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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to life from berlin, thailand gets its youngest over prime minister parliament approves, hey, tongue tongue should've want as thailand's new leader. but the 37 year old is set to face a baptism of fire taking off to submit a power struggle between the countries warningly. also coming up talks on a possible cease fire and gauze are set to resume and contract. this as protesters in israel put pressure on the government to strike a hostage deal with homos. and in guys of the tim, the death toll continues to rise. build authorities say it's now top 40000 palestinian civilians and 5 years. the
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hello and terry martin, good heavy with us. thailand's parliament has elected pet tongue tongue should've walked to become the country's next prime minister at 37 cheese. the country is the youngest leader and the 3rd member of the sure of what family to take. the office comes days after the constitutional court removed the last prime minister from office. so while ago i spoke with matt hunt a journalist following the story in bangkok, i asked him how the type parliament ended up picking her as prime minister as sure how she was selected this morning was actually quite common to the selection of other prime ministers except that the process did not require the upper house or the senate. so in order to be elected prime minister under the new senate, which was elected in between the time of the last general election and try and
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transfer you. now, the candidate only needs to secure the majority of $500.00 boats in the lower house and paid on time. she knew why, who is the leader of the play type party. her coalition has $314.00 seats amongst them within the argument. and so this morning when they had the vote, there was a small amount of debate allowed before to debate her premiership. however, only 20 minutes was given to the opposition to debate against her. where's other candidates in the past has been quite a lengthy process. so i would say that in terms of, of that specific part, it was a bit short. however, for her to be liked it. all she needed to do was secure a simple majority in the lower house. and she had that prior to going into the vote today. tell us more about page on time show to watch. she's not exactly an unknown figure in thailand. is she?
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that's right. she has been um, so she joined in politics with the rest of her family, essentially, and in 2021. but she still even kept it pretty low key until the 2023 election where she became a part of this candidate for the 1st time party, which is the most recent reincarnation of premier tech, saying she allowed her fathers as high rack, tie a party, and so at that time, during the election 2023, it was not expected that she would be the prime minister. because just as she didn't really have the experience, and there was a general concern about putting another texting in this position so quickly. however, the constitutional court, earlier this week just 2 days ago did dismissed the former prime minister and say tie was in. and so it seemed to be a very natural move. ready for them to put her as an avenue for the prototype, hardly because she is the leader of the party. and during the last year, although she had only a little experience prior to it, she's been quite active as
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a party leader. and also taking part in other communities within the party. so she's gained some experience um, but it seems that now most certainly she is about to gain a lot more. now this is the 2nd new premier for thailand within a year after an election, which the opposition one and then was prevented from taking the office. is this the will is the will of the type people being ignored? would you say, or whether or not the will of the tired people is being ignored, i think is a really complex topic that requires a lot of time. however, i would say in terms of the reflection of what happened in the outcome of the 2023 election as briefly mentioned before. uh, page on time was not the candidates that even put high voters are necessarily voting for, but the prototype already did not. when that election and so whether or not people are having reactionary feelings to the dismissal of, uh,
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5 minutes or say times highways in or hurry election is one thing. but the overall feeling of instability in the country has definitely returned and ties online and offline. are talking a lot about whether or not things are about to get worse if there's going to be some kind of power struggle or if the former prime minister, mister tax, it himself will actually be in some way controlling the decision making of the prime minister. this was something that people had been saying and were involved with prime minister tyree's in. however, now that his daughter has been elected to the premiership, it seems a lot more likely that he may be in her ear. and overall, this could lead to some definite backlash though in the immediate it still seems on sir math. thank you very much. that was journalist, much fun to in bangkok, a sketch up on some other stories making headlines around the world today. china will begin monitoring people and goods entering the country for the m cox virus for
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the next 6 months. the customs authority says vehicles containers and goods from affected areas should be center times. it's as travelers to declare themselves, to customs if they have symptoms or were in contact with m fox cases. japan's capital tokyo is bearing the brunt of ty, phone, m pill, the store, the store, and just bringing strong winds and heavy rain disrupting flights and rail surfaces . as many people attempt to travel for holidays, the type food is expected to head north without making the land for one person was killed. one is really sad, always attacked the village and the occupied westbank. that's according to post indian health officials. dozens of settlers burned cars and homes. one is really man has been arrested. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has condemned the violence. united states is urging is real and how most to be ready to
