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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 16, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, we use live from 1000000000 mediators in contrast say the gods and cease my tulips, will continue friday in israel. protest is keep up the pressure on the government, demanding a hostage deal with us. and then guns that the death toll continues to rise. helpful already say it's now 124-0000 civilians and find it is relevant. you ways condemn a deadly attack by his by the settlers in the west bank prime minister benjamin netanyahu says those responsible will be court and prosecute it after at least one palestinian is killed. several arrests in connection with the death of friends act
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and matthew perry to deltas and the act as personal assistant are among those facing charges. the i've been visible and welcome the united states is a new round of talks to reach a ceasefire dealer in gaza or off to a promising stock. negotiate who's from the us, cotton in egypt to trying to secure a deal to free hostages, held by militants in gaza and bring relief to palestinian civilians. the united states and its allies hope a truce will of a n e, a writing and labor prize will the tax for the recent assassination of militant leaders in tehran. and they wrote, these marches, have become a good i've seen on is variety, streets the family itself,
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the whole state is demanding. these are the government, make a deed to for you? did relatives who had been, had been caused by her mazda for the past 10 months. the only thing that we then moved now why protested its return to the streets and is right, fresh cause up these thoughts begin in the international mediators including the us talk and into method is riley negotiators to close to a cease 5 d this is vital. were the remaining obstacles can be overcome and we must bring this process to a close. we need to see the hostages release relief for palestinian civilians and
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gather security for israel and lower tensions in the region. how much is not good at the participating in detox? 2 because we just seen garza which is run by how much is more than 40000 philippines have been good since the stock of the conflict. it's a number that is right disputes quotes. idea of forces continue to fight and guns, a maneuvering and rough uh, on eunice, and the center of the gaza strip to and attacking everywhere. cool. until now we have killed over 17000 terrorist vasa electronics. i believe, a mazda the still holds more than $100.00 hostages. their families and supporters here are hoping for an outcome that can secure, did a ton of their loved ones. as well as leaders have condemned the storming of a palace, city,
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and village in the occupied westbank on those days in which at least one person died. thousands of settlers burned cause and showed her residence in get authorities say a 23 year old palestinian man was killed and another self and critical gun shop, which is why the military says police and on the units intervened and arrested. one is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned the violence, saying the perpetrators would be apprehended and fried, settled violence against palestinians as serge since october 7th. but public criticism from is randy leaders has been right. the white house also contains a deadly attack thing is radio, so he's must take measures to protect all communities from home. this includes intervening to stop such violence and holding old perpetrators of such violence to account ukraine stump. commander alexander's do escape says keith has set up a military office in russia as coast region,
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while its forces continue to advance. he says, ukraine is in control of thousands of settlements, spending more than $1100.00 square killer because the russian territory keeps says it plans to use the occupied area as a strategic buffers on to protect its border region from russian attacks the past 10 days. i've seen the biggest attack a russian soil since the 2nd mobile. you can launch the incursion from the region of sue me, which is where our corresponded economy font this optic. so, this is way ukraine's incursion to rush. it began just over with us for i'm standing here, is still ukraine territory behind me. you can see that destroyed for the post, and 10 kilometers down the road is the russian town of soldier. where if social media, if it is and to be believed, the great new flag is already fine. for now its capacity quite here. we can hear a 35 in the distance evacuated. ukrainian residents of the villages along this border have told us that whereas before they had over the past 2 years had rushing
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on to the request and drones just on this other side of the border, attacking them. now those russian boots on the ground to being replaced by russian plains in the sky, armed with very dangerous clag dumps on the road we've just driven here from to me we saw calculus, ukrainian mitre vehicles full bearing that very characteristic triangle mocking. that has been the characteristic of this incursion into russia, and we saw lots of ambulance isn't that families is coming from russia back into ukraine health territory in the other direction. it's hard to get a sense of what's actually happening on the ground in coast region. russian that your blog as in russian civilians and social media have been posting less and less . and you bringing sol just to that box being told not speak to the press, especially not on camera. but you can please have increasingly being open about what they plan to do here. there's been talk about humanitarian corridors for russians to civilians left behind and coast regions to either get back to russian hill territory or simply hit into ukrainian hills, charging to ukraine proper. and those are being took all of creating mitre or
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thirties, some kind of body that will go from the lives of those russian civilians left behind in the ukraine and controlled pop coast region as our struggles to come up with a response to this incursion into cost region, ukraine shows no sign of a plan to bring its troops back over this, pulled up back out of russia into ukraine. or, let's take a look at some of the other stories making news from around the world. how can and asked, though, is strengthening as it moves across the northeast in caribbean earlier, there's still no doubt pounds or hundreds of thousands of people in the us to have 3 or 4 how rico immunity is now under a hurricane warning? it asked, though, is expected to cross sol come near the island santa fe a tour, arthritis a nose career is said to lead back in a limited number of the international tourists. they see it. the country sealed itself off during the cause of the band and making only 2020 and be slowly easing restrictions last year. so it's not on the russian tourist. so being able to enter
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in mid warming ties between the 2 nations, thailand's coalition government is said to nominate con, side tongue, seen a want as candidate for prime minister, if elected should be the 3rd member of the sheet of one family to leave the country after her father and the constitutional court dismissed the previous pm in an ethics case. us president joe biden and vice president kind of the hours have appeared as an event together in maryland, which was focused on the economy and affordable health care. it's the parents 1st going to advance in spite and dropped out of the presidential race. and adults harris says his replacement for the democratic party on the nation opinion polls show harris's launch, we are raised. donald trump's lead includes a battle ground state software, android device last month, the to price $1.00 another bite and even joked about his age. a huge concern before
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he advanced and his id for re election. i serve as a center for $270.00 a year. i know i look forward to your time hours to damn young because only 129. when i got elected to demo you mean i thought i was cool, but was at the event for us in maryland. we asked him who was in the spotlight tonight. that's a question that menu were asking themselves that has been following the last couple of weeks. it was definitely not an easy experience. and for the campaign of campbell hours, it was important also to set the spotlight on for the inviting and being here in the crowd. was so different to uh, the events campaign events, for example, in philadelphia, what come on the hires appeared with a running made govern the tim rolls here. the focus was on president fine was on this new deal that the white house draft a to lower the price of 10,
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quite popular and it trucks for medicaid that people can get. and that's something the both of them stress 1st it was come with a higher is the price it president biden saying he's an extraordinary human being. and then when biden's turn, it was who said that come the higher is, is going to make one hell of a president. there were a few signs, a hearing of course on a camel, a higher is that will have a big speech next week during the democratic national convention in chicago. but here it was more about lowering costs of these f these trucks, for example, for diabetes or for cancer. and a lot of them which you on not only those 2, but also the governor here. and they were joking that he should be a code is 48, so after they once have couple of harris in their wi fi. so for them, this was the official passing of the torch, but they wanted to make a difference from this event. he a very nearby a washington dc, the capital of the us to show that this is not a campaign event, but of course, the 1st joint appearance of them since prison fighting dropped out of the
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presidential race. staying in the us, police have charged 5 people in connection with the death of friends act, and matthew perry is personal assistant and to doctors are among those indicted. harry was found dead from academy in overdose at his home. in los angeles last october. authorities say they uncovered an underground criminal network responsible for distributing large quantities of academy the active these defendants took advantage of mr. perry's addiction issues to enrich themselves. they knew and they were doing was wrong. they knew they were doing was risking great danger to mr. perry, but they did it anyway. us into time in general is which a blade tell me more about the race? when we know that is going to be big challenge is going add them up to 25 years. and as you said, 2 of them are doctors both of pleaded guilty already. the one of the charges goes
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to matthew perry's assistant because he was the ones who actually injected him with the if the drug and the drug is a controlled substance, you get it by prescription and don't to should be the ones administering it because you can't take too much of it with the side effects, it was actually developed in the 19 sixty's as an anesthetic and used in vietnam in the baffle grounds. and it has kind of strange effects on the brain. and a lot of people use it for finding depression or trying to combat alcoholism. and we'll know that matthew had full alcoholism for many years. he wrote about it in his memoir, which came out just a couple of years before he died. and in fact, he took so many drugs at one point in his life, and this is his own words, not speculation that his colon actually exploded. and so this was hopefully to help him get off drugs, but event fine because he became addicted to academy and he was vocal about his
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struggles with substance abuse. was he being prayed upon in, in this case, is that what prosecute is going to argue? oh, absolutely. 100 percent. a great question and sadly the answer is yes. in fact, the development of this case took place over close to 11 months. they knew he had too much cattleman in his system when they found it, because normally it goes through your body. within 3 hours, he still had more than twice the dose you would use to put someone out during an operation. so they knew that was something wrong and then when they traced it to the doctors, they actually sees the cell phones and they found a text regarding it and the words of the text. and i read it exactly here. i wonder how much this moron will pay. and the reason is because academy and vile with prescription is about $12.00. matthew perry was being charged up to $2000.00 for awhile and he'd actually played $55000.00 and kept them in the vials
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over the last 2 months with the slide. so he was being used terribly and that's why the police really are throwing the books at these 5 people. it just briefly with talking about his personal assistant, people, he knew doctors, we may have come in contact with why did take police so long to uncover this network? i think they were on it very quickly, but they wanted to build a case because if you bring the people in in america and you don't charge them within 72 hours, they can walk. and then the last and so they want it to build a what they call an ad tight case. so it couldn't be thrown out of court. and that's what the police think they have not the authorities. what with the drug administration and they, what would the f, b i? they got everything that they needed. and they even rounded up, someone who's called the academy in queen who led a lot of people down that could have been road. and she is one of the 5 people
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charged as well, which applied in los angeles, great talking to thank you so much. i as an ex stuff on dw gemini, 3 wheels bubble kind of mess estimates. how one enthusiast put back on the road. i've been visible and stay with us. the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to just to click away the majority of the destination. right. size houses, document trees. subscribe
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