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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news live from berlin. the white house says causes these buyers hawks are off to a promising start in could tar, they take place as is really, protesters returned to the streets to demand a deal to release hostages, held by him off. and gaza health authorities say is really military action as costs . the lines of 40000 palestinians also coming up swedish authorities were for the 1st case of a new em talks. marian's outside africa, this comes a day off in the world health organization declares a global health emergency as the variance searches across africa
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and 5 arrested in connection with the death of friends after matthew perry to doctors of the actors. personal assistant are among those facing charges, the 3 years joining us on p. b. s, and the united states and all around the world. welcome to the show. it's great to have you with us on the confer least restarts in guitar, where us officials say negotiations to bring an end to the war and gaza are off to what they say a promising start. the talks come as the home author and health industry says the palestinian death toll from the conflict has surpassed. $40000.00, a mouse which sparked the war with is october 7th terror attacks on israel is not taking part in the top of israel. is feeling pressure at home to reach and deal for
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the release of the remaining hostages. us and its allies hope a truth might also avert expected rainy and let reprisals for the recent assassination of her mouse's political leader is maya media interrogate. let's take a closer look at these negotiations with middle east experts down here get off. daniel, we've seen so many rounds of negotiations since october, but very little movements since november when that group of hostages was, was released and exchanged for a group of posting and prisoners. where do things stand right now? although the last couple of months, things have become more and more complicated. and at the same time, which is probably a bit ironic, the americans have become more and more optimistic in their communication. every time around negotiation fails, a new one started. so we have to look at the cost at the us communication strategy in order to understand what is really at stake. it is true, the americans are trying to use these hostage negotiations,
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these guys and english sessions to prevent a reasonable. but they also trying of course, by creating this like optimistic scenarios. whitehouse those books to us and don't curve you just said, i think today we're just talking about the implementation of the details, which is quite interesting. you know, it's not a question if they agree or not, is just about the details that may be far from the truth. yeah, it probably is, but it creates pressure. and then he said something else, which is very interesting. uh, i believe. and that's what the us said in the last couple of weeks, uh, repeatedly that israel did not achieve the goal of destroying and disabling, let's say, homeless as a military force and gaza. and so the american said, you will not achieve this goal. so be reasonable. you know and negotiate now john kirby said, israel has almost achieve everything he wanted in order to just to say give a face, saving exit for the net on you all government. just say you have one. you have
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a chief. what you wanted now signed the deal, and that is interesting. i think we have to really read carefully. it's all about the margins of interpretation and that's also what the guitar he partner. so doing the, the reading is, are going to tell the missouri is trying to protect these negotiations with 3 or 4 days. so basically we're going to attack, so the guitars have to say, look, them in up projecting, and we're really working on the deal. so you business, this is the role of the negotiators and as gruesome as the, as the news our every day that we hear, i think this is a very interesting type of international conflict diplomacy. all that said, what does off to a good start and mean? well, in fact that you remember last may we, we, we talked about the bite and plan when uh by the said, well this is basically, it is really a proposal and we think that it, these are, as i've already agreed to that then that then you always said no, no, we did not, it's not our plan. then they would act as ations that these are, these had tried to push in other demands for example of a continuous military presence of israel and 2 different core doors in the gaza
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strip. these are, is denied that they said like, well we, we did not invent this, we didn't come up with this a new, it was something that was already suggested, but maybe it was not outlined in detail in the plan. so it's about the words. but let's say a good start is that negotiations are still happening and that the parties believe that a deal a binding deal is necessary. because of course, you can tell it and you can say that nothing ya is not interested in a deal that's. he's been accused of that many times that he just like wants to protect the situation on and on and on until he achieves the military victory and stays in power. of course, on the other side. yeah. from us we're not interested in initial deal now. they're saying we're not going to be going even to, to have, because we remain committed, faithful to the deal that was suggested in may. keep in mind the head of how much the political head of from us was assassinated by these relays into, into iran, and the most radical and most uncompromising person that home us ever had. yeah, yes. and was, is now recently at the home and still on my says,
