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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news lied from ballad. see, it's fine, it's all good on the way. and don't hop negotiators meet in the category capital to discuss ways to end the israel hom oswell this as the hamas one health industry and gaza says more than 40000 palestinians have now been killed in that conflict. also coming off the world health organization sounds v a lot over an outbreak of impulse in africa. as the case numbers of the virus search, the w h show the plaza global health emergency outbreak is being fueled by a new mar, transmissible various the
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good. how that was welcome to the program. the homeless around the health industry and gauze assess the palestinian debt. so from the israel home, us was now supposed 40000 people comes as negotiate as our meeting and don't want to discuss a plan to end the war bought from us, which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries is not participating in the talks negotiators using a plan drafted by the us and endorsed by the un security council. it goals for 6 weeks is fine and gaza, how most would release its remaining is rarely hostages, in exchange for palestinian prisoners as well would allow unlimited a deliveries into gaza and withdrawal its forces. it weighs me in the studio now and circumstance. the expert in international diplomacy and the senior director of the account to extreme isn't a project. how's good to have you here at this deal being discussed in,
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in doha now has been on the table in essence, for months. why the sudden movement? well, i think there is an element of desperation from all sides. so it's very clear that these negotiations are something that you, ron, was willing to wait for um, before it decides on advance or implemented sounds that with the getting off, i'm here and this is really a last ditch effort to complement the military pressure that us has been building up in the region to ensure that the wrong understands that this is a very, very dangerous point of escalation. and therefore last attempt to, to reach you or the conclusion, me know how much the go shooting power does. how much really of a half at this point, i mean, they're not at the table apparently, but still, well, i mean, the key, the aspect of how much does influence over these negotiations. and the reason why seemed wise now the head of our mazda is really these really hostages, that it holds these negotiations, half from the stopping place,
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by the basic contradiction, which is not get present. so i'm asked to be sausages to ensure it's survival as a group in gaza and the survival of its leadership and got assigned israel needs these hostages back in order to destroy him, us as a group and take out its leadership and thousands. so this is not a resolvable contradiction, and i've not had a forward on how this could be done. and now if this is a unresolved zable contradiction of how difficult would it be to reach a meaningful deal, then very difficult because it would require that there is some strategic thinking about the long term aspects of how is the gaza strip going to be administered? what happens after these really security forces withdraw as part of the steel? how can they be emotions of how must be prevented if they're still smuggling routes? for example, from egypt into the golfing strip. all of these details, i've not really being address the reason why as well in fists that it has to hold
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the philadelphia corridor. i the, the small strip of land between the gaza strip and the gym. egyptian for that is to prevent those smuggling tunnels from the reopening bye. this is exactly what time us doesn't wants to accept. now candidates in the oh, really agree to deal with out who's a government folding upon it? temporary data. yes. so a temporary cease fire with some of these really also just back that's within the realm of the possible politically speaking, giving the composition of his government any long term solution. well, really bring out the basic differences within this government where you have ministers, like bentley and smart bridge, who do not want to see a basic solution for palestinians and gaza. want to push out the policy needs from jobs and make it back the race route versus kyle. i'm the now the forces in the government, one this conflict to and now that let's talk about the us is really relations. what role do the us play in this and all day?
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the ones that are really pushing yours is really pushing also because this is also the last domestic window of opportunity for the us. the us elections are really kicking off in the old and is now on this administration by all intents and purposes is entering a real name, talk period before the november's november election. so if there's any obligation by these really sites is, would not bode well, especially if that is going to be a full up democratic up ministration. now at the top official income, and of how mazda said they were losing face in the us as a mediator. the presence of casa and egypt fill this gap. this is just a negotiation tactic. it is very clear that without us this did, it would not even be on the table without us. they still will not be signed by anyone on these really side. so obviously how much is bargaining at the moment? they still reading from the fact that they lost that chief negotiator
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a couple of weeks ago in india around. so i wouldn't take too much for granted that how much is losing a faith in the us who would replace us as a good question. i don't see auctions of that. thank you very much. thank ukraine's top commander looks on the serious cases. keith has set up a military office in russia's coast region while it's forces us still advancing. further, he said, who crane is in control of dozens of settlements, spending more than 1100 square kilometers of russian territory. he says it plans to use the occupied area as a strategic buffer zones to protect its border region from russian to tax. in the past 10 days, ukraine has carried out the biggest attack on russian soil since the 2nd world war . you probably launched its incursion into russia from the border region of so me, which states directly across from the cost region coast bought
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a new economy was at that now destroyed border crossing and he sent us this update . so this is way ukraine's incursion into rush. it began just over with you guys. while i'm standing here is still ukraine territory behind me. you can see the destroyed for the post and 10 kilometers down the road is the russian town a soldier way if social media videos to be believed, the great new flag is already fine. for now its capacity quite here. we can hear a 35 in the distance evacuated ukraine. the residence of the villages along this border have told us that whereas before they had over the past 2 years had rush no 2 weeks for us and drones just on this other side of the border, attacking them. now, those russian boots in the ground to being replaced by russian plains in the sky with very dangerous club dumps on the road we've just driven here from to me we saw calculus, ukrainian mitre vehicles full bearing that very characteristic triangle mocking. that has been the characteristic of this incursion into russia. we saw lots of