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compromise as talks on a possible ceasefire and goes to enter their 2nd day. international mediators are again meeting in the car to target capital. doha, although hemisphere is not participating, both is real and how miles have accused each other of adding new demands to the terms of the deal which had been approved by the un security council. the talks. com as the kinds of health ministry says the death toll from the conflict has surpassed 40000 homeless. october 7th, tara tact killed more than 1200 people in israel, of our correspondents here. thanks tom salton jerusalem is following all of this, i asked him for the latest on the ceasefire negotiations. well, i would do the find the current situation as careful optimism here. it is read the fact that there is really mediators as to aid indoor han one more day. is a reason for careful optimism here. there are reports suggesting that some progress
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has been made and the fact that the negotiations will continue to day are certainly a reason for most of, for the, for the families of the hostages and for the front of sydney ends and goes out to be slightly off to mistake having said that there are still heard is to be overcome when it comes to this deal. and today will be crucial for the remainder of the negotiations. there's a big focus on israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and all of this. so i'm say he's blocking a deal that it doesn't, wouldn't fit his political interest. is benjamin netanyahu truly interested in a piece deal slow? it really depends where you ask when it comes to the 2 large parts of the hostage assemblies here in these row. they've been expressing very strong criticism of a prime minister and the time of yahoo, the same quite explicitly that he's not interested in
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a deal for political reasons for basically for the reason of keeping his government going. uh, having said that there are writing voices and these write a whole whole think that that district, that the negotiation strategy held by a prime minister and that's on your own as a government is the way to go with. they've been calling it. they've been calling the potential deal and all sorts of derogatory names. here it is. while having said that, there are poles which clearly suggested most is really support such a deal. and, and it remains to be seen how the is ready, negotiations, team go. it goes about this very delicate situation, the egypt kata, and above all, the united states are involved in these negotiations as mediators, uh, they say that they only need to work out the details of the implementation of the deal. what kind of details are we talking about here? felix?
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we're talking about uh, several important parts of the deal here. first of all, we're talking about the so called philadelphia corey door, which is the area of the border between the gaza strip and egypt. this has been a main area for how mos, in terms of bringing the goods into our smuggling boards into the gaza strip. there are some disagreements when it comes to the when it comes to where there is, there are was days are in some capacity with us. some technological elements will be installed there to over look what's been going on there. and another aspect which remains to be agreed is the return of civilians to the northern part of the gaza strip. and whether this, such a return would be, would be possible without any controls or without some control of one of the
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people with weapons going over to the north, some of the governors trip. and of course, the last important part is the constellation of the hostage of the of the hostages . the weather is where i will receive a certain elliptical name of the hostages, which will be released before a deal is being struck. and what will happen with the prisoners is ro, an who will decide where to get released. those are the main elements of disagreement as things stand. as you said, the mediators do believe those differences can be overcome. and today will be closer to see whether that is indeed the case for the next. thank you very much for filling us in there. that was our correspond in jerusalem, felix tom. so of the golf state of cutoff is where mediators are trying to negotiate to cease firing, gaza. it's also where some palestinians are being treated for severe injuries from the war. dw special correspondent abraham was in doha,
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where she met with palestinian medical evacuated and solve the told the pricing has taken on the gaza strips most vulnerable, a warning to viewers. her story contains graphic and disturbing images. in many ways, 9 year old, my mood is like a new child. his age enjoys playing with his father and beating his younger siblings at video games. during those moments, he's a happy boy. alex, let's play, i am kind of genuine. then i am patient. i can take a lot of time the time i can do everything and sometimes if out of nowhere, what he has gone to over comes him. his mother tells the story. my mood can not the same as the how would this assignment smooth line face down just had was moving and
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he was breathing, but his ride was not there and his left arm was completely crushed and he told me mom, do take my sister and go i will be murdered. i told him no, my loss. i would never leave you. he felt for my own surprise, all. i could not carry an actual machine. that was back in december. wood's mother tells me the family were shooting, is really calls to beat the northern parts of the gaza strip. then it is really rocket landed near my home. and when i came into days after this trying because of the anastasia and fever, he was coming in and out of consciousness. he was hallucinating when he woke up and he would look at himself and ask me where my hands. why am i like this one? and he would cry. i could not make him stop, so i would cry with him. after the injury he became like a baby again. he needed help with everything along slowly but surely would, is recovering cute and caught that along with more than 2000 other evacuees from
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god's us. most of them are women and children. many have serious injuries, initially built to house football world cub fans this compound is mountain microcosm, is human suffering caused by what israel says is justified to protect its people. everyone here has a story of loss and tragedy. in november, how much his wife and 2 of their children were on their way to a market and gaza when they worship bite is really air strike. he tells me this video. he says, shows the aftermath of the attack. the boy being carried away is his youngest. perhaps the woman lying in the background as his wife had lost his leg. his wife died in the hospital. she was everything of the good of the day. it was life