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we remain committed to the deal that we have agreed to and, and it may, the radiance have always said, we will take revenge. what happened in the air on, regardless of any like, you know, political arrangements, but now the messaging at the same time. if the americans achieve a ceasefire and, and gaza, then we will probably postpone or even probably cancel our revenge. and that is very interesting because we really is now for the 1st time or a very rare moment are giving the united states the constructive diplomatic role in the region. they call the americans the big devil, but at the same time they giving them a diplomatic role. and that is good news. i think the problem is the americans really have to deliver because they have created a lot of expectations if they don't deliver. now we will see a major war in the middle east and a few days. so there are so many sources of pressure at this moment, the threat of a major regional war, the pressure inside israel to get the hostages released, but also the, the number of victims that keeps growing and growing in gaza. civilians that are
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killed as part of this military operation on both sides. how much longer can the warring factions withstand this kind of pressure? well, we see that the new government can sustain the pressure for a long time and it was not intimidated. it was not even uh, lets say compressed by whatever criticism and let's be honest. the criticism was, came from the united states from every now and then. but in fact the united states just signed a major or lisa major arms deal. congress still has to approve, but i don't see, i don't see any. i don't think there's a problem there. about 20000000000, mainly a fighter jets delivered to israel. so the americans, of course, verbally issued some critical statements, but at the same time always made it pretty clear. we are going to support israel if and major conflict with around the ropes. now you see everyone has, has a lot to lose in this conflict. is real and particularly the civilians,
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the society, they are tired of this war and they just cannot afford another war. look at the palestinians. there's no safety for the protestant, as all like they are not even in the situation to decide about their own future. how much is to a certain extent, but certainly not the palestinian population. that's why the, into the community needs to speak on their behalf. you're talking about other conflicts, other players, like as well on lebanon, know you're on, of course, they want to take revenge. and of course, they want to show that they have a force of deterrence, but at the same time they have a lot to lose has well is it is 11, east party has power. it has money and it has a lot to lose. if you have power and money, you have to look the stuff to lose. so you, you, you're careful about risk and if, and the same is true for the vein and routine that has other idea, political interest that go beyond the, the, is really published in, in conflict. and that's we have to see that the interest of the players and we have to take them seriously. and then i think that's what the duty of diplomacy is. i'll have to let you go, yes or no answer. well, we have a deal at the end of these discussions. i think we will,
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but i don't know how long these discussions take, and that's the major issue. how long can you still convince the other side that you are serious? you want to have a deal, but you still need time. that's the most difficult part for the negotiators. cautiously optimistic them you'll get at least i'm going. thank you so much. i of the world health organization has declared a global public health emergency over an outbreak of a new strain of the impacts virus. in africa. sweden has become the 1st country to register a case outside the continent. the virus which was formerly known as monkey pox, can spread through close contact and pauses flu like symptoms and lesions on the body. and can be deadly as late of storage as believe to have started in the democratic republic of congo. and bulk says, searching across africa, and this is ground, say very thousands of cases hoping that post in the democratic republic of congo as a new outbreak grips the country. it's already claimed at least $450.00
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lives, most of them children. and it's showing no sign of slowing down the double box. we're worried to prevent on the more we don't feel that the government is mobilizing fear or that is concerned about the best way to try and control this epidemic which is threatening to congo these populations. that's open what is formerly known as monkey pucks. and polk spreads to place contact, causing flu like symptoms and painful tests filled legions. but this new strain is proving more infectious and even more deadly. an expert spirit, a growing outbreak in africa, could just be the tip of the iceberg. this is not just the last week of the issue. and books, is it globally wait a minute that knows no boundaries nor is located
