which more than 300 people die protesting against casino authorities in japan have lifted a week old mega quake warning that could have caused a major damage. and loss of life experts said there was no abnormal seismic activity. it's hard to bond stress that the nose quite could still occur. the warning caused people to cancel, travel, and stuck up on supplies. negotiations over
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a plan to end the war and gaza, a schedule to start and costs out today, the region is on edge as israel away retaliation from iran off to the killing. off a most political leader is may have on there and take her on negotiate as using a us draft plan endorsed by the un security council. it goes for 6 weeks, ceasefire and gaza. moss would release its remaining is rarely hostages and exchange for palestinian prisoners as well would allow the unlimited uh, 8 deliveries and its full size would withdrawal from gaza to by law says it is losing space in the us as a mediator and will not participate in the talks at the top of visual and costs off all the palestinian militant group who's october 7 turbo tax spock. this will said how boss was still willing to be briefed off to the points have been discussed
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no matter what we expect to be told by the mediators. the israel has accepted what is being offered. and any meetings should be based on talking about implementation mechanisms and setting deadlines rather than negotiating something new. otherwise less time us find no reason to participate with me in the studio. now i'm stuck up since the expert in international diplomacy and the senior director of the content extreme isn't a project who is good to have you. here at this deal being discussed in, in doha now has been on the table. and this is for months why the sudden movement? well, i think there is an element of desperation from old sites. it's very clear that these negotiations are something that ron was willing to wait for them before it defied so in advance or implemented sounds such with the getting off on yet. and this is really a last ditch effort to come to me in the military pressure that us has been building up in the region to ensure that the around understands that this is
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a very, very dangerous point of integration. and therefore, last attempt to, to reach to a conclusion, me know, how much negotiating power does, how much really of a half at this point, i mean, the table apparently, but still, well, i mean, the key, the aspect of how much does influence over these negotiations and the reason vice in wise now the head of our mazda is really these rarely hostages, that it holds these negotiations half from the stopping place by the basic contradiction, which is not get present. so i'm asked to be sausages to ensure it's survival as a group in gaza and the survival of its leadership and got assigned israel needs these hostages back in order to destroy him, us as a group and take out its leadership and thousands. so this is not a resolvable contradiction, and i've not had a forward on how this could be done. now if this is a unresolved zable contradiction of how difficult would it be to reach
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a meaningful deal, then very difficult because it would require that there is some strategic thinking about the long term aspects of how is the gaza strip going to be administered? what happens after these really security forces withdraw as part of the steel? how can they be emotions of how must be prevented if they're still smuggling routes? for example, from egypt into the college of all of these details. i've not really being address the reason why as well in fists that it has to hold the philadelphia corridor. i. e, the small strip of land between the gaza strip and the gym. egyptian for that is to prevent those smuggling tunnels from reopening. but this is exactly what time us doesn't and wants to accept. now candidates in the really agree to deal with out who's a government folding upon it, temporary data. yes. so temporary cease fire with some of these really also just back that's within the realm of the possible politically speaking, giving the composition of his government any long term solution. well,
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really bring out the basic differences within this government where you have ministers like ben grand, smart, rich, who do not want to see a basic solution for palestinians and gaza. want to push out the palestinians from jobs and make it back the race route versus column the. now the forces in the complementary ones, this conflict to and now that let's talk about the us is really relations. what role do the us play in this and all day? the ones that are really pushing yours is really pushing also because this is also the last domestic window of opportunity for the us. the us elections are really kicking off in the old and it's now and this administration, by all intents and purposes, is entering a real name, talk period before the november's during november election. so if there's any obligation by these really sites is, would not bode well, especially if that is going to be a full op democratic up ministration. now it top official income,
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and also how mazda said that we're losing face in the us as a mediator. the presence of casa and egypt fill this gap. this is just a negotiation tactic. it is very clear that without us this did, it would not even be on the table without us. this deal will not be signed by anyone on these really side. so obviously how much is bargaining at the moment? they still reading from the fact that they lost that chief negotiator a couple of weeks ago in the intent wrong. so i wouldn't take too much for granted that how much is losing my faith in the us who would replace us as a good question and answer questions with that. thank you very much. thank fuzzy. ukraine, which says it's for us as a continuing their advance into russia's post region. then days after launching this 10 days off to launching the surprise concert to crime in president for them