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but thank god she left me the children and we were civilians walking down the street on lives all we ever asked for from god. what's protection on what was that little his son is getting treatment. he misses his mother and his siblings. some of whom are still trapped in gaza. getting the family back together is all that mohammed can think about. so far, all his attempts assailed us for a little more mood. in one sense, he's the luckiest of lucky. she was able to get out with his siblings in both of his parents. it's a big reason why they say, having mostly good days, but the memories of his home now a pile of trouble are always with him. that would do now the day i'm used to being in my country. i'm playing with my friends. i'm staying with my cousins and i have
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but i loved what i loved the most was playing with my cousins. i loved them. i have no cause that i've done the best kind of david, right bicycles together. he would play soccer together. we would go swimming and we were happy and also playing k u hey we had fun of the mood wants nothing more than to be able to return home one day. but the cause of his childhood no longer exists then joined now by our special correspond. it is abraham who filed that report. if you travel to condo to file, your report kata is playing an extraordinary role in events that are on folding in gaza. it's also where peace negotiations are, are taking place or seatbar. negotiations are taking place for, for gaza. why is ta ta one and a half 1000 kilometers away from guys are playing such an important role in events
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there? right, i mean, for a tiny golf state, one can say that it has played an outsize role in a conflict that really, everyone around the world seems to have an opinion about. and as you mentioned, a car towed has been one of the main negotiators in the ongoing a cease fire talks. they were a key protagonist, and the successfully negotiated a temporary cease fire agreement late last year, which actually saw the return of the majority of hostages. that have been able to leave a gaza, they've sort of place themselves as the mediators of the region. they've become host to some very unsavory actors. so the tyler bon famously and now they are also, you know, the host of how masses of political leadership since 2012 since about leadership has left a damascus. and so they're kind of playing on both sides if you will. and this
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created a very important role for themselves in the region and globally, as a result of being sort of that diplomatic go between between the west and some of the world's less the reactors at the same time eating the telephone. that is correct at the same time we seen as we seen that report, the humanitarian after the day of done for the most vulnerable in this war. and it's a logistical feat to try and bring these medical if activities out of the gaza strip . these really are involved in proving that the directions because they usually go through the rough border and from everything that we see, i mean, they really taken on cases that countries like germany have so far, for example, not been able to bring here for, for various, for various reasons and, and for the people that are there that are getting back treatment, that means the world, every single one of these individuals as a whole world. why did you go to content and not to say is real or the palestinian territories to interview the medical evacuate?
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well really it's a it's, it's a question of access since the beginning of this one. this is really unprecedented . israel has restricted the access of external journalist, international journals like ourselves from the gaza strip. there had been few in best with the i, yesterday from the earlier phase of the war. but these, you know, these, these are, these are reporting trips under the auspices of the idea of our heavily filtered, of course. and this is really sort of an unprecedented restriction. of course we've been rely on the great work of our power steering and colleagues who are, you know, fighting for their lives and for their families life as the report. but for us to really be able to go there and bear witness to bear witness 1st 10 to the stories of survivors that hasn't been possible so far. your, my colleagues, a part of a much bigger team that's been on the story since the massacre of october 7th and the war. and we've covered many different aspects of it. we've, we've spoken to posting inter, east jerusalem and occupied westbank. we've covered the tensions within is really society, the hostage, a tragedy, the,
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the agony that their families are going through with spoken to evacuate from northern israel, but really getting firsthand access to thousands. if you haven't been able to really do that. so far as you know, in that proximity, and so it was really important for us to go there and to be able to speak to them and to try and really show the path of a possible recovery. that's ahead of them. the challenges that face is that population. yeah, thank you very much. that was there, special corpus correspondent, a pre, are now to the war in ukraine, which is now spilled over to russia to both ukraine and russia are claiming to have made new advances in russia's quarters region. keith says it's taken control of sewage of the largest russian town to fall to ukraine since the incursion began . moscow says that his recaptured one village in course that it would send additional forces to the neighboring belgrade region. a kremlin
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a told state media that ukraine would not have attacked russian territory without direct support from the west spoke earlier to marina me wrong with the worst studies department at kings college london. i asked her why russia has not managed to push back the ukrainian forces that have launched that incursion to well, there are some of the reasons for that. so the 1st option is, and of course, um ukraine knew when they started this course school fan. so it was a surprise for the russians, and in order to send in troops, it takes time and you have to decide where you get those troops from. that is, perhaps why the russians, it declared this to be accounted terrorism operations so that they could use, bought a god. so they could use the f as b and, but they're also written infantry for fighting in the region. some ex wagner fighters are fighting in the region in oregon up to get troops from ukraine,