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in the environment is blocked. it's blocked out by that abilities weighing on all we get to point and it these in this moment of the bottom, that ability that we must find. oh, great the bottom and the most, but that we are or lovely from the pull. good, less them. and we are place still need that it the world health organization last declared impacts and international health emergency in 2022 with cases emboldened 70 countries. that was loc, the shut down with the help of vaccines, and treatments in which countries that very few of those that are available in africa and global health officials. hype, this new emergency decoration will kick stats and the international efforts to contain the disease. well haven't lanier is of our ologist at the university of lancaster in england,
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and i asked him how different this outbreak of m fox is compared to the 12 years ago. the last couple of months we have been seeing an increased number of cases across the africa and now on tracking countries have been reporting these cases and it has expanded obviously, you know, 17000 cases already reported the last couple of months. and this actually has been because off of one new value into. busy the impulse clerkely id one b, and this is the one that was reflecting into the aspect of it before, but it didn't not get that mutation. so because the virus was subject and quite extensively re essentially it got those mutation. and that is what is the thing of these infection? so compared to the previous one, this particular played and this particular type of the unbox is more about danny. it can cause more disease in terms of scale. but also it has more a causing delay penalty. for example, 3 to 4 percent of the people who are infected with this one have unfortunately died,
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which is significantly higher than what we have observed in the last uh, been dominic. ukraine's top commander alexander sir escapes, says keith has setup a military office in russia's kursk region. well, it's forces are still advancing. further, you said ukraine is in control of dozens of settlements, spending more than 1100 square kilometers of russian territory. he says it plans to use the occupied area as a strategic buffer zone to protect this border region from russian attacks. in the past 10 days, ukraine has carried out the biggest attack on russian soil since the 2nd world war . ukraine launched its incursion into russia from the border region of sylvia, which sits directly across from the cursed region and our correspondence. nick connelly. send us this update from there to this is way ukraine's incursion to rush up again. just over week us, where i'm standing here is still ukraine territory behind me. you can see that destroyed for the post and 10 kilometers down the road is the russian town. a soldier where if social media, if it is to be believed,
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the great new flag is already fine. for now its capacity quite here. we can hear a 35 in the distance evacuated. ukrainian residents of the villages along this border have told us that whereas before they had over the past 2 years had rushing on to the request and drones just on this other side of the border, attacking them. now, those russian boots on the ground to being replaced by russian plains in the sky with very dangerous club dumps on the road we've just driven here from to me we saw calculus, ukrainian, mitre vehicles or bearing that very characteristic triangle mocking. that has been the characteristic of this incursion into russia, and we saw lots of ambulance in families is coming from russia back into ukraine health territory in the other direction. it's hard to get a sense of what's actually happening on the ground in coast region. russian that your blog as and russian civilians and social media have been posting less and less . and you bringing sol just for that part of being told not speak to the press,
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especially not on camera. but you can please have increasingly being open about what they've time to do here. there's been talk about humanitarian court. those for russian suits civilians left behind in coast region to either get back to russian hill territory or simply hit into ukrainian hilde attempting to ukraine. profile, and those have been took all of creating that tree or 30 some kind of body that will go from the lives of those russian civilians left behind in the ukraine control bought the coast region because our struggles to come up with a response to this incursion. into cost region, ukraine shows no sign of a plan to bring its troops back over. this pulled up back out of rush it into ukraine. it was nick connelly. and so me, let's take a look now and some of the stories making news around the world today. thousands of people in calcutta talk to the streets condemning the rape and murder of a female training doctor. under the slogan, reclaimed, the 9th demonstrators called for an end to violence against women in india. smaller protests also took place in other cities around the country. slice of germany's
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cologne, bon airport have resumed after being disrupted by climate activists from the group . last generation to people delude themselves to a section of runway after entering the airport through a hole in the fence. sites were also briefly stopped after similar protest at other german airports. hollywood actor gena rowlands has died. she was 94 years old. the award winning star was known for for training strong troubled women in films such as gloria and a woman under the influence, both of which are in her nominations for best. actress oscar us president joe biden and vice president cala harris have appeared to gather at an event in maryland. a focus on the economy and affordable health care the as it appears. first joint event, since i'm dropped out of the presidential race and endorse harris as his