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is the landscape says, is government has health talks on setting up a military administration in cost to allow the evacuation of civilians. he said, plans to use the area as a strategic buffer zone to protect its border areas from russian. a tax credit cross border advance into russia is also renewed calls for its western allies to drop their restrictions on how the weapons are being used. let's take a look at those so called red lines, and how the changing the might affect the situation on the battlefield. taking the fight to enemy territory, ukraine's incursion into russia, putting the spotlight on its capabilities and rushing vulnerabilities, allegedly using western and supplied fighting vehicles. us senators, visiting keith as the operation was unfolding, said it's time to allow time frame to use with weapons as it please. it's striking
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farther into russian territory. a red line, the u. s. has so far, shied away from we want to convey to the administration of methods that it should provide more flexibility and authority to ukraine in using the weapons that have been provided to strike deeper behind the lines that exist right now. there are limits and issues of permission we hope to cut through that. thank you very much for your opinion, president, for me not to me as a lensky has long been fighting to erase that red line. yeah, those are, those are cool with the show me is the minutes the defend does seem nice. oh yeah. you said you'd have the book similar because even activity as possible with all the items in the middle range to meet with them or to use the ukraine. you know, we need appropriate emissions from all hotness to use. i don't range weapon lessons to survive yet. they look would be me. so this is something that can show more if it can be my phones,
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the just the end of this noise at this point as well as the safe side of ukrainian light was from rush to must have or features or do what grades every, the receipts go to the front line and ukraine has moved little in recent months with russia slowly expanding the territory. it occupies capturing a handful of villages at great cost. now for the 1st time ukraine controls territory inside russia, ukraine says it holds an estimated 1000 square kilometers in the cursed region. the shaded area here shows the area of the russian boarder regence of brands cost in belgrade that are in range of us, supplied high mars missile launchers that ukraine has now. but almost all of russia's military and air bases are beyond that range. so landscape has consistently pushed to use longer range. missiles like advanced attack comes, they can fire up to a 170 kilometers another red line. but that would make it harder for russia to protect the air bases from which it launches most of its air attacks. on ukraine,
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cities and infrastructure. there are also attack comes with a 300 kilometer range, which could threaten even more russian assets. over the past 2 years, the west has escalated its own arms deliveries from high mars, multiple rocket launchers to tanks, to long range missiles to fighter jets. each considered a red line all without russia taking serious steps to counter over the conflict. the red lines have changed fairly or this year. the us said ukraine to use a truck comes to fire across the board. only in parts of the hockey region that were under attack from russia. that's not the same area where you cranium, troop searched across the border. this week. for his part, russian president vladimir putin has said he has read lines to warning of possible nuclear escalation and russian territories. the time he had recommended those warnings offensive cranes incursion. unfortunately, soil playing it down to end blaming the way was not doing searchable single but
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apparently blemishes the enemy with the help of its west. and i'm often useful fitting that will you find the way and is fighting with us going with the hands of ukrainian. lisa is up. so anyway, it seems the red lines may not be quite so red as the refrain tried to desperately touch the calculus on the battlefield soon as you're away for, for us, we'll both be true. for 12, how read all these red lines? let's discuss those with bubble wrap, the form of vice admiral in the u. s. navy. now a military defense analyst with the institute for security policy policy and low at the sort of use university. i'm or how has ukraine's incursion into russian territory. effective is red lines debate. the great question, dear heard, i think it has changed the circumstances a little bit and shifted them on the other hand, you know, the red lines are you used to use a sorry to use
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a big word. incrementalism. we have to be careful about making sure that ukraine does have the wireless all to conduct these kinds of operations are kind of step back from the particulars here with arms. i think most of us you, this is a largely a defense of operations, possible region inside the cross region and also potentially going around that because of all the attacks that the russians been buying for their, against ukraine, specifically against the cranium civilians. now these restrictions, these red lines have, they haven't put you finds worth it as much as president. the landscape has been suggesting because we were just saying and it was a good clip. the to show there, there was a bear, but it wasn't packed lightly, especially over the last several months. and there's been some reason statements as well. you may have seen united kingdom that's ministry just at the early this morning last night. or time that they thought the ukrainians were authorized to use