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or at least from a strategically important direction. the 2nd reason could be, is that the russians waiting for the ukrainian forces to get in deep or to expose their logistics in orders on to launch or counter attack. so we don't know which of these are true. maybe it's a combination of old but, and it looks like the situation remains tens, however, so ukrainian forces still have not managed to the core and of a or risk which would give ukraine unimportant advantage. how is ukraine benefit thing from this offensive into russia? is it liberating pressure on you, cranes, troops elsewhere as well? i think the main benefits are coming into the informational space where you crane is demonstrating that it can launch an incursion on the russian territory. however,
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if you look at the battlefield and reports from ukrainian units such as the 21st, but tally in near crescent, a horoscope which is solid. so for the you've got, they are stating that they don't have enough people. and the situation has already been tens for them, but now it's much more difficult since ukrainian units were deployed the course. so, but they are, they don't have enough for a tillery shells that runs not as effective against russian electronic warfare systems. and so they, they are facing lot of difficulties specifically around threats around across willfully dara, to a certain extent, try cpr. so it doesn't seem like the pressure has been eliminated quite the opposite. now russia says it's recapture the village in the course grades and then we'll send additional forces to neighboring belgrade. does it really have enough troops as rich russia really have enough troops does, or does a troop deployment for russia mean pulling some of its forces out of ukraine as
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there has been reports that russia has pulled some troops from patricia because the front line is somewhat stable they are, but they are not going to pull troops from the likes of crops or threats. and the problem is, it's a, it's a very complex logistical operation to get the troops from ukraine to the course region. and you're risking ukrainian attacks on the uh, logistical lines. therefore, um that is not an ideal scenario. and that's what the brain is waiting for to, as i said to a living, it's a pressure, but they're all in tears for fighting for themselves. so sacha from kazi, which is a break away region in georgia, there are also conscripts being sent to fight. and course the question here is, what the items are to draw the inquiry and forces in order to get them out, of course, as soon as possible. and it also depends on what the ukrainian contingent is and
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how many reserve. so ukraine has and is willing to send, so it's difficult to estimate the number of forces needed here leader a better route. so which is a ally of russia has called for peace between russia and ukraine. what do you make of that? as well as actually if we'll look at um, alex on route questions go statements throughout the past years, who called for peace negotiations, maybe 3 or 4 times at least last time being in april of this year. therefore, i think that he's afraid to offer potential escalation. and so he's trying to play into this narrative that nato is benefiting from ukraine and russia fighting against a trouser and killing and trouser, which certainly benefits of kremlin. and hughes fans generally is more political in nature, and i'll beller ross was claiming that there was
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a ukrainian drone flying over its territory, which hasn't been confirmed. it moved its troops to that ukrainian border, possibly fearing that to praying might launch an incursion into bellows. so full of crushing car, of course, knowing that russia will need to respond politically to this incursion and kursk. he's probably feeling being implicated. okay, maria, thank you very much. that was military analyst marina wrong. now to the united states, replace of charge 5 people in connection with the death of friends act or matthew perry, his personal assistant and 2 doctors are among those and dying to carry it was found dead from a cattle mind overdose at his home. in los angeles last october, authorities say they uncovered the underground criminal network responsible for distributing large quantities of the drug to the actor as you're
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watching the dw news of next it's news africa. i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at dw news. thanks for the
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the new will tell you who we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d w. and so when i use the basement plus i swanner while you know c, a has returned to the baltic states,
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the fear as most of the power modem says he has a task in custodian not to miscellaneous independence from rush lots of people here expect from the future a trip through the baltic states and shut down in full on d w. the . 7 daniels index. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't go to 65 last last those top 5 years or one to 115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so talk to you from campbell talk, fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes, that's part of our community life on
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the research is now on the business. the doesn't use africa coming up under programs, 13 olympic gold for africa. class one huge controversy. ontario, as a mom, at least one gold and woman's box in a country when a newman legal bottle. how many questions about hedge and she's naming and shaming those when she says me and her as a woman in more retain the women are leading the charge in countering violence extremism. we'll look at how the are helping to ensure peace in a region troubled by terrorism. now this young mind just survived into spinal woods, but things like that tropical disease. as i said.


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