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replacement for the democratic parties. nomination, opinion polls show harris has largely raised. donald trump's lead in crucial battleground states, since he entered the race and late in july, the 2 fries one another, and 5 even joked about his age, a major concern before he abandoned his bid for re election. i serve the senate for 270 years. i know i look forward to laura's time hours to damn young because only 129 when i got elected to demo benjamin alvarez was there. he's still there and now he's with us. benjamin. this must not have been an easy appearance for a couple of years, and joe biden, who was on the spotlight tonight. this. right. and that's a question. the menu were asking themselves that has been following the last couple
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of weeks. it was definitely not an easy experience. and for the campaign of campbell hours, it was important also to set the spotlight on president biden and being here in the crowd was so different to uh, the events campaign events, for example, in philadelphia would come with a higher is a period with a running made govern the tim world here the focus was on president. bide was of this new deal that the white house draft a to lower the price of 10, quite popular and it trucks for medicaid that people can get. and that's something that both of them stress. suppose it was come with a higher, is the price of president biden saying he's an extraordinary human being. and then when biden's turn, it was who said that come the heart is going to make one hell of a president. there were a few signs, a hearing of course, on a camel, a higher is it will have a big speech next week during the democratic national convention in chicago. but here it was more about lowering costs of these f these trucks, for example, for diabetes or full cancer. and a lot of that, which, you know, not only those 2,
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but also the governor. he and they were joking that he should be a poet is $48.00, so after they once have couple of harris in their wi fi. so for them, this was the official passing of the torch, but they wanted to make a difference from this event. he a very nearby at washington dc, the capital of the us to show that this is not a campaign event, but of course the test joined the periods of them since prism fight and dropped out of the presidential race. yeah, huge symbolism there is you have the chance to talk to a potential loaners attending the event. what did they tell you the trouble was standing quite nearby if, if this event that they were of close to hearing on tamela are as it were really, there was a lot of energy in this room in this arena. they said it was the right choice. also thing to president find there was a chance that we heard over and over. thank you joe. thank you, joe. when he was standing, there's a both of them appear together on stage, then she spoke 1st. he then spoken at the end, a camel harris came back out
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a showing this side of unity, the democratic party it wants to show. but of course for a job i knew must have been also a very important event. seeing that he's not in the spot like any move in now. eighty's, pamela harris, his vice president is, he's now supporting as the democratic and no many. but he said, i'm window finishing what i started being a sender dentist with a search and was also talking about a piece a something that he now can do is he's not officially annual the democratic and know many opinion polls have been putting here as a head of trump recently did you get the sense that added to the euphoria today this that may be a floria, but just looking at the polls, they're still many weeks i had until the presidential election. now we have a dates for the different debates. we have a debate between a balance of 10 volts on october 1st. now we also have confirmation that the of the debates of the presidential candidates will take place this so much that still can
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happen. it would be a mistake of the campaign of couple of hours of just looking at some polls now and say ok, we're already want this race because holes are always showing as what the moment is saying. but there's so much movement. and of course, people will be closely watching next week's dnc and chicago with former president obama, former president clinton, hillary clinton will speaking, and 10 volts as well as a couple of hours so closely calling out that will have an effect. also on the polls in the next couple of weeks past is todd is not to rely too heavily on the polls that was benjamin alvarez. thank you so much. i or 5 people have been charged in connection with the death of friends, actor matthew perry, his personal assistant and 2 doctors are among those invited very was found dead from academy overdose at his home in los angeles. last october, authorities say they uncovered and under ground criminal network, responsible for distributing large quantities of ketamine to the after as well as
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others. the prosecuting attorney says they took advantage of harry's addiction to enrich themselves. go to entertainment journalist catering matthews. now she's in los angeles, following all of this for us k, do, what more do we know about the people arrested as well as you just said, there were 5 people that were arrested in the connection of the death of matthew perry. the actor from friends, i think one of the most important things that came out of a press conference that lock local law enforcement agencies held today. here in los angeles that up to 5 people arrested. one of them was his assist that you may recall that back in october 2023. when matthew perry died, it was his personal assistant but said he had ran errands, came back to the actors home, bound him in the hot tub, and then he was unresponsive. so he called 911. now we're hearing he's been