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the united kingdom, some blind weapons for their operations. and so russia, i think some of the other statements that we've seen are along those lines as well . now that's been a long health concern about provoking food chain by using western weapons inside russia. that concern is that melting away in the west? you think? do you think it's a question of degrees or gear or i think over time there's less concerned about it . and there might be otherwise that i think the success that you create is and the reason operation over the last week, plus, in terms of what they've done a curse can also in belgrade has affected the calculus, not the ways because you know, this is this maneuver warfare which is not very predictable and we don't know what the outcome is going to be here, but i think people are less concerned about the answer they were on the operations . or do you think these restrictions on wisdom weapons will be listed in this? so what i think it's question to do overtime they haven't to do, as you alluded to earlier, i mean, you know, the f sixteens,
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the attackers in certain areas of the long range kind of the air defense weapons in particular have been restrictions on that list. and over time, i think we'll continue to see you then some of us, quite frankly, a little bit skeptical about russian and red lines. i mean, we have uh, you know, going across that the ukrainians that have several times over and over again. and another important factor is, you know, the russians are really having trouble coping with these operations. and so i curse the grains about it and they don't have unity of command. they have some significant challenges in terms of the type of troops that are available and using cost for it. so to do it. so i have the territory. i think there are a lot of other factors that affect the so called red lines. it will see those play on the days and weeks, and you just mentioned the ukrainian incursion into russia. let's come back to that is need to crane also taking significant risks that
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they are not the i think you know, they are the only risk they might be taken as if they had a couple of significant numbers of troops away from the younger activity. this taken place in eastern of southern ukraine. i think the flip that argument. uh, there's already cleared billing reports. it rushes at a full troops out of especially so that ukraine to try to call for what's happening here. and then it wouldn't be a successful network, certainly in terms of reducing the state building that russian has assigned to cram to their own offensive operations. there's risk involved any operation like this, but so far, i think the my sense is ukrainians of management. where on, especially the unity is command that they have the, for the operations are conducting inside the russian in which the russians do not have on the other side, is clear evidence that they don't have um, they're using several different kinds of troops in terms of informations. they're still having trouble putting them together for a customer there for the retard vice admiral of robert and the rach. thank you very
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much. your now let's have a look at some old world news. after a 12 year legal paso can dot com is set to be expedited to the united states from new zealand. the german born dot com is facing charges related to the now defunct file sharing websites, a mega offload us authority side comment is associates cost fil studios, and reco companies, more than half of $1000000000.00 flights. that's germany's cologne bone, apple. it's have resumed also being disruptive by climate activists from the group last generation to people glued themselves to a section of runway officer entering the airport through a hole in the fence. flights were also briefly stopped at all the german airports, a tropical storm. ernesto has a strength sent it into
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a hurricane after dumping. torrential rain on the us territorial, puerto rico. the storm knocked out to a pallet to over $700000.00 people on the islands and sto, is full cost to strengthen into a major hurricane and pulse close to bermuda on saturday. are now one of the world's most active volcanoes. easily as mount etna is erupt, thing as it experiences, a particularly high level of activity. the interruption shots, ashen smoke into the ad to hide. so some 10 kilometers slide flats that cook tanya . apple well grounded in nearby towns reported being covered in black hole. kind of ash, in an almost constant state of activity with documented eruptions going back 3 and a half 1000 years. you're watching the news as
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a reminder of our top story at this all. the world health organization has declared a global public healthy emergency offered outbreak of the impulse virus and african w h o r v in monitoring and search in cases in the democratic republic of congo. and the various as now spreads to several neighboring countries. that's it from me and the new steam. but before we go, we'll take out the space some dazzling faces of an aurora borealis and smells like anything you can see from us. following images were captured from the international space. enjoy and thanks for the
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or the
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community life on the server. research is now on the the hello and welcome to focus on your up. it's great to have you with us following a week of rioting and vandalism. more than 400 people has been arrested across the united kingdom. the riots erupt after 3 young girls were killed during a nice a tech nationwide. and so you can protest with fuels by false information on social media that the suspect was a muslim asylum seeker. police officers were attacked shelves to vandalized or looted.


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