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ambulance in the families is coming from russia back into ukraine health territory in the other direction. it's hard to get a sense of what's actually happening on the ground in coast region. russian that your bill goes and russian civilians and social media have been posting less and less. and you bring your soul just for that part of being told not speak to the press, especially not on camera. but you can please have increasingly being open about what they've time to do here. there's been talk about humanitarian car doors for russians to civilians left behind and coast region to either get back to russian hill territory or simply hit into ukrainian hilde attempting to ukraine proper. and those have been took off creating ministry or 30 some kind of body that will govern the lives of those russian civilians left behind in the ukraine, controlled thought coast regions. because our struggles to come up with a response to this incursion to coast region. ukraine shows no sign of a plan to bring its troops back over this product back out of russia into ukraine. the world health organization ethics add
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a global public healthy emergency and over an outbreak of a new strain of the impulse virus in africa. the virus was formerly known as a monkey pox and can be passed on through close contacts. it causes flu like symptoms and lesions on the body and it can kill, it's not been detected in at least 13 african countries. but the democratic republic of congo has been hid, particularly hard and polk says searching across africa, and this is ground 0. thousands of cases had been reported in the democratic republic of congo. as a new outbreak grips the country it's already claimed at least $450.00 lives, most of them children and it's showing no sign of slowing down. 7 go down into the double box, we're worried that on the mall. we don't feel that the government is mobilizing
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fear or that is concerned about the best way to try and control this epidemic, which is threatening to congo these populations. that's open what is formerly known as monkey pokes and polk spreads through plays, contact, closing, flu like symptoms and painful tests. filled legions with this new strain is proving more infectious and even more deadly. an expert spirit, a growing outbreak in africa, could just be the tip of the iceberg. this is not just a lot frequent issue. and books is a global plate, meaning that knows no boundaries nor is located in the environment is blocked, it's blocked out, but not abilities waiting on all we just went. and it these in this moment of the button that ability that we must find. i'll create the file
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and the must put that we are own lovely from the port with less on and we are playing so need that in the world health organization. last declared impulse and international health emergency in 2022 with cases in more than 70 countries. that was loc, the shut down with the help of vaccines, and treatments in which countries very few of those that are available in africa and global health officials. hype, this new emergency declaration will kick stats and the international efforts to contain the disease that's overlook not some of the other story is making headlines . thailand's coalition government is such a nominator don't on the shit of watts as a candidate for prime minister. if elected, she would be the section of a family member to lead the country off to her father and to aunt it comes a day after the constitutional court dismissed the previous leader. in an ethics
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case, the thousands of people who call close up to the streets come denning, the rape and murder of a female, trained the doctor on the slogan, reclaimed the nights demonstrate as cold for an end to the problem of violence against women in india. smaller protests also took place in all the cities around the country. student protesters half again gathered in the bundle of dish, a capital car, and then attempt to block riley's by the supporters of the house of prime minister se casino august 15th is a public holiday. that's the anniversary of the assassination of a scene. his father, a former president, around $300.00 people, died and student demonstrations that ended i've seen as north korea is about to reopen the limited international tourism this winter according to to operate this country sealed itself off 200 cove and ponds on an early 2020 and
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slowly eased restrictions last year. so far only russian tourists have been able to enter and warming ties between the nations speak, creation, coastal city also, doris, drawing in locals into it. so like with it's one of a kind see organ. it's an interesting network of types and chambliss and is taught only by the force of the sea. the musical sea front has become an increasingly popular spot as a heat wave sweeps across the balkans. this musical instrument is played purely by the waves that lap the shore. the marble steps, sons of darzy, front height, 35 under water pipes that stretch across 70 meters, swallowing air from the waves to create music. the
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all the duty of a separate vote is part of the waterfront, has turned into a meditative focal point of the city. a good of which is very welcome and very necessary in today's busy stressful life. so this installation means a lot to us. the fidelity by selecting on some of the other one was not the architectural wonder was created by architects nicolo by church and opened in 2005 . this helps transform the correlation time, which was destroyed in the 2nd world war. now it grows tourists from all over the world. yeah. uh, we heard it earlier and we, so we came here to discover this. so and the, it's good. yeah, that's a good sound. it's surprising that the good the melodies are ever changing. just as every wave is unique. so is each song,
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the organs, things every day. and that's it from me in the news team phone i'll, i'll have a world news update for you at the top of the on i'm get out of the office in berlin from me and the new scene. thanks so much the the come have a page out. take the highlights you every week in your inbox. subscribe now. yeah. you know? yeah. could dream of beauty and happiness affordable prices? this is how turkish clinics attract customers from around the world. but terrific scores and even tests are common experiences. sorry for that for me is now the victims and survivors of medical malpractice are demanding accountability reporters this weekend on dw.


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