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arrested because he is charged with actually in jesse matthew perry would kind of mean multiple times that day. he's not the only one arrest. if there were 2 doctors, another woman and another street dealer that was also arrested. what local law enforcement is telling me and telling everyone out here is that basically these people kind of worked underground. they were really underground drug dealers. telling me is usually used in surgery. and recently, it has been used for major depressive feelings that people may be having. but you're supposed to have it administered in a doctor's office or some sort of setting with medical professionals not at home. so when he was being prescribed is kind of mean by a local doctor. he was more that doctor apparently said no, he kind of reached the limit. and so matthew perry,
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2 things are on his own and decide to try to find kind of mean usage on the street, which he did. that's why these 2 doctors out of the 5 were charged because they were the ones who were making sure that he got the kidney and showed his assistant how to how to inject it into matthew perry. and then there's a young lady by the name of the she goes by the name of the academy in queens. she is known to put a provide a lot academy to various people all throughout los angeles. when ages rated her home, they said they found dozens and dozens of grams of chad. i mean, i think contain all sorts of other illegal drugs. and they also found in their investigation that she had administered. i kind of mean to some other client, i guess a few years before matthew perry passed away and that patient died and she was aware of it and continued to pass out kind of mean on the street years later. so
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ultimately was by people at the d. d, a, it's a federal law enforcement officers and obviously los angeles police department to kind of put all these missing pieces together. how do they authorities get onto them? well, you know, as i said, that kind of mean is something that has to be used in a dr study. and what they found in investigating is that although he was being prescribed the, the kind of mean it could only be given to the doctor setting. and when they contacted the doctor that had been kidding him kind of means that doctor basically said i hadn't given matthew matthew perry kind of mean it's been about 2 weeks. so then the question is, if you did not administer matthew perry that tried to mean that we then where did you get it from? and that is how they tracked down all of these individuals as kj matthews, joining us from l. a. thank you so much for all of them. thank you.
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and finally, a mystery surrounding one of the ancient wonders of the worlds may have been solved . a new study has determined the center piece of stone and was almost certainly brought all the way from the tip of scotland. the 6th tongue to meet or alter stone has been at the heart of stonehenge for thousands of years until recently. it was thought to have come from the court in wales, but a team of researchers use laser analysis to match its geological fingerprints to a sandstone deposit in scotland. 700 kilometers away. the studies on thursday. they still don't know how it was brought all the way to south west england, or why? and a reminder of our top story at this hour a cause that's how mosse run health industry says the palestinian death toll from the war has now surpassed 40000. this comes as the white house says,
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cruise talks in katara, have made a promising start negotiators. hope israel and tomas will agree to us proposed planned to stop the fighting and free the remaining hostages. there with us now after a short break, i will be back to take you for the day and the
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finding overland, the, the confrontation between jewish settlers and palestinians in the west bank is dramatically increasing. the documentary takes a special look at the bed when village of waddell seek the rest of de camp notions in 45 minutes on d, w. the
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. so you don't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing in some lines in your parent, i just want to pursue what sets my so on fire. or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become a doctor, to in the clubs. it's time to to and then when generation class, which now dw documentary was caused about why does that? because now i'm leaving the new host.
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join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between. this is a video and audio production by d w. i hope video will tune in a maybe it's a matter of prospectus talk started and don't want to day end of the forging a ceasefire deal in gaza. and while the us the shores negotiations are off to a promising start injection officials say the big disagreements remain. so far, diplomatic efforts have failed to put an end to 10 months of finding. now international mediators say it's time for israel and almost to strike a deal, but unless hasn't send representatives to the talks, it's chief negotiator was assassinated in iran just over 2 weeks ago. washington is this, an agreement can be reached at